> This account is temporarily suspended for voting irregularities. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
@ratchetfreak I know, but if A gives too many upvotes to B, B gets the reversal and A could get suspended. If B gets both makes me suspect something more fishy than usual.
lol, well, I figured they would probably be delivered with engines. They would be hard to deliver otherwise ;). I had heard they are on a seperate contract though.
Huh, that would make some sense. Where there other parts of the aircraft that were also easily switched out? I've heard of avionics being redone in some aircraft...
I'd assume major parts of the frame though, like a wing, are probably harder to replace. I'd assume it would be easier to just get a new frame at that point...
@Farhan - I wouldn't say "faked" so much as "staged", though with the look on the guys face... I mean, to be fair, he didn't look at the wing even once until he saw the cat and then, once he did, he checked it repeatedly until touch down.
It is also possible the video was simply cropped in order to better frame the action, rather than the camera being set just so for an expected event.
@JayCarr @Farhan The camera angle isn't suspicious to me. How you would miss the cat on preflight in what appears to be a microlight of some kind (? - semi-transparent wing?) on the other hand…
I'm pretty sure the cat wasn't photoshopped in, and I'd like to think nobody would be dumb enough to stick a cat in their wing on purpose - though you never know :)
and after all Ceiling Cat is real, so why can't we have Cats On (in?) A Plane :)
@voretaq7 To me, the camera angle does look somewhat suspicious. It is fine if you want to keep the passenger more in focus than the pilot, but why do you show all the way inside that wing instead of bringing in more scenery of the ground below?
He may have done his pre-flight checks, turned around for a second to talk to someone, and then the kitty jumped into the plane. I mean, that's fundamentally what happens when you get a stow-away in a bigger airplane. It could have happened here as well.
Is there some reason that the link to chat is so burried on Stack Exchange? I assume there is, there seems to have to be a reason for everything around here...
One that you will be belittled for disagreeing with if you post it on Meta... (grumble grumble)
Well, for example, when I was new I had only heard distant rumors of there being chat. One day I finally decided I'd figure out where it was, took me a good while to figure out the link was posted all the way at the bottom of the list of questions... Unless I'm missing a more obvious link somewhere?
That takes you to chat?
I need to buy a drink for whoever came up with that UI convention, then put a little ex lax in it. If they complain, I'll say "didn't the drink seem like an obvious place for a laxative to be?"
Then I will laugh for the next half hour solid.
Huh, so it turns out, it's in the drop down menu. I hadn't noticed it before.
I always used the link at the bottom of the page too. Good to know about the one under the logo.
So why does "chat" link to the Aviation chats, but "blog" links to the main blog and not the Aviation one? Seems inconsistent, they are both placed on the line with the site name.
No. However, a modified airliner can land on a Jet - thanks to advances in technology. Here are two photos illustrating a B757s approach and landing on an F22.
Someone flagged it as not an answer today, I guess because they have no sense of humor.
If it were the accepted answer, that would be a different story.