@gszavae I wouldn't underestimate the amount or inertia of technical debt of a system we only see running. Some of my favorite notes and comments are along the lines of, "dear future person, you might think this is easy to change. It's not. See: X,Y, & Z."
@GcL hah! Well I obviously wouldn't be opposed to that :P
Interesting point that Catija just directed me to: ~50% of all non-automatic protections on this site have been carried out by 1 user. — Rubiksmoose ♦2 mins ago
Definitely surprising. And interesting because it does put one person unprotecting everything a bit more into perspective (though unprotection could arguably be said to have more potential for harm)
I'd be shocked if 1 person on this site accounted for 50% of close votes, or up votes, or really anything else moderation-wise to be honest.
So Illithids trigger ceremorphosis by inserting a tadpole into a subdued creature (lovely), but do the tadpoles have a name other than tadpoles?
As far as I can see my 5th edition books only use the word tadpoles, which makes me think they don't have a specific name, but I am curious in case anyo...
@ThomasMarkov The latter. Before SE I had 0 experience with any SQL type. I'm kinda getting there though. Enough to hack my way through the simple stuff anyways.
@NautArch I dunno. I'm waiting to hear back from Vonnegut's Handicapper General. Apparently they're busy dealing with some Harrison Bergeron situation.
If you absolutely want some extra rules / splat beyond that I'm cool with extra sources as long it's not too complex, it's either freely available or easy to summarize and I am made aware ahead of time x)
@NautArch oo hey, they seem nice too. I like the chain spell thing, you can't really know how your turn is going to go!
> Unearthed Arcana returns with 16 new D&D feats to playtest! Check out the feats at the link below, give 'em a try in play, and we'll release a survey soon to find out what you think:dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/feats — Jeremy Crawford, Twitter
@Xirema I know most Sorcerers are used to it by now, but that metamagic adept feat really feels like a "kick 'em while they're down" move against Sorcerers. 😐
@Xirema I personally think it actually buffs Sorcs; the feat is better on them than anybody else and 2 points is very little (and basically removes Twinned as an optino)
@Medix2 So it's more an issue, IMO, that it's giving stuff that should have been part of the baseline Sorc package to begin with. I'm guessing the "replace one of these options when you level up" part is part of the recent trend towards acknowledging "hey campaigns can run a long time and early decisions can be regretted!" that they did with the Class Features Variant UA, but they also didn't grant that as part of that UA.
I dunno, I've finally had a second chance to play a Sorcerer (.... pretending to be a fighter...) in a campaign for the last several months, and it's becoming increasingly clear that if the Sorcerer player ever returns to the campaign I'm DMing, I'm adding "allow Sorc points to recover on a Short Rest" as a house rule.
I don't understand how anyone plays a Sorcerer and doesn't burn through all their Sorcery Points in like 1 or 2 combat encounters.
@GcL I think it's balanced in isolation, but the text doesn't preclude using any of the poisons found in the DMG, and those can get really nasty if the DM permits the player access to them.
@GcL Define "expensive". In most campaigns I've been in, the DMG's poisons are pretty cheap relative to their rarity (and thus the implied level at which a PC could purchase them or harvest them from their kills).
But also it's been pretty rare for players to actively seek them out, so....
@Xirema 300-500gp is usually the point at which my players balk at stocking up on things. Potions of X resistance at 250-350gp they have a couple of for the type they're expecting... and then forget to quaff them, but whatever. They got points for being prepared!
@GcL I mean, my players are mostly at that point too, but they're also level 7 currently, and very close to the point where it's feasible to walk out of a dungeon in excess of a few thousand gps worth of saleable treasure, if the DMG's guide for loot tables is anything to go by.
@Xirema Yeah. Same here. They also have a commercial bent to their choices so usually have 4-5k gold on hand. The drow and serpent poisons are 200, and 150 gp and aren't all that different than what the poisoner's kit offers.
Wyvern poison at 1500gp per dose is appreciably nastier and the purple worm one at 2000gp is very nasty... for 2k gp.... probably better to rare magic consumables at that point.
For me the distinction of wizards and sorcerers has always felt kind of arbitrary, but emphasizing the research aspects of wizardry allows for interesting options for NPCs who are expected to not spend a lot of time adventuring instead of doing science
So I love wizard NPCs who are some sort of proto-scientists
@Xirema The fey touched would be nice for some wizards that find themselves one INT away from a bonus increase. An extra casting of misty step is always useful, and it's a way the could get dissonant whispers without multiclassing.
how would one go about getting a letter to someone in Faerun, if they don't exactly have the recipient's mailing address (or the recipient is a frequent traveler who may not be around to check their "home address" much at all, for that matter)?
I'm not sure how 5e can find design space to make anything like Chef really distinct, but I like this version a lot (maybe mostly that I just want any version of it)
The Sending spell states that:
You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. (PHB, p. 274.)
So what count...
In various medieval mail systems (AFAIK) you say "This person near X" and as it is handed to messengers who are more locally familiar they direct it to the correct person
@Someone_Evil yeah, that's kind of his plan B, but there's also the thought that might ruffle the dude's feathers a bit, which isn't quite what you want to do when you're replying belatedly to an offer they made you
@GcL I think that might be somewhat helpful? my char is in good graces enough with at least one representative of the local Seldarinian clergy to try to send a letter through that means?
@Shalvenay I think the most effective way is the surreptitiously tie a note around and arrow and fire it out your window. When it strikes the adventurers hired pack bearer through the heart, they'll tell them "Message for you, Sir."
@GcL @ThomasMarkov as it turns out, 3.5e has Discern Location which fixes the "getting the letter close enough the couriers can take it from there" problem quite nicely
the '"Sonic 2006" of the tabletop' game jam hosted by Speak the Sky. 1. Pick a game you've released (or a WIP; if you have neither, this jam is mercifully not for you). 2. Imagine a Sonic 2006-level sequel to it: too much and not enough, completely wrong tone, focuses on unfun things. 3. Write a short review of this imaginary game from the doomed future where it exists.
@BESW ...that question like, makes no sense :P or are they asking "what do you want a creature entry to tell you, besides all the system-specific crunchy bits that make it go?"
@Medix2 The trouble I see is that if we closed as dupe with no answer, we would still have to explain the relevant sourcebook text we use to argue it is a dupe in comments.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah that's why I'm thinking of closing as a duplicate of the general Eldritch Invocation one... but then I also want to close that as a duplicate of the general general one...
Blood and Meat by Alyssa will give you a taste of revisionist history where you can exact revenge on oppressors of people. This game is a rewrite of Babblegumsam's Savage Blood to fit a real-world historical setting, and players are encourage to apply research to the story for immersion so that the feelings you generate are raw and genuine.
What's So Cool About Monster Blood by Bad Quail Games is an expanded hack of Jared Sinclair's What's So Cool About Outer Space? Track and slay the beasts that beset the city. Unravel the mystery of the scholastic Masters who discovered the blood. Divine the intent of the dreaded Moon. Or plumb the ruins below the city to discover from whence the blood came. It's all up to you.
@ThomasMarkov Eh probably not since it'll just be case-specific likely every time
Which... I guess that assumes the answer is "no"... I wonder if this stems from my math or linguistic knowledge where transitivity is quickly thrown out the door...
@ThomasMarkov I'm tempted to say yes. But I'm not sure I'd want to look at B when considering to whether to dupe A. Closing something as a dupe of a closed question feels... wrong (excepting a few cases)
I'm tempted to just close the first as a duplicate of the third... but figuring out the Improved Pact Weapon is magical requires looking at either Pact of the Blade or Eldritch Invocations in general so I'm also tempted not to do that :(
I'm happy with none of these being dupes. B acknowledges the central point in C and thus isn't a dupe (C is already known to the Q in B). A and B have the same root, but that root is invoked for different considerations (damage resistance and anti-magic field)
+ antimagic field might knock out the invocation, but that doesn't mean the weapon would be (it would just stop being magical, presumably)