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@nitsua60 I remember this one. We were talking about it in chat at the time.
Flip a coin for each - it's probabilistically identical.
It outlines a fundamental flaw with ammunition in tabletop, not with 5e specifically
@Axoren That's, actually, one of my least-fine moments around here, I believe.
Pathfinder has the same flaw doesn't it? I think a FAQ mentioned you just get count every other arrow or something.
If not, that's how we ran it.
I shouldn't mix snark with physics, I adore physics too much. I was just so annoyed by the time I got to the third of those questions.
There's one spell that lets a non-cleric character cast Cleric cure spells or smth
and it has specifically outlined thet you dont gain the spell slot back as longas it's active
@Mathgeek Bestow Spell Ability
Or something
Sucked mega poo, iirc.
it's great in West Marches
@Axoren So if you always fire odd numbers of arrows you can keep your recovery rate well above 50%?
@nitsua60 We still decided the headache was worth buying everful quivers.
There was an interesting thing - because they posted another AQ later clarifying
I have to go find it tho
And in 5e, I got an estimate for how much those would be worth in a standard campaign:
It's 50/50 on each missed arrow iirc
Q: How many arrows is an archer expected to fire by the end of the Tyranny of Dragons pair of adventures?

AxorenTyranny of Dragons spans two supplements: Hoard of the Dragon Queen Rise of Tiamat If an archer was expected to buy all of their arrows up front, what is a reasonable estimate of how many arrows they would need throughout the coarse of a full Tyranny of Dragons campaign? Assume that we are n...

exactly 2
Again, the resource management minigame for archers is not engaging.
In the same way that bargaining with a merchant for liters of bat poo every single time you're back in town isn't engaging.
Is resource management in ANY rpg "engaging"?
Maybe once or twice, but it gets old.
>spell component pouch
@Mathgeek Exactly why that item exists.
Historically, that item didn't exist.
"This thing is menial or boring"
ok, this item exists to circumvent that
we aren't talking about history rn
we're talking current PF, and history's changed the system a LOT
I'm talking about 5e right now
And how arrow counting in 5e is pointless.
It's pointless only if you have blunt headed arrows
Apparently, in Pathfinder, they made Endless ammunition a weapon enchantment at +2.
That's over 16k gold ontop of the base magic +1 weapon
When you'll probably never shoot that many in your life.
I swear there was a non-3pp endless quiver for less
But that's just the Ultimate Equipment entry
There's a spell that refreshes ammo
That's probably what I was thinking of
There's a 3.5 item that does it with arrows tho
You can just Magic Item Creation that spell constant effect onto an item
Or at least make it a per charge spell
Exactly, but that's a lil handwavy
x/day, etc.
There we go
Yeah, but you kind of needed that in Pathfinder
That one is strictly in-rules
x/Day ring or smth
... Did you forget to post link?
for what
the spell?
@Mathgeek This message was what confused me
Also, constant effect magic item creation is in-rules, as well.
But overall, those are all just guidelines
What message confused you?
Anyway, please just go play something like MASKS: A New Generation, folks. That way you can learn how content bloat isn't necessarily the source of moving parts issues.
What, right now? I don't have any players on hand.
It sounds like FATE without any further supporting structure.
Masks uses the apocalypse system (Powered by the Apocalypse), which is not as granular as D&Dish systems
Oh, so it's more like Dungeon world
Relatively speaking, yes
My only practical experience with that system was a DM who misused the dungeon world loop.
Tried to run the game like it was D&D and ended up nearly killing us because of the fact that he was making moves, and way too many.
I got the feeling from it that the DM is supposed to be reactionary, not proactive.
@Axoren something something politics
@Yuuki something something sports
@Yuuki That's kind of where the name Korvin comes from (though specifically the reference was the corvus from the galley era of naval warfare)
@KorvinStarmast something something boat
@Axoren yes, Korvin Starmast had the sailor background (D&D 5e)
@Mathgeek just a friendly reminder; we don't use profanity in RPGSE chat. that's been a norm for longer than I've been around this site.
Sometimes I slip up and say something other than poo.
But as a rule, this site isn't age-rated, so it's important to be careful.
Although, some topics get pretty R-rated pretty fast.
I recall a very morbid day in which there were upwards of 3 questions about Planeshift abortions.
@Axoren the chat room owner(s) have made that clear. Profanity does not belong in the chat. Feel free to discuss with @BESW or @NautArch or @JohnP if you feel so moved. The mainsite Q&A itself is IIRC a little more flexible on occasional applications of strong language within an appropriate context) We had a meta about that some years back.
@Axoren yeah, that seems to ring a bell
No profane bonuses, although sacred bonuses are ok
@MikeQ My scared bonuses, however, are not helped by my Wisdom save ...
@KorvinStarmast I agree with the decision. It's important that a community like this be comfortable to for most if not all users.
@Axoren Ah, I see that we are in violent agreement. How dare you be so reasonable? 8^D
We can't all assume everyone can handle the tongue of a sailor, however innuendous that sounds.
Oh no, I found one of them and it has really good score.
Q: Is a pregnant creature considered a single entity for spells such as Banishment?

Mimics EverywhereUsing the D&D 5e RPG system. We'll use a Brown Bear and the spell Banishment as an example. What, if anything, occurs when you attempt to cast such a spell on a creature that is currently pregnant? The spell specifies the following: You attempt to send one creature that you can see within ra...

@Axoren Ok, all of my responses to that are not material for this room. :p
@Axoren And this was the best answer besides MikeQ's.
At the end of the day, if a spell doesn't say it performs abortions, I'm gonna say it doesn't perform abortions. Whatever result is less grody, even if it's not funny, is my pick.
I think it's a good rule of thumb to use, though.
You can have funny and grody, but I don't like watching those late-night skit comedies written during a fever dream.
@Axoren seems fair to me, and it keeps the "D&D is the spawn of the devil" crowd away from the door
The conversation I'm going to have after my players try something like that isn't going to be on the nature of the rules
@Someone_Evil Masks and veils? fade to black?
Or is this a 'wtf is wrong with you folks?' kind of conversation? we had a convo like that in the early 80's that led to a DM cancelling the game.
Honestly, in the situation they were thinking of using it, I think it would have derailed their DM's campaign. If they were running the story I think they were running, separating the child before it was born would have beaten the campaign.
@KorvinStarmast I'd aim at more tactful wording, but yes
@Axoren that kinda reminds of the baby thanos bit from avengers endgame
first of all, that's horrible
I don't think that person was aware that what they were asking about had more than just mechanical consequences.
And that the various non-win-the-game effects such a ruling, one way or another, would have in general.
@Axoren that's a charitable way to describe someone as clueless. :-)
"Dunwich Horror? We skipped 10 chapters by [redacted]"
That was the most elaborate pantomime.
@Axoren just in case drax was there
I also like how Paul Rudd just skipped going to wardrobe and just showed up in what he was wearing yesterday.
Hmm... I'm thinking of replacing Bane on my Warlock spells known with something else.
I think I have damage options covered. Is there anything else that's neat to have?
<brings his bar of soap>Okay. Whose mouth do I need to wash out?
My main concern with it is that it's occupying my concentration slot for 24 hours, and I don't necessarily get much value out of it for the slot unless I commit to using it for half the day.
@Axoren Since you're replacing Bane, why not a nice Poison Ivy for diversity?
16 hours left on Kickstarter: The Treasure At The End Of This Dungeon #ZineQuest2 by Riverhouse Games. A kaleidoscopic rogue-like dungeon crawl analogue RPG zine. It's got a TON of really cool people working on supplements!
> I had an idea for a movie plot where a retired CIA agent searches for his kidnapped daughter in Paris, but it turns out that idea was taken. I had another idea for one where the same agent is kidnapped with his wife in Istanbul, but it turns out that one was taken too.
yyeeeeeeessss the puuuuns strengthen me
yeah, that's fair, should've posted it there
was funny tho (at least IMO)
I had an idea for a party of three triton sword bards. They're called the Tritones and the play in the key of sea-sharp.
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