@NautArch That's a great question. Back in the early 80's, my Fighting Man was flying around on the back of one of those Ebony Fly magic items. He maneuvered to a high position for a diving shot over a dragon and took a long shot down, dragon was fleeing/bugging out. (Between me and our Magic User, we had done some damage) The DM estimated that the shot, once it hit (I rolled a 19! woot!) had travelled over a half of a mile, but most of the distance was in the vertical.
@NautArch If you believe in verisimilitude, yes (both the DM and I were in flight training at the time, and immersed in Boyd's Dog Fighting/OODA loop stuff)
@NautArch Long Bow range in Chainmail/OD&D was 21", which outdoors was 210 yards; indoors was 210 feet.
The DM certainly gave me the benefit of the doubt on the "down hill shot extending the range ..." all in all a lucky shot.
Longest shot I took ToTM / 5E was with Nits DMing during a chase in Port (Nyanzaru?) in Chult. Trogdor (Paladin) and I were chasing a spy/rogue/Assassin kind of NPC who had that bonus action dash, and he was getting away; only reason I could keep following him was that I'd already cast hunter's mark. I got two shots in at long range, both of which hit and the second dropped him; I'd not have been able to get a third based on Nits debrief afterwards.
That flat +2 bonus for archery fighting style was the clincher.
I hope our first campaign's DM can return from real life haiatus. Our vengeance paladin dwarf had just hit level 7 and was beginning to get into his own as a damage machine.
@KorvinStarmast And we're still together! Almost 6 year long campaign. New campaign now with the previous DM now a player, and a player moved up to DM.
Sadly on hold. But that's why I"m running Dead in Thay.
Coolness. Our group is now in a home brew world, my brother's, which we take turns DMing. I have a new batch almost done with Sunless Citadel, and I have the hools out to get them into Forge of Fury. But my evil plan is to get them to Hidden Shrine.
If a question has several comments beneath it saying "related: [related question here]" should they be tidied up into a single comment and have the others flagged for deletion or just leave them be?
@KorvinStarmast I've hit targets at 100 yd, but it's target shooting at that range, not bullseye shooting. I can imagine a heavier draw and getting out to 200 yd, but it's kind of a crapshoot at that distance. (Unless I've got a hundred friends standing alongside me, doing the same thing!)
@nitsua60 100 yards is still a fine shot. :) (I have reached my voting limit today, so I guess I need to step back, and ... wait, there's the fridge. And lookee there, a cold beer... Later, folks )
A champion fighter gets a second fighting style at 10th level.
Can the 2 different martial fighting styles be used together at the same time?
For example protection and defense from a champion fighter, would it gain both bonuses?
Possibly related.
The text of Bane reads:
Whenever a target [...] makes an attack roll or saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw.
Emphasis mine. Bless reads similarly. Based on this text, and the lin...
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Note: discussions about gender and sex (including discussion about pronouns) have the opportunity to harm others. Please be very careful when engaging in such discussions on this site. It is unacceptable to, in any form, denigrate someone's personhood or identity on this site. Knowingly and intentionally harming others in this way is unacceptable, morally wrong, and against the rules, and will result in moderator action.
More often than not, we tend to be pretty good about this here, but when we aren't, people get hurt. As always, be kind and wonderful to each other.
Worldbuilding: manilla (European term; each region has its own name for the currency) is a bronze or copper currency used in West Africa into the 1940s. The Leopard People in Nnedi Okorafor's Akata Witch (Sunny's Adventures) novels have a magical version called chittim which falls from the sky when they learn something, because in their society knowledge and insight are true wealth.
CONSEQUENTIAL REDEMPTION by breathingstories is a solo-or-group game about a supervillain finding a chance for redemption during a teamup with superheroes against a larger threat.
@Himitsu_no_Yami Only the player can be the judge of that. Removing player agency is generally a contentious move, because you've invited players to play and then suddenly they're sidelined and can't participate. Or, maybe, the player is happy to sit back and watch the cinematics. So you'd have to ask them about it.