Tyranny of Dragons spans two supplements:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen
Rise of Tiamat
If an archer was expected to buy all of their arrows up front, what is a reasonable estimate of how many arrows they would need throughout the coarse of a full Tyranny of Dragons campaign?
Assume that we are n...
Anyway, please just go play something like MASKS: A New Generation, folks. That way you can learn how content bloat isn't necessarily the source of moving parts issues.
@Axoren the chat room owner(s) have made that clear. Profanity does not belong in the chat. Feel free to discuss with @BESW or @NautArch or @JohnP if you feel so moved. The mainsite Q&A itself is IIRC a little more flexible on occasional applications of strong language within an appropriate context) We had a meta about that some years back.
Using the D&D 5e RPG system. We'll use a Brown Bear and the spell Banishment as an example. What, if anything, occurs when you attempt to cast such a spell on a creature that is currently pregnant?
The spell specifies the following:
You attempt to send one creature that you can see within ra...
At the end of the day, if a spell doesn't say it performs abortions, I'm gonna say it doesn't perform abortions. Whatever result is less grody, even if it's not funny, is my pick.
I think it's a good rule of thumb to use, though.
You can have funny and grody, but I don't like watching those late-night skit comedies written during a fever dream.
Honestly, in the situation they were thinking of using it, I think it would have derailed their DM's campaign. If they were running the story I think they were running, separating the child before it was born would have beaten the campaign.
My main concern with it is that it's occupying my concentration slot for 24 hours, and I don't necessarily get much value out of it for the slot unless I commit to using it for half the day.
16 hours left on Kickstarter: The Treasure At The End Of This Dungeon #ZineQuest2 by Riverhouse Games. A kaleidoscopic rogue-like dungeon crawl analogue RPG zine. It's got a TON of really cool people working on supplements!
> I had an idea for a movie plot where a retired CIA agent searches for his kidnapped daughter in Paris, but it turns out that idea was taken. I had another idea for one where the same agent is kidnapped with his wife in Istanbul, but it turns out that one was taken too.