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Right, I was hesitant in flagging it as spam, but I did it anyways so that it could be looked at if it was true spam.

Please ignore what is going to come next because I am trying out the chat bot.
!!weather BOS
!!weather JFK
2 hours later…
@SMSvonderTann the chat bot hasn't been running for a long time. If you want to resurrect it you can fork its github repo and run it yourself.
you'll need to collude with us to get whatever account your create for it enough rep to be able to chat
@JayCarr the reason so many of us say "get AOPA medical!" is that anytime you have an issue that may end up with a deferred medical you'll have more headache without their help. The AOPA medical will give you access to people that know the system and know what can get through and how it needs to happen. If your particular condition requires certain things (tests, etc), they'll tell you exactly what you need to do and what to bring with you so your AME can give you a medical.
Likewise, if the medical is deferred they can help by pushing the medical through the system and doing their best to make sure you get it in the end.
and they spend some % of your dues money lobbying for things like drivers license in lieu of a third class medical, which if it ever passes means you can (with limitations) self-certify your medical ability if you hold a valid drivers license when operating as a private pilot
2 hours later…
@casey So, basically, if I'm serious about this I probably should get an AOPA membership (been considering it for a couple years), and then take advantage of their doctors and such... And also hope they use the money to help those of us with sleep apnea have an easier time getting a license. Right?
2 hours later…
I have nothing against your point, it is something I did not consider.
yes, I agree that would it have been a comment I would not have anything to object.
"EgyptAir hijack: Jet lands at Larnaca airport"
Interesting (there's an AvHerald article on it too), you don't see many hijackings nowadays.
@JayCarr asked on meta
Q: Should promotion of own products that address the question be considered spam?

FedericoWe recently had a new user that is definitely not a spam account. Unfortunately, he joined for the sole purpose of advertising his product on a number of questions (1, 2 and 3). Granted, the product is relevant to the questions. What should be our shared policy towards this kind of content? Sho...

4 hours later…
@casey Ah, I did not realise that.
2 hours later…
@NicolasRaoul "PH" stands for Penthouse. Almost every building in New York has such a floor. Some of them even have multiple penthouse floors, and you'll see, say, floors 1-10, then PH1, PH2, PH3, PH4. Those floors usually have much larger layouts, and may even span two floors with an internal staircase, and have a large terrace.
@JayCarr there are also a number of AME "consultants" which usually consist of AMEs and former FAA employees who are well versed in what happens in Oklahoma, eg aviationmedicine.com
it seems that company specializes in Sleep Apnea (among other conditions)
@rbp Thanks rbp, I look into it! It's good to know there are a lot of resources out there to help out :)
@JayCarr medicals are a (obviously) a big issue. lots of people out there to help
3 hours later…
Q: A couple of election questions

TomMcW2 quick questions, mostly out of curiosity: Are there still going to be 3 mods? Are the votes weighed by rep?

@StackExchange darn, I cannot accept two answers :D
@Federico Yeah, both of those answers on the Meta post, at least, are quite good. I hope the guys over at that company read the post and, you know, cut it out. Maybe try and get involved in the community in a meaningful way rather than just hawking their wares....
I'm pretty lenient guy but...even I am getting pretty suspicious at this point.
Does this look like a homework question to anyone else?
Q: Can I circle to a different runway if cleared for an instrument approach without circling minimums?

skyoasisTom is flying a C172S/G on ILS RWY 31 approach to KSNS. He just established on the localizer at 6000, from the SNS-22 DME Arc. He obtained weather from ATIS, wind 240@20G23, ceiling OVC006, visibility 1 1/2 SM. The wind favors RWY 26 but he notice there is no published circling minimum associated...

@voretaq7 @Federico
Or is it just, you know, a super well asked question?
even if it is prompted by "homework", to me looks fine. Yes, seems to be speculative, but the answers seem to hold valid info for the general pilot, so personally I would not dismiss it.
@Federico Answers to homework questions are often useful to the general public, but Stack Exchange has traditionally taken a pretty strict stance against handing out answers to homework.
Q: Do we have a homework policy?

SMSvonderTannI was going through some other SE sites and I came upon Economics' homework policy which lead me to wonder if we have any such policy here on Aviation. Do we have/need a homework policy or is it not necessary for this site?

If you follow the links to the Meta site, you'll see that it's pretty strongly discouraged.
@JayCarr I know, I hit my face hard on this with my first questions over at SO "not enough research shown" and got hammered.
but in the particular case, I still don't see the issue
@Federico Simply that we shouldn't be answering homework question.
Students should do their own schoolwork.
We are not here to help them cheat.
@JayCarr It definitely looks like homework, it could use editing to reframe it in the first person
[we just switched places w.r.t. the spam of yesterday, now I'm the lenient one :P]
@Federico lol, I'm very strict about school ;)
@voretaq7 I know, it even starts with the prototypical homework beginning "Tom is..."
it's not a bad question, but I'm generally "Not A Fan" of answering homework questions - maybe make him wait a day or two for an answer :)
@voretaq7 I'm pretty sure it's been answered...*sigh*, I'll go play the bad guy and ask if it's homework and see how much I get flamed...
@JayCarr I'm of two minds about that: If a teacher searches their question and finds it here then any student blindly copying the answer from the site will probably get their ass handed to them :)
should we be pedantic and delete this as "not an answer" or be pedantic and leave it as it is, since it technically answers the title question? aviation.stackexchange.com/a/26509/1467
@voretaq7 I think teachers have enough to do without being required to police the entire internet for cases of their students cheating.
(yes, both choices are pedantic)
@JayCarr Such is life teaching in the 21st century. You'd be amazed the cut-and-paste shit I used to get from college CS students.
@Federico I'm actually with you on that one, I think it's an answer. Albeit a brief one.
(More than one paper was returned with "If I see Hungarian notation for variables again I'm going to assume you're cheating and give you a zero.")
@voretaq7 Which is why everyone on the internet needs to help teachers out. I don't think throwing our hands up and saying "Well, that's how it is" is really the best response... We just need a cultural moray against answer obvious homework questions (at very least).
@JayCarr @Federico I don't think it's a particularly GOOD answer, but it is an answer.
(GOOD answers explain the "Why", this one just says "No.")
eh, I disagree
"there will always be flights that are private, or for any other reason not traceable. "
@JayCarr If I had my way "do my homework for me" questions would be banned network wide, but that's not a decision I get to make unilaterally :-)
@voretaq7 Honestly, I think it gives sufficient reason as well. Some flights are private, so you can't trace them all.
@voretaq7 I'd be right there with you.
@Federico "What reason(s)?" Plenty of private flights are trackable (if I file IFR I show up on FlightAware). A good answer would explain BARR and such.
fair point
@voretaq7 Sounds like you need to write up an answer then ;). But the point still stans, it is an answer, it's just not a good one.
1 more hour until your re-correnation, btw.
@JayCarr <deep sigh> Effort <collapses on fainting couch>
I think you'll be required to make a speech here @voretaq7
@voretaq7 Hey, be a good mod, go...be an example or something.
@JayCarr Can I just babble incoherently like the presidential candidates?
@voretaq7 Only if you promise to be racist and hateful or completely disconnected from reality.
@JayCarr I'm TOTALLY racist: I despise humans, we're the worst!
We should turn our government over to adorable sloths. Just as effective as Congress, but much cuter and probably cheaper.
@voretaq7 I think being racist means hating a race not a genus. I, for example, hate drow. They're an irredeemable race, don't let Drizzit fool you!
Also, I'm not sure I like you policies on animal torture. Why would you do that to sloths?
@JayCarr Nothing wrong with the Drow.
Gnomes on the other hand.... little twitchy freaks
@voretaq7 Pretty sure Lolths ascension ceremony of "kill everyone currently in charge" is pretty darned evil.
Sloths would absolutely ADORE the capitol building - all those balconies and railings to climb and hang from!
@voretaq7 lol, hey! I like gnomes! (Playing one in my current campaign you racist!)
@JayCarr Little. Twitchy. FREAKS. :)
@voretaq7 You make an excellent point sir, 10 fake polling points for you in the next CNN report.
@voretaq7 ......yeah, yeah we really kinda are.
@JayCarr and "Kill everyone currently in charge" is a perfectly legitimate way to attain political office!
Really cleans up the problem with corrupt incumbents too.
@voretaq7 I'm starting to think you are a Drow now. Which means your only supporting the matriarchy because you're a repressed individual. You know you don't have to support all that hate, right?! Stand up for yourself!
(I know waaaaaay to much about the Forgotten Realms...this much is clear.)
@JayCarr I'm a sysadmin dammit! I am the distilled essence of hate! :)
@voretaq7 The only program certified in the bowels of the 9 hells.
the bowls?
is one of the nine hells simply named, "Sysadmin University" or sonething?
@DanHulme Edited!
Yes, we've dropped the d in the US. Made the worlds too long to remember...
@JayCarr We prefer the term "Scary Devil Monastery"
@voretaq7 Devil's eh, so lawful evil then. That's interesting, though it does make sense.
or "evil", as they spell it in the US
@JayCarr the worlds?
it is really not your day today
It...it really isn't.
And it's too late to edit that one....
I can't English today. Let's all post in Esperanto!
Mi ne parolas esperanton
(Commentary provided by Google)
@voretaq7 When the election closes do the results just post to that page or something? Or do we have to wait while the servers count the ballots?
@JayCarr The OpenSTV ballot file is usually available immediately, the full official results shortly after that.
And then the changing of the diamonds ceremony?
@voretaq7 Mmm...if the questionnaire is any indication, it looks like you and @casey are probably a lock. But I'm wondering who the third is going to be. My guess is @Farhan or @Federico
Yeah, they give you a pickaxe and a carbide lamp and toss you into the mine. Don't come out until you've found a diamond!
@voretaq7 That sounds a bit inhumane...how did you fair last time?
@JayCarr uhm, we have 179 people that cast a ballot ( aviation.stackexchange.com/help/badges/81/constituent ), might be that the questionnaire votes are not representative.
@JayCarr <holds up diamond> . . . the carbide lamp didn't do so well though.
@Federico Shhh polls never lie.
@Federico Fair enough. I guess we'll see.
We buried it in a shallow grave next to the river, beneath a DeBeers group logo.
@fooot tbf a well constructed exit poll based on a representative sample is usually accurate. But @Federico is probably right in saying the questionnaire responders may not fit that bill.
Fun Science Fact: Diamonds are flammable.
@voretaq7 WHAT?!?! I need a video before I believe that.
heh that was the one I was gonna link
they're pure carbon, if you get them hot enough with sufficient oxygen around them they'll light off
@Federico Listening to "Super Freak" at the same time is making this tripier than was probably required.
my chem professor in college used to burn industrial diamonds as a demonstration.
Looking back on it he was a bit of a crazy texan pyromaniac...
@voretaq7 I'm pretty sure ever chemist is, at heart, a pyro.
@voretaq7 Damn, those suckers burn bright!
@JayCarr that's mostly the auto-iris on the camera getting horribly confused, but they are bright.
Also you get to watch something burning under a liquid.
@voretaq7 My reference as too the auto-iris. It wasn't confused, it was just giving us a pretty good indication of how bright the diamond was burning. Auto-iris's are useful like that... (not useful for much else, but I'll keep that soap box to myself.)
@JayCarr yeah but it makes things seem deceptively bright when there's no nearby background - this video is closer to what your eye will see
(it auto-irised too, but because there's a white wall behind the container it didn't stop it all the way down)
@voretaq7 Liquid oxygen is blue?
@JayCarr the counter it was sitting on is :)
@voretaq7 Huh, I guess I'm not used to how liquid oxygen refracts light.
910 voters were eligible, 473 visited the site during the election, 301 visited the election page, and 179 voted . . . well, 19% isn't bad voter turnout.
Who won though?
Or what 3 were selected, I guess is the better way to say it
@JayCarr Official results will show up soon, but you can run the election yourself with the data file
the data file is... strange?
5 columns with 7 candidates :/
ah, scratch that, I got it
@Farhan congrats!
@fooot Thanks.
Let me get ready for the ball.
@fooot that's pronounced "You poor bastard!"
@voretaq7 Hey, he asked for it, and he can always quit :)
Man, I lost that one and then some. But hey, everyone I really wanted to be a moderator won so, there you go.
At least my prediction was right, I'll take that as a consolation :)
@JayCarr Your consolation prize is you have enough rep to be a regular janitor anyway :)
@voretaq7 That's not a consolation prize, I had that already! Worked hard for it! Prize nothing!
It really isn't that big of a deal. I think I learned two things from this campaign. 1) What extra privledges a mod has (which isn't many) and 2) I need to get more involved if I actually want to be a mod so....
There you go.
As I said before though, I'm happy with the mods we ended up with. So I'll probably only be winging for a few minutes (because losing is never fun) and move on with life.
congratulations to all the winners
(it's like getting the bookmark in the box of cracker jacks: Not quite what you wanted, and not really all that useful since it's got that caramel drizzle stuff stuck to it so you can't put it in a book)
@voretaq7 Your the moderator, so I bow to your superior wisdom ;)
@voretaq7 LOL
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonAviation's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: They will be replacing the existing crew shortly—please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! Please join me in...

@JayCarr I knew these diamonds were good for more than breaking into stores! :)
@voretaq7 Are they now?
@voretaq7 Is there a way to get updates on when there are things in the review queue that doesn't involve coming to the site? Something that could maybe ping me on my desktop? I thought I'd heard rumors about an RSS feed, but haven't been able to find any further info on it.
@voretaq7 Awww, Meta says no to everything. I'm guessing the only method is to just keep the site open then.
(I imagine you could hack together something to do it, but really the review queues aren't "OH MY GOD THIS NEEDS IMMEDIATE ACTION!" stuff anyway, I check them the first time I log in each day and then ignore them until the next day)
((I'm a bad moderator and a terrible person!))
@voretaq7 He says right after the election.
Yes, but I've said both those things before the election too. You all knew what you were getting into! <randomly closes questions in a fit of pique!> :P
@voretaq7 This is true, I can attest to it. We were warned, there was a book, nobody should be surprised by the upcoming reign of terror.
Does the election mean site graduation?
@Farhan I thought we graduated a while back and this was just a result of that?
@JayCarr Graduation brings a lot of colors to life site.
That hasn't yet happened.
@Farhan Right, we're in that new "semi gradauted" state, right? Was it that the full graduation involved finally getting to the front of the queue for site designs?
@BretCopeland How do we tell where we are in the design queue anyway? Or...are we in it at all?
We're technically considered a graduated site. As far as the design queue, we're sort of in it. I think we'll be more officially in line now that the election is completed.
@BretCopeland No pink and purple and sparkling stars?
I didn't say that.
@Farhan The design team is still digesting our concept sketches
@voretaq7 Slackers!
@voretaq7 Still can't figure out if its' a drone, an a-10 or a really badly malformed kitty.
34 mins ago, by voretaq7
user image
@voretaq7 This....this EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!
1 hour later…
Q: Can I interest anyone in voting to reopen a question?

TomMcWI'm trying to get this question reopened. It's closed as a dupe and it is pretty close to one of the linked questions. But I think it has a slight difference. Honestly I'm just frustrated because I spent part of my lunch hour writing an answer to it and it got closed before I could submit it. I...

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