I'm so glad they're is still going too. It's one person doing this all on their own, they even had their YouTube acct hacked for the views, and basically the entire internet is screaming for this person to do an actual movie.
For the Barbarian, is Reckless Attack still active if you retaliate (lv 14 Path of the Berserker) against someone when they hit you? On Reddit, it said for the Fighter's Evasive Footwork that,
"While most people see the game in rounds, that is not how things happen at all. If your character mov...
I'm planning a campaign and I want to have a village where magic doesn't work. You can't cast spells, magical items lose their ability, things like that.
I am fairly new to the lore and mechanics of the D&D world so I don't have a good grasp on how to do this. I could say the village is cursed...
Apparently, several board game companies are offering to send a portion of online game sales to your Friendly Local Gaming Store, to help stabilize them. If you're planning to order something, see if you can send some love to your local (or preferred) FLGS!
A new player told me he wants to use the Great Weapon Master feat and choose 'Unarmed Strikes' as his weapon. I told him no because Unarmed Strikes are not considered weapons. He argued with me and I told him I would ask here and let this be the ruling.
Can you use this feat with an unarmed stri...
@GcL Feature-wise, the Epic store is a bit lacking. No wishlist, no cart (you have to buy each item individually), etc. The launcher has few bells & whistles, but works fine. And some of the games they've given away are great.
For example, say a character is placed in a supernaturally hot environment, requiring a constitution save with the following result table:
\textbf{Result} & \textbf{Effect}\\
\text{16+} & \text{no effect}\\
\text{10-15} & \text{1d6 fire damage}\\
\text{9 or l...
As the party entered a cave in last night's adventure for 1st level PCs a kobold shaman (after a lame thunderwave that barely moved the PCs, though the two giant spiders did get two effective webs off) dropped a fog cloud on the whole party. My nephew's response? Create / Destroy water. He did the Destroy part. Cleared out enough of the fog cloud for the party to lay into the spiders. I thought that was a great tactical move.
@PierreCathé By the way, I liked your answer and upvoted it yesterday. I was going to leave a comment about "why not use continual flame" since glow lights are not sunlight, but when I read "does not produce heat" I suspect they would not receive that too well, given the question's slant.
@BESW Agree on Caps Lock, but since when is bold shouting? It is, like italics, used for emphasis. (Did I miss a memo?)
@PierreCathé Oh, bold and caps at the same time? Aha, yeah, that would be a shout. @BESW I guess I never saw the commment, sorry.
A favorite comments exchange of mine ... @MatthieuM says there's a lot the DM can do to avoid PCs death if she wishes to and DaleM replies But I don't wish to! {evil chuckle} Death stalks my table; over there ... Near the salt The "over there...near the salt" just made me chuckle again.
@Rubiksmoose There's an old book, You Just Don't Understand Me, that (among other things) describes the facets of communication as including (a) what I intend, (b) what I say, (c) what I recall, (d) what you hear, (e) what you understand, and (f) what you recall. Given all those failure points, I'm always kinda amazed when communication succeeds.
@PierreCathé With a game as widespread as D&D, I always get frustrated when I hear stories from casual players who find some way to play it in a way that deviates from expectations in a way that detracts from their enjoyment of it. And whenever I hear such a story and realize the letter of a rule expresses the notion of what ought to have happened for fun, and the spirit of the rule (as nebulous a concept as that is) is taken as asserting the avoidable poor outcome...
@Powerdork Just remember that there are lots of different playstyles. Both in here and at table. Frustration can occur when playstyles collide, but that's where communication comes in.
A huge part of RPG culture, esp. with DnD, is built on the assumption of the GM being the infallible god engine of the game. Meshes poorly with the GM actually being a fallible human who might not even know the system that well.
@kviiri Just as a referee is the "infallible god engine" of a soccer game? The original concept of DM as referee (well, that's part of a multi faceted role) still applies.
Meshes poorly with the GM actually being a fallible human who might not even know the system that well Yeah, GMing for this style of game calls for at least a modicum of system mastery.
@kviiri Simply discussing the rules with the DM is not being a rules lawyer, connotation wise. It is the extent to which that activity disrupts play that the problems arise.
Well eg. in my first DnD game our GM allowed my party-mates to loot weapons out of a monster and he said they use the same stats they used when used by the monster. To-hit and damage bonuses included, despite those coming from the monster, not the weapon itself.
When I argued about this, the GM said "it's given as a constant in the MM" (which is true for all weapons there... the modifiers are pre-calculated) and the other players quickly jumped in to say that I can't know what the bonuses are supposed to be
Then I reminded that the bonuses used by the weapon are a bit on the crazy side for PC use but that too was ignored.
@KorvinStarmast That the other players got a blatantly over-powered weapon that completely shifted the focus of the game because the GM didn't understand the rules, mainly that 1) the players shouldn't be just able to lift monster special attacks and use them as is and 2) even if they should, there should be some modicum of table balance present
@kviiri Even back in grognard days, power tripping DM's often found that people would migrate away from their games, and plenty of people were interested in trying their hand at it.
@kviiri I fulfill that role in my brother's campaign, but I rely on my nephew to keep me straight. I still make goofs. (ask V2, I did quite a boo boo a few weeks back on turn order, DOH!)
Except I don't really play with them anymore because I just find their games boring
@RevenantBacon Yeah, this is by my experience the case with experienced groups. The case I described earlier was basically a table full of first-timers with a couple of people with some previous games under their belt, from years ago.
@kviiri heck, my first two months with 5e were kinda disorienting, since I was relying mostly on AD&D 1e/2e, and small amounts of 3.x for reference and a decade long layoff. I had to embrace "think of it as a new game" before I began to get it.
And I still think that Warding bond is woefully underused ... :p
The worldbuilding there hits a sweet spot for me where it's super easy to come up with cool adventure hooks, but I don't want to script too much in advance x_x
@AncientSwordRage You know, maybe now is the time for me to get GIMP or some such and work in using it effectively. it's a few months from now that the game will begin.
OK, just noticed the SO important factor: text be fine. :-)
@goodguy5 That would be cool. While the bling is over done, if you can shade the hair auburn and maybe a neckline raise, I might find it to hit "good enough" though my ladies always wear sensible boots when adventuring. :-)
just to confirm, you can't see this either, right: https://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/201/91/png-transparent-pathfinder-roleplaying-game-dungeons-dragons-bard-half-elf-elf-elf-cartoon-fictional-character.png
@goodguy5 Oh wow, If the ears weren't pointy I'd go with that. Fiddle is the instrument I intended to use .. (How do we get the checkerboards to go away? )
heres a different shot https://img.favpng.com/11/7/5/dungeons-dragons-pathfinder-roleplaying-game-bard-half-elf-png-favpng-sKsZZCh2mt5MfwzY9DAhSSxvE.jpg
@goodguy5 That's nice. All I need to gimp is hair to auburn and ears to round/almost round. Niiiice bard on a fiddle, yeah.
Sensible boots, leather armor, modest dress, dagger and blade, bling but not too much ... all around good combo... any my favorite color is blue anyway :-)
@goodguy5 I could; did that for my life cleric. But the hero forge ones seem a bit too 'clunky' for the picture I have in mind. Maybe I'll revisit ... PS: I saved that pic, and if the 13th age game gets into mid to upper levels, maybe I'll order a custom bard from HF and paint it up. :)
@goodguy5 I have probably about 3 dozen mini's (maybe 4) that I've painted myself, with about 55% of them being squads of near identical guys, and the rest as unique characters.
@nitsua60 hahaha. We've killed it twice now :( Wife keeps forgetting it's in the oven and turns it on. But honestly, I think it was dead before she did that on the 2nd run.
I'm not giving up, though. I really want this to work. I freaking love bread.
@goodguy5 I remain addicted to peanut butter even at my advanced age. My wife mostly buys almond butter to try and get me to kick the habit. I do like it, but my life long love of peanut butter cannot be so easily foiled!
I have the vague memory of there being a dnd-5e question on here about some subclass or something that granted spells but they weren't automatically prepared/known when every other subclass that granted spells does have them automatically prepared/known... Anybody somehow know what I might be thinking of?
@Someone_Evil Unfortunately no, it was some official subclass that just seemed like it had a typo or something since it was bizarrely not the same as the rest
@Medix2 I was gonna say, I can't think of any class/subclass that gives you spellcasting where you don't automatically learn spells. I have to agree with @Someone_Evil in the closest thing is Warlock patrons, who add spells to your list of choices.
Pro Tip: it might be best to not refer to teleworking as Twerking. I had to advise one of my co-workers that a lot of people will not appreciate the joke. He gave me one of those vacant looks, so I had him look up the term Twerking and a few twitter posts related thereunto ... and then asked him if maybe some of our lady colleagues might not appreciate his attempt at humor. The light went on.
According to Monster Manual (page 203),
"A lich must periodically feed souls to its phylactery [...] using the imprisonment spell."
But looking at the Lich's stat block on Monster Manual page 202, it has no imprisonment spell prepared. Hence, how/when can a Lich actually imprison another ...