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@MrJinPengyou I've got to agree with Duncan Matheson. Those suits of armor could be at the bottom of the ocean in a vacuum-sealed vault and most of my characters would be suspicious.
This is an awesome reference site for older houses!
It's not totally intuitive, but you can browse by style or by year, and it's got old newspaper ads with pictures and floorplans.
Q: Bad/Rash character actions and consequences that don't kill my game

Jonn_UnderwoodWhen a character (I mean the in-game character, not the player) makes bad decisions, there should definitely be in-game consequences that have an effect on the character. I'm not trying to punish the player, but these consequences should: Preserve the fun of the game. Push the story forward. No...

I'm tempted to either answer this question, or run away screaming.
There we go, that actually worked.
I really want to edit it with a chainsaw.
Also, I'd need to bring the guy into chat and find out what was happening at the table during those events.
I'm sure fun was being had.
A healthy dose of Skeptical GM's "Are you sure?" will go a long way to making sure the player knows that he's getting his character into something that may not be salvageable.
Fun is fine, but fun that you think will have only minor consequences is a different thing from Dwarf Fortress Fun.
Hah, I have a post on that, too. And yes, that doesn't sound like a CG character, at all.
DF levels of Fun should never be a surprise.
To be fair, it sounds like a first session for the player. They're just marveling at the freedom.
My first session, a player decided to pick up a whore.
I stared him straight in the eyes, shook out my (at the time shoulder length) hair, put on a sultry but world-weary smile, and flirted him into submission.
It was a lot of fun, and definitely an establishing moment for the group: The GM is crazy and will roll with what what we do... so be sure it's something we want to do!
For some strange reason, my two latest characters have turned out to be enormous man-sluts. Only one by design. And, of course, he fails at it. Turns out, compliments beat sleaziness every time.
My anyganger once had to sleep with the Formian Queen (3.5, so we're talking about a giant sentient ant queen) to get her cooperation for our mission.
I try to keep my own campaigns around a heavy PG-13 with excursions into R for Mature Themes and Graphic Violence.
@Magician Image not found. Try that again, with feeling this time.
hang on, work computer ate all 16 gigs of ram
I'll see your ponies and raise you my x-men for any occasion.
@Magician [sporfle]
@Magician squeak
Huh, didn't realise there was a time limit on edits. I'll try not to embed creepy images next time :P
Speaking of creepy images, I love fan artists.
3 hours later…
Huh. I mysteriously gained and then lost 1 rep.
...and it's back again.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Bleep wurble
@BESW Good link
yarp good read
I want me new Fate
Arrr; I wants it, me precious
Then I just need some players for it
I need some translations, then players
Which language?
Hopefully not too long then!
About half the guys that work in my office are Polish
They taunt me with tales of cheap vodka
Real men drink rectified spirit, 95% ;)
I saw it at shop yesterday and wanted to give it a try (I barely drink alcoholic beverages) but it was a little too pricey
95% That sounds rather dangerous :)
I'm a bit of a vodka-hound; I think I have hrmmm, 18 bottles of it at home at the moment
Vodka is a big no for me, It's even more untasteful than beer for me
I blame university; I was teetotal then someone said, try this...
I am still seeking the one true alcohol
I don't like the taste of most of the popular things
What general flavours do you like?
Tasty ;)
Not beer, not most of wine, not oily, not overly strong, not vodka
I like fruit or chocolate flavored stuff
Maybe cocktails could be your thing....
There are some chocolate beers (but I wasn't impressed)
I like chocolate liqueurs
Ahhhh; so how about things like Baileys or Amarulla?
Baileys is not bad, depending on the flavor
Amarulla may be worth a try; it's a fruity-ish Baileys like liqueur from South Africa
I think I've liked the toffee one
Rather nice
Amarula looks interesting
But I rarely buy or try new stuff
The place I currently live in is already out of space, we don't have any place where we could keep alcohol
@Rob Bleep Bloop. I have so many achieveables!
@BESW Alcohol based ones? ;)
@MaurycyZarzycki Ah alas; obvious things like tables, chairs, must be in the way of more booze!
@Rob Haha, yes, the house is pretty small, 30-so square meters
@MaurycyZarzycki Corks; that is pretty small; still I bet you've not nailed anything to the ceiling, right? That's wasted space ;)
I'd be worried the Styrofoam would fall on my head
Styrofoam is padded, for just such a problem
FFS, I hate it when a player comes along with a reasonable character concept (here: Somebody who has magic potential, but doesn't know it yet) which fits the world and its history quite nicely (here: Shadowrun's Earth), but the system simply refuses to support it (here: Shadowrun 3) ... :/
Off to make some house rules ... if anyone has quick ideas how to make it work (... or why I shouldn't), I'm all ears.
Make 'em a physical adept? Has wacky powers, doesn't know why?
Haha; the psytrance channel I'm listening to just used a Minsc quote as a sample :D
Change system!
The idea is "Has no wacky powers at all yet, but will become a shaman or the like after they manifest themselves"
@Rob I don't drink at all, so... this conversation is irrelephant.
SR4 has "Latent Awakening", but it doesn't quite fit (it's cheap, the same as being an adept in fact, but leaves the decision of what kind of magic the char will have to the GM).
What @MaurycyZarzycki said
@MartinSojka FATE has a model for it... might be useful as an idea-generator? I'm not familiar with SR CharGen.
Or just buy up skills/talents/etc as if they ARE a shaman, but leave them all "switched off" until they uncover them
So I'm left with either "make an adept as far as chargen goes, but with different in-world effects" or "use alternative point-based chargen and create an advantage."
In FATE, unspent character-creation feature currency becomes generic "bennies" for use in the game.
@BESW How would it work there?
If your character concept makes sense for it, you can buy character-creation features mid-play by spending the right amount of bennies right then, and lowering your bennie recharge cap appropriately.
@BESW That could work (with the alt chargen). Let me check ...
I'd use much the same for GURPS, only in SR3, chargen-points and experience-points aren't the same ...
yeah, I know it won't translate well into some systems, but...
Even if you have to invent some generic boost in proportion to unallocated features, it might work.
"You're just sorta luckier at the limited things you can do, but as you gain more Awesome Stuff you can do, you're less generally lucky."
Heh, turns out it would be like dropping a GURPS char with about 60 points into a group with 100. Not unworkable, but the "gimped" one will need a pretty solid niche to not feel useless.
Yeah, the bennies or boosts from unspent points would have to be commensurate.
FATE makes it work because the stunts you get from spending points are balanced at "roughly +2 bonus in limited circumstance X," which is exactly the bonus on the bennies that you get from unspent points.
So you either get a +2 on every Athletics roll to move from one zone to another, or you get a Fate point you can spend to get a single +2 on just about anything (refreshes every session).
The basic idea would then to get the character some magical "cocoon" (magical resistance of various sorts to the max or nearly so) to somewhat compensate (I can then make sure it matters in terms of what happens in the game ...), which then "breaks" when the char discovers her potential. Maybe a few extra generic "luck points", just to be sure. It could work without replacing the whole system, I think.
Flavor it however you like, so long as they get a limited and generic but still roughly equivalent power boost, which is eroded and lost as they actually spend the points.
hey @BESW and @MartinSojka
@Undreren Hafa!
Long time since I roamed here
Good to see you.
What's new?
RPG depression at the moment
Can't seem to make time for it
It bugs me
It's mainly because of the little one
Aw. My sympathies.
I've got a player in a similar situation.
Don't blame her though. I fathered her, it's my own fault ;) Not that I regret that decision
It has given my ample time to consider what I actually like about roleplaying
I was talking about that earlier today, re: D&D and why my group has drifted away from it.
Please, do tell.
The more I think of it, the more I absolutely hate nearly all mechanics
It's weird
Because I seem to drift towards a freeform playing style
Yet I really want mechanics that "helps me through" as a GM
I guess my problem is that I'm over-thinking it, making it a theoretical practice
Hmm. I'd like to know how your experiences compare to my group's, described starting here.
Well, I played 4th ed for two years (or something about that)
It stopped being fun to GM, since every encounter felt the same
Combat is rarely exciting for the GM
in tactical games
At least not to me
I think theory has an important place in most RPG groups; it's a powerful tool for self-analysis so that you can figure out what gameplay, style, and system are a match for the group's needs.
Besides, I'm not a GM that likes railroading, and thus I prefer systems that are light enough for me to improvise everything
Certainly it's not the only tool, and some groups are lucky enough to find a good match without conscious effort.
That might be why I fell so terribly in love with DW...
@Undreren This.
@Undreren Doctor Who? The new system or the old one?
It's why I'm in love with FATE, that's for sure.
lol, no
Dungeon World
Ah, yes. Fun With Acronyms.
(One of the guys in my RPG skype channel keeps seeing "DFRPG" and thinking "Dwarf Fortress RPG? I must play this.")
I fell over a review of Everway
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Yea, verily, it is the time prophecied of old, when the Mod returns and all shall tremble and rejoice!
7Sided posted a link in a comment
@Undreren Part of the problem for me is that I know I could just stomp the PCs into dust - after all, as a GM I have nearly limitless resources. So it's important I actually limit myself to the same rules the other players are using.
@BESW Conference over, sick, still in Perth. Need me for anything?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton There's been a dearth of "Welcome to the site, please remember to use subjective-question guidelines" in your absence, if that counts.
okay, that counts. But insufficiently.
@MartinSojka This is also why I prefer systems that doesn't rely on game balance
We've been largely well-behaved. We deserve cookies.
@BESW good. Have one.
My players value system balance and the presence of rules to fall back on, but really appreciate a system where the balance and rules are robust and transparent enough that we can wave our hands vigorously when we want to.
We didn't find 4e battles repetitive, but that may have been because I was breaking myself to make them unique and interesting.
@BESW I'm a firm believer that game balance is an illusion
A good game is when no one is left out
of the fun / action
Any sense of consistency in RPGs outside of a single group's experience with itself is illusory.
Exactly. However, that doesn't prevent games from being badly designed
But my group enjoys feeling like there are rules in place to help ensure equal contribution and agency; we don't feel competent to take that responsibility entirely upon ourselves.
@BESW That is one of the things I like about the *World games
Aye. 3.5 did nothing to try ensuring the equal agency that my group likes; it achieved some other goals very admirably, but my group eventually decided that its priorities were not ours.
@Undreren I don't mean balance, really. A three hundred years old dragon will still have a few decades (at least) of a jump start on the "resource gathering" front on nearly any PC group. He'll just still be limited in what he can actually gather. No sudden army of undead without actually getting those dead bodies from somewhere and paying for the magical upkeep of them. :D
Every class is based around the idea of "exclusive means of interaction"
Finding a system that is at least trying to encourage and support the kind of experience your group wants is crucial.
@BESW agreed
(It helps if the system is upfront about what that experience is; this is a major failing of D&D, as it has delusions of being able to support any desired experience.)
@BESW And many fall for this delusion. OMGZ RPG'S IS WAT U MAKEz THEM!
@Undreren I've been that guy.
Saying that any system can be used for anything is like saying a hammer is just as good as a saw at everything and vice versa
Without significant exposure to other RPG systems, it was very easy to think that the houserules we imposed on D&D in an attempt to bend it into something shaped like what we wanted was the right and only way to go.
The fact we were able to force D&D to in some way resemble the game we wanted to play indicated to us that it was indeed that game... until we had context and other systems to compare it to.
Even then, it was a long time coming to the realization that 4e --while a system that chafed us much less sharply-- was still D&D in some core sense that meant we would have to beat it into submission too, if we were to get the kind of experience we wanted.
If tactical combat isn't something you desire, throw D&D in the basket. Don't use a system that is 95% about combat, if you are looking for the remaining 5%
Dogs in the Vineyard was too nebulous and relied too heavily on players understanding a strange and convoluted conflict resolution system (it was mechanically quite elegant, but in practice made little to no sense to us); My Life With Master was a neat and efficient system for achieving an experience none of us wanted.
I haven't tried either. I did just fall over "kill puppies for satan" today, I'm thinking about buying the pdf
It sounds hilarious
FATE caters to the mechanically-minded "WoW raider" mentality in some of my group, in that optimization and crunch can be found and created according to each players' taste without stepping on the toes of others who might not want as much crunch.
It places emphasis on the character-exploration RP that we've always found to be the most compelling parts of the RPG experience, and is transparent enough that we feel like we'll be able to throw out the rulebook any time the mechanics get in the way.... but the mechanics are there when we want them, and robust enough to adapt to any situation.
Well, mechanics can mean a lot of things
and they can vary greatly in complexity
Perhaps we'll run into walls in FATE that don't fit our desired experience, and we'll move along to something else. At the moment it seems pretty much perfect... but so did 4e when we started.
The goal is to have fun. It fate offers you great gaming experiences, then I believe it's a waste of time to look for "better fun"
Fun is fun
@Undreren I mean mechanics in the general "rules that determine the bounds of possible actions in a given context, and provide a concrete method for resolving them."
You mean, you want a resolution system that corresponds to your desires?
@Undreren I think you're reading something into it that I didn't intend to say...
@Undreren Well, yeah. "Finding a system that is at least trying to encourage and support the kind of experience your group wants is crucial."
@Rob It's good stuff...hmmm I wonder if my parents can get that in Zim :)... I grabbed a bottle of Wild Turkey American Honey the other night, that's some good stuff, very smooth
@BESW I have to go now
A system that addresses conflict resolution in a manner that encourages the kind of experience we want.
@Undreren Aight, take care.
@BESW Havez funs
@waxeagle [eyes glaze over, wanders off to doodle]
@BESW did you see the 3doodler kickstarter?
Nope. I don't hang around kickstarter.
@BESW kickstarter.com/projects/1351910088/… plastic extruding pen
it was intriguing but the only use I could think of for it would be to make my own minis, and I'm not an artist
That is awesome, in a "First World Problems" kind of way.
@BESW yes.
So, I've realized that I'm facing a strange situation with my DFRPG campaign.
Part of character creation is writing a short blurb about your character's first adventure, which is supposed to be the PC's first encounter with the supernatural if his backstory doesn't have him already familiar with it.
That is, each PC is intended to start play "clued in" about the supernatural to some extent.
Both of my players chose to have their first adventures be entirely mundane.
Both of them are "in the dark" about the supernatural, and want our first actual adventure at the table to be their PCs' clueing-in.
I'm trying to figure out what implications this might have, and how much of a big deal it might or might not be.
@BESW well, it should increase the stress by a significant factor. And skepticism should be tagged and invoked regularly at the beginning, but might age away
I'm thinking about a single mental stress attack at the start of the first overtly supernatural conflict, a powerful one based on the refresh spent by the most powerful creature in the conflict.
@BESW seems legit
It'd be powerful enough to probably force them to burn a consequence before the conflict really even starts, which is appropriate.
@BESW yes.
1 hour later…
thumbing through MP2 right now, it has a lot of really good flavor in the insets, I might have to actually grab a physical copy at some point.
3 hours later…
@BESW sounds pretyt cool, and fun
3 hours later…
I had the strangest conversation the other day about forging a sword out of iron in Blood. We figured out it would take no less than a "!@#$ton" and no more than a "whole hell of alot".....Which is alot.
but theoretically it is possible.
problems being you need something with relativly high blood iron content and a method of extracting said iron. as well as alot of the something your extracting blood from.
Ultimately though it may be a Sword made from Blood it isnt feesible and its a little crazy to make one.
An average man has about 3.8g of iron in his body; a sword weighs about 3lbs ~= 1.36kg; approximately 360 men to make a sword.
this is why you find something with greater iron content.
too many men needed, also making a sword of human blood is kinda frowned upon as it involves murdering humans.
or theft of large ammounts of blood.
animals can be sustained. killing off a few each generation and letting a few more reproduce. although you would need a large animal with high Blood Iron content. that also is capable of sustaining population.
it would also be simpler to make a shortsword or dagger perhapse even a Jitte or Tanto. But Jitte and Tanto are lame.
This is interesting...
youd be supprised what people talk about after a session of D&D
actually that isnt suprising.
Don't forget that you actually need more iron than is in the final product: drippings, evaporation, spatter, etc., and then at the end you need to sharpen the thing.
But it does make for interesting topic.
I Miss my large Starmetal Heavy Mace, with a feindslaying crystal... was able to do 9d6 per hit to extraplanar evil demons. simple yet effective magic mace.
demons blood. makes good clothing dye
and boy was that thing able to spill demon blood.
@Ben-Jamin As I said, focusing resources on special effects that occur on a critical, when one can only manage a 15-20 threat range, is a trap, and I think answers should indicate those when they come up. I think suggesting such options without such warnings is wrong.
@Ben-Jamin Ultimately, how anyone votes is 100% their own prerogative; I commented only because I know I dislike getting anonymously downvoted. C.Ross has seen my comment, and decided he disagreed with me. That's fine. My downvote remains because of what I prioritize in an answer; he is aware of it and that's what matters.
soooo to sum it up. eggs no go in one basket
talking to myself.
I do that. and type it without noticing.
@Novian Amusingly, there are baskets into which it can work to place all (or at least nearly all) of one's eggs.
eh? must be one fantastic basket.
I do have to agree that critical hits are not that basket.
I really dislike the way criticals work in 3.x
far too swingy
and focusing on them is either awful, or broken
@BESW Spellcasting? :P
I havent crit in a long time.
there's almost zero in-between
@Aether That's a bit wide to be a basket. Heh.
@Aether on the high end, yes, though that's a rather larger basket than criticals
Most of my criticals go on 20 and i never roll 20
Good baskets depend on the campaign/group/GM.
@Novian it's not really worth worrying about criticals
@BESW or the system; there are definitely systems that, either intentionally or not, favor certain baskets
That too.
though that can be mitigated by the group or DM
your absurd metamagic-focused spellcaster (for a narrower basket of "metamagic") can't do anything at all if he gets banned
(which, generally, he should be; metamagic in 3.x is ridiculous if you focus on it)
3.5 Stealth is a basket of nearly unlimited depth, and once you get deep enough into it, you need little else.
My basket tends to be magic items. I dont put all my eggs into that basket but I do place well those eggs i do put in that basket.
@BESW eeeh.
@KRyan Don't say True Sight negates stealth. I've broken that.
True sight only breaks magical stealth.
I dont stealth though so i neednt worry about true sight.
@BESW there are plenty of things that get around it
Life Sight or Mind Sight, for example
are really hard to avoid
@KRyan There are plenty of things that get around anything you care to think of.
lol its a strech to get mindsight.
and i cant remember anything about lifesight.
@BESW contingency, celerity, and time stop abuse is... the only answers to those things is to be better at abusing them than your opponent
@KRyan Metamagic never seemed worth it to me. The effects are generally worse than actually using spells in whatever higher level the enhanced spells take up.
Stealth is one of those mechanics, however, where --if you do it right-- only the truly paranoid will be using one of those workarounds when you show up.
I never liked metamagic either
@Novian at 6th-level on any arcane caster that knows at least one Enchantment, dip Mindbender (Complete Arcane) and take the feat
@Aether correct. But if you're focusing on metmagic, you are using metamagic reducers, effects that reduce or (usually) eliminate those costs
The main problem I ran into with stealth was an out-of-game one, and it's big enough that I swore never to roll a PC like that again.
+4 spell levels for Quicken Spell is rarely worth it (though it can be)
but being able to Quicken for free...
quickening for free is ridiculous.
You gotta abandon the party and spend large chunks of the session monopolizing the GM.
@BESW paranoia is a major stereotypical trait of 3.x wizards though
@KRyan Presumably from a non-core (PHB/DMG/MM) book? I actually don't have any real experience outside the basics.
@BESW yes, I agree there
@Aether yes. most powerfully the Incantatrix from Player's Guide to Faerun
@KRyan I was not running this PC at a high enough level for 3.x wizards to be sufficiently able to back up their paranoia.
@BESW Definitely. Stealth never really works in a group.
And granted, I was using the 3.0 Shade template.
@BESW :/ generally speaking, at high enough levels of optimization that kind of thing starts at level 1
lol the 3.0 shade template. i love that thing.
@KRyan And again we get into the "No such thing as D&D issue."
it's definitely true that wizards grow in power exponentially as they level, but it's not true that they are weak at low levels
@BESW I haven't actually had time to read that article
but yes, that's definitely valid if I remember my skim correctly
Hmm, Thinking about playing a Dragonfire Adept. not sure though. not familiar with that particular class.
@Novian it's a good one, none of the absurdities that I'm discussing about wizards
tends to be best at low levels
its high-level stuff is a little lack-luster
Entangling Exhalation from Races of the Dragon is highly recommended
being Con-SAD is fun
SAD is Music to my Ears.
A: What feats are useful for a Dragonfire Adept build?

KRyanDraconic Template Seems kind of pointless on a Dragonfire Adept. Just saying. It’s much better than Half-dragon, but Dragonfire Adepts get most of the benefits of Draconic anyway by virtue of their class features. Yes, you don’t have the natural weapons, but your dragon breath is bet...

Not too many SAD classes
some thoughts I've had on the subject
@Novian basically every full-caster is
sure, they like Con and Dex
but they aren't dependent on them
(and Clerics like Cha)
Tell that to a wizard with 10 con who got eaten by a pack of displacer beasts.
no one should ever have 10 Con for any reason
I like con for when the dice go wrong.
everyone likes Con
well, except the undead
When you cant get anything else besides 10 10 is good.
and if you're super-cheesy, those with Faerie Mysteries Initiate
@Novian that's not 3.5 if you can't get better than a 10
Part of the reason I hate point buy.
especially in point-buy
if you'd rolled, the character should have gotten a reroll
but without rolling I can't imagine why that would be the best you could get
Youd be suprised.
anything can and will happen.
at least once.
no, this is just a matter of someone somewhere doing something wrong
either the DM set the PB ridiculously low, or someone misplaced their points
also rolling 6 18's in front of your GM is likely to get you a forced reroll. although depends on the GM.
yeah, if your DM is good
though if he were good you wouldn't be rolling at all
rolling is atrocious
it is actively bad for the game
I dislike Point Buy, Rolling is all I got.
I agree there.
@KRyan Dude. Less with the absolutes and the implications that people are Playing D&D Wrong if they don't do it your way, please.
@Jonn_Underwood because from the very beginning, the characters are potentially incredibly uneven, due to nothing they've done aside from having lucky rolls once
@BESW no, this I am adamant about
I will justify my position as necessary
but rolling is a mistake
But are characters crippled by lack of points any better?
I agree that mechanically it's probably true, but 3.5's class balance is so uneven already that it's a case of closing the barn door after the horses have left.
@BESW that's true, except that by thinking about ability score distributions instead of assigning them randomly, you can improve that
If the group's desired play experience includes rolling dice for stats, sobeit (though there are probably better systems in which to do it).
@BESW yes, if that's what they want, there are better systems for it. 3.5 + rolling = wrong.
if you've enjoyed a game where the stats were rolled, it could have been better if they hadn't been
@KRyan If it is indeed wrong what is your alternative.
I know my groups have found a certain primal joy in stat-rolling, and both 3.5 and 4e delineate high and low boundaries past which stats must be re-rolled.
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