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posted on April 14, 2017

Special UCAP episode recorded live from Sun 'n Fun 2017, broadcast live on SNFRadio. Guests: Dan Johnson, LAMA, Lites Leenhouts, President, Sun 'n Fun. This and more in Uncontrolled Airspace. Recorded April 9, 2017.

3 hours later…
hey there @DeltaLima
how're things going?
Good, how are you?
Ah, I now see Shalvenay is an alter ego of UnrecognizedFallingObject
yep -- chat.SE is a bit limited for us folk with different names on different Stacks
and I'm doing alright here, reading up on deicing and anti-icing and kinda wondering something...
could a Type IV fluid still meet its high-speed shear requirements, but be compromised or marginal when it comes to low-speed shear performance?
Good question, to which I don't have an answer immediately unfortunately.
because I'm thinking about the recent Pickle Lake DC3 mishap, and wondering if it'd be possible to have problems on takeoff because the Type IV failed to shear off the wings properly, given the low takeoff speeds of an aircraft such as the DC3
Doesn't sound entirely unplausible to me. I have no idea how thick the stuff is.
whereas, folks might not have noticed before that they had a problem because they were deicing jets and newer turboprops that have higher takeoff speeds, giving the fluid more of a chance to shear off
I am trying to find the specification for type IV, no luck so far. For type II I've found that at 80 kts most will shear off.,
@DeltaLima it's said that there are two tests for type IV -- one at 60kts and one at 100kts
although I am reading a TC guidance doc that says
> Be aware that SAE and ISO Type II and Type IV fluids should be used on aircraft with
rotation speeds (Vr) above 100 knots.
That is a bit confusing, because I thought Type IV was for higher speed aircraft. Type III is for lower speed aircraft and aircraft that can't have a thick layer of de-icing fluid.
Why not ask fist what the differences are between all deicing fluid types, and what their typical use is?
@DeltaLima Type III seems to be a unicorn
it seems that airports are either going to have Type I + Type II, Type I + Type IV, Type II only, or Type IV only with the latter two using diluted Type II/IV fluid for de-icing
occasionally, you might find a place that uses solely Type I
but my understanding seems to be that Type I de-ice + Type IV anti-ice is the modern standard practice
(that TC guidance doc mentions that TC has not approved any Type III fluids for use)
Yes, type III seems to be new. The document I read said that the standard color for type III was yet to be decided.
2 hours later…
btw, apparently there is at least one type III fluid out there
I finally busted 10K rep!
@Shalvenay I must now find ways to use my newfound super powers priveliges :)
@TomMcW nice! :D
you can now accelerate past 250 knots
@Shalvenay hey there, I get the point of the question, more clearly here from the discussion with DL, rather interesting point
@ymb1 But not below 10,000 ft
@TomMcW nah man, you're now stuck above 10k
PK is in space now :P
@ymb1 I totally just got that :)
Kinda slow today
hey there @ymb1 and yeah -- things are rather slow today
@Shalvenay I'm talking about me being slow
I only now realized jest and gist are different, @Shalvenay i meant i get the gist of the question
@ymb1 Well, I just got the gist of your jest
is there a subtle pronunciation difference like with sex/six?
@ymb1 Doesn't seem too subtle to me.
@TomMcW yup agreed
@ymb1 Btw, plan B: gliders!
@TomMcW good thinking!
@TomMcW you can now view posts like this, P.S. plane in answer is RC
@ymb1 The 707 is RC?
nah, the C-5 in the deleted answer
@ymb1 Ah. Watched that earlier. RC as in scale model?
not aware of 1:1 RC planes :D
well, F-4 practice/test drones
but you know what I mean :D
@ymb1 Wasn't sure if you might habe meant remote control of the actual plane. Like that 707 they crashed on purpose in Mexico
ah yes, there's that, and a 727 too
by RC i meant toy scaled-down planes
hey the space shuttle flew inverted for 25% of its orbit around the earth!
@ymb1 TIL Cessna made an attack aircraft.
@TomMcW military contracts, always good hehe was just watching The Pentagon Wars movie today, seen it?
it's spot on for any military around the world
never get bored of it (the movie)
@ymb1 That the one with Cary Elwes?
The one where he roasted the sheep?
@TomMcW gotta love the Super Tweet
@TomMcW hehe yeah the sheep
@Shalvenay why don't add to the deicing question the bit you talked about here, an example of a consequence on a slow plane
that accident you mentioned
@Shalvenay Never knew Cessna ever made a plane that carries ordnance
is it just the A-37 that carries/d weapons?
@ymb1 Didn't know they make a helicopter either.
There's the AC-208 but ATK installs the weapons.
@fooot that's new to me
Is that jyst a caravan with missiles?
yup! :D
for hunting moose in alaska
@TomMcW did I mention The Pentagon Wars? :P
does it have portholes for guns though?
@ymb1 Lol. Maybe that's what Sara Palin uses
So nobody has been able to id that weird plane. Figured somebody around here could find it. Must be a one-off homebuilt
@TomMcW i'm thinking not homebuilt but a darpa project
@ymb1 It almost looks like somebody took the nose cone off of something and added wings and a tail

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