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Grumbly. I'm having a much harder time than usual getting the game designs out of my head and into words other people can read.
Ah, yes, getting anything out of one's head and into words tends to be difficult at times
I think Goblin Court and Puppy Days may have given me an artificially inflated sense of my general capacity.
Goblin Court was less a game I wrote; it was more a game that happened to me and then I tidied it up.
Random question, why is it that in this room new questions appear in the top left corner but on every other Stack I've seen they're posted to a bot like @Hot RPG Questions
ah can't mention the bot like that. oh well you guys get the point
Because for years I was the only room owner here and I prefer ticker feeds to message feeds.
I personally like the way it is in here better too but was curious why no other stack seems to do it
The general argument seems to be that people don't like having the ticker drop-down cover up part of the conversation.
but it takes up so little room and has a really easy "dismiss" button
I find that's only disturbing if the ticker's been overstocked with extremely active feeds, while the in-chat message feeds are much more ubiquitously interruptive.
compare that to the ever present messages that take up an entire message space leaving even less room for conversation
So yeah, it's a choice made individually for each feed by whoever adds that feed to the room (room owners or elected moderators).
I'll never understand the people who like the messages for every new question better but that's just me
The one really clear advantage I can see to having in-message feeds is, you can search from them in the chat history.
that's true but you could just as easily search the questions section of the site
(And if you're not in the room when a feed event occurs, you miss it if it's only in the ticker.)
True... if the feed is a Stack Exchange feed.
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Many of our feeds are for RPG blogs and news sites.
...maybe later today I'll make a new vote-for-feeds post on meta, our feeds need updating.
I might need to see about finding a way to get titles for new [dnd-5e] questions sent to my keyboard (it's got an LCD display that I'm 90% sure can handle RSS feeds)
still need to play around with my keyboard and figure out how to add that in
@Himitsu_no_Yami What keyboard do you have?
Logitech G510S
best keyboard I've ever bought
I used to have an old G15. Have to say it was pretty good. Never did quite get the most out of the screen though.
I'm heading out now. Might be able to chat later depending on how well my cell signal is at home tonight
(usually not very)
Only let down is lack of mechanical keys.
Ciao! And Ciao!
@BESW In retrospect, IIRC the decision to bot the HNQs into the conversational stream was when we first gained the ability to de-HNQ individual questions and when we were, as a site, asked whether we'd like to be off completely. So we actually wanted to be obtrusive, to get more eyes on them for a while and be able to make those decisions. Perhaps the time's come to rethink that. (cc: @kviiri @Miniman @NautArch @doppelgreener @Rubiksmoose @V2Blast)
@nitsua60 True. Do we think it's still useful?
I certainly don't look at them through that lens any more. I'd kinda forgotten about that bit.
Yeah, I'm good with removing
On a side note, i tried to search, but did someone have a better wild magic surge table?
I use the 2e one.
It's almost a superset of the 5e.
So a lot "feels" right, but enough's a surprise that the sort of player I've had who liked wild surges... liked wilder surges even more =)
I've been looking at the "removing attribute bonuses from races" idea, particularly the one by James Haeck on DnDBeyond's blog. I don't like his alternative advantage for mountain dwarves, so was thinking maybe a "half" feat instead (ie, one of the "+1 to attribute and..." feats, without the +1 to attribute). Would heavy armour proficiency be unbalancing? They already get light & medium.
I wonder if the drive-by that we just had could have been handled better
@NautArch I am good with removing
@Ben heh, my warlock just dropped to zero HP. Does her famaliar go back to it's plane/place?
@nitsua60 that's definitely this player
Q: TRPG General Chat: vote for your feeds! (2e: Electric Bugaloobear)

BESWChat? Feeds? SE sites have associated chat rooms. This site's main one is TRPG General Chat. Check it out! SE chat supports feeds, which shows up as little ticker pop-ups from time to time. For the last seven years this meta post has been the place to decide what goes in our ticker feed, but i...

Close-as-dupe votes on the old thread, please.
@NautArch There are a couple of other 2e WM notions that I might consider throwing their way, if you're in a thematic mood: (1) wild mages had a chance of their spells going off at higher or lower (spell) level than anticipated.
It still consumed whatever slot the player had declared, but you (GM) roll to see what level actually comes out. It's swingier the higher level the original casting. Like a L1 spell is maybe 1/4 of the time actually L2, half the time unaffected, and 1/4 downcast to minimal (cantrip) effect. But a L7 has a 5% chance each of being up or down 4 (!) levels, 10% each +/-3 levels, 10% each +/- 2 levels, 20% each +/- 1 level, and only 10% chance of being at level.
(There's a table, naturally.)
(2) they can actually control the effects of randomized items. The rule in the book was that they had a 50% chance to just name the outcome of a DoMT or bag of beans or the like.
"This wand of darkness is awesome!" "That's a wand of wonder, idiot--watch where you point it!" "I don't think so... I just point it, say 'nox', and suddenly it's dark. Every time."
@TheOracle If this falls prey to the monster Lack Of Interest, like the last several attempts to revive the previous thread, I'll just curate the feeds myself and anybody who whinges about it can try to get the voting going again.
> Clearly, wild mages are a risky proposition. Not every player will want to play a wild mage; not every party will want a wild mage. The DM should not add benefits to the wild mage, hoping to the make the class more "attractive" to his players. Players who like wild mages will play them without bribery. They will find the uncertainty and randomness of wild mages irresistible; these are the players for whom the wild mage was created.
-2e Tome of Magic
@NautArch 0-100: You become a Draconic Sorcerer.
That's approximately -5.4365636569, right?
Q: What plane would an aboleth be from for the purposes of Banishment?

DallinMAn aboleth is classified as a large aberration. If someone were to use the Banishment spell, what plane would it be banished to? (if it is from a different plane?) Or would it just be banished to the 'harmless demiplane'?

BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Don't mind me, just removing feeds that haven't said anything useful in five years.
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
fair enough XD
@KorvinStarmast Depends on the binding spell I guess
@BESW Is there a way to vote for which feeds are chatbots and which go in the ticker?
Leave a comment if you want it to be an in-chat feed, otherwise I'm defaulting to ticker.
I'm gonna add a feed and then remove it, to see if this particular kind of link actually works. Doing this might spam the ticker with backlog from the feed, so I'm sorry if that happens.
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
2 hours later…
Okay, that link did not translate into a feed.
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
BESW has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
I don't personally have feelings for or against the ticker – the occasional good link pops up, but most of it I just ignore. But I'm glad we're looking into it :)
@nitsua60 I personally don't mind having RPG.SE HNQs in the feed. I often use it as an excuse to spruce up those questions :P
As for the ticker, I almost never end up looking at it...
just wanted to add some descriptive text to the link so I could pin it :)
@BESW Didn't have to download or anything, just had to point my keyboard at that address and name it. That was cool
This is actually super cool to have on my keyboard! I can see the title (or most of it in the case of longer ones) and I have a button to skip to the next one, one to open it in my browser, and one to mark as read so it doesn't keep popping back up. This is super cool!
I'm glad it's working well for you.
If I didn't have to have my phone in the window for a wifi hotspot to watch anime right now I'd take a picture and send it
BESW has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Humble RPG Book Bundle: Warhammer 40K Deathwatch by Cubicle 7 is available for the next 3 weeks. It has 4 tiers, at $1, $8, $15, and $18. It includes the Deathwatch core rulebook (at the lowest tier), the Game Master's Kit (at the $15 tier), and a bunch of supplements and adventures.
that makes me wonder... does Humble Bundle have RSS feeds (including maybe a separate one for RPG book bundles)?
...seems there's one for the Humble Bundle blog, but that's it
If you wanna add the Humble Bundle blog to the Vote For Your Feeds thread, go for it.
without any way to filter to just the RPG bundle posts, seems a bit too irrelevant to be worthwhile. (I mean, there might still be worthwhile deals in there, but I figure it should probably be at least mostly on-topic :P)
Apr 23 '18 at 10:53, by BESW
room topic changed to RPG General Chat: Main chat room for tabletop role-playing games [birds-apparently] [dice] [pen-and-paper] [roleplaying]
Aug 7 '18 at 20:02, by doppelgreener
At least for this chat, going by its history, the most off-topic thing anyone's probably asked in here was a tabletop RPG question.
speaking of Humble Bundle and being off-topic, Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation is free on the Humble Store for the next 2 days or so.
@V2Blast With very slightest of prodding I will add the Twitter account of Pumpernickel Pickle Periwinkle Chukwu Okorafor and the StickyFrogs tumblr to our ticker, just you watch.
Bird/h anyone?
(Actually, just looked into it, apparently Twitter has disabled RSS capacity. booo.)
But if anybody's got a -compliant tumblr page to recommend...
twitter ditching rss is pretty annoying
Okay, I might have to get in on this. What's the keyboard and how do I set it up like this?
(For a month now I've been thinking of finally splurging on a keyboard that's a step up from the 20 year-old hand-me-down that I'm currently working off of. About a dozen keys' labels are worn off, there's a divot in the left SHIFT key evocative of thousand year-old stone staircases, and (most troubling for online ringing) too much of the number pad occasionally sticks.
@nitsua60 You caught me at a good time, I just tabbed back to the chat before the ping! It's the Logitech G510s gaming keyboard. You'll need to Logitech Gaming Software but it's pretty lightweight and unintrusive. It runs in the background and unlocks everything that differentiates it from a normal keyboard
You'll just paste the RSS feed's link in there under subscribe to new feed
Sounds cool [checks price] GURKH-
Eh, maybe not.
check sites like ebay
I saw refurbished for like 80
That might be doable. It's not a budget-thing, it's a sensibilities-thing.
And for the record while the keyboard is a bit expensive it's honestly well worth the money. The programmable keys are really nice, you can also make it any RGB color (but I'm boring and stick with FF0000 red). Mine last me a good long time and I'm probably rougher on them than most (I always ended up wrapping the cord too tightly around it so it gave out but for someone who knows what they're doing it's probably not super hard to replace/fix)
I take mine with me for my laptop so it's constantly being moved around and wrapped up
I honestly hate any keyboard that isn't this nowadays.
Thinking about the keyboard reminds me I need a new bag... I've been using my old bookbag from highschool but the keyboard is a little too big for it to fit properly
2 hours later…
@Himitsu_no_Yami @nitsua60 I've got a friend who has one as well and he loves it
Says the keys are incredible
Not just the fun colors, but the actual key action
@Ben My brother and I figured out that since the 'lock was 0 HP and not dead, the familiar could still float around as she tried to make her death saves. The wizard poured a healing pot down her throat, so that got sorted out after two successful death saves.
@nitsua60 How many hours a day are you at your keyboard? If it's a lot, a nice one isn't a bad spend. Like your favorite size kitchen knife... might as well get a nice one given how much you use it.
@Himitsu_no_Yami You might want to look into an aluminum frame keyboard if you're traveling with it a lot. They tend to be more rigid and durable. I use one for conferences... well... used to anyway. I don't know if there is one with a braided cable, but that would ameliorate the wear and tear issue for the cable.
@GcL In the before-time, maybe an hour a day in aggregate. Nowadays, basically full-time so's I'm thinking it's be nice to treat myself to something decent. (But I had in my head, like, maybe fifty dollars worth of decent, not hundreds! Because there will be an after-time, for this I hold out hope.)
And the non-uniform resistance of some keys isn't a huge deal for my typing, but (I'm being ridiculous here) for the online bell ringing it's a little problematic. Because "good striking" is measured in milliseconds.
@nitsua60 Only an hour a day at the computer? That seems unfathomable to me. Yeah... could wait for after in that case.
What's the term for a total party kill, but only of the portion of the party that showed up for that session? Asking for a friend :)
@MarkWells "session we'll pretend didn't happen"
@Carcer I guess that is one option. "You all wake up from the long rest and two of you had the weirdest dream."
@MarkWells WOTAM? Waste of time and material.
"technical party kill"
@MarkWells Reroll time for you, and you and you ...
@Carcer Yeah, not sure how we're going to handle that. Newbie DM, applied the rules in a somewhat slippery way over the course of a fight, but on the whole we just got in over our heads and didn't run away. So I think it's a legitimate 0.5PK. Considering bringing in new characters and regrouping with the rest of the party at another (less lethal) entrance to the dungeon.
@MarkWells Failure to flee is a legitimate lesson for the players.
@GcL Absolutely.
@GcL That's probably an underestimate--but probably not more than two.
(I mean, before. Now... ugh.)
@nitsua60 That's cool. For that use amount, a high quality keyboard is probably overkill. Mid range and comfortable seems like it would more cost effective.
You could still do a device based news ticker... just not integrated with the keyboard. Could probably find one for your desktop somewhere as well. I recall Windows has an annoying messaging bin that you can add stuff into. Notifications bin?
Blimey, the things they discuss on the GURPS forum.
(Long discussion of spaceship design in minute detail.)
Who was it who said about what, "For those who like this kind of thing, this is the kind of thing they like"?
Yep. Choose your level of detail.
Hello Vicky.
The most minimalistic swear by GMing using nothing but Ultralite.
/me waves its pedipalps in greeting.
The most maximalistic use Technical Grappling and Tactical Shooting and then add houserules.
(For those who don't know, Ultralite is something like two standard pages in size, split into several micropages.)
There's a bit of a discussion going on right now - oh, you use those forums, don't you, hence you probably already know - about the best way to show prospective new players that GURPS can be played simply.
It rather doesn't show when you look at the main Basic Set rules, and still less when you look at the forums.
Lately I more often just kill spam and help people find answers that have been documented though.
I used to engage in discussions more.
It seems a bit silly really, obviously the forums would be about the difficult bits - the easy bits wouldn't need asking about on forums.
Yeah, the easy bits tend to be resolved in 5 posts or less, while the deep discussion tends to lead to dozens of posts or even hundreds.
I suppose people coming from something like D&D which doesn't have as many parts you can unscrew and put back in the box might look at the discussion of fearsomely complicated optional rules and assume that all those rules are going to be in their game, too, having not got used to the idea of optional rules.
This Stargate role-playing game I keep trying to join is getting ridiculous.
@A.B. Yeah, there's no assumption that everything published is in play.
All new applications have to go through this one person. I've been trying for a couple of weeks, at least, I think. He kept not answering my e-mails, and finally one of the moderators sent him a message reminding him to look at it, and he asked me to meet him in chat at 8pm on Thursday and we'd sort it out.
Waited for a whole hour, later got an e-mail saying his Internet had been on the blink and try again Saturday.
The moderators act like this is all perfectly reasonable and fixing things up with him shouldn't be any problem.
I'm never going to get into the blamed thing.
@A.B. At that point I'd just lose interest and find a different game
What different game.
I take it you're American.
I am. Not sure how that's related?
But I mean that after being ignored for that long, I'd just give up on trying to join that particular campaign/game
odds are that frustration will continue once you're in.
If they can't bother to respond to your application for weeks, I'd personally feel it's not worth the effort to keep trying to get into it
Meaning that I'm British and games in my time zone are very thin on the ground.
As it is, this one is in German.
Sure, but as they say, "No [games] is better than bad [games]." (I've only heard it as "No D&D is better than bad D&D" specifically, hence the brackets :P)
@A.B. I'm surprised there aren't more Brit D&D players.
Is everyone there tired of dungeons and dragons because there are so many of both there? /S
I think it's kind of self-perpetuating, online anyway. People look for a game, can't get one because they're vastly outnumbered on all English-language sites by the Americans, and leave again.
There ought to be a UK-specific website about role-playing. There was one, but it shut down a year or two back, I don't know why.
I managed to get into several campaigns on Euro-evening times, and am running two (but one is full and the other isn't stable yet), despite many North Americans on the server.
Now, by today those I played in either ended or ceased.
But still, it's not something to give up on.
@A.B. That seems like a gateway to a Brexit conversation better suited for Not A Bar.
What's that got to do with it? Why the heck am I supposed to talk about "Brexit"?
@GcL I didn't even think in that direction until you brought up that topic.
(Sounds a bit like a joke about UKers setting up their own server --> "Brexit" of the US-centric servers --> (real) Brexit's a fraught political topic we'd usually recommend taking to the bar?)
Anyway, game listings are not paper. They can take up very very many entries, all that's needed then is to sort through them based on time windows of the sessions.
Q: Is there a concise description of what 'special' damage is?

MichaelDorfThis may be somewhat a worthless question as I've looked diligently without success. I don't believe the information is physically present but I thought I'd give it a shot. In my games things have temporarily side stepped in to the sword and planet genre (lol don't ask) and I find myself in need...

@A.B. Build a separate UK version of a thing that already exists instead of sorting out how to integrate is usually the sort of discussion that leads to Brexit discussions these days.
Then it's a pity they mostly don't tag according to time zone in any way that you can sort through without opening each thread one by one and checking them.
You could try this subreddit: reddit.com/r/LFG_Europe It seems promising at cursory inspection
Or just query the main /r/lfg reddit.com/r/lfg/search?q=UK&restrict_sr=1
Google does an okay-ish job of indexing those reddit posts. Could specify with a site specific search and custom date range like so: google.com/search?q=UK+site:www.reddit.com/r/lfg/…
If anybody has a more recent printing of the 5e-dnd Monster Manual and can check what the Imp (somewhere around page 76) has resistance to, I'd be very happy to hear it
Actually, I'll just open a question
@Medix2 Damage Resistances Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered
@Medix2 Seems like a poor use of a question.
Well I found four different wordings and was rather confused
Is that from DnD Beyond or the Monster Manual?
I think the imp is in the basic rules set so should be here: dndbeyond.com/monsters/imp
I only have an old print version.
Yeah and the PHB errata and MM errata conflict
On what aspect?
According to the MM errata it would become "bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered" which is just bad
So no cold resistance?
Oh nah that's there too
The PHB errata reads like the MM entry I'm looking at. What's the wording problem?
Does "attacks that aren't silvered" sound right to you?
Usually it's weapons that aren't silvered or non-magical.
Seems a bit peculiar, but appears like they're trying to combine spell attacks and silvered weapons into the same clause
@A.B. Oh, you're talking about the forum? I meant on the GURPS Discord; that one has a sheet listing games and at least most people mark time windows or timezones. I also had some luck on the FATE Discord but less so.
Hey hows ur covid19 going
i mean, staying ta home and all
and not ta
@TaylorSpaulding I think there's an entire chat for that.
yeah, anyways I have a serious question; just wanted to be friendly
I have actually 2 questions
It's it RPG serious, or like I accidentally mixed up mayonnaise and ranch dressing serious?
RPG serious. 1. In a campaign that I am running, a player is playing 2 characters at once. That wouldn't b a problem, but her two characters are exact opposites of each other; so when her character fails at one thing or cant do one thing she uses the other character... Even if her other character has no idea on what the situation is. Shes already gained some xp and equipment, but she is using A LOT of meta gaming, wut should I do?
Have you tried talking to the player about your concerns?
What problem does that cause?
(I.e. are they the only "double-hander" and monopolizing spotlight time, or the group feels like there's no challenge because this player snipes everything?)
How many players are at the table? Usually I don't let a player have two characters at once. Sometimes there's an NPC with listed goals and personality traits that I let the players pass around and portray collaboratively.
the group has brought it to my attention; and the person kind of destroys everything so they don't get any XP. (there are 4 players). But the problem is she's getting a huge amount chances to get what she wants, which is completely unfair to the other players. Shes able to accomplish almost any thing, stealing, fighting... etc.
because she has 2 players and not because of hard working xp
every other player has worked towards upgrading their characters, whereas she hasn't.
Probably next step is to have a 1 on 1 chat with the player, say that you and the other players have voiced concerns. You don't think it's fair that they have 2 characters.
The party members don't all get the same exp?
Oh yeah, and don't do individualized XP, especially if you have a spotlight hog.
^ I concur.
I don't even let characters have different levels anymore. Group advances in lock step.
The success of one is the success of all.
YES THATS a great Idea. Because both of her characters are home brew races. And her stats are insanely huge because of home brew. I've tried to lower down some things, and talked with her in the past, however shes really sensitive and gets frustrated at me easily.
so its been really hard for me to make some rules with her
Sounds like you have many issues going on here.
As the person running the game, you'll often need to impose rules on a particular player, not because you want to make a player feel bad, but because everyone else is following those rules.
Homebrew, interpersonal communications, game play procedure. The communication is probably the biggest one. You can tell them the issues you're observing and see if they can help you come up with solutions.
Definitely have a solution ready to propose, but see if they've got a proposed solution. Also, clearly define what you think a working solution should do and how that can be evaluated if it's working.
Letting them have one overpowered character can be okay, but you'll have to do some extra work as DM to ensure that other players have opportunity to do stuff.
Few things are worse than open ended proposals without any criteria to evaluate "this is not working when.." or "this is working when...."
Ok. That makes sense, I was thinking of talking with her and just having her choose between one of them. Strength or Dexterity, however I don't want to sound like i'm being mean at all, in fact in the past when I've brought up issues, it hasn't gone well.
That's my thought. Also, next campaign... shy away from homebrew content.
YUP that's wut i have learned EXACTLY!
Or impose a rule such that any and all homebrew content is up to DM discretion, only allowed on a case-by-case basis.
Bring all the characters up to the same amount of xp as the current highest and tell everyone the group is getting awarded exp so everyone is getting the same amount from now on.
@MikeQ You can have the model T in any color you want provided it's black.
@MikeQ eh, it's safer to just say no until you've got a lot of experience to evaluate homebrew or you're sure you can take away what you have given without getting someone extremely upset
Ah, good point. Taking away the players' toys due to DM oversight is difficult.
@MikeQ At some point, just ending the campaign is easier?
Quitting has its consequences too. Particularly at a social level.
Oh yeah! I dont think im ready to completly trash the campaign yet, however there changes that need to be made
BIG changes
Anyway @TaylorSpaulding you can let the player decide how to change their character, just give them the criteria. 1 character only. Maybe you want to restrict to official race options (at least for mechanical stuff. they could keep the descriptive stuff, depending).
Just let it come to the natural conclusion. OP characters should pretty much wreck the BBEG earlier and easier than originally planned.
Yeah I really am tired of them finding new stuff out about, there homebrew races and just adding them
the thing is I've already changed alot of there chracters, one guy completly changed his chracter 3 times
I think i might need to have a session 0 tonight
@TaylorSpaulding You should probably but the kibosh on that in very short order. For now and the future "no adding material"
@TaylorSpaulding That's an excellent plan.
As long as the campaign is still running, you can always have a session 0. You can have multiple, if needed.
I only know a tiny bit about session 0's... what exactly are they
Basically it's a meta-discussion to help get everyone on the same page, so that everyone (DM included) has a shared understanding of what game they want to play. It's to sync up expectations - about logistics, in-game themes, characters, the world, cover all the bases. Maybe identify what's off-limits. And so on.
Because the all-too common problem is that different players come to the table with different expectations, so they end up trying to play different games, and that causes group conflict.
Yeah DEFINTLY I learned that in this campaign. Also, is there times that players after a roll, describe what happens on there own. When does that happen?
That's something to discuss with the players. Do you want to let players describe outcomes of their rolls? Does it depend on context?
Yeah kinda, I just dont know when I should let them.
Theres certain things that they can just describe themselves, and it would give them a chance to act out the situation as their character would
If this is D&D 5e, I think the rulebook says that the DM describes the consequences. Although in practice this is often up to personal style.
yeah, the general rule is that the player tells you what they're trying to do, then you tell them what actually happens, if their abilities/luck falls short of their intentions.
there is no specific guidance about when and how you can elide that rule and let the players just state definitively what happens.
Yeah this is 5e, And yes, that actually really helps. Ok note to self only describe when they fail at something.
Some DMs like to distribute narrative burden among the players, and let the players describe events within the scope of their characters, provided that they don't start changing things that shouldn't be changed.
Then again, I'm not sure that's a good idea for your group, at least not until everyone is on board the same ship, so to speak.
@TaylorSpaulding Another crucial point - the session 0 isn't just time for the DM to impose their expectations. It should be a collaborative discussion, so that players can also voice their expectations.
Could help identify the reasons why one player wants two overpowered homebrew characters, and maybe someone can provide alternatives that fit that player's needs.
@TaylorSpaulding I'm on one end of the GMing spectrum here: my session zeroes with (RL) groups feature a conversation about what's in, (starting from a default assumption of "nothing") rather than what's out.
@nitsua60 I'd love to sit in on such a session, sounds like a different style than what I am used to. could be a neat learning tool.
One of my projects is developing a tool for ongoing conversations about a campaign, using techniques lifted from Microscope and other systems.
Dec 28 '18 at 23:54, by BESW
@RyanfaeScotland I've found that session 0 is often necessary, but rarely sufficient. Session 0 is less about figuring out everything about how the game will be played, and more about initializing an ongoing conversation about what we like and need which will continue over the entire campaign so we can course-correct as we go.
@TaylorSpaulding Personally (and I know this isn't what a lot of game manuals expect) I like it when the participant on the "losing" end of the roll gets to describe the result. So the GM describes how the PC succeeds, and the player gets to describe how their character fails.
@BESW This which will continue over the entire campaign so we can course-correct as we go is so key to it working as intended
That's why I wanna build a tool that's designed for check-ins every session as part of the game flow.
@BESW Ooh, yeah, a "howgoesit" as the opening ante.
Microscope has a really good structure for it: at the beginning of the campaign you list things that would be "normal" to include in that kind of campaign but the players don't want to include in this one, and things that would be surprising to include but the players DO want to try and work into the game. This gives a good structure to the game and is an opportunity to say "no spiders please" without it being a big deal.
And then after each session you pick something from the session (character, theme, location, item, whatever) that you want to see more of during the campaign. At the beginning of each session, you pick one thing from that list to make important in that session.
(In Microscope it's actually in terms of rounds, not sessions, but the pattern holds.)
That's a solid foundation for a recurring checking-in-and-re-affirming structure with a positive "more of this please" focus.
It's not comprehensive; bleed and situations need their own tools.
Q: Can a Glamour bard cast a level 1+ spell and cast the Command spell using the Mantle of Majesty feature in the same turn?

danielson317For clarity It's already clear from several other questions that a Glamour bard may not maintain concentration on Mantle of Majesty and another concentration spell at the same time. This is not my question. Rules A creature may not normally cast 2 spells of 1st level or higher in the same tur...

@BESW when we were all looking at the 'shared world' model about 4 years ago, I suggested we try Microscope as an intro session so that we'd get a look at building the world together before the various GM's got their corner of it. 3 of 7 agreed, 4 of 7 said "nah, not interested" 7 out of 7 of us had never played with Microscope. sigh
@BESW yeah--Microscope's delineated structure (after I'd played it) made it clear how easy it was to have that sort of conversation--I'd worried before trying that it'd be too rigid or it's make people feel railroaded.

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