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I saw this and thought it was about improvised ranged weapon thrown attacks because it was a ranged attack and so rules about ranged attacks with two-handed ranged weapons applied. I wonder now, can you add your strength bonus to damage on improvised ranged thrown attacks with shortbows? I think this is such a stupid question it's not worth stacking, but I'm curious about the answer.
Q: Are two free hands required to throw a two-handed ranged weapon?

Sam AzonI have a character who routinely uses a shield. He has an Efficient Quiver and there are some spears in the quiver. Spears are two-handed melee weapons and have a range increment of 20 feet. Can I, while wearing a shield, draw a spear from my Efficient Quiver and make a ranged attack with it?

3 hours later…
Q: Are two free hands required to throw a two-handed ranged weapon?

Sam AzonI have a character who routinely uses a shield. He has an Efficient Quiver and there are some spears in the quiver. Spears are two-handed melee weapons and have a range increment of 20 feet. Can I, while wearing a shield, draw a spear from my Efficient Quiver and make a ranged attack with it?

9 hours later…
whoa, new upvote/downvote buttons
Q: It’s hard to tell how I’ve voted on meta sites

Thomas Markov The only indication of how I have voted on a post is the thin black circle around the vote I have selected. Whereas before, it was much more clear: Please make the unselected vote button(s) the light grey, instead of the matching black used for the selected vote button.

I didnt have the circles before.
posted on May 30, 2023 by The Twenty Sided Newsletter

A Page and Two Games That Got Me + Join Us on Discord

Q: Where can I find the Drink Blood ability?

AndrásThe Taste Blood feat has a prerequisite: Cel Rau, Straveika, Svetocher, or another lineage from a vampire with the Drink Blood ability However, when I check these lineages, there is no mention of Drink Blood. Am I missing something, or is this an error?

Q: How did the frequent blood hunts further Queen Anne's ambitions before the Fall of London?

AkixkisuI'm somewhat conflicted about the frequent blood hunts (WOD: A World of Darkness Second Edition, p. 57) because the stricter grip on the city signals weakness (WOD: A World of Darkness Second Edition, p. 61), and it is difficult to reconcile that with her ambition of staying in the game. The stra...

2 hours later…
> Headline: New eco-friendly cardboard potion cartons result in multiple potion misuse incidents as adventurers can't identify potions of healing as "red"
@Yuuki Look, we colored the outsides of healing potions clearly red and put little fire designs on potions of dragonbreath, it's not our fault if adventurers get blood everywhere. Our (affiliate temple's) prayers go out to the deceased. With a small cash donation of 5,000 gold.
Still not as bad as the P.R. disaster when we switched from papyrus scrolls to paper scrolls without hiring adventurers to "negotiate" with the treants first.
Please VTC, it's a homebrew this for me question.
@Yuuki Been awhile, Yuuki!
Not loving the new up and down arrow change for the votes. 😒 Don't fix what isn't broken arises, yet again, as my response... I upvoted T.M's posts on Meta, I agree with the sugested change.
@NautArch that's the new design
Q: How can I use Taste Blood on level 5?

AndrásTaste Blood is a 5th level ancestry feat for Dhampirs. It has one hard prerequisite, and a soft one if you do not want to commit an evil act; your last action must have been a fangs Strike. However, Dhampirs do need a feat to have a fangs Strike, very imaginatively named Fangs. But then you need ...

@NautArch hi!
2 hours later…
Q: We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows

Bella_BlueUpdate This experiment has been graduated. The new styling for vote arrows is now live across the Stack Exchange network. About a year ago, the Product team, focused on improving the general experience, conducted an experiment to update the styling of the voting arrows on Stack Overflow in order...

Direct complaints there ^
1 hour later…
Following on @NautArch IMO the correct way for RPG to deviate from SE requests/expectations would be to put the exemptions in an official location, particularly site tour rpg.stackexchange.com/tour also code of conduct and/or help centre. Meta alone is obscure. Its only sufficient if the relevant posts are linked and indicated within "code of conduct", site tour, help centre rpg.stackexchange.com/help , expected behaviour .. rpg.stackexchange.com/help/behavior etc ...

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