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@ewwhite Given that, I'd go with the DL360, G7. An extra $400 for some redundancy seems worth it to save the PITA, whereas I'm not sure the improved specs would be noticeable or worth the higher sticker on the G8's.
@HopelessN00b THat's how I feel. I built my first Gen8 this weekend.
This Dell E6400 runs so much better with Linux than Win7
@voretaq7 I dunno. I've gotten too old and crotchety to put up with interns.
brb lunch
I should not complain though. I work in a warehouse lab where I can ride a razor scooter to the break room for free soda & snacks and coffee.
and it was nifty... but it wasn't earth-shattering. I was testing an X5570 Nehalem versus an E2620 Sandy Bridge. Most of the tests came out pretty close.
@ewwhite Well, no-brainer, then. Don't pay 20% more for pretty much the same performance.
NAT needs to die...
Q: OpenVPN AS accept connections forwarded by NAT

wullxzWe're running OpenVPN AS servers which are accessable and working over a public IP. But some of our clients aren't allowed to access our VPN server directly (because of some nasty firewall admin - don't ask...). To bypass that problem, we've come up with a setup that will create a gateway in a vi...

@HopelessN00b but in some tests, it was twice as fast
woooooooo, who's excited for post-holiday work?!
@ewwhite Well, it's your money. Is it worth the extra grand for whatever performance increase you might see?
I can't brain today. I have the chemically enhanced dumbs!
@HopelessN00b It's up to the decision-makers at work.
this is moving from SuperMicro...
@Adrian good interns.
also - goddamn schema changes invalidating my reporting query. I'm a sysadmin, not a SQL developer Jim!
@voretaq7 lol, i set up MS SQL 2008 here @ work, with no prior knowledge of SQL
im honestly surprised it still works... or that it ever worked
the SQL query for this report is.... 50 lines, 42 joins (in 4 distinct sub-queries), and does statistical math in the database (sample standard deviation).
I'd say it's abusive, but that's a masterful understatement.
@voretaq7 The previous job's Devs did all that stuff in the database because PostgreSQL was faster than PHP.
47295 pgsql          1 119    0  4297M   771M CPU5    5   4:38 100.00% postgres
that's pretty much why I do it -- it's less complicated to write the SQL than to write a script to parse the raw data and do the grouping.
@voretaq7 64-bit, I presume?
@Adrian yup
@voretaq7 Trying to run that query might've sucked a tad bit on a 32-bit box, eh?
it's just going to sit there bouncing back and forth between SBWAIT and CPU5 for a while until it's done merging down the sub-queries.
@Adrian nah - the base size includes a shit-ton of shared cache data (from the first run of the query with no group-merging)
it would hit the disk more, but the real performance bottleneck is the GROUP BYclauses
@voretaq7 Ah. That's not too bad then. At $job[-2] we used to have a devil of a time with huge Oracle queries blowing up after bouncing off the 4GB liit.
(there's 42 of those too - one for each sub-join)
I've tried to clean this query up a little bit by doing some of the data-stripping in the join (ON X=Y AND [list of table join clauses]) rather than using a WHERE to filter it.
@voretaq7 "The energy required to build the temporary tables for this query is more than available in the observable universe. Please try later."
@voretaq7 I hate when idiots try to cram a shit ton of queries into a single query, break that som'bitch out into multiple sprocs, makes it easier to debug and profile
Hindsight being 20/20 I should probably just CREATE TEMPORARY TABLEs with the contents of the damn joins.
@Cole How does being broke feel? I want to prepare for when I pay for the plane's paint job :P
@voretaq7 surprsingly not broke lol
still $6k is a lot of money
@BrentPabst There's really very little I can do to simplify this
Someone care to fill me in on this "No Jugs January" business?
@Cole . . . dude, getting your knockers removed is costing less than getting my damn plane painted.
Getting surgery
@r.tanner.f say what?
This is SO not fair.
@voretaq7 that's just for the surgery, $500 for plane tickets, $600 for hotel, $200 rental car then food
@Cole mmhmm.... so to even the scales you'd still have to spend about 6-7k more
@voretaq7 You mean spray paint isn't approved by the FAA or Cessna for use on light aircraft?
so close to $7500-$7700ish
@voretaq7 jesus lol
So wait, I can get rid of my moobs for 6k? Hmm...
I'll paint your plane for $7000
@r.tanner.f you can probably get yours removed under insurance.
This is pretty much me right now:
@BrentPabst The FAA really doesn't give a shit what you paint it with, but if you want it to look Not Like Shit (and have the plane properly stripped and prepped) you wind up using nasty toxic urethane paints.
I cannot.
@WesleyDavid LOL
@WesleyDavid Goddamn slothful cat.
@voretaq7 Hey, next time someone needs to put the Tylenol PM with the label facing out.
Anyone needs their windows cleaned? I hear @WesleyDavid would do a find job with his tongue today.
I can't be expected to look at what I'm swallowing.
@Cole he can lick the dog-snot off the glass panel in my mom's door
@WesleyDavid Dude the pills are always blue.
@voretaq7 that made me stomach turn. Boogers creep me out.
I always play the game "Would you rather see a booger or a poop?" I'd rather see a poop.
@r.tanner.f My exact thought this morning two seconds before swallowing the pills: "Huh, they're blue. Neat."
@Cole You, good sir, have some weird hobbies.
@Adrian listen man, I'm single. I have nothing better to do.
So I play that game with my cat.
So he usually just takes a dump.
Guess that answers my question.
I could really use some meth right now.
Because uppers and downers always cancel out.
18:32 on the query
@r.tanner.f you sir have clearly never drank two Redbulls and taken two Percocets!
and it got moved to another CPU
@r.tanner.f Hey, when I was a teenager we u... nevermind.
@Cole Jaegerbombs!
@WesleyDavid oh dear god too many bad memories of Jaegerbombs.
Mostly involving 4 double jaegerbombs and buffalo chicken pizza.
I've led a strange life.
I've done a lot of weird things, I've also done a lot of weird people.
@Cole What are you and who are you doing?!
Go home @WesleyDavid, you're drunk.
@Cole laskjghlakdjghepqoirgh
Sup folks.
@Goatmale I'm high.
I should go back to work /sits
Cool man.
Like, totally.
@Cole fuckin' skanks!
Self medicate with the wrong pill bottle, get all the stars!
@WesleyDavid Nominee, best quote starred out of context, 2013.
so much for that resolution... yummy buffalo chicken wrap
(speaking of which, someone less lazy than me go get all the nominees for 2012 so we can vote on them.)
I should go pound down a bottle of Nyquil now, just because.
@WesleyDavid Nyquil doesn't have a sleep agent in it anymore
you'd be better off with some benadryl
@Cole 6k? Christ man, I paid a grand to have a few stitches put in my hand. What a fucking rip off.
Man I didn't realize how much bullshit the NDA / Non Compete agreement I signed was until today.
@BrentPabst Benedryl pings off of me like gnats on a semi. Not that I've intentionally tried to do anything like that...
@Goatmale what for, your job?
@WesleyDavid Have you gotten the behind the counter stuff? its yummy
Yeah, my old job
Whelp -- time to ponder yon ponderous kanban board to see what I can get done through my Fog-of-Snore.
@Goatmale where'd you used to work?
@BrentPabst I have not, no. Can you hook a kitteh up? =P
@BrentPabst You sure about that? It's not diphenhydramine but I'm pretty sure it still has doxylamine.
@WesleyDavid I've got some Vicoprofen at the crib...
Actually, it's three hours after the pill mishap and I think I'm pulling out of it. I dont quite feel like I'm rollerskating through warm pudding.
@r.tanner.f yea, they pulled the good stuff (in the US) because it would have had to go behind the counter, its a different formula, but the exact same ingredients as Dayquil
@Goatmale Is it blocking you at this new place?
Ohh, the pseudophedrine? That's the decongestant. It's the only way to fly.
Employee agrees taht, form the Effective Date herof through the period ending 12 months after Termination, Employee shall not directly or indirectly in any capacity whatsoever, either as an employee, officer, director, member, stockholder, proprietor, partner, joint venturer, consultant, or otherwise, engage in, work for, or advise any business that is in competetion with the compnay business without the prior written consent of the Company.
@MDMarra Not really, they're just generally being an asshole about it.
@Goatmale Those clauses have been largely ruled unenforceable
@BrentPabst Stupid government. There's really no reason you should have to be sick or wounded to enjoy the good drugs.
@Goatmale How so?
@voretaq7 Doesn't stop them from making you pay 6 figures to fight it court, unfortunately.
Damn, I finally got my invite to Google's Ingress, but theres still no iOS app :(
The other one is "Upon the commencement by Employee of employment with or engagement by any third part during the two (2) year period following termination, employee shall promply furnish such mnew employer with a copy of this agreement"
@Goatmale yeah, I'd put a big blue line right through THAT clause
@HopelessN00b Blame @WesleyDavid and the meth addicts, they ruined it for all
@BrentPabst Baaaaaath Saltsssssss
oh and you can still get most of the drugs with pseudophedrine, just have to get it behind the counter
Well this is the thing I signed when I was 19 and didn't know what the fuck was going on
Vicks was just stupid and changed the formula
used to work so much better
@BrentPabst they take your name and driver's license number, then submit it to a database of meth heads for the gub'mint to track.
don't post that stuff here @Goatmale
This is from old job
But yeah, I guess your right.
Is it really common to have no competes at places that aren't amazon/google/apple/microsoft?
@voretaq7 Yes, they do. Whatev's no different then them having my fingerprints and DNA for working in the pharma industry and owning a firearm
@MDMarra Don't you know MY story?
@MDMarra Yep, got one here, and two jobs ago
@ewwhite You have so many...
Can't keep them all straight
@ewwhite Nothing about an NDA that I can recall.
@MDMarra Goldman Sachs, non-compete, private investigator, building security....
blackballed in Chicago.
new to me
so... psql (the client) is like... ballooning to over 7 gigs now
methinks I need to profile this new query some...
@ewwhite sounds like a govt security clearance check
Between @ewwhite and @Chopper3 There are enough crazy stories in here to start our own TMZ-meets-BOFH blog
@ewwhite Holy shit.
basically, the rare case where someone enforces a non-compete.
@ewwhite Is that legal?
It's part of the reason I don't/won't/can't work in Chicago.
So I should pass this along to the HR person at new job?
@Goatmale Present your old non-compete and employment agreement if they ask for it.
@ewwhite Yep, had a similar experience with a VC that came into my old job, they were dirty little bastards
Since my experience, I have a lawyer review every job agreement, and make changes to it to protect both sides
@ewwhite Exit interview they told me I had to give it to New Job and then I had to get them to call old job's HR.
@Goatmale That's BS unless its in the employment contract or handbook
@Goatmale let them deal with the particulars... you're not in breach, right?
@ewwhite gone
@Goatmale Enh, sounds like the proper way to quit a job like that is to stop showing up and see how long it takes them to figure it out.
Oh wait.. there's a reason i came here.
If you call leaving to work for a competitor breaching then yes.
log server filled up.
How do I delete...
glg-stor1 ()^Jconsole glg-stor2 ()^J^J^Jconsole incloud-z2-secnfs1.log-20120710-122744.gz
Anyone know if Robert Half is a good placement company to work for? Do they NDA you to death?
@Goatmale No, he meant are you violating your old NDA?
@WesleyDavid Fuck Robert Half
@BrentPabst That bad, hm?
@WesleyDavid Their recruiters only ever wanted the commission, never gave a damn about finding a good job for me
@BrentPabst Ah
@WesleyDavid I have no experience with them other than their recruiters spamming the cock out of me
No not the NDA but I would say that the non-compete agreement yes. only because it's fucking vague and says "You can't work anywhere ever"
@WesleyDavid I didn't get NDAed to death. Basically just saying that any job they put you up for, you can't apply for on your own, but that was about it, IIRC.
@Goatmale Is the old job an internet business?
@Goatmale it's intentionally vague.. it's just boilerplate.. I've been in situations where they really pay attention. For you job/role/salary, it's not going to be a big deal.
@HopelessN00b Isn't that just the way it goes though? If a recruiter tosses a job at you, you're not supposed to then go for it direct.
@WesleyDavid see my double-presentation post.
I will run it by the new job's HR guy.
Q: Protecting resume against recruiters, double-presentations, and MS Word Requirements

ewwhiteEarly in my career, I encountered unethical recruiters in the tech industry. In the worst case, a recruiting firm sent my resume to dozens of companies without my consent. This resulted in a double presentation scenario with a interested employer (and the loss of a great opportunity). Since then...

@WesleyDavid Kinda what I thought too. Obviously, not everyone's had good experiences with RH, but mine were decent.
@Goatmale just give it to him and don't say shit
or did you ask the outgoing people if they were going to block you at all?
@Goatmale The way my lawyer and I have always approached things is that if its a physical business that you go to a customer site or sell directly (terrestrial) the NDA has to provide some sort of physical limitation, they can't say "the world"
@ewwhite Yeah, saw that. I need to get stop sending a Word resume.
but my current job is a SaaS shop, so the World really is applicable, but the restricted trade has to be more specific.
They probably aren't going to try to block me, I think they were just trying to make me feel bad about leaving.
@WesleyDavid although, you can go direct if you wanna... but only if you haven't given recruiter your stuff
either way, its different for every state as each state treats NDAs differently, some don't allow them
They mentioned organizing a settlement, but I was like lul
its always good to have a lawyer you can go to, give him $150, worse case it saves you thousands in damages down the road
@Goatmale yea, in some cases, you can buy out your NDA
I'm still surprised non competes are so common\
@HopelessN00b $6500 total for the surgery. However, I'm assuming you don't have insurance since you paid $1k for stitches. Top surgery isn't covered by insurance, at least you have the option if you had insurance.
I can understand in finance, or microsoft/apple/google, but still
Well, against my better judgement I'm calling the Robert Half recruiter back.
ring ring ring ring, recruiter phone!
@WesleyDavid you should record that.
@MDMarra much more so in for-profit where they think they have the next Facebook idea
I sound cracked out all the time anyways @WesleyDavid and I have no problem getting a job, so don't worry about it.
I mean, I understand NDAs - not the non competes
@Adrian Here is an inappropriate off-topic close...
I'd sign an NDA. I wouldn't sign a non compete unless it was a super crazy opportunity
Non competes are a waste of paper over here
I didn't know any better.
Q: MS SQL 2008 R2 Logon error in logs every minute

QuinmaI have a windows 2008 R2 standard server with a installation of MSSQL 2008 R2. This is recurring in my error logs once a minute: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\myuserid'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: <local machine>] I have many applications that use t...

I don't know much about sql, but I'm assuming you need to restart the sql services for the account change to take effect?
It's just dumb that the old job wants the new job to read it and then call them.
@MDMarra They usually come together or are the same document in many cases
@MDMarra Basically, it would have to be a Google, Amazon, Twitter, etc. for me to sign a non-compete. Even then, I'd be sketchy if it exceeded longer than 3 years.
Just tell them to fuck off
my new job is nothing to do with my old job
@Goatmale The new job is not legally required to call the old job, if anything you may have to pass the info along, but your agreement does not bind the new job
Exactly, Brent
@WesleyDavid Yeah that's what I'm saying. I'd be more than happy to keep your shit secret, but don't try and non compete me into staying or paying. I mean, focus on being a place that I want to say at, right?
@WesleyDavid Hell no, 6 mo - 1 year at most, NC will only allow 1 year max to be enforced, especially in tech
@Goatmale Provide SWC with your old employment agreement and let them decide how to handle it. Don't do or say anything beyond that.
@Cole Yeah, well, it doesn't take effect until next month. Kinda striking though, that a little bit of skin sewing costs the same ballpark as major surgery. >:/
@BrentPabst: you in NC?
@wfaulk RTP
cool. I'm in downtown raleigh right now
@HopelessN00b well the surgeons up in MA/New England for top surgery? $10k
@wfaulk Nice, over next to Koka Booth in Cary, live up off of Falls Lake
Used to be $5900 in FL, he upped it to $6500
I feel bad since 99.9999% of transguys I know only make minimum wage
I live up in N. Raleigh, too
nice, very much a crappy day
@Cole shrug I dunno that I'd get the top surgery, TBH. Having my own boobs to play with sounds like kinda a nice perk.
@HopelessN00b it's not. Especially when people go "sir..ermm..ma'am...sir?"
@HopelessN00b ha ha... a nice perk?
And so it begins..

and binding, yeah you should see the scars under my armpits on my sides from the binder digging in and ripping my skin open. Oh and you can barely breathe.
@Cole So? Fuck 'em. You don't even have to roll over to play with boobies.
@mossy Stupid bed of nails BS
@Cole do you know enough "transguys" to make six nines necessary?
@HopelessN00b I want to be able to take my shirt off lol
@wfaulk I know well over 200
so no
I was exaggerating
I was joking
@WesleyDavid Minor correction in the PS post... The line that starts with Get-ADUser -Filter *-Properties name, -- need to add a space betwixt -Filter * and -Properties. As is, copy/paste will error. Also, do you treat <code> and <pre> differently on your site? They seem to be used interchangeably.
@Cole Well, it's your money, and your call... just saying, given the choice between taking my shirt off in public, and having boobies to play with anywhere, anytime... I know what I'd pick.
@HopelessN00b you're also not trans, hard to say when you have the luxury of being born in the correct body.
@Cole So you want to play with boobies, just not your own ;)
@BrentPabst yes. very yes.
Plus now I just have hairy boobies.
Anyone know what causes a Win7 client to do a "status update" for WSUS?
@Cole That's an unsupported assumption, I think. As a matter of fact, I wasn't born into the right body... I shoulda been born in Leonardo DiCaprio's body. :(
@HopelessN00b lolz.
@David When it checks in for updates
@David The passage of time.
Which by default is like once a day at 3am (i think), but can be modified via GPO
@MDMarra but if i force an update check, it doesnt change the status update time in the WSUS window
My memere turned 85 today
It actually might be something like every 16 hours by default
She has no idea who I am anymore, but yeah.
@David Did you refresh?
@MDMarra yep
@David I don't think wuauclt /detectnow will cause a status update.
brb meeting
@David Never has for me, anyway.
@MilesErickson from the client? didnt do anything
@David Correct. It does not cause a status update.
still shows last status update as an hour ago
@David So, come back in 24 hours and you'll have a new status.
@David Seriously, there is nothing real-time about WSUS.
@MilesErickson guess not!
@David The trick with WSUS is to get it dialed in so that, unless a patch was released yesterday, you see 100% in the status column for most computers and 99% for just a few. Then, you attack the computers that show 99% with a hammer.
@jscott <code> is for inline snippets, <pre> is for blockquotes of code.
@WesleyDavid Gotcha. Thanks.
And @MDMarra, go fix your post. =P
@WesleyDavid It used to be right :(
I think
Okay, well, going to talk to a Robert Half recruiter on Thursday
NExt Thursday, I should say. Not this Thursday
or nevermind
I'm getting really pissed off
@WesleyDavid Is that a deliberate shift from 1099 work?
@MilesErickson yeah, most say 99%
actually, all say 99%
@WesleyDavid fixed i think
@MilesErickson I'll be using them for part time contract work since it seems exceptionally hard to get into businesses in Phoenix without the backing of a major staffing agency.
god I hate wordpress
@WesleyDavid I used them a year or two ago, they didnt do shit for me
@WesleyDavid Which is to say, without a pile of hype and a non-compete agreement and a 100-200% markup. Clients are insane.
@MDMarra I love WordPress. What's wrong with it?
@WesleyDavid (But we love them anyway.)
@MilesErickson I don't understand why a place will pay RH $150 an hour for me, and I only get $40 to $50 of it, whereas I'd do the work directly for them for $125 an hour with a long-term contract.
But it is what it is.
@WesleyDavid It is a sure sign that America is in decline. We value hype more than we value actual work.
@WesleyDavid Bain dramage, mental illness, excessive window-licking, take your pick.
@WesleyDavid Someday, we independents who get billed at $150+ per hour should band together as some sort of branded partnership, like an architecture/engineering firm. We could hire a marketing "department" who works from home, make our own damn hype, and keep our own damn money.
@MichaelHampton I too am waiting to hear whatever could be wrong with the one good application written in PHP
@JoelESalas Someone did what in PHP?
@MichaelHampton I just dont use it ever so it's not very intuitive to me
I may be the only person on the planet to still be using blogger, but I like the simplicity
@JoelESalas Isn't the fact that it's written in PHP prima facia proof of it being shit?
@MDMarra Ha, I'm on Posterous, thats about as simple as it gets.
@MilesErickson ...and then we wake up and realize we're Robert Half!
@HopelessN00b PHP, what did that stand for when Rasmus released the original version in 1994? Oh yes, PERSONAL HOME PAGE.
@WesleyDavid If we (all in chat) formed a company many other service providers would probably go out of business
It's software. Of course it sucks.
@WesleyDavid ...unless we skip the whole business of opening offices and hiring recruiters.
@BrentPabst Shall we?
@WesleyDavid Pulling up the Sec. of State website and corp forms now ;)
@David This seems to indicate that a client will only update its status in WSUS if something has changed since the last update
Or if you toggle the update service on and off while doing a rain dance and practicing voodoo
So there's an Ubunutununu's phone coming? Why? theverge.com/2013/1/2/3827922/ubuntu-phone-os-announcement
(hat tip to co-worker Mike for that)
@jscott because Microsoft made a Windows Phone
@MDMarra I've never known WSUS clients to update status more than once per day under any circumstances, but they seem to do so reliably regardless of whether there's a change in status.
Wow this coffee is bad. Thanks cat
@BrentPabst There's been a Windows phone for years?
this, rather
@mossy They coffee whack, yo.
@Mossy Up arrow lets you edit.
@MilesErickson Not that it matters one bit, but now I really want to find out how it works
@jscott Just seems like a lot of the crap Windows has done recently Ubuntu does something similar
@MDMarra If you figure out how to get WSUS clients to update status more frequently, post a Q&A and I will upvote the crap out of it.
@WesleyDavid Thanks. haha.
Weee, Dice just sent me a recommended position. Tech support, $17 - $19 an hour. BRB, suicide.
@MDMarra Unless it contains no crap, in which case I'll just upvote it.
@BrentPabst Ah I see, a race to the bottom then! Can't out-shiny Apple, can't out-multi-device Google, so may as well take a shot at MS? :)
@WesleyDavid At least they specified. I've never figured out why HR departments think it's smart to post jobs without salary ranges. Do people actually apply for those? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think "Salary: DOE" reads as "DESPERATE APPLICANTS ONLY".
@MilesErickson "Salary: Yes (for extremely proletariat definitions of 'salary')"
@WesleyDavid I regularly have recruiters contact me for helpdesk jobs
I ask them what part of my resume made them think that I was a good fit for the position.
Apparently the sleeping pills haven't totally warn off.
I usually get an apology back
@MDMarra "The part that said you work with computers?"
@MDMarra The part where their database said, here call this guy, we performed some shitty analysis and he looks perfectz
@BrentPabst I.e. COMPUTARZ!
@MDMarra What amazes me is that they'll call and spend a fair bit of time talking up some amazing opportunity, and then mention that it pays $15 an hour.
Any OS X users have any idea why some random folders on our server are shown as Z->A for me? I can't figure out how to make them go A->Z
@David Shown in descending order in what context?
@David Easy solution, you have the server upside down.
@WesleyDavid What if it's an iMac?
@MilesErickson Then you sit on your head.
@pauskasock Nooooooooo!!!
@David It's in finder prefs somewhere
Get the finder just the way you like it and there's a mystery option hidden from the view of all but the mightiest that says "make all of the other shit look like this"

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