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00:00 - 20:0022:00 - 23:00

@Problematic Hey, what's new?
@BESW Just got in from a job interview; it went well. How about you?
@Problematic Got a FATE game tonight I'm looking forward to.
@BESW thank you for such an informative review of my piece
</napolean dynamite voice>
My Internet we to out while I was waiting
@Jonn_Underwood No problem. Don't take my criticisms too hard; your piece is voyage out, and that's always going to be full of irregularities regardless of how experienced you are as a writer.
@ObliviousSage Tracked down the origin of my group's boing tradition.
@BESW I'm at a learning stage now so I take any critiscism as advice
When I talk about "voice" I mean a consistent way that you use words and style, so that two paragraphs written in the same voice should be subtly recognizable as the same voice regardless of content.
As a creative fiction writer, you'll find that voice is a valuable tool to develop. It makes your dialogue come alive, and if you're writing in first person (like your current sample) you'll want to learn how to write in different voices depending on who is narrating.
I'm writing in first person at the moment so I don't have to worry about names and stuff
@BESW and if you're anything like me, the voice you write with tends to be influenced by what you're currently reading, so be mindful of stealing voices, too. "This is my voice. There are many like it, but this one is mine..."
I like your ideas though, I think I'm gonna go do some reading on this "voice" you speak of;it sounds powerful
Renowned children's author Beverly Cleary wrote an entire novel with a secondary protagonist named "Girl." When she sat down to finally type it out to send to a publisher (this was in the days when writing was done longhand and only final drafts were typed), she still hadn't come up with an actual name for Girl.
At that moment a neighbor shouted "RAMONA!" at someone on the street, and the character was named.
@Jonn_Underwood Some writers are well-known for having a particular voice that people like to read.
Others are respected for their ability to adapt their voice to the needs of their current work.
Either way requires great control to maintain a consistent voice.
@Problematic I do that with my RPG campaigns and my own speech.
@BESW not just speech, for me. After reading Dune, for example, I'm amazed for like a week by water from the faucet (which is kind of a big deal anyway, if you think about it)
And after reading Stephen King's It, I avoid sewer grates for a while...
True enough.
@Problematic I grew up without regular utilities.
It definitely changes the way you look at the world.
Well, I gotta run to a meeting, but before I go I should probably say that I'm always impressed by the level of effort that people in this room put into helping people.
I have a firm belief that needing to take a shower with a bucket and a cup is a fundamentally life-changing experience.
So uh, I'm always impressed by the level of effort that people in this room put into helping people.
@Problematic I'll pass it on.
(Bonus points if the bucket shower is in the dark, and/or if the water is only warm if you heat it yourself.)
The apparently minor comforts and conveniences we take for granted is something I occasionally highlight in my RPG campaigns.
Doorknobs, for instance.
And getting your own room in an inn.
Funny idea own room at the inn
Is there a SE for writers?
Or writing
Or is that to broad a subject?
@Jonn_Underwood Yes, but I'm guessing it's got a lot of baggage.
Writing is very personal and controversial. There are dozens of different "methods" and "theories," and people can get emotionally invested in the idea that they're using the "right" one.
Oh ok
I'll read the FAQ on the site
Implying that the method I'm using to write isn't ideal, or even that it doesn't work for you, could be taken as a challenge to my abilities as a writer or an implication that my writing experience isn't as valuable as yours.
It's similar to the emotion that gets stirred up here when "I prefer Fourth Edition" gets heard as "3.5 sucks and people who play it are stupid."
You may also find that the level of question isn't good for you.
At a quick glance, many of the questions seem to be professional and technical.
And my goodness but that chat is DOA.
I want to give this answer all the upvotes.
I up voted it
It's an excellent, thorough answer.
The only thing I'd add would be that Dracula could cross running water at high tide, but that's trivial.
> If he be not at the place whither he is bound, he can only change himself at noon or at exact sunrise or sunset. [...W]hereas he can do as he will within his limit, when he have his earth-home, his coffin-home, his hell-home, the place unhallowed, as we saw when he went to the grave of the suicide at Whitby, still at other time he can only change when the time come. It is said, too, that he can only pass running water at the slack or the flood of the tide.
Of course, the whole "sun kills" issue is another weirdness.
Then again, my favorite Dracula stories are the Dracula vs Zorro comic and the animated film The Batman vs. Dracula.
(The Penguin makes an excellent Renfield.)
The Journey

The morning dew coated me as the wind brushed across my face causing  me to rise from a deep slumber, the sun would be rising on the other side of the mountains soon, although I wouldn’t see the sun until just before noon but that doesn’t matter it is time to continue my journey.

I reluctantly rose out from my fur blankets as the cold nipped my bare skin. As I looked up towards the sky and gazed upon the stars I wondered what,if anything was out there. What those points of light really are.
Is this better?
Lunch! bbl
Oh man :(
Ignore the last one
@BESW Is this one better?
The Journey

The morning dew coated me as the wind brushed across my face causing  me to rise from a deep slumber, the sun would be rising on the other side of the mountains soon, although I wouldn’t see the sun until just before noon but that doesn’t matter it is time to continue my journey.

I reluctantly rose out from my fur blankets as the cold nipped my bare skin. As I looked up towards the sky and gazed upon the stars I wondered what,if anything was out there. What those points of light really are.
You know what I'm not done I'm using a chain saw right now, hopefully I'll come with something better
@waxeagle Thanks for chiming in with that explanation. This is my first exposure to Ardents - that explains a lot.
@JonathanHobbs I believe psionic augmentation is the only true subsystem in 4e.
@BESW What makes a subsystem a subsystem?
Not exactly a firm definition, but I consider a subsystem to be a set of unique rules applicable only to a subcategory of situations or characters which is complicated above and beyond simple exceptionalism.
At what point it moves from exceptionalism to subsystem is unclear. I usually also prefer my subsystems to be applicable to more than a single class.
How is my answer to this question?
@BESW Okay, yeah. Sounds like a subsystem then.
Hi Hobbs.
In 3.5, I'd define uncanny dodge as an exception, and spellcasting as a subystem.
Hi Jonn. :)
@Jonn_Underwood The only thing I'd add is that the very act of gaining Rank 0 may be enough to automatically grant 20 Outsider HD.
(Sorry, wrong Jo*n.)
@Ben-Jamin Consider not actually giving your boss a divine rank, just extra powers and overall greater toughness. Unless it's important he has a divine rank!
Either that or...
> I would like to make sure I place the encounter that is atleast possible to win.
Don't make it a regular hit-him-with-sticks-and-splosions fight where you have to make the guy hit 0hp to win.
Consider instead having the guy busy ascending halfway to godhood, and the players have to destroy a couple of pillar artifacts powering his ascension. The players have to fight through swathes of his subordinates to get to the pillars, fight those subordinates as they destroy the pillar, then fight through more to get to the other pillar.
The almost-a-deity boss will just interfere with the fight with his powers every now and then, creating interesting terrain, auras or other effects on the battlefield, or maybe calling down AoE volleys of starfire or whatever.
@JonathanHobbs I'd turn him into an environmental hazard in that vein.
@BESW Pretty much exactly that. He's not a regular combatant.
That simply being near an ascending god is hazardous to one's health.
Once the players destroy the two pillar-artifacts, you get to choose what happens, like one of the following: He stops ascending and just goes back to normal. He loses power, or all his powers. He's KO'd. He's just had the power of a pseudo-deity flow into his body, and he has just all of a sudden become mortal: he can't contain that, and Bad Things happen (possibly his head explodes, or all of him explodes as that divine power surges free). He is still powerful, but exhausted and defeatable.
etc etc.
I'd probably turn him into a Portal For Nasty Opportunistic Things.
"With a splrtrch, he turns inside out as Cthulhu and a wave of rainbow-colored bubbles emerge impossibly from his body."
But then, I'm fond of Evil Overlord List item #22: No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not consume any energy field bigger than my head.
Violating this precept in my campaigns inevitably results in Bad Things.
@LitheOhm Your vamp question now has one of the most awesome answers in my recent memory.
@waxeagle Yeah. Game's not dead, only sleeping cause oh my gods did I misjudge my availability. In other news, I finally have the formal rules.
@BESW it is really good. I don't think a better one will come along
my god, it grew
@LitheOhm Quick, accept it before it eats the site!
raining vampiric lore-y death
It will devour other answers and raise them to spread its citation-based terror far and wide.
it's the risk we ran with a question related to energy drain
We were fools, challenging the unnatural order of D&D monsters.
Our only hope is the Holy Hand Grenade.
We dabbled in Things Not Meant For Players, daring to venture into the Domain of Developers.
that question still has a close vote
and it garnered some unfavorable attention on meta as well
It's still being read as an "in theory" as opposed to "in practice"
I think there's an unfortunate tendency for any question that could be asked that way to be tinted with the "not actually practical" brush.
yeah. My curiosity wasn't idle, if I know the 'reasoning' they supply then I know how my players might - and might not - circumvent it
As I've stated and stuck to, the less DM fiat the better
Mmm. I added a "no, really, this is more like a design question" addendum to my rakshasa question.
@LitheOhm yeah, vampires are almost inherently vulnerably only to GM fiat.
lol. Yeah
Makes them awful PCs, too.
"I'm immortal unless I tick off the GM."
Getting a party together to play through those campaigns at the end of Libris Mortis
they opted to not be undead.
Apparently risk of death instead of incapacity 10HP sooner is a powerful deterrent
Personally, I quickly houseruled that to -Con score.
In the build point homebrew I tinker with, that's how I ran it too
(with a minimum of 10, so as not to be mean.)
3d6R was unkind to me and then is the only time I had less than 10 con for a char
reroll the ones
I once saw a game that did exploding stat rolls.
If you roll a 6, roll again and add.
if I see anyone roll four sixes then I'll give them a nineteen
So an 18 would instantly become 18+3d6.
my god
too much
In 3.5 "Immunity to extra damage from critical hits" isnt as good as "immunity from critical hits"
tis sad.
[face/palm] Standardization is your friend, 3.5.
yeah, vorpal doesn't count as extra damage does it? Where did you see the distinction?
haha. When playtesting I stick to point buy
Dear 3.5: just because you're an exception-based system doesn't mean you have to invent exceptions to prove you can.
Things like sneak attack and sudden strike you are immune to because those specify "Extra Damage" things like dndtools.eu/feats/dragon-compendium--109/dead-eye--3345 specify immunity to critical hits.
maybe 3+3d6 but 18 no way
I think Weapon Properties like Fire Burst wouldnt trigger but im not sure.
@LitheOhm I agree. It was a silly game.
my powergamer friend would have liked it for a while.
They toned it down to "four 6s = 20."
His many-armed Kender from Big Eyes Small Mouth sunk a campaign in the very first scene.
@LitheOhm When I'm a player, I usually destroy campaigns nonviolently.
6^4 power. If someone makes those odds then sure, they can have a 19 or 20
His Kender disarmed everyone. Including the enemy with the game's awesome artifact. Then got bored and disarmed the party, too.
Once as a Str-dumped cloistered cleric I somehow managed to grab the villain's MacGuffin device right out of his hands while he was monologuing. Then we ran.
lol. More borrowing from the Evil Overlord List
First session; he was supposed to be scaring us and setting up for the months of terrorizing us with his MacGuffin.
The GM let me get close because I had a negative modifier to any melee roll.
I was expecting to fail, and to RP the failure to build up the villain.
Instead... "I rolled 16! So that's a 15." "...he got a 14."
"Gotcher thing! Neener neener neener OH GOD EVERYONE RUN!"
I once put in a villain to taunt the players during the first scene. Once
Learned that odds do not care about your plot. No matter how skewed or unlikely a crit/death will be, the odds do not care about the plot.
So don't go flaunting villains about that you don't want killed by a stray twenty.
The first-session appearance of the villain is a) a clever illusion; b) a body double; or c) a decoy sent out by the actual villain to mislead the party.
heh yep. Even if there's a level disparity
Bonus: any of those suggestions actually increases the perceived competence of the actual villain.
Here they were witnessing him steal the MacGuffin device. Before they even knew what it was or who he was
he wasn't even stealing it from them. Just in proximity
I once started a campaign with the party being forced to get a MacGuffin the villain couldn't get himself.
(Smart priests hide their world-altering artifacts behind protections that only multiple Lawful Good creatures can bypass.)
That's how my one run in Faerun started
It required lay on hands, stunning fist, and turn undead, among others.
I creeped out the DM because I'm a role-player, more than he was.
lol. Delegation time
@LitheOhm Hee.
My very first session as a GM, a player tried to see how far I would go. Had his PC pick up a prostitute.
I think some misunderstanding of randomness was in there as well. After touting how unlikely it was that our gods would come visit us after prayer (1/100) I was the one who got the roll.
haha. Did you have him make a fort save vs. space herpes?
Mar 28 at 2:10, by BESW
I stared him straight in the eyes, shook out my (at the time shoulder length) hair, put on a sultry but world-weary smile, and flirted him into submission.
Ironically my character was the evil one in the party. I'll never forget the look on his face. Bane: "Serve me and all the power in the world shall be yours." Megalomaniac: "As you wish my liege." (Without skipping a beat). Him: (look that said wtf? more strongly than any I had viewed on him previously)
By the time they were heading up the stairs, he was very happy to accept my offer that we leave them at the door and move on to see what another PC was doing.
well played.
It taught them that I was willing to work with them... and that they should be careful about what they chose.
lol. A valuable lesson
Sadly that DM wouldn't let me come back to his house.
Oh well, I got to really tweak the campaign/world while I was there
@LitheOhm Wow.
Our loss of the MacGuffin was supposed to be a secret. A puny level 1 sorceror is very squishy. We met a wizard with a really nice staff in the bar. A good one. After speaking arcane jargon to affirm he was reading sorcy's mind, my char thought about the MacGuffin and everything involved.
I would've been like, "Sweeeeeet."
Everyone else got frustrated. My character got teleported out of town and berated for his perceived incompetence. Then he was "offered" said awesome magical staff. I'd call it a win.
@BESW same here! Insert any plot hook >>here<<, please.
@LitheOhm Exactly.
zone of truth constantly, scry 1/day, identify at will, various other unknown abilities
everyone else could have all the treasure they wanted. That was mine
Speaking of mindreading... I once put together a campaign where the villain gave each of his lieutenants a Ring of Hivemind.
like rary's telepathic bond, or the formian ability?
@BESW That's brilliant
@LitheOhm Something inbetween.
@Problematic Guess what happened within 24 hours of the party defeating a lieutenant.
Hint: the party contained a pixie.
(3.5 pixies are insatiably curious.)
a magic item not often worth borrowing
@BESW what was the range on the ring's telepathy?
@Problematic 100 or 500 miles, can't remember.
The pixie put the ring on and entered a contest of wills with an ogre mage and a handful of his lieutenants. Fell over and started convulsing.
Took them 24 hours?
@Problematic They showed great restraint, and waited to get to an inn before identifying their spoils.
The party finally figured out what was going on and pulled off the ring (and then revived the pixie).
Pixie: "He knows."
Party: "Who knows what?"
Pixie: "**HE** knows. Everything."
Party: "...."
Pixie: "Everything."
They immediately abandoned the elaborate and clever plan they'd just come up with, and left town.
that's awesome
I'll be borrowing that eventually
very nice
This is yet another example of why I never try to kill my players' characters.
The greatest enemy to a PC is his own player.
It would be interesting to let them obtain the ring, and have to use it to track down the Bad Guy; the tradeoff being what BESW described: the bad guy finds out their plans every time they get closer to him.
@Problematic I expected them to do something like that, but instead they disintegrated that sucker the first chance they got.
I have a history of savvy players who chuck the tainted artifact into the river.
....I also have a history of savvy players whose characters nonetheless stick around to fish the tainted artifact out of the river before catching up to the party.
@BESW GM's best friend
@Problematic For a more lighthearted game, your players could use the ring like John McClane uses the villains' radios.
@BESW "Now I have a ring of minor telepathy. Ho ho ho."
@Problematic Exactly!
"Hey, Acheron. Your friend Lucy the Lich says hi."
Speaking of which, while I'm talking about that campaign, I based the ogre mage villain on the villain Acheron Hades from The Eyre Affair.
This means that his right-hand man was Felix#.
Felix1 was the only friend Hades ever had, and when Felix1 died in the line of duty, Hades took his face.
From then on, Hades' right-hand man would be an innocent he kidnapped, brainwashed to be Felix, and sewed the face onto.
... wat
By the time the party met him, Hades was on Felix7. By the time they defeated him, they'd killed Felix7, Felix8, and Felix9.
Felix was an elf, or an ogre, or a halfling...
But always with the same face.
Trying to destroy the face become a frustrating subquest.
Hades himself was a half-fiend ogre mage who pretended to be a vampire so people would use the wrong tools to defeat him.
...I didn't try to kill the PCs, but I wasn't exactly kid-gloves with them either.
(Okay, so the six-legged insect-winged two-headed breath-weaponed tarrasque on magical meth was probably me trying to kill the players.)
I do strongly recommend implementing a Felix-like subvillain: someone you can kill repeatedly but never quite get rid of.
He shouldn't be the primary antagonist, but his ability to return again and again should be a function of his superior.
@BESW: I had a character like that, Akat. Akat's master brought her back to life every time the party killed her, but he never repaired any more damage than necessary.
@ObliviousSage nice.
I've been tempted to graft mechanical replacements.
first time they killed her with an axe, so the next time they confront the nefarious villain who's been manipulating the king, he says, "Oh, this is my advisor, Akat the Risen" and she pulls back her hood so they can see the horrific scar across her face
next time she was "Akat Twice-dead" and tons of burn scars to go with the axe scar
from there, things got really ugly
and she honestly wanted to die but the demon she was bound to wouldn't let her
until she'd finished her assigned tasks, at any rate
I like it.
Reluctant minions and unreasonably devoted but non-insane minions are both fun.
In my most recent campaign I had Davith the Wicked.
He was a lonely man who used necromancy to make friends.
In various incarnations he would summon undead and/or dominate party members.
The party killed him handily the first time they met, but he was raised as a vampire by a lich villain.
When they next met him, he was guarding a delicate machine for the lich. They threw him into it, creating a hole in space/time into which he was sucked.
The last time he showed up, Davith the Wicked was little more than a ghost who dominated one of the PCs and used his powers to force them all to fight each other.
On reflection, the idea of "making friends" is a common theme in my campaigns. Humph.
1 hour later…
...if I knew anyone else who read Skin Horse, I'd be going OMG OMG OMG at them right now.
@BESW I've read a little bit of it?
@JonathanHobbs Most recent strip + our favorite non-mad scientist + this.
I don't know what it means, but that can't be coincidence.
@BESW I read, but I didn't catch up
@BESW One of the gavs?
my favourite non-mad scientist. Contrast with Kevyn, my favourite mad scientist
No, in Skin Horse: Virgina Lee.
@BESW That's. Not. Fair. Complete with meta?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Hmmm?
@BESW Acheron Hades.... ... just from the first book? Or the compleat villian?
"Meta" is such a wibbly word. Especially in that context.
Cause if he's complete then he can literally wander out of the character's book and ... edit it.
Mostly just the first book, and definitely more of an "inspired by" than a direct copy.
@BESW ah, good.
Metafictive stuffs is ... fun... but fiddly
Personality more than powers.
@BESW That sounds like a lovely book though I don't 100% see what you're getting at :(
@JonathanHobbs Collodi wrote Pinocchio. In Skin Horse, he built something called the Little House. The Little House is a children's book (childrens' books are a major theme of Skin Horse) by a woman named Virginia Lee Burton. A major secondary character in Skin Horse is named Virginia Lee.
@BESW A little bit of shiver just ran down my spine. O: Something is brewing
Skin Horse's Virginia Lee is a non-mad scientist who back-engineers mad science.
If Collodi built a mad-science-fueled Thing, and Virginia Lee's name is a reference to the book after which the Thing is named, and Lee's specialty is already un-mad-ing mad science for the private military sector...
I just don't know. OMG OMG OMG.
@BESW she moves the house out into the ocean.
^^ I get to play with Atropus from Elder Evils
@LitheOhm Don't give it any of your toys.
The comments on Skin Horse haven't made the connection yet.
They're all "Little House on the Prairie" and "Pinocchio."
@BESW World Born Dead has plenty of toys without. I was mistaken about his blackguard, too - the nightwing construct does not gain the benefit of being a fiendish servant
@LitheOhm Aw.
I once gave a blackguard of the Rat God a nightmare mount skinned as a giant dire rat.
@LowlyMinion nice answer on the vampi D&D history
@LowlyMinion Hi! And seconded on the nice answer.
Ta. It was a fun research task.
Also, glad to see you in chat!
I could've held forth on the literary side, but I don't have access to the early D&D resources.
I was very happy to see such a thoroughly cited discussion presented.
My shameful secret is that with the exception of a couple of things I just used Google.
Then I salute your Google-fu!
What system(s) are you into?
not shameful at all.
We've got a wide range of system experience represented here, it's pretty cool. I have the most experience with D&D 3.5 and 4e, but I'm currently happily getting into FATE.
I'm fairly new to RPGs, and don't have a regular game. I occasionally play D&D Encounters and Pathfinder Society. I'm in a Dungeon World PbP game that's just started, and loving it. Reading Fate Core atm, too, in anticipation of Atomic Robo.
Shiny. We don't seem to have a lot of hands-on experience or questions relating to PbPs, so I look forward to that.
I'm thinking about GMing a PbP game soon, so I'm sure I'll have some questions!
Tonight I'm going to be running the third session of a Dresden Files RPG campaign, which is the first FATE game we've tried.
I didn't have a great deal of luck with the PbP games I played OR ran. If you find a good group please show me the site
I've heard very good things about DFRPG, but I couldn't finish the first novel. I've been told subsequent novels are better.
eeeeh? It depends on what you like. The first novel is definitely less polished; Butcher was still a newish writer.
But past about book 4 or 5, it slowly gets Whedonesque in the ridiculous escalation of the sheer abuse the characters take on.
I played in a few games (2 Pathfinder & 2 D&D Next) that died when the GM vanished. I think rules-light is the way to go, and this Dungeon World game is running much more smoothly. Partly because there's no rigid turn structure, I guess. I play at RPoL.net.
Happily, DFRPG doesn't need to have much to do with the books if you don't want them to. So long as you like a semi-tongue-in-cheek urban fantasy, it's great and flexible.
When you say you're "fairly new" to RPGs, may I ask what you mean by that?
Yes, the shared world-building sounds like fun.
I've been playing for coming on ten years, and there are people who look at me as if I've been playing forever, and others who see me as a newcomer to the media.
I mean, I started reading game books after the Penny Arcade podcasts, but haven't played a lot. More of a spectator, I suppose.
(Actually, I think it's almost exactly nine years now, but I can't actually remember which year I started.)
@LowlyMinion nice, earmarked the site for later browsing
Alright, I'm off to a football match now. Nice meeting you both.
Hope to see you around.
well met :)
Hmm. While I was out today, there appears to have been a rather large fire near my apartment.
People seem a lot less worried than I'd like them to be.
a bit alarming
Eeeensy bit.
I have extended a warning to my DFRPG players, and we'll see how brave/foolish/determined they are.
lol. Yeah
Nicely done.
been beating on my local server to harden it cause holy shit botnet attacking wordpress
so this is a nice distraction
Botnet attacking wordpress?
I would probably have a stronger reaction if I knew either more or less about modern hacking/attacking/etc.
Also, "The Beefy Servers" sounds like a barbershop quartet of tennis players.
sooo not an infosec person. Sometimes that's a problem.
oh gods. More spam.
I have adblocking, scriptblocking, and flashblocking, a couple security programs to scan files and such with (incoming flash drives are considered hostile and dealt with accordingly), but that's about it.
@BESW Yeah. Running vms ... ... yeaaah
@BESW you has an account with google, yes?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton to my shame.
@BESW is not problem. You have two-factor authentication enabled, yes?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Ummm. I think so? I can't dumb today.
(I brained my stab.)
@BESW when logging in, do you get a message on your phone or do you use an app on your phone to get a 6 digit number?
Oh. No, I do not, because Guam.
@BESW uhh....
@BESW explain? Google should be able to deliver without trouble.
Getting companies to treat us as an actual place, and relying on the synchronous regularity of local utilities?
@BESW I bet google supports it.
I'll walk you through setup whenever you want.
Thanks, I appreciate that.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Do you mean "bleah"?
2 hours later…
@BESW no.
1 hour later…
No DFRPG tonight; started late and tired, and the fire gave me a headache. We played cribbage for a while instead, then they left.
@BESW ugh :(
On the up side, I upheld my reputation for good plays and bad counting in cribbage.
@LitheOhm Actually, I just realized it really wasn't. The original asker very much wanted a strict-RAW answer, but that was lost in my edit.
The answers provided are basically useless to the person who asked
because they do not address his actual question, but rather the question I made out of his
Good work noticing at all, though.
then again, he came back and re-edited
so I guess he just wanted that question
Drop a comment and ask; perhaps he felt intimidated or thought that the answer was changed because the original question wasn't site-appropriate?
Bed for me now. Ta.
5 hours later…
Anyone here?
@BESW I dee a watch today
I drew a watch
Let me know what you think.
00:00 - 20:0022:00 - 23:00

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