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I suspect every single person here who cares even a little bit could agree to just stop answering D&D questions and then we'd have the same number of questions just with slightly worse answers.
@Carcer Yup. That's why Ajey's thread puts the focus not on a boycott, but on amplifying indie voices as an alternative.
I personally think that I'd prefer to educate about the problems, do what we can to push WoTC in a better direction, and still help those who want to play the game. If folks don't want to address WoTC questions because of their actions, that's perfectly valid. BUt I don't think rpg.se should do anything as a community.
@BESW the thing is I'm not sure how rpg.se can do that?
I also think that this should be a meta discussion and not a chat one.
@Carcer But why stop at just not answering questions... *sigh* There's just a lot less, idk, garbage(?) if we'd all just start asking tens of questions about different systems (I myself very much have not followed my own advice there)
@Medix2 well, sure, we can play different systems. But we're not likely to need to ask many questions about them, ourselves.
I am also a fan of the approach of simply, pointedly, playing other games and asking about those. A significant part of the issue at play is Wizards's status as an industry giant and its perception as the entry point, if not the only option, for tabletop gameplay.
and the kinds of questions where we conceivably could push other game systems are specifically off-topic
@NautArch Why not? We (mostly) agreed that we shouldn't platform white supremacist games. RPG.SE is doing something by acting as free tech support for an abusive, exploitative company. Neutrality is not the current state of RPG.SE.
Asking about other games puts attention, and possibly money, in the direction of independent authors who are having trouble finding space around the 800-pound gorilla that's occupying the room.
@Carcer Honestly I think you're right, because the structures that the Stack Exchange have imposed on rpg.se aren't built for the kinds of action that I think ought to be taken. But the proposals being made by others, to deliberately make RPG.SE a place where people learn something other than D&D exists as a desirable option for their hobby, certainly couldn't hurt.
It would take a concerted effort, creativity, and possibly revisiting some of our policies which were made with D&D in mind as the default.
@BESW sure, there's definitely no problem with making a deliberate effort to ask and answer questions about other games - though I admit I find it difficult to believe that most people passing through rpg.se will be browsing around to the extent that they genuinely develop interest in other games
I don't know if RPG.SE users are enough of a community to make that happen, or if the Stack structure will allow it, but I'd like to see it tried rather than just lean back and think of England.
I'm sure it's happened to people anecdotally but I'd be surprised if the numbers were significant
That's one reason I put links to indie games in this chat almost every day.
I don't know where this fits but something that has annoyed me is when I do go play the fan-made FFRPG or Fire-Emblem RPG or Pokémon RPG I simply don't end up with questions. Even in trying to mix and mash character options and interactions thing just worked...
which policies specifically would you identify as made with D&D in mind? ("designer reasons" is the standout one to me, but I assume there's more)
@Medix2 Yeah, that current mode of RPG.SE is fueled by the confusion generated by the hobby's behemoth. There are other modes, we've explored them in the past like when Fate Core first came out.
@Carcer The entire conversation about GSBS is D&Dcentric.
@BESW Letting you know, I share those in a Discord server I'm in, not many people there, but they enjoy TTRPGs
I was about to observe that the stack's current stance on "opinion-based" answers is somewhat limiting the field of acceptable questions to systems which are rules-focused in the way that D&D is
@Medix2 That's something I've run into too; I talked about it just yesterday even. There's games I've played that I tried to claim the tag on for here, but I couldn't for the life of me find a question about.
@ThomasMarkov good subjective, bad subjective
@BESW Oh? Good Subjective Bad Subjective is DnD-centric? I genuinely want to hear more
But, for some of those games, after playing them a while I still wind up with interesting questions I didn't expect at some point, sometimes.
Inculcating a conscientious understanding of the underlying principles of Good Subjective, Bad Subjective into the rpg.se usership would smash open the gates of what kinds of questions can be asked.
@doppelgreener Yup, I read that and literally said "oh my gosh this person is just correct" to my computer
@doppelgreener Yeah I'm sure sticking to them will inevitably bring up more scenarios and thus eventually the elusive questions
@BESW What I'm hearing is we've somehow picked up the principles but narrowed them down to a very specific implementation that works mainly around our experiences with one game franchise. Is that accurate? What do you think we need to back up and consider?
@Medix2 Not the principle itself, but the evolution of this site's application of the principle, like ALL our policies and attitudes, are defined by the simple fact that 90% of our experiential learning about how the site works, comes from D&D questions.
D&D is the water this site swims in.
Some of that isn't helped by the fact that when I do have a question I try to search the various books and sources I can find for things that might be tucked away or hidden that answer my question... I've seen a lot of questions answered by effectively reading the book at someone (sometimes an obviously located rule, other times a very unexpectedly located rule)...
One of the reasons we've had to ban entire categories of subjective questions, is that our usership is used to RAW-based speculation as the default mode of inquiry because that's how other D&D forums work.
That problem just doesn't exist in a lot of spaces, where the normal culture is to share experiences rather than do armchair deduction.
I am presently recalling our designer-reasoning questions getting banned sitewide based exclusively on our experiences in D&D, in which authors simply almost never explain their reasons. Meanwhile, in Fate, authors have blog posts galore explaining their reasons down to minute details. They even have a white paper out explaining the Fate ladder!
I've linked to MANY twitter threads where creators like Dee and Pammu and Ajey talk at length about their games, because guess what? indie devs have to use parasocial relationships to get audiences, and social media to forge industry connections.
@doppelgreener yeah, that's a pretty obvious one.
That's an action I never agreed with or supported, but I was overridden on it and dismissed by mxy, who honestly had a habit of being abusive and dismissive toward me anyway.
And maybe we can talk about how this isn't a space for creators, too.
(though - how do we fix that without also reopening the floodgates to lots of crap answers about D&D rules intent?)
Game devs, adventure designers, actual play podcasters and streamers, illustrators and layout artists... rpg.se has never been a place with anything to offer them.
@doppelgreener I'm still confused about designer-reasons despite having asked an entire Meta post on it... From my perspective people are saying that a legtimiately good question should be closed because similar but markedly different questions are bad...
@Medix2 Functionally, in D&D, it really wasn't working very well. Lots of "I'm very smart and can figure this out" folks would reverse engineer the effects, decide "these effects must be fully intended and therefore the specific reasons", and then explain "the authors did it because of these reasons." The authors could have just done it because they needed to meet a quota, or simply missed something, or made a typo.
@Medix2 the thing about designer reasons questions specifically is that it's not that the questions are inherently bad, it's that they're perceived as attracting large volumes of low-quality answers, through not-really the fault of the question
@Carcer low-quality but community-approved
yeah, that. A question which asks "what are the implications of rule X" is at least factually answerable by analysis/experience without assuming any intent, and on experience doesn't invite as much speculation
Like, that's very good to examine the effects, but whether or not that's why things are that way is something else entirely.
Personally, I have very little investment in "rehabilitating" rpg.se. I don't want to add value to the Stack Overlords' dominion, that's why I don't do anything except sit in chat and shout about developers in Malaysia and the Philippines.
In some part I blame myself for creating a [designer-reasons] tag to begin with, which probably prmopted a rash of more questions like it.
@doppelgreener I'm so frustrated I can't find this anywhere...
@Rubiksmoose You and me both.
me three
That should catch all the twitter links right?
it should
There's definitely some other Twitter link text I've seen....
My inclination was that it was actually in NAB but I can't find it in main either.
@Medix2 That's a search of the NAB, not main chat.
Ah I was thinking about the t.co internal links, ignore me
@Medix2 might be worth posting and self-answering those unexpectedly located rule ones
if the goal is to talk about other games more
since that's legitimately a helpful thing to do if anyone else is having trouble and doesn't happen to look where the answer is before they search the web for help
I did that a lot toward the end of my time doing anything on main site.
Added several new system tags.
@LizWeir *visibly shocked* YOU'RE RIGHT
Sometimes you get better answers from other people, even.
Oh more routine maintenance it seems (and it's already over)
@Medix2 this is even technically something that the SE design encourages, you've got the option to self-answer a question at the same time as posting it
And even the seemingly simplest rulesets, once played, can produce interesting insights to share.
(though I'm not sure that self-answered questions like that receive fair vote treatment)
@Carcer I think we're better about that than some Stacks, but I don't give a h*ck.
I can very anecdotally say I got pretty fair vote treatment on a SAQ about a nonobvious detail in Masks that's very useful once you've noticed it
which is pretty relevant to the topic in question!
@Carcer Yeah the "really? You answered your own question?" is... Annoying(?) It's a time I would rather mark them both as community wikis to show "I don't want the rep, I think this is genuinely interesting/useful"
looks like the whole network is down
One good side effect of the Stack Overlords considering us all mutually interchangeable, they don't give a flying h*ck if the question and the answer come from the same user.
Oh wow it went from the maintenance message to "The service is unavailable"
@ThomasMarkov It's just server switchover as part of maintenance, it'll pass shortly
The prejudice against SAQ is a purely user-derived phenomenon, though I can't absolve the Overlords entirely since it's fueled by the competition created by their gamified points system.
([cough] Have I mentioned that as much as most of y'all are nice folx, I really don't like the Stack we're sharing?)
Nothing will best when I got an error message about the error message about my error message having an error having an error
@BESW It's come up occasionally :)
@BESW Saving that
It was a tossup between that one and
were back on
Speaking of SAQs and "designer intent" being more accessible in indie spaces, behold!
I did a lot of this praxis stuff years ago, with games much more acceptable to the status quo than what I'm interested in now, and the site did not care.
At this point I'm happy to give a fillip in chat and offer some advice, but I'm not gonna be part of a front-page charge to rehabilitate the Stack. My energy for supporting indie devs goes elsewhere these days, into spaces better fitted for what I do.
@Medix2 sorry to beat a dead druids grove
I would love to see the front page filled with posts about Karanduun and Quest and Balikbayan and Sundown and Mnemonic and Michtim and....
Did you too notice the weirdness of casting it again each day makes it permanent but those casting could actually be wildly different?
but I only just got back. It's possible to make a grove that backs onto something on two sides, and want to cover the other two sides with the spikes, so they can camp somewhere not-spiky (regardless of whether they're considered friendly)
@Medix2 I looked for that, but I didn't see that clause
@BESW I would love if I knew what those are
D&D benefits from the terror of the commons (phrasing?) in that if I wanted to play something* other than D&D, ignoring IRL issues, I'd have to either run it or find someone who didn't want to run D&D
(* last group I played with also dabbled with CoD and WH40k)
@AncientSwordRage Fair though the spikes are harmless to those unaffected... In actual games if any such strange scenario actually occurred I'd probably let them do what they want unless they're basically positioning everything perfectly in such a way that doesn't make much sense
My rule of thumb is that if someone is doing something in a particular way, then it must make some sense to them
But let's be honest. Some of y'all in this room get itchy when a game assumes its players understand common queer experiences and doesn't explain them for clueless straight folx. We've got people who argue for "free speech" in meta when we're talking about white supremacy recruiting tools, and say that g*psy isn't a slur. What kind of mainsite reception is a question about Sundown gonna get?
Wait that... Happens? 0_0
There are still people who think HGMO is the best queer rep in TRPGs.
I certainly have opinions on all that but don't know if this is the place for them
Without knowing more about sundown, it's hard for me to say
@Medix2 I think this meta is part of what's being referenced
But none of those things belong in a third space (?)
> Sundown is a transhumanist, cyberpunk science-fantasy game where you shoot giant winged frogs and crows the shape of dogs with medieval railguns while floatstone tycoons pillage the land and steal homesteads out from underneath their families.
Sounds amazing though
So you know. It's not just about subjective-answer policies. rpg.se is hosted and maintained and overseen by people with a sketchy history of defending the vulnerable communities that indie developers tend to be from because big names like Wizards actively make it hard to break out of self-publication if you're queer or POC or neuroatypical or any of those other things.
@doppelgreener This is an impulse that I struggled with some times as a mod. Because lots of times some answer would be not good, it'd get some downvotes, then someone'd flag us to delete it. But I rarely felt like a bad, downvoted, on-topic answer was actually noise or intolerable to the site's functioning.
That's the space we're talking about diversifying: a space that's still reeling from a civil war of a basic question of trans rights, which spent a decade ignoring pleas for support from its queer membership.
@AncientSwordRage The core premise of Sundown is that it is not a hardship, but an opportunity, to be rejected by a society which would only accept you if you contort yourself into a living lie.
@BESW Is that an idiom I don't know, or is there something literally going on with England that I should know?
It's a game made by neuroatypical disabled queer people, about characters whose minds and bodies and values are rejected by the dominant society so they must form their own spaces and bonds with the people who accept them as they are or as they want to be.
I'm colorful tonight.
@BESW Pretty much. its perpetuating the same problems in a different guise.
(and both are trying SO hard to convince us that really, it's fine, we've all made mistakes, why can't we just move on and trust it?)
@BESW oh, WOW. I did not imagine it'd go there at all. And my mind isn't usually shy about inappropriately wandering into that space....
And I stopped trying to talk about Sundown here last year after the third time it turned into a debates which basically boiled down to people without those marginalized experiences wanting the game to explain it to them, and not being able to hear that the game isn't made for tourists.
One of today's 10,000, I guess =)
All of which is a way of saying, I suppose, what effect do y'all want to see in the world that rpg.se can help create?
@nitsua60 I got that reference
@BESW Right let me just explain my life experiences in a fully understandable way allowing you to truly empathize and feel what I have (this is sarcasm, doing such a thing is impossible)
@BESW a while back someone decided that there weren't enough comic book questions over on sci-fi, so they set up a competition with free comics
Also, well... Guess I've got a lot more thinking to do today. I appreciate greatly all the links and discussion points thus far
We could try and replicate that be with indie games
@Medix2 Yeah. There are games designed to help create sympathy and empathy, but Sundown is not one of them: it's a game for processing and catharsis and wish-fulfillment, and if other people enjoy it that's an awesome side benefit.
@BESW is there a name for those games? I feel like indie games has gone from a tiny space to a massively nuanced arena and I'm grasping for vocabulary
Iiii should probably read Sundown. Sounds relevant to my interests.
'cause... WotC has been a vile exploitative and abusive company for decades, D&D's always been a racist, sexist, bioessentialist trash fire. This hasn't been secret to anyone who cared to look. What's changed that we're having this conversation now? If it's just that we can't ignore it anymore, well. We'll stop thinking about it as soon as WotC offers another fig leaf or two so we can go back to pretending, and nothing will have actually changed.
@AncientSwordRage "ownvoices" is a common term in publishing for books and games that are both by and about people in a particular marginalized demographic.
But the "written for" part is... less well-termed because it's not a lucrative marketing category.
@AncientSwordRage I got that reference =)
@LizWeir Sundown has my second-favorite speculative gender concepts in a TRPG!
(Sleepaway is my favorite.)
@Rubiksmoose I made an epsilon-edit to the post we both just answered--check and see if it makes everything fit better?
Would be harmful?
I don't think it's a useful tag, it's not really something people are expert in.
Maybe if we still had game-recs.
and, hell, since we're having this conversation, this does sound like a good time to mention that I wrote something along these lines last year for the Itch pride month jam - a short game about magic robots rebuilding their bodies, containing Extremely Unsubtle Trans Subtext: morkai.itch.io/body-of-work
@LizWeir ooooh.
@LizWeir ears prick up I like all those words
@LizWeir Have you seen my Goblin Court? It's not a trans metaphor, but it's not not a trans metaphor.
I'll give it a look!
@BESW We have plenty of tags nobody is an expert in :(
I don't like the idea of an ownvoices tag, because it doesn't really feel helpful.
So, if people are gonna talk about what rpg.se can do or change, individually or collectively, in response to WotC being a trash fire... I strongly urge that the conversation center on empowering marginalized communities and amplifying indie voices. Anything else is liable to just be assuaging guilt without producing anything of value.
@nitsua60 I have that bookmarked XD
Apparently I had it followed, ah well, now it's both
@BESW I can imagine using it for questions like "I've been invited to an invoice game, what should I bear in mind" which could be good-subjective
tagging is a double-edged sword. In theory it helps discoverability but if you start lumping a large collection of quite different games into one tag then that probably isn't practically very helpful and at worst may encourage some stereotyping about games of that nature
We tag real questions that are asking about real problems, I wouldn't go looking for a question to justify a woke tag.
@Carcer that was a concern
Really, the first step is to go out and buy indie games and read them and play them.
@BESW I agree, but if we want to boost marginalized voices one of the ways to do so might be to boost those tags
@BESW "the court thinks your goblin is a..." is getting a solid "mood" from me
@BESW this is also good
The hardest part for me is certainly that last step: and play them
@Medix2 same!
At the very least you will have then put money in the pockets of people who need it.
@LizWeir yes, I liked that, I liked that it's basically "you are doing your thing despite the castle humans thinking you are doing their thing and only their thing"
@Ash oooh I didn't look at Goblin Court closely enough, but now I might
@LizWeir [grin] I worked really hard on the text for that game, to get it to convey exactly the right tone. I'm glad it's getting good responses.
The first draft happened in basically a day and a night, and then I spent two months polishing it up and testing it.
Well, I appreciate all the discussion this past while and will certainly be thinking on it all quite a bit more. Probably gonna take a nice break for most of today, see ya
It's waaaay past my bedtime.
Next question, is a thing?
Again, I'd look for questions and figure out what they're gonna be tagged with, not tags first.
@BESW that's why I'm asking it's a thing, so I can look for questions
I'll take advantage of all the activity here to say that both nitsua and I have both dropped answers to the meta question about the unprotection issue that went down recently.
@Someone_Evil thanks
@nitsua60 it looks good to me.
@LizWeir I want to star your game but the structure of the message would cut off the link in the sidebar, so I'm gonna put it up again.
sure, go ahead!
Body of Work by morkai (@LizWeir) is a game of bodies, dysphoria, self-image and transformation.
Alright now somebody else star it 'cause I can't star my own messages without pinning 'em.
Im still relatively new here, only been really active a little over a month. My experience has been quite lovely, I've felt very welcome by the community and the mods and other active users have all been exceedingly pleasant. Thanks guys.
@BESW I got you
@ThomasMarkov Glad to hear it! Thanks for the feedback.
Q: AnyDice -- efficiency of code calculating rolls hitting a target with mixed pools; hitting the 5 second barrier

IsaacI have some code that is hitting the 5 second barrier; function: target N:n of A:s B:s C:s { result: [count {1..N, 1..(N/2)} in [sort {A, B, C}]] } output [target 7 of 4d12 0d20 0d8] output [target 7 of 4d12 2d20 0d8] output [target 7 of 4d12 4d20 0d8] Even if I remove the final output line,...

@Medix2 in particular has been really great to me. If there was a compliments box hanging on the wall Id put his name in there.
Our star board kinda is, and it looks like you just did :)
@Rubiksmoose I don't see yours?
Did you mean to link this one instead?
@doppelgreener errrrg too many tabs. Thanks! Fixed.
@Rubiksmoose And thus begins the great RPGSE civil war of 2020. (By which I mean that I expect it to be fairly civil, given that we literally collaborated on our opposing declarations!)
You want to be Tony or Steve?
@nitsua60 Dibs on Tony!
[I mean, I'll take Steve's abs, but I'd prefer Tony's $9B]
@nitsua60 Hey RDJr is no slob either.
$9B will probably buy you enough America Juice to get those abs though.
@doppelgreener you are correct, and I apologize for being grumpy there. Should have been less terse. Apologies.
@Yuuki $9B will buy me enough Coke and Mike'n'Ikes to hide 'em, too =)
That you're not pairing your Mike'n'Ikes with Mr. Pibb is an affront that I will not stand for, sir.
(More importantly, $9B will give me enough to put my kids through college, semi-retire, and give about $8.996B to charity.)
And given that I'm behind my computer desk, I suppose I am not standing for it.
@ThomasMarkov Response to that ^ (maybe too much but that's usual for me)
you ruined it
jk lolol
@KorvinStarmast 💚
1 hour later…
I'm back
huzzah! finally the conversation can continue ;-)
oh good, glad to know nothing has been said in my absence ;-)
@Medix2 I had the same thought and added a bunch of rugs of smothering into a dungeon to send the player characters virtual hugs.
@GcL I'm realizing I've never seen a character in media fight with a vacuum cleaner and now I want that
I forgot Luigi exists, wow Oh! Dust Force as well
Do Ghostbusters technically count?
@Medix2 If you like anime there is this lady: darthnancycosplay.blogspot.com/2016/04/…
(from Hunter x Hunter)
@Yuuki Definitely XD
@Rubiksmoose TRUE, gosh I really didn't try to think up vacuum-wielders did I
It's a surprisingly diverse group apparently lol
yeah, a vacuum as weapon, or adversary? Or, I guess ally, steed?, ...
steed's been done a bunch for modern witches I suspect
StTW immediately springs to mind
I knew there was some show about riding vacuum cleaners I was trying to remember, but couldn't place it. Wikipedia's entry for "Vacuum cleaner" seems to be one of the rare articles without an "In popular culture" section.
Huh, do they not have a list?
maybe tvtropes does
And some references to vacuums at tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlyingBroomstick though I don't see a better way of picking them out than opening it all and Ctrl+F through the page.
Q: Can Feign Death remove attunement from a cursed item?

Sam LacrumbWhen a creature dies, the attunement to their cursed items ends. So my question is, will Feign Death (p240 PHB) trick the curse into ending early? You touch a willing creature and put it into a cataleptic state that is indistinguishable from death... It is the same Level spell as Remove Curse...

Q: Can Living Gloves combined with Remove Curse be used to gain access to multiple artisan tool skills?

Sam LacrumbLiving Gloves (p278 ERftLW) Says: While attuned to these gloves, you gain one of the following proficiencies (your choice when you attune to the gloves): Sleight of Hand Thieves' tools One kind of artisan's tools of your choice One kind of musical instrument of your choice Symbiotic Nature. Th...

1 hour later…
Chimera, a genre blending Powered by the Apocalypse RPG by designed by Ryan Boelter and Amr "ammourazz," is an in-development game that plays with genre in a very interesting way by allowing you to build your own game easily using different Genre Modules. They just opened a Discord server (twitter link to invite) for talking about designing the game.
Masks: Superheroic Trans Angst by ThatAceGal is twenty trans themed questions for usage during the Share a moment of weakness/Celebrate a victory questions. These are explicitly for usage in messy trans narratives. Trigger warnings are included in each question. Please put you and your table's comfort first before using them.
The above is also part of
Bundle For Black Trans Protestor Fund, a sale hosted by ThatAceGal.
Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games by Sharang Biswas, Lucian Kahn, Clio Yun-Su Davis, Julia Bond Ellingboe, Kat Jones, Jonaya Kemper, Will Morningstar, Alex Roberts, and Susanne, edited by Lucian Kahn and Sharang Biswas.
@LizWeir I just realized I didn't link you to Sundown.
If you bought the Racial Justice bundle, it's in that.
@BESW Somehow I completely missed that it was in there. So yay I have it now :D
@BESW This looks like a thing that I should take a look at :D
@Ash It's got some names I associate with strong, thoughtful queerness.
@BESW oh that makes my heart REALLY happy, I was gonna ask about that.
In particular that it's edited by Lucian Kahn makes me hopeful, despite Pelgrane Press having a sketchy history with such things because it's a L*vecraft horror imprint first and foremost.
Ah, yeah, I can see how that might make things...complicated
They're working to improve the genre from within, I'll give them that.
And it's not like any moderately big-name press is without sin, so I'm not gonna tell anybody to withhold their money from marginalized creators because the only publishers available are sketchy at best.
That'd just perpetuate the problem.
For example, Jemisin has made it clear she knows Green Ronin has some skeletons leaning out of its closet and that their having the Broken Earth license is not a moral endorsement of the company; it's a business transaction.
@Ash You know Jonaya Kemper as the person talking about barding and griot traditions in TRPGs, and Lucian Kahn is the author of Gossip Squirrel.
@BESW oh! yes! I know those names
Q: Can a Readied Action be used multiple times in the same round if you have multiple reactions?

SpeedkatA Marilith picks up a Longbow to use in combat. It walks to a tower window overlooking a large battle with many creatures. It takes the Ready Action with a trigger of "when a creature moves or attacks, I will shoot it". Mariliths can take a reaction on every turn of combat. Does the Marilith get ...

I don't think that's an improvement at all
@BESW I'm not sure that I'll ever have a specific need for this, but I absolutely love that it exists.
And ThatAceGal is amazing.
I only just came across her work now!
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