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It's odd, because it's working now :S
!!metar eham
THAT's why!
@Pondlife The FAA officially frowns on the fuel (or mixture) trick, but AFAIK popping the gear breaker is still a common technique in retract training :-)
I had an issue switching the parent room to here
If you notice, it is present in the other room
oh, good to know
For future reference, if anyone notices this in the future (it should never happen), then issue this command in the testing room:
!!summon 12036
(12036 is the ID of this room)
@DannyBeckett Otto will respond immediately to you or a blue right? :)
...or maybe not :P
@voretaq7 Well, my US instructor visibly paled when I mentioned the fuel thing, but the circuit breaker is a good test for sure. For the record, I didn't notice a thing and felt like a complete idiot when the warning sounded...
!!metar eham
gonna restart it
@lnafziger is also able to restart, just so everyone knows
I'll look into why this happened a bit later tonight
@Pondlife It's not that the engine probably won't restart - but what if it doesn't :P
@voretaq7 The !!summon command is strange. If a user tries to issue it, he replies saying something like "Done! 0 more needed to execute". If a blue issues it, it runs the command and doesn't reply (don't ask me why - I think Zirak mentioned it's a bug)
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Wed, 08 Jan 2014 18:07:14 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), got invoked 2 times, learned 1 commands, teleported 50 goats
@DannyBeckett I think the stock bot needs 2 normal users or one moderator to summon it (the idea being chat mods shouldn't be assholes and summon a bunch of bots into rooms that don't want them :)
!!metar eham
@DannyBeckett AMS/EHAM: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol • 081755Z 20008KT CAVOK 07/06 Q1015 NOSIG
there we go, a restart sorted it
(I'm happy to give the SSH login to you @voretaq7 with the command to restart)
@DannyBeckett don't! he'll turn it into a botnet
@voretaq7 yeah that's the idea
@PatoSáinz I already have my russian pornspam botnet which is quite profitable thank you :-P
@voretaq7 lol!
Ok guys, I'm off out for a bit. Will investigate the cause of this later so it doesn't happen again :) CC: @called2voyage
@voretaq7 Absolutely! But at least we were within gliding distance of a landing strip.
@Pondlife that's generally an important consideration :)
@Pondlife where do you fly now?
Huntsville, AL. I fly out of KMDQ now but I did my IR at KHSV. I've just got back into flying after 4 years in Germany, where it's absolutely unaffordable, at least for me.
ah, nice. and yeah, i flew with a German guy who was working on his CFII, and what he described sounded horrid
Yes, Europe is terrible for GA flying if only because of the user fees. SA has them too, but they're cheap.
@Pondlife Australia is apparently very expensive too
When that Icelandic volcano erupted all commercial flights were grounded, but the German airports allowed GA flights to do free approaches so suddenly every private pilot was calling in sick to work to go do patterns at Frankfurt :-)
@egid We're totally spoiled with our GA infrastructure here, and I freely acknowledge that fact.
@voretaq7 Yes, I've heard that too, but at least it has a GA culture. Large countries with lots of open space have better support/understanding for GA because people can actually see directly how they depend on it: US, CA, AU, SA
@Pondlife One of the guys I know went up at night to do approaches into JFK - even decided to land and buy some of their $9 avgas :)
@voretaq7 Good for him, although I wouldn't have bought the avgas :-)
(their landing fee for small planes during off-hours is actually not wholly unreasonable :)
Speaking of.... what do you guys know of (have opinions about) GA planes landing at major airports.
Around KSEA, I was told it was discouraged.... would interfere too much with the big planes.
@abelenky "Don't fuck up traffic, otherwise go for it"
But at KMCI, I've been told no problem at all.... they'll sequence you in.
I think it'd be awesome to land at Las Vegas sometime. :)
@abelenky Why not? There's no reason not to and someone even took the C172 I rent into KATL a few weeks ago!
well, I see it as being a "good airspace citizen". I've given way to faster twin engine planes when I'm on a long approach. I don't want to get in front of a 757, or screw up someones departure schedule.
(although, at BFI, I have been put directly in front of a 747 on final.... I had to land fast, break hard, and take the first exit)
(I'm sure there was plenty of space... but it felt like that big plane was right behind me)
@abelenky Sure, but if you're well prepared - including for ATC to tell you to remain clear of Bravo - then it's perfectly fine. During my initial training a 737 (I think) behind me was instructed to go to "minimum safe approach speed" because I was puttering along in a C152 and already cleared to land but no one batted an eyelid
Nice. :)
I have been told to maintain best speed.
I've wanted to respond with "My hamsters are running as fast as they can!".... but haven't said that yet.
@abelenky Aside from fields that have flow control it shouldn't be a problem
@abelenky I definitely expedited my taxi, though :-)
@abelenky hah yeah, I'd be prepared to come in fast and han out the parachute to slow down on short final if you're doing it during a busy day
well, someday I'll try it.
I have gotten to fly low over Sea-Tac quite late at night when there was little traffic.
Like I said, I'd love to do Vegas....
Any other suggestions for cool airports?
we go through all this training, it seems like a shame not to use the privileges we've earned :) I fully intend to land at either JFK or LGA at some point in my instrument training, just to put it in my logbook :)
In general, I think this may be a good topic for questions.
So many of our questions seem to be about the mechanics of flying/training.
Or how its dangerous/ways it can fail....
I should think up some questions about "Most scenic airports to land at".
(though it could get closed for Being Opinion Based
"most senic" and stuff would be too much like a forum topic I think (though if we set up a site blog a weekly/monthly feature on "Go fly here!" would be pretty cool)
One about flying light aircraft into "major" airports would certainly be interesting (though it'll probably stir up a little debate on whether or not you "should")
Fair enough... I'll write it up. We'll see what happens. :)
@voretaq7 That happens in the real airplane sometimes too!
@abelenky didn't realize you fly out of OJC. My step mom works there at KCAC.
I'm originally from Kansas City.
@lnafziger Maybe in your fancy-pants electonic-alized air-e-o-planes, but in mine if I have the control wheel in my chest the wire is going to yank on the stabilator and be pointing the nose up :-)
(and even in fancy planes there'd be a breaker you can pull -- I don't think our redbird had a breaker)
@BretCopeland: Heh... I'm flying with http://www.airassociatesinc.com/ currently.
I've been here about 6 months.
@abelenky well, I won't hold it against you, haha
@abelenky Please see my comment on your post about GA planes at major airports.
Edited question to be a little more precise.
@abelenky Looks good, I've rescinded my comment.
@voretaq7: Yes, but the automation still tries to kill you sometimes, lol.
should check metar
we are again under wildfire smoke
!!weather SCEL
@PatoSáinz SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • Observed: 55 mins ago • Wind: 210°/SSW @ 19kts • Visibility: 3.73mi/6.0km • Sky (AGL): Clear • Temperature: 28.0°C/82°F • Dewpoint: 8.0°C/46°F • Pressure: 29.91" Hg/1,013mb • Conditions: MVFR
and two hours ago it was METAR SCEL 081600Z 22015KT CAVOK 28/06 Q1013 NOSIG=
!!weather MGE
@called2voyage KMGE/MGE: Dobbins Air Reserve Base Airport • Observed: 58 mins ago • Wind: 30°/NNE @ 6kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky (AGL): Overcast @ 1,800ft • Temperature: 16.0°C/61°F • Dewpoint: 12.0°C/54°F • Pressure: NaN" Hg/NaNmb • Conditions: MVFR
!!metar SCEL
@voretaq7 SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • 081800Z 21019KT 6000 SKC 28/08 Q1013 NOSIG
heh that airport has better visibility than the rest of the city
@DannyBeckett Is the NaN under pressure an error in your code or is that retrieved directly from the source of the weather data?
@PatoSáinz give it about 5-6 minutes and try again, that observation is still about an hour old :)
@DannyBeckett " Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International " pease fix encoding
@voretaq7 yep it is
I'm going to pave a landing strip somewhere and name it 🐼 field
@voretaq7 look
reference pix:
"Put that in your airport database and crash it, FAA!"
!!weather SCEL
@PatoSáinz SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • Observed: 1 hour ago • Wind: 210°/SSW @ 19kts • Visibility: 3.73mi/6.0km • Sky (AGL): Clear • Temperature: 28.0°C/82°F • Dewpoint: 8.0°C/46°F • Pressure: 29.91" Hg/1,013mb • Conditions: MVFR
@OttotheAutopilot tell the FAA to update their sources
METAR SCEL 081900Z 22020KT 5000 FU SKC 27/08 Q1013 NOSIG=
this is now's
METAR SCEL 8th @ 1900Z, wind from 220 at 20 KT, visibility 5000', Weather: smoke, sky clear, temperature 27, dewpoint 8, altimeter 1013 mb, nosig
i'm slowly dying
also notice: "FU"
smoke :)
@abelenky Re: my comment on the major hubs question, note that my definition of reasonable is informed by the fact that everything around here is expensive. e.g. I think it's $20 or $25 to fly into KMTP (which while a delightful little field doesn't have any services, fuel, etc -- it's basically just some pavement, a weather station, and a couple of folks who run it :)
and this is getting worse and worse
@PatoSáinz it's correct on ADDS -- sometimes it takes a few minutes for the online tools to get the new METAR data. I'm pretty sure the transfer protocol is FTP using IP over Avian Carriers.
heh nice you can report a bird crash
should listen to the atc
@PatoSáinz wildlife.faa.gov
our system lets you look them up :P
!!metar SCLC
!!weather AAN
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCLC! Check you typed the correct 3-letter IATA or 4-letter ICAO airport code.
@called2voyage AAN/OMAL: Al Ain International Airport • Observed: 7 mins ago • Wind: 30°/NNE @ 4kts • Visibility: 6.21mi/9.99km • Sky (AGL): Ceiling & visibility ok • Temperature: 14.0°C/57°F • Dewpoint: 10.0°C/50°F • Pressure: 30.15" Hg/1,021mb • Conditions: VFR
!!weather SCLC
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCLC! Check you typed the correct 3-letter IATA or 4-letter ICAO airport code.
i forgot the FAA doesn't care about chilean aerodromes
!!weather SCEL
@PatoSáinz SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • Observed: 8 mins ago • Wind: 220°/SW @ 20kts • Visibility: 3.11mi/5.01km • Sky (AGL): Clear • Temperature: 27.0°C/81°F • Dewpoint: 8.0°C/46°F • Pressure: 29.91" Hg/1,013mb • Conditions: MVFR
> sky: clear
(Someone apparently ran over a fox at Republic in 2011)
@DannyBeckett your bot should parse FU and such notices
@PatoSáinz FU isn't a sky condition, it's an "obscuration" :-)
@voretaq7 it still doesn't mention it
!!metar scel
@voretaq7 SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • 081900Z 22020KT 5000 FU SKC 27/08 Q1013 NOSIG
I don't think that the answer that @Falk posted (aviation.stackexchange.com/a/748/69) is that bad guys. I think that it would be horrible for people to use it to use a flight sim like that to learn to fly. On the other hand, my answer does say that I think that it could be used as an "introduction".
@lnafziger I don't think it's "bad" I just think it's a little self-contradictory
(and again, I'm down on simulators because of the time ONE TRIED TO KILL ME :-P)
@voretaq7 That part I agree with. Maybe he should start off with "Yes and no" instead of just "no".
I really don't feel that sims are good primary training tools though - unless modern fly-by-wire planes are really as twitchy as the simulator
@PatoSáinz you wearing a breathing mask? :)
@voretaq7 not yet
!!metar SCEL
@PatoSáinz SCL/SCEL: Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport • 081900Z 22020KT 5000 FU SKC 27/08 Q1013 NOSIG
!!weather SCTB
@PatoSáinz No METAR data could be found within the last 24 hours for SCTB! Check you typed the correct 3-letter IATA or 4-letter ICAO airport code.
@PatoSáinz you probably should... or a scarf or something
FAA why don't you care about us ;_;
@voretaq7 i'm indoors
btw METAR SCTB 081900Z 22009KT 1300 FU SKC 28/13 Q1015=
SCTB 081900Z 22009KT 1300 FU SKC 28/13 Q1015
that doesn't mean much - houses leak air :) can you smell it?
flights are being delayed because visibility <5km
@voretaq7 we've got a/c and filters
lol everything is being suspended
@PatoSáinz "The country is on fire. We're closed. Go away."
@voretaq7 lol
@voretaq7: Yeah, although if you can fly the "twitchy" full motion sim, then the airplane becomes even easier to fly....
Landings (from the flare on) though still are so far off from reality, even in the multi-million $$$ sims....
@roe i use our local IFIS system... way more reliable than your american BS
fair enough
@BretCopeland Hey, I just changed my display name to LNafziger, but I think that I like Lnafziger better. Unfortunately, I can "only change my display name once every 30 days." Can you help with that?
@lnafziger what do I look like, a moderator?
@lnafziger IDK when I was in our FMX I'd already had plenty of time in actual airplanes - the skills totally didn't translate :-) The rudder was useless unless you stomped on it & pitch/roll would have you 90 degrees off-axis if you moved the yoke more than like 2 inches. Maybe it just needed calibration :)
@BretCopeland The proper response is "That will cost you five dollars, Charlie Brown" :-)
@BretCopeland @voretaq7 lmao
@voretaq7 Should've gone with State Farm
@lnafziger diamonds don't come cheap ya know :-P
We should run this like the mob. Oh gee, someone keeps hacking into our system and changing you username? Sure, I can protect you from that for just $79.99/month.
@called2voyage The next time they stick the Met Life blimp at Republic I'll get some pictures. (I say this every year and never remember to do it)
> A0047/14 NOTAMN
A)SCEL B)1401081910 C)1401082200
@voretaq7: I think that the skills transfer better the other direction though (from the sim to the airplane) because the sim is harder to fly. That's in a good sim of course, lol.
rip chile
@BretCopeland You mean like Microsoft, not the mob, right?
Oh wait, that's almost the same thing....
@lnafziger possibly - I just think if someone learned to fly that twitchy monster and you stuck them in a real plane they'd be scared to death to breathe on the controls lest they wind up inverted and stuck in the side of a mountain :-)
@lnafziger Oracle.
Just move that decimal point to the right. more. More.... keep going.....
atc saying visibility is now <1800 metres
and it's still getting worse... i should go get that scarf
Alright guys, time for me to get back to work. Have fun! :)
look at this magic trick
now it's gone
@lnafziger fly safe!
@lnafziger break a leg!
aaaand damnit, i've got to go to the street to make a delivery
i'm currently trending towards being pretty lenient about opinion-based questions like the 'can and should you fly into a large hub' one
(somebody voted to close as primarily opinion-based)
i feel like there's enough hard data in there to give a pretty precise answer, which @lnafziger has done
Yeah, the "and should" portion is a little iffy though....
agreed, it could probably be rephrased as "what are the safety impacts?" or "are there operational concerns in doing so?"
@egid For the record that wasn't my close vote.
I'm fine with the question as rewritten
haha i'm not calling anybody out at all
if i bring up votes it's cause i think they're interesting, i don't have a problem with people making the votes at all
the tools are there, right?
I didn't think you were, I just thought I'd throw that out there, since I earlier made a comment on the question about its open-endedness.
@egid It could be better phrased, but I think that when people ask "should I do this?" they're really asking "what are the pros and cons of doing this?" and that question is usually answerable as @lnafziger did
But that was in its previous form.
ah ok
fair enough!
Yeah, that's the whole purpose of them and why they are kept confidential is so that people can vote the way that they actually feel and not be pressured by others.
Anyway, I'm really leaving now. Chat with you all later!
going to edit that post title to "Can you fly a light GA airplane into a major hub? What operational considerations are there if you do?"
seem legit?
i think he edited the post without tweaking the title
seems legit to me
Yeah, I think that's good.
He can always roll it back if he doesn't like it. :)
@BretCopeland Thanks for changing my display name, but I want it with a capital L at the beginning (too many people confuse the lower case one with an I).
@lnafziger I try to get out, but they keep pulling me back in!
@BretCopeland Me too, lol!
@lnafziger might want to make your SO profile consistent, or change your parent user to aviation so that your name in chat is consistent.
@BretCopeland: Yeah, I was going to change that too once I get it to where it looks good. I don't want to "save to all profiles" though because the text that I have in the "About Me" section is different.
@lnafziger yeah, I keep a slightly different about me on aviation too.
@BretCopeland Thanks for changing it!
I'm headed out now, talk to you all later. :)
@BretCopeland I have a different email address on here. After the plane gets painted I'll take some glamor shots and probably make that my profile photo so y'all don't have to see my ugly mug.
@voretaq7 oh thank god.
@BretCopeland Having nightmares still? :P
@voretaq7 it gets flagged for moderator attention every day.
I could change it back to him...
(right after I took that photo the flash from the phone freaked him out and he jumped ONTO MY FACE. I had to explain the lizard claw marks to people for a week...)
my head hurts
i certainly shouldn't have been outside jogging to deliver a document
specially when smoke is worse now
@PondLife: are you on?
@abelenky Yes
You saw my post.... same thing.
I'm also surprised no one else is mentioning the 90-day currency (and day/night differences). Am I right on that one?
Yes, good point about the medical
@Pondlife: you want to mention your age?
community spellchecks? lol
@abelenky Yes, you're right: it is 90 days for both passengers and night flight. The details are in 61.57. IFR has its own requirements too.
I started, but never finished my IFR training.... I should restart that.
@abelenky And funnily enough I also just turned 40 but I got my medical at 40.1 instead of 39.9 :-)
So the IFR requirements are unfamiliar to me.
@Pondlife: (Happy Birthday!) Doh! shoulda really done it at 39.9. :(
@abelenky I know, but I wasn't even familiar with the regs at that point: I used to have an FAA foreign-based license so I didn't even need a US medical
@Pondlife Your local AME appreciates your (more frequent) business :-)
@abelenky They're along similar lines - X approaches within Y days, the big difference is you can regain currency within Z days if you let it lapse, otherwise you need to do an Instrument Proficiency Check with an instructor.
(I don't really remember the numbers for X, Y, and Z - I think X = 3, Y = 90, and I've no clue on Z :P)
@voretaq7 6 approaches every 6 months, otherwise you have 6 months after your currency expires to regain it without doing an IPC. So 6, 180 and 365, I guess
@voretaq7 Actually 6, 180 and 180 would be accurate.
@Pondlife without doing an Inter Process Communication?
@PatoSáinz :-) Here it means Instrument Proficiency Check
@Pondlife I thought it was 3 in 3 like passenger currency (I like 6 in 6 better! :P)
@Pondlife @PatoSáinz . . . it's about the same level of pain
6 approaches in previous six calendar months, plus a hold, plus 'navigating and tracking'
@voretaq7 "Within the 6 calendar months preceding the month of the flight, that person performed and logged at least [...] Six instrument approaches." You have to do holding and intercepting/tracking as well.
@Pondlife yeah I know they require you to do the holds. The "navigating, intercepting, and tracking" is pretty much cake though - kinda hard NOT to do those :P
if you're not doing those during your 6 approaches you're doing it wrong
i guess you could do vectors to a PAR 6 times
@voretaq7 Yes, so don't try to do 6 ASR approaches :-)
but again, holding oughta cover that too
if you're not tracking during a hold, you technically aren't holding
you're just doing donuts near a fix
@Pondlife @egid IDK, if you're shooting PAR or ASR approaches you deserve to be granted currency just for having the resourcefulness to find somewhere with controllers willing to put up with your ass :)
hmm.... I wonder if Islip would let me do practice ASR approaches. They've got radar, and it's not like they DO anything there :P
@voretaq7 KHSV always seems to accommodate, the controllers are required to do it themselves and no one every requests them so they can be surprisingly helpful if you don't come at a busy time
I'm not flying all the way to Alabama to shoot approaches.... unless someone's makin' grits an' bacon. Then I'll consider it.
<-- Will.... pretty much anything for food.
@voretaq7 I'm sure you can find a Cracker Barrel somewhere closer to you :-)
@Pondlife . . not really. Slightly more reasonable with a plane, but the most reasonable ones to reach would involve a short flight and a long rent-a-car trip, or a medium-short flight and a short rent-a-car trip :P
@voretaq7 NAS Whidbey will throw down ASRs all day long to KOKH
I think they get bored
@egid just from poking around on the internet it seems like a lot of the naval air stations will do them because like @Pondlife said the controllers have to do them to stay current, and if it's not busy why the heck not.
yeah, that's very true
the other place I used to go for PARs (whidbey is ASR only) was Grey AAF
haven't done radar approaches in a long time
ought to sometime soon, gotta go up anyway!
I'm hoping for decent weather this weekend - it would be nice to actually fly somewhere :/
even if it's just a burger run at this point, this balls-freezin' cold and cloudy/rainy BS is really The Suck.
Q: I lost my log book

h8aI got my private pilot license when I was 17 but was unable to continue flying. I am moving into a position to get back in the air, but I no longer have my log book as it was lost between moves. What is the best way to move forward?

can someone rename the title to something more... descriptive?
@PatoSáinz oh, shit, a "contact your FSDO" question!
AOPA has a nice segment on it if anyone wants to summarize
already did ;)
i went straight to the source though
which is always good of course
@egid you might want to drop in a link to faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/… (the "airmen certification branch" contact page) which has the phone numbers too :)
maybe, but there's no reason to call anybody for this
dammit, maxed out rep for today ;P
I like talking to the FAA's phone monkeys - I've found them generally polite and often useful :-)
(and usually I can only say that about IRS employees!)
oh don't get me wrong i love the FSDO
i've had great experiences with them
but there's really no need to do so for an 8710 request
granted half the time the answer is not what I want to hear ("Yeah, but we'd need a DER to approve it because we don't think anyone's ever done that before!")
@egid nah, a hand-scrawled lolcat with "I CAN HAS 8710 COPIE?" and your certificate number, name, address, etc. will probably suffice :)
bonus points if the lolcat is wearing a captain's hat
technically that is probably going to work
i'd use the i have no idea what i'm doing dog though
user image
@egid ... "Here's your 8710. Your 709 ride has been scheduled for next tuesday."
@egid bonus points for his paws being on the yoke.
yeah that one is by far the best
A+ would photoshop again.
(dear dog I hope that's photoshopped)
it's probably on somebody's lap
@voretaq7 If it isn't photoshopped, at least they didn't post it on youtube with their tail number visible.
it looks like the placard is blacked out actually
nice looking baron though
@egid they're all nice looking....
...except one I saw that had creepy curtains on the back windows. And that one was still nice looking except for wanting to cower in fear and run away from the red velvet curtains.
ok whoever redesigned the MDN docs really likes jsdoc or something
@egid lol why
it's very... white. and weirdly laid out.
it's nice
the 'see also' is awkward
oh, it's responsive, maybe that is why it's weird right now
@called2voyage: LOL. That was truly amazing that they had their tail number in their YouTube video.
@abelenky I'm glad you appreciated the joke. :)
1000 views... and 11 upvotes.
@abelenky yeah, i doubt most of the cross-stack visitors are going to sign up for this one
speaking of youtube videos.... about the first good one I ever made: youtube.com/watch?v=oi7ZjstPshs
What, don't like my question? ;-)
@abelenky I actually think that flight simulators (even unapproved ones) can be a HUGE help to learning and a tool that every instructor should use to help save the student money.
Its a fine question.... just disappointing that it doesn't get more upvotes.
So many hit-and-runs.
Haha, yeah, that's to be expected when it hits the "Hot Question" sidebar.... Like @egid said, most of them won't sign up for a new account just to upvote one question.
But at least it gets us some visibility and we might get a few new users out of it.
Anyway, just checking in before I head home. Chat with you all tonight. :)
Squak 1200.
I used to have money. Now I have an airplane. hahaha, I love it! — Danny Beckett Dec 18 '13 at 19:36
heh, it's sad but true - all in how you rationalize it.
"I've got no spouse, no immediate dating prospects ('cuz I'm just too lazy), a sensible car, a small apartment, and I'm not allowed to have a dog -- I may as well adopt a 50-year-old plane. What the hell else am I gonna spend my money on?" :-P
also every time I hear someone quoting fixed costs like tiedowns who isn't in NY I want to punch something :P
@called2voyage I bet the NaN error is because no pressure data is being returned for SCL. I will add ` || 'Unavailable'` to the pressure output in the next few hours
hmm, actually it does receive altim_in_hg for SCL: jsfiddle.net/7b7qb/5 (F12 -> Console -> Object -> Data -> METAR)
will add it to my list of things to take a look at night
@PatoSáinz I noticed the encoding issue myself on another international airport, will check what we can do here (the correct \uBBxB codes are being sent to the room)
@PatoSáinz Is this what the data source calls QC flags? Not implemented yet. Also gusting... gonna sort these tonight
@DannyBeckett also please use NOAA instead of FAA's ADDS for METARs... NOAA actually cares about all aerodromes
@DeltaLima You don't need any special rights. The core bot runs on @Zirak's SO-ChatBot, and there's some special stuff to make it work on the server: @allquinxotic's so-chatbot-driver, PhantomJS, Node.JS, and probably some other things I'm forgetting. Our Aviation feeds are proxied with my so-chatbot-php-helper
@voretaq7 $50/mo? ;)
/me ships @voretaq7 some boxing gloves
@PatoSáinz Will add that to the list, thanks :)
@DannyBeckett thanks! Nice job on putting this together.

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