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Q: Does a Wildfire Druid actually enter the unconscious condition when using Blazing Revival?

RisingZanThe 14th level Circle of Wildfire ability reads: If the spirit is within 120 feet of you when you are reduced to 0 hit points and thereby fall unconscious, you can cause the spirit to drop to 0 hit points. You then regain half your hit points and immediately rise to your feet. Does the Druid ac...

Q: Can the Wildfire Druid ability Blazing Revival prevent Instant Death due to massive damage or disintegrate?

RisingZanThe 14th level Circle of Wildfire ability reads: If the spirit is within 120 feet of you when you are reduced to 0 hit points and thereby fall unconscious, you can cause the spirit to drop to 0 hit points. You then regain half your hit points and immediately rise to your feet. The Instant Death...

posted on June 08, 2023 by Steph C.

If you’re looking for a cute TTRPG that helps teach SEL alongside a chaotic gremlin, this game is PERFECT.  It helped us (so both my kid and me) talk about some mischievous behaviors and look at we what both could do when trouble happens because of that. Continue reading “Review of Lil Gremlins, an SEL journaling game for kids and their grownups”…

2 hours later…
@GcL that's the company being quoted as far as I remember, in a full paragraph. In this case ignorance is almost as damning as malice.
3 hours later…
@GcL based on the publication years, it had to be around issue #50.
And I could not find any scan in that range that had not the (not so good for me now) idea to remove all the advertisement pages :P
@SPArcheon That was my conclusion as well. I could not find that issue scanned.
@GcL for example this archive has some, including some in the 50 range
I remember this cover, so it could have been this one.
But as you will see some pages are skipped - for example it jumps from 9 to 12 skipping page 10-11.
the ads are removed, and so probably the page I am seeking
now, the only hope left I am currently trying is to see if the Duelist also featured the same ads.
6 hours later…
posted on June 08, 2023 by Sam Dunnewold

Listen now (37 min) | You can find a plain text transcript of this episode here. This week, Sam talks with Pam Punzalan about Devil’s Bargains, one part of the dice pool mechanic from John Harper's game Blades in the Dark. Some topics discussed include: Rulebooks as guidelines and play philosophy more than proper rules

4 hours later…
I've written an answer to the grung cleric question, but I'm curious how well gloves would work. Is there a line that says that touch spells work through gloves, gauntlets, and the enemy's plate armor? Touch AC isn't a thing in 5e, so I guess touch spells have to touch the target's skin? But natural armor applies as well... I guess the default is that touch spells go through your gloves but not the target's gloves.
2 hours later…
@Phoenices nothing in the rules demand skin contact or contact of your skin to the enemy but just to touch the enemy.
3 hours later…
Q: Level up with Humanoid

BucketCan a Player Character, say a 1st Elf Fighter, pick the Humanoid as their next Level, and become Elf/1st Fighter/1st Humanoid? Also say you are a 20th Dwarf Cleric and you would rather not become Epic pick Humanoid and hence increase your BAB and Saves as per the Humanoid type instead of the Epic...

2 hours later…
Q: How does light effect interact with Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere?

Terry WindwalkerLet's say a vampire is trapped inside a Resilient Sphere, which says: Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, though the subject can breathe normally. And now this vampire (and that sphere) is put under the natural sunlight. Since "Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out"...

Q: How would a Grung Cleric work?

localplaguedoctorI am a major Grung appreciator, so I'd like to play one. My idea is for a Grung cleric, but I have worries about how this would work. Mainly because most healing spells are contact-based. Because of the Grung's poison skin ability, how could my Grung contact heal without poisoning? My first idea ...

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