I wouldn't be concerned about it so long as everyone has fun.
I fudged some NPC hitpoints last session because it was more dramatic for the players to get captured then to win the fight they technically should have won.
So I gave my gf the Amulet of Samarkand (book 1 of the Bartimaeus Trilogy), and she's said she's really enjoying it, which is great.
She's a couple of chapters off the end, and I would have thought she'd be tearing through it at this point, but she's just reading it chapter at a time. It's frustrating me XD
Just because I couldn't put it down at that point, by comparison haha
5e-dnd: Would a question about the ramifications of allowing the Sorcerer's Extended Spell Metamagic to apply to spells with a duration of 1 round or more (instead of just 1 minute or more) be too broad? I'm worried it would just amount to "analyze all 15 or so of these spells for me"
@Medix2 Doesn't strike me as too broad--that list of 15 spells is the sort of thing that an expert could look at, think about for a sec, and pick out "these ten don't even benefit, really, those three aren't a big deal for their utility, but you have to think hard about these two."
Whereas a novice doesn't have the experience to be able to see those categories, or explain it... sounds like it could benefit from expertise.
"What are the ramifications" is also edging into XY territory, probably. There might be some context that would help: "my player asked for this, here's the sort of campaign we're playing, what should I be considering when saying yes/no" or the like.
Cuz to me it doesn't seem overpowered, it costs a limited resource. Though I do worry about shield, color spray, and booming blade
Yeah I could certainly elaborate why the question came up. Player wanted to use Extended Spell on blade ward and I was just like, uh... technically no, but let's go with it for now
I was looking the Player's Handbook and I saw that there are 3 different types for Spell Sniper.
Simply put, does choosing all three of them create an 8 times multiplier?
For example, say that a Lv 10 Arcane Trickster were to use the three ability score improvements he/she had to take three fe...
So @MikeQ @linksassin @KorvinStarmast and all others willing/able to comment on my revision of the Corruption system.
I have already started to get into "how it works mechanically" i.e. thing happens - players respond in this way - this outcome occurs; and I just want to make sure that the points we were discussing yesterday have been addressed.
@KorvinStarmast The main app is just a compendium reader, so it's mostly useful for those who want to be able to read the books offline... Probably more useful for those with tablets. There's also a player-experience-focused app that's currently in alpha testing for subscribers - that has things like character sheet functionality offline.
@Ben \o
@Rubiksmoose Correct. Aside from PCs, monster height is only sometimes mentioned outside the statblock (i.e. in the lore/flavor descriptions) as far as I know.
@NautArch Indeed, resistances to the same thing never stack. For instance, tieflings have fire resistance, and absorb elements grants resistance to the triggering damage type, but you would only halve the damage once if a fire bolt hit you and you cast absorb elements in response to it (meaning there's no benefit to doing so other than the damage boost to your next melee attack).
@Kuerten Ah, good reminder! Thanks for sharing :)
@NautArch 600 feet, by me. We were level 17 or so in a homebrew campaign, and we were preparing to attack a dragon that we knew was coming to attack us. I was playing a UA revised ranger (Deep Stalker subclass, i.e. the original version of Gloom Stalker from the same UA) with the Alert, Sharpshooter, and Elven Accuracy feats. Sharpshooter meant no long-range disadvantage on my longbow (oathbow, specifically) attacks I got to shoot it several times before it could even do anything to us :P
I think it was theater of the mind for that part of the fight
Say I trigger the bonus attack granted by GWM's first feature, (bonus attack upon crit or killing blow). Can I then apply GWM's second feature (-5 atk, +10 dmg) to that bonus attack?
As a barbarian at level 5 (extra attack) , this would mean that I could use this feature a total of 3 times — th...
Are there card-game vocabularies for turning cards sideways and then back upright? I know of M:tG's "tap" and "untap" but I'm looking for other inspiration.
"Trophy" is an itch.io collection maintained by technoskald, gathering all available material for the Trophy Gold TRPG in one place.
A large creature on a square-tile map takes 2x2 spaces. If the creature can move up to 30ft and the each square-tile is worth 5ft does a creature move up to 6 squares or 12?
The message cantrip says the following:
You point your finger toward a creature within range and whisper a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only you can hear.
The spell itself has a duration of 1 round and a range of 120 feet, but I...
@Himitsu_no_Yami no, as long as it isn't personal. (But I tend to give players enough rope that they'll more often hang themselves than me as DM need to do anything at all).
@Himitsu_no_Yami For great justice! the dice are indeed fickle
@BESW I have a vague memory of playing Eucher years ago, and in that game one of the cards had to be sideways, but I can't remember why. (In re your previous question about card direction) But that was only when they were face down, I think.
sale, 20% off: In The Deep, Deep River is a new game by Diwata ng Manila about our inner fears and about the things we've left behind. Play as Finders diving into the depths to retrieve what the Waters have taken from us.
@KorvinStarmast Given Cardboard Monster's theming, I'm looking at "time out" as a potential phrase.
Depends. Maybe the target can come up with their own justification, e.g. "Drop my weapon? Yes, I do feel a cramp coming on..." or similar. Otherwise it risks getting into fuzzy territory of arguing whether or not the suggestion was convincing enough.
JC's suggested uses make some sense, but I don't love the "flee! A dragon comes" unless the characters are of a low enough level to be scared of that threat.
THe others he does back up with "your sword is cured" or "don't attack, i mean no harm"
the latter works if the caster does no harm. But once they do, then it's clear they were lying.
if you can get ahold if @keithcurtis he's very knowledgeable on roll20 (and he's posted here with some frequency) - he may have the kind of answer you are looking for. I'd suggest trying it out as a Q.
@NautArch I wonder how much money I'd have won if I went back in time to when D&D came out and bet everyone that an article/video about elite Hollywood D&D clubs would be released decades later.
@NautArch Surprisingly I think I'm mostly with you on this. The range of suggestions that could be considered reasonable in combat is really narrow. Even something like "Ignore the wizard, take down the big troll!" is pushing it.
@MikeQ Not during combat, and i'm always wary about using it on PCs. Same with Counterspell.
I actually really dislike counterspell as well because of that. One of my players currently has it, and it's tough to remember to not say what i'm casting.
I just take care to use charm-type spells only on players who I know will happily play along with it. (Sometimes the delight with which they'll act against the other characters is welcome but a bit surprising :P)
So for anyone who's played the Master's Vault on roll20. I'm running without the premade characters so we have two characters using classes the part in the forest didn't account for (Warlock and Monk) any suggestions on what ability check to ask those two players for and how to describe it?
Once nice thing about being home all the time, is my old books are just a few rooms away. Going to go read through some 2nd edition classic Gygax to figure out where wild magic was from.
@NautArch Every class is given a different check for this part. I can paste the examples
Helene then asks each PC to perform a task they excel in. She knows the character’s abilities well since Elaria shared so many stories with her. Below is the command Helene issues to each PC and the relevant ability check required.
@ACuriousMind One of the many things you can do "if your players are mature about it". My wife designed a one-shot where the endgame is half of the party getting charmed and ordered to murder the other half. So far nobody has flipped the table over that, but I could see it happening.
@Himitsu_no_Yami Monk: "Does a dog have the Buddha-nature?" Wisdom (Religion) (Probably a bad idea; I think I'm alone in wanting D&D monks to be actual contemplative-religious monks.)
@MarkWells Hmm. I'm not sure I totally agree with this. I mean, I generally do, but it's also weird to reward the behavior I want their character to do rather than what they do.
Such an explicit system leads to the DM directing character development.
One thing to note is that each of the ones in the table line to up that class's primary stat so I don't think Warlock should use Wizard's in this case but I might've come up with the skills now comes the part of figuring out the command for each of them
@NautArch The reasoning is that any rewards for anything are somehow based on the group choosing to value certain character actions over others. A very common OSR critique of "modern" (2e and later) D&D is that XP is mainly awarded for getting in fights.
Suppose a character has perception B1 (maybe they are a young troll or something). If they open their observation skill, either in character burning or through play (testing, practice, instruction), are all of the following consequences true, or have I misunderstood something?
The points are in n...
@Himitsu_no_Yami If the warlock didn't take aracana as a proficiency, then I wonder at the character's conception of what a Warlock is. I deleted that comment, since I then saw the extended discussion. (I like your idea on the command thing ...)
As written, Arcana is the skill for knowing how magic works, which is useful for spellcasters. Although it's fair to allow other ability scores & skills instead, depending on context.
and a wizard without it could make sense, too. They just studied something else, i guess. No one has to do anything that doesn't match the vision of their character
Do Suggestion's suggested activities need to be pursued immediately, at the expense of anything else?
Can the DM decide that the influence of Suggestion sets limits on action economy, like some conditions?
My scenario:
I'm a player. Party is surprised by a group of enemies. I'm...
As mentioned previously, we are renaming the Favorites feature to Bookmarks. This allows us to both match how it's currently used more closely and communicate what to expect from it better.
If you're already using this feature, you should expect no changes beyond the naming and the icon. If you'...
Annnnd I pulled the trigger. I'm doing one of Magpie's curated Masks games as a player. I'm excited to play the game from the other side with an experienced GM.
@KorvinStarmast Oh, "insatiable thirst for knowledge and power" I suppose you mean. But Rule Zero. And besides, the description goes on to contradict that with one of its examples - "Sometimes a traveler in the wilds comes to a strangely beautiful tower, meets its fey lord or lady, and stumbles into a pact without being fully aware of it". Probably wouldn't have Arcana.
My 13th Age paladin was a mountain nomad famous for his skills with body art, who received a vision from the Lady which inspired him to take up arms against oppression. (He doesn't know which Lady it was, and he's a little surprised at how much other people think it matters.)
And Troggy's 4e character was a paladin who needed sneaky powers to escape oppression. So a fey queen visited him in a dream and offered him warlock powers in exchange for an undefined future favour.
Although that kinda makes sense. If what he was told to do stacks up, then who told him to do it doesn't really matter - unless and until she gets involved in any other way, at least.
@A.B. My character was an elemental shaman, mechanically. Their powers were primal. But their belief system was cobbled together from fragments of ancient texts about the long-dead gods (Dark Sun is a place that hasn't had gods in a very long time).
(Mechanically they had a multiclass cleric feat, but I specifically chose the feat which gives no divine powers--only non-divine bonuses to healing skills and powers.)
(I use they pronouns for Skola because although at the time I put "female" in the gender box, I've since realized they were nonbinary. The DDI interface didn't really encourage that kind of thing, unfortunately, so I didn't figure it out until later.)
@Ash I was telling someone about Skola and went for a pronoun and couldn't find one for a moment, and then I remembered I'd been using "she" for the character but I couldn't bring myself to anymore, and so things when ahah!
@trogdor Yeah, Skola's the DS shaman who filled the board with summoned elementals which all gave different kinds of buffs to friends who stood next to them, making rounds take three times as long.
Sorry if the question was asked before, but I didn't find any good answers for me.
Im a new DM playing on Roll20 and I'm making a new Class that fights with magical cards, dice and coins.
I need a deck of cards that you can drawn from, where all cards have different ef...
6e Game Jam hosted by Batts. This one is for the queer, underprivileged, POC, and black creators that are trying to take and reclaim what that one company from the coast has forged. This one is for you. Take it.