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posted on May 29, 2023 by Steph C.

Check out this list of diceless tabletop RPGs for when you want an alternative to dice games, want to try out a new type of system, or are looking for inspiration for your next game! Continue reading “Diceless tabletop RPGs for dice game alternatives!”…

4 hours later…
Q: Does Unspoken Agreement stack with multi-attack or cantrips?

Bay PacmanThis question is about material from Genuine Fantasy Press's Compedium of Forgotten Secrets, which has a free version available. Does Unspoken Agreement Spell stack with multi-attack or cantrips? Unspoken Agreement 4th-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 30 feet Components: S...

4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ns for domain in answer, link at end of answer (145): Is this Ellayn race balanced?‭ by Mark Edward‭ on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose @ThomasMarkov @linksassin @AncientSwordRage @Akixkisu)
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Q: Is it possible to combine multiple outputs in AnyDice?

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4 hours later…
@DiceService why are you able to highlight the pips, this is kind of odd
2 hours later…
Because the pips are text, and haven't been set to be unselectable
2 hours later…
Q: Can a Firbolg standing behind a wall see without being seen?

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3 hours later…
Q: Does using the Knock spell on the front door of Icespire Hold wake Cryovain?

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