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06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

Well, hopefully my latest question doesn't count as just being broad and silly, I'm geniunely curious.
I tried my best to outline the kind of answer I'm looking for, so hopefully that helps.
Or I'll just decide it's too broad myself and delete it.
Wish I could come up with a decent question these days.
@JayCarr Aww, I was going to give you links with stories of A380 modification hell :P
@voretaq7 lol, I'd still be happy to see the links.
Instead I'll answer you here: There's no theoretical maximum - you can build an airport large enough to accommodate basically anything (though it might require moving to a dry lake bed in Nevada), and demolish/rebuild/retrofit terminals to service it.
And if you feel strongly enough I can always undelete it.
Mmm, so I suppose the better questions really is "what is the theoretical limit for aircraft size"
Which is more a physics question, but a good one perhaps.
The A380 is probably the upper practical limit - and even that took a shit-ton of retrofitting at major airports (airport-technology.com/features/feature653 ; atwonline.com/airports-amp-routes/airports-prepare-a380 ; etc.)
@JayCarr that's a Materials Science question :-)
Well, propulsion and wing design would fall in there you'd think.
Or is propulsion more a materials science thing?
Or maybe it's engineering? (Or maybe it's just really far reaching...)
you can always add more engines
You've been playing Kerbal Space Program haven't you?
I have touched that one
lol, ah, you should. That's always the supposed answer in that game.
The problem with adding more engines is that they add more weight because of the associated fuel and, well, engine itself.
But what if we tried more power? what-if.xkcd.com/13
shoo cat
I'm assuming that, with current engine efficiency, there's going to be a limit where you can't push a large object through the atmosphere and have it be going fast enough to generate lift.
And that's assuming you could build a stable wing of that size to begin with...
do some creative load placements and you don't really need stability
@fooot I cant help it, I always laugh at the last target/effect box, every time :)
I'm trying to mentally picture load placements that increase wing stability.... I'm seeing a flying wing mostly.
To be fair, I'm always seeing flying wings in my mind. I wonder why they don't use those for commercial aviation at all?
no window seats...
But you'd likely have more space... I always thought you could, with the advances in windows materials, maybe build some really big windows into the front of the wing too.
That way we could actually see where we are going.
and see when you crash
@JayCarr Transparent Aluminum?
@voretaq7 How did you know!!!
I got it from this Scottish guy in San Fran a while back...haven't figured out how to actually make the molecules bond properly, but when I get it... look out.
picks up mouse Computer?
@JayCarr "Siri you ignorant slut!"
Oh gravy... I have Cortana, she's probably have a nice non-sensical answer for that question. Kind of like every other questions I ask.
@voretaq7 "Video not available. Sorry about that."
location blocking?
communists :P
@falstro same here...
@voretaq7 yeah, blocked in sweden too. Good thing I'm a geek, so I know the scene... ;)
I actually think my dad had that movie on VHS... do y'all feel old now? :)
I generally feel old :P
Old is a state of mind so...yeah.
hah, fair enough
@JayCarr <shakes cane angrily>
06:00 - 19:0019:00 - 22:00

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