Special UCAP episode recorded live from Sun 'n Fun 2017, broadcast live on SNFRadio. Guests: Dan Johnson, LAMA, Lites Leenhouts, President, Sun 'n Fun. This and more in Uncontrolled Airspace. Recorded April 9, 2017.
because I'm thinking about the recent Pickle Lake DC3 mishap, and wondering if it'd be possible to have problems on takeoff because the Type IV failed to shear off the wings properly, given the low takeoff speeds of an aircraft such as the DC3
whereas, folks might not have noticed before that they had a problem because they were deicing jets and newer turboprops that have higher takeoff speeds, giving the fluid more of a chance to shear off
That is a bit confusing, because I thought Type IV was for higher speed aircraft. Type III is for lower speed aircraft and aircraft that can't have a thick layer of de-icing fluid.
Why not ask fist what the differences are between all deicing fluid types, and what their typical use is?
it seems that airports are either going to have Type I + Type II, Type I + Type IV, Type II only, or Type IV only with the latter two using diluted Type II/IV fluid for de-icing
occasionally, you might find a place that uses solely Type I
but my understanding seems to be that Type I de-ice + Type IV anti-ice is the modern standard practice
(that TC guidance doc mentions that TC has not approved any Type III fluids for use)