@DennisKaarsemaker Excellent! There's lots of awesome little places all around that area. If you're looking for a really nice dinner to top off a great evening, I also recommend the Pink Door. You'll need a reservation.
@pauska aptitude is an add-on, not in base install. apt-get is canon.
@Magellan KVM on Ubuntu actually seems to be the platform of choice for a lot of big shops. If you're on 12.04 LTS, make sure you get the updated KVM packages.
And by "a lot" I mean at least one big telecom shop and a big credit processing shop.
@Wesley The thing to do is keep the older system packages, and then if you need something newer, just add the repo. Running KVM? Put on the newer KVM packages. Need newer ruby/nginx/redis? Add them on.
@MikeyB Might be time to take a look then. Of course, the place I'm closest to getting a position at is a RHEL shop, so ditching my CentOS VM Host machine and rebuilding might be premature.
@Magellan Not like we auto-update all the packages. virtualization at ND is on RHEV anyways, not Ubuntu. And for the shops I mentioned doing kvm on ubuntu, you bet your wedding tackle they're doing private repos. Plus the hosts are on completely isolated networks anyways.
@Magellan When they say 'just use HEAD' and don't have unit tests, then you worry.
@Wesley Yep. Anything I end up building is going to do OpenID through FB and Google if at all possible. That gets better than 95% of the internet, I'm sure.
@MikeyB And to be perfectly honest, Ubuntu's implementation of KVM/Libvirtd can't suck much more than CentOS's. For some reason they decided to build a mini-OS suite inside Libvirt instead of building on the existing systems tools.
@MichaelHampton DNSMasq with libvirtd services DHCP requests, DNS queries, sets up virtual interfaces, handles routing entries, and creating iptables entries.
I think they've exceeded the limits of good taste when it comes to tools doing more than one thing.
@MichaelHampton Oh, I wouldn't in production. Of course, I don't think I'd run KVM in production either unless I had a whole bunch of machines to work with.
ok. The Lady is home from her walk. Time for me to do some dishes....
Throughout my career, I've encountered quite a few users who were email hoarders...
I'm managing a 100-user environment where users previously had 100mb quotas and a basic Cyrus IMAP/Postfix solution. That led to lots of locally-stored mail and the related problems with data-retention and lost m...
"So I've got an email server running on an alternate port to get around my ISP's restrictions... but I can't get any email! It's port 995 - maybe things are blocked?" One nmap later: 995/tcp open pop3s
SMTP sends/receives, pop3 retrieves. This is not hard to understand.
I'm on a work computer where I don't have access to PowerCLI. I tried installing, but am hitting set-executionpolicy issues. Shame that this isn't as easy on the Linux side. — ewwhite40 secs ago
Me, the sysadmin, needing to get access from a sysadmin...
Didn't work. The install log contains "installing this package" something like that. That means incomplete only. Similarly the other log is also incomplete. I want the install log from the beginning including the anaconda log. — user2858258 hours ago
@ewwhite journalists do this the most. I'm tired of writing rules for every mailing list they subscribe. Mine are getting ca. 600 emails/day, each! But subfolders? They don't even know for what do they exist :D
Btw the command you're looking for is set-executionpolicy remotesigned which is the default in Windoes 8/2012 and can be set via GPO for your whole organization so that PowerShell is useful :)
@ewwhite Riding in SF itself isn't much fun. I guess there's Golden Gate Park, but generally all urban and stoplighty and whatnot... I haven't done the east bay, but I hear there's some good stuff there. Near the south bay, too. Definitely good stuff just north of the golden gate bridge.
@Iain Nice! I only managed less than 20, because the guy I was riding with was starting to have his knee bug him. Doesn't bode well for that metric in under a week...
@Iain Yeah. I've done plenty of 100Km (or close enough) rides, but nothing really longer. Think I'm gonna try to work my way up to 100mi before my 40th birthday next summer.
@freiheit First one I've done this year. I think my longest was 85 before that but a missed turn put an extra 8 on today to it was only 6 extra when I got home so I just carried on
I lost 15-20 pounds last year when i was training. Went from size 40 (42 at peak weight) waist to 36, which is probably a better measurement than straight weight. Haven't really had much weight change since...
I had a serious problem with someone hacking into my .htaccess file and my only solution was to make the file unhackable. First, I cleaned up the .htaccess file and any PHP files of all hacks. Then I changed the file permissions to 444 (644 still allows access) on the .htaccess file. Then I used ...
There are reasons. Inertia. I've always had one, so the habit is there. Totally free conference calling. When parents call, just pick up the extension. No need to burn double minutes, no mucking around with speaker-phone. Great! It gives us...
I have used Acunetix to scan for vulnerabilities in my website and I think I got it all right..
Can someone please check for vulnerabilities in my website (www.codecaged.com), I will be very happy :)
Thanks in advanced, Din.
I'm not sure if this is off-topic, but it certainly doesn't seem to fall within the scope of serverfault. You don't have a specific question that can be answered without context which makes any answers ephemeral; if your site changes or goes away, this question and its answers become meaningless. Please try to rephrase your question to be specific. — Andrew Domaszek2 mins ago
I was even more stupid and turned up. Managed it in 2 hours, 4 minutes. It was, without a shadow of doubt, the hardest thing I've ever done. I wish I could describe a couple of the hills but I don't think you'd believe me
@Sysadmin1138Expounds Wow, welcome to 2002. I haven't had a land-line phone in my own name, ever. I've had a VoIP number for a few years but got rid of that too
Why pay an incumbant telco $30/month just for keeping a copper line running to my house powered with electricity?
@Wesley We didn't make any money off that deal. This guy buys his own hardware through one of his ex-employees that went to work at Dell and is now the APAC Sales channel partner
And we just come in when he gets in over his head
@Wesley Well it's only about 900GB of usable space, but yes