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To illustrate the importance of a proper preflight inspection, please observe this adorable kitty.
@voretaq7 -- most educational cat video ever. xD
5 hours later…
@Shalvenay Mildenhall; but in the case of overflying it accidentally you might not have read the AIP
> This account is temporarily suspended for voting irregularities. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
1 hour later…
What are "voting irregularities"?
@SentryRaven mass voting to one person for example
look at yesterday: http://aviation.stackexchange.com/users/8547/victor-juliet?tab=reputation
> -546 21:45 reversal Voting corrected
probably double account?
it's an automated system
detecting and reversing I mean
@ratchetfreak I know, but if A gives too many upvotes to B, B gets the reversal and A could get suspended. If B gets both makes me suspect something more fishy than usual.
or 2 people voting each other up
I suspect 2 (or more) accounts voting each other up. That user managed to get 5 upvotes in 45 minutes on an answer that was irrelevant.
5 hours later…
Probably a ring of sockpuppets or friends each voting for eachother to boost rep
@casey Do commercial airplanes have Hobbs meter?
@Farhan the jet I flew didn't. The FMS recorded certain times and those were used for logging and maintenance.
my logbook reflects out/in as my time
@casey What is out/in?
which is from doors closed, parking brake released until doors opened
out varies but is generally all doors closed, parking brake released.
off is wheels up
on is weight on wheels (landing)
So engine starting and shutting down may not match with out/in?
in (also varies) is generally when the first door is opened
@Farhan it definitely wont, we didn't start an engine until pushing back
the engines logged their own stuff though
That's great info. Thanks.
the engines knew much much more about themselves that we did. mx could grab all that data and certain stuff was send via ACARS
@casey Is it true that airlines/freightlines buy the airframes separate from the engines?
@JayCarr I don't know how the purchasing goes, but they are delivered with engines
engines are easily swapped though and a single airframe will see many of them in time
lol, well, I figured they would probably be delivered with engines. They would be hard to deliver otherwise ;). I had heard they are on a seperate contract though.
Ah, that helps.
I know ours were on a mx contract with rolls royce, and as long as we did x% reduced thrust takeoffs the overhauls were much cheaper
Huh, that would make some sense. Where there other parts of the aircraft that were also easily switched out? I've heard of avionics being redone in some aircraft...
everything is designed to be easily switched out
avionics especially. if a board or display goes bad, its a quick job to swap the parts
I'd assume major parts of the frame though, like a wing, are probably harder to replace. I'd assume it would be easier to just get a new frame at that point...
replacing a PFD or MFD in the emb-145 is just removing 4 screws, slide the old one out, slide the new on in, replace 4 screws
Wow, that's pretty modular. Impressive.
@JayCarr if the wing spar is bad, probably scrap. if the skin is messed up, reskin it
@voretaq7 The general consensus here is that the video is fake.
@Farhan - I wouldn't say "faked" so much as "staged", though with the look on the guys face... I mean, to be fair, he didn't look at the wing even once until he saw the cat and then, once he did, he checked it repeatedly until touch down.
It is also possible the video was simply cropped in order to better frame the action, rather than the camera being set just so for an expected event.
@casey, @Farhan - that would make for a great question/answer instead of losing that to the depths of chat history
@FreeMan What are you referring to?
@Farhan this one
@Farhan followed by this one
I guess the first could be the question, then the 2nd could be the start of @casey's answer...
@FreeMan You can make a chat bookmark like this:

Pilot's paying time

1 hour ago, 2 minutes total – 10 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 40 mins ago by Farhan

I was answering a question and referenced the chat snippet after the answer.
@JayCarr @Farhan The camera angle isn't suspicious to me. How you would miss the cat on preflight in what appears to be a microlight of some kind (? - semi-transparent wing?) on the other hand…
Statistically speaking...it had to happen to someone. The gods of the internet demand it.
I'm pretty sure the cat wasn't photoshopped in, and I'd like to think nobody would be dumb enough to stick a cat in their wing on purpose - though you never know :)
and after all Ceiling Cat is real, so why can't we have Cats On (in?) A Plane :)
lol, where's Samuel L. Jackson when you need him...
@voretaq7 if it isn't fake, I'm calling it staged. cat+video->viral
Area rule? What's that?
@voretaq7 To me, the camera angle does look somewhat suspicious. It is fine if you want to keep the passenger more in focus than the pilot, but why do you show all the way inside that wing instead of bringing in more scenery of the ground below?
@Farhan I've seen similar angles in ultralight videos - not ideal, but after all we're pilots, most of us aren't cinematographers :-)
@egid It says here that area rule reduces drag between Mach 0.75 and 1.2. Nord 1500 flies at Mach 2.19. Besides that, I'm not knowledgeable.
@voretaq7 So you don't want to agree on this: pilot + ultralight + mom + cat + desire to be famous = viral video? :P
I can see hints of area rule based design in there
@Farhan i think he just hopes someone wouldn't endanger their cat on purpose for fame
not to mention endangering themselves. cat claws cut through fabric :)
@casey Nah, @voretaq7 knows that majority of people are just goofballs.
@Farhan "particularly"
@Farhan Oh I'm sure they posted the video with the full knowledge it would go viral :)
Also there are some airports that are positively infested with feral cats (coughHWVcough)
He may have done his pre-flight checks, turned around for a second to talk to someone, and then the kitty jumped into the plane. I mean, that's fundamentally what happens when you get a stow-away in a bigger airplane. It could have happened here as well.
3 hours later…
@fooot, you around?
@FreeMan yes
Not sure I agree with your title edit on
I used the A380 specifically because of the example in the Wiki article, but the question stands for most commercial airliners...
OK, thanks, wasn't sure if that was the case
Made it more general now
should I make the question more general?
That's up to you, I think the A380 isn't that different from other airliners in this regard, so your question should apply to others.
Yeah, that title makes more sense now.
Darn... I was going to roll back the edit. I haven't gotten to do that yet... :)
It took me a while to get that one too
Is there some reason that the link to chat is so burried on Stack Exchange? I assume there is, there seems to have to be a reason for everything around here...
One that you will be belittled for disagreeing with if you post it on Meta... (grumble grumble)
Seriously though, why is it so buried.
@JayCarr how is it "buried"?
(I mean I guess you need to know to click on the "Stack Exchange" logo, that's probably not the most intuitive option…)
Well, for example, when I was new I had only heard distant rumors of there being chat. One day I finally decided I'd figure out where it was, took me a good while to figure out the link was posted all the way at the bottom of the list of questions... Unless I'm missing a more obvious link somewhere?
That takes you to chat?
I need to buy a drink for whoever came up with that UI convention, then put a little ex lax in it. If they complain, I'll say "didn't the drink seem like an obvious place for a laxative to be?"
Then I will laugh for the next half hour solid.
Huh, so it turns out, it's in the drop down menu. I hadn't noticed it before.
I always used the link at the bottom of the page too. Good to know about the one under the logo.
So why does "chat" link to the Aviation chats, but "blog" links to the main blog and not the Aviation one? Seems inconsistent, they are both placed on the line with the site name.
@JayCarr the log out button is in that menu as well, whereas convention would make you expect it in the user menu
@JayCarr Chat used to be a top-level menu "thing" - it was changed a few years back IIRC, part of the mass UI redesign
I personally wish it was a sidebar myself. Just something right below meta that said "Chats" and had the rooms listed.
2 hours later…
I hadn't seen this answer before. It's great.
A: Can a fighter jet land on a modified airliner

Sponge BobNo. However, a modified airliner can land on a Jet - thanks to advances in technology. Here are two photos illustrating a B757s approach and landing on an F22.

Someone flagged it as not an answer today, I guess because they have no sense of humor.
If it were the accepted answer, that would be a different story.

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