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Learning Methods of Pastry
It's fantasy Great British Bake-off.
@Yuuki now I want this.
@Ben I started it but it got derailed quick and the player lost interest
@BESW This reminds me there is one more muffin in the breakroom. And I am the only human here. Maybe I should put the muffin out of its misery and into my belly.
"Its Misery" is a terrible name for a breakroom.
....is it good or bad that my brain went "but an apt one for here"
@Ash dewit </palpatine>
@Ben I've both played it and run it
Q: Can I delay my turn to the end of a round, by not rolling for initiative?

ET got homeI am a Cleric and the main healer in the party. I've noticed that often it can be quite helpful for me to have my turn towards the end of the round rather than at the beginning, but I tend to come up at the beginning because I have a high Dexterity score. It can help quite a bit coming up later...

(technically I started running it while I was still playing it... but the IRL group I was running it for was able to find time to meet less often than the weekly online game where I was playing it)
@Ben o/
I'm running it for a new group of players, and we're still only at the beginning - the goblin cave hideout
The wizard used prestidigitation to distract the wolves at the entrance, and it says they can break free "if goaded"
You reckon making "cat noises" would glad them into breaking free eventually?
@Ben it would probably mad them
but yeah, that seems reasonable as a thing that might provoke them?
Thought as much. The party got hit by the tidal wave, and knocked out of the cave, so they regrouped outside, they've been past the wolves several times now, and they were sick of "dealing with them" so the wizard distracted them with that instead.
Good thinking, I thought, but it depends on how long the party is in the cave for. If they clear the cave in less than an hour, I'd make it so the wolves are still distracted by the sounds, so they can slip past easily. Otherwise they may have to deal with the wolves again
When you say "deal with", I'm guessing you don't mean kill, since that's generally a one-and-done solution.
@Miniman More like a nice game of poker
Have they not figured out that they can ignore the wolves entirely by using the main corridor, or are they just trying to avoid that?
Why would ignore them? They are good little puppers at heart. Hey, let go! That's my hand. I need that...
1 hour later…
@Miniman I made it out/interpreted it like the wolves were near the entrance and saw them all walking past
1 hour later…
Farming Simulator 19 (only the base game) is free for 1 week until February 6.
(The Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and Pandemic computer game version will be free the week after that, until 2/13.)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, non-latin link in answer (142): How to accurately describe mental danger by monainsa on rpg.SE
Q: Looking for a system: Epidemic Outbreak

LumineWhat system could suit a short-term survival-horror campaign focused on a "realistic" epidemic outbreak scenario? (Realistic as in crunchy or gritty-ish, I know it's pretty vague, sorry) I'm thinking about a quarantine setting, with the PC's needing to adjust themselves to the situation (both psy...

If the OP drops in, I think Dread might be worth a look. I, personally, haven't tried it for anything other than slasher-movie night, though.
Q: Player Characters all picking on one other PC

Izzy KI DM a Savage Worlds game with six players. I'm coming on this problem where some of the characters tend to bully one of the other characters. For context, the character getting picked on is played by "Bob." Bob's character is young, naive, silly, and his homebrewed power is unpredictable, he su...

2 hours later…
Q: It feels impossible to play non-D&D RPG's

TristanBennettI dislike D&D, but it feels like the only choice I have when I want to play an RPG with friends. D&D is so popular and so many people play it exclusively, that it takes way too much effort to even introduce other RPG's to D&D players, as they generally are too scared to try anything besides it. I...

^ spam flags needed
Q: Can the Actor feat allow a character to effectively speak a language they don't know?

Gramor FaleI have a player in my game I'll call "Joe" running a Bard I'll call "Hansel." Hansel has the Actor feat, and does not speak Orc. Hansel listened to an Orc for 1 minute a few adventures ago, a 2nd PC taught Hansel one short Orc phrase, and I allowed Hansel to repeat the new phrase, in Orc, mimic...

3 hours later…
So... My DM killed my (and my friend's) character in a manner that I suspect is deliberate and unfun. Am I wrong in feeling upset?
The story:
> our party just killed the king of the evil humanoid tribe and rescued the hostage.
> A group of 4 guards appears in the room where we're at (with the king's corpse at our feet)
> We're all pretty spent, so I try to intimidate them to avoid the fight.
> I roll a 25 on intimidate
> The mob proceeds to say "lol you're too tired to fight and win" and charges us
^ I'm aware that sounds like a rant. It's possible that I'm just looking for understanding and grief support
@STTLCU Well my SO would, in her wisdom, start by pointing out that all feelings are ok, and the only thing that matters is how you process them. So no, you're not wrong in feeling upset!
And yes, that situation doesn't exactly sound right to me. Did the GM comment on it, in any way?
I was too focused not to get angry at the table (as the session was still running) and didn't want to confront him directly since I strongly believe that I should trust the DM's choice even when they seem wrong or unexpected. There might have been a deus-ex-machina at a later point (there wasn't one) or anything else really.
So no, he didn't comment.
I was encouraged by my other killed friend to give him a second chance, so I didn't look for discussions that might develop into disagreements/fights
I guess the part that hurts the most is the evident "intentionality" (if that's an english word) of our deaths
[insert plug for safety tools here]
A tool like Script Change would let you pause play to check in with everybody, say that you're uncomfortable, ask the GM what kind of resolution they had in mind, and rewind to replay with a different conclusion if you still aren't finding joy in the prospect.
A good safety tool setup usually also has the group clearly establishing shared expectations before the game.
@BESW Thanks for the link. It would have been useful in the scene, even though it would go against the "DM trust" principle in a way
[shrug] Trust doesn't mean letting them do whatever and hoping it'll turn out okay. Trust involves communication and knowing that they'll respect your discomfort and listen to your concerns.
that's right, you have a point. I didn't consider that
As a GM, I want my players to tell me if I'm crossing lines. We can do more daring things and push boundaries and experiment with our play more, if we know that there are agreed-upon procedures for what happens if it goes too far.
And as a GM, I'm just as likely to use the tools to communicate with my players if they're going in directions I'm not sure I can follow.
I will talk to him after our next session (with our new characters)
I hope it works out well!
yes, and as you all say here, No Roleplay is better than Bad Roleplay
Going back to the more mechanical side of things, is it reasonable for the mobs to just shrug a 25 in intimidation? for perspective, we're level 3/D&D5e characters. At the same time, is it reasonable for mobs to start executing downed characters in the middle of an active combat?
I can't speak to numbers in 5e, and "reasonable" is definitely a table call, but I did write an answer on the subject once... [rummages]
This is D&D 4e, but a lot of it probably applies:
A: Is it acceptable for the GM to attack a recently-stabilized character?

BESWYes, but it's unlikely It's entirely within the rules to continue attacking a character while he's unconscious, and a GM/monster might decide to do so for a number of reasons. However, there are usually more reasons he won't, both in-game as a monster decision and as a meta-game GM decision. Fi...

Thanks! I'll read it
I wrote it seven years ago, and in the intervening time I've come to believe even more that death is usually the most boring possible thing that can happen to a character.
I agree with that.
given the fact that the mob actually died at the end, stopping and wasting a turn to kill downed targets wasn't clever nor tactical
Also, players do much more interesting story-driving things when they aren't constantly afraid their characters will die if they make a wrong choice. The game moves faster and the characters get into more dramatic situations.
If a character gets knocked out or whatever, I'll have them kidnapped or revived by someone who demands an unusual quest as payment of the debt--or in a story with good dramatic stakes simply losing the fight is dramatic and interesting because you were fighting for a reason, and killing the character means you lose investment in the reason. Having the character survive to deal with the aftermath of failure is a lot more interesting.
@STTLCU Since this is DnD 5e which seldom has very high modifiers, 25 is a very good result. It sounds to me the GM let you roll but had decided on the outcome in advance --- one of the things I dislike about the game and how it's commonly played.
The kicker is that I had an oath of conquest paladin, built on scaring others :D
i rolled a 19, with a +6 mod
Oct 9 '14 at 2:04, by BESW
Personally I think if there's an all-encompassing Rule 0 which can be applied to every RPG ever, it's "don't touch the randomiser unless you're okay with any result it might spit out."
@BESW Aye. Can be applied to every RPG ever, yet sadly, not applied :(
Although, since 2014 I've encountered some RPGs that don't use a randomiser at all!
I never realized how much I liked the open stakes, open target numbers in Apocalypse World's rolls until I went back to DnD after a long break
Gosh yes I've found GM secret-keeping to be highly overrated in my experience on both sides of the table.
@MikeQ fyi — if you encounter a spam post, leave the spam links in place. it means people will recognise it as spam and destroy it appropriately. removing the links means that might not happen.
i recognise the reason for removing them & it's valid, but ironically leaving the spam fully intact (until it's nuked) is the best way to fight it
@BESW I agree! The same situations could instead be fun development opportunities: they struggle to survive and make it and that's fun. They might come back with injuries or trauma or phobias to deal with (given the player and group are comfortable with the idea) and that brings new avenues of complication. They might have an off-screen death and come back in a moment of badassery later.
Would a steampunk theme fit easier with 5 or 3.5? It seems like with the more human character builds and lower magic inclusion the answer would be 5 since most 3.5s want to amp the PC abilities and magic usage more but at the same time 3.5 is much more diverse and malleable it seems so just curious.
My first thought is "neither, try Lady Blackbird maybe", but failing that I'd go with 5e just because 3.5e just puts down so much stuff that will get in the way
3.5e has a lot of content, but that presents a lot of problems as well. The important stuff you find in 3.5e that you feel is sorely missing in 5e could be ported into something analogous.
I wholeheartedly second Lady Blackbird
It's real easy to get into and it's free
yeah, if the choice really is only between 3.5 and 5e, I'd go with 5e for basic structural reasons unrelated to steampunk. But if those aren't the only options, D&D of any edition isn't really designed to explore the themes and aesthetics that are often associated with steampunk, so I'd want to dig further into what "steampunk" means for your group's goals and find a system which fits that more effectively.
That said... if you want steampunk aesthetic in D&D, check out Eberron.
@doppelgreener /wave. Hey, about this game . . . are blackbirds some sort of symbol of relationships not working out in the Anglosphere? Before this game, I have encountered two songs with symbolic-looking mentions of blackbirds which had to do with a relationship implied to not be up to one's hopes. And then there's the plot of the RPG in question which seems to cover similar themes.
@doppelgreener There's a new link, btw: ladyblackbird.org
@kviiri Wow... someone really put effort into that spam. I mean, I know they probably just wrote something that snags a paragraph (or so) from some other post and then appends spam links, but still....
@nitsua60 Yeah, I was very disappointed to find that's not a real thing (based on the chat box text only though).
@nitsua60 My guess is that it leeched the content from somewhere
Ah yeah, googling turns up a reddit thread.
Morning, team
I just read that icelandic babies are born almost a full pound heavier than US babies, on average
@BESW oh sweet!
@doppelgreener Now with other games!
Also the new character sheets are awesome.
@vicky_molokh I do not know!
@goodguy5 gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with the general availability of free healthcare and significantly lower poverty?
I don't think that's a fair statement.

While it might contribute (and I doubt that your statement was meant to invoke a serious response), I find it likely that a plethora of factors are responsible, such as climate, average adult height and weight, nutritional norms, etc
@nitsua60 boutique spam!
In this case it looks like it was copied from a Reddit post still some thought was clearly put into disguising it.
Was supposed to do bunch of stuff today. Wound up spending most of the time doing a big and (IMO) cool QoL magic trick
Ah yes, the little-known James Bond bootleg Quantum of Lenity
@BESW Featuring Bames Nond
Could I get some help explaining a 5e rule here: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/163968/…
Like, I'm not insane right? When you take the Ready action you either get an action later or movement. Never both. And Readying the Dash action is useless because you cannot move on somebody else's turn outside if rather exceptional things such as dissonant whispers?
See the response to that tweet from Crawford
@Medix2 In the comments?
Post your own correct answer?
No the answer is correct.
@Medix2 Yeah, you get an action.
You can ready a dash
Can enemies do it too?
@Medix2 You can't move on a turn that isn't yours normally because you don't have any movement available
By Readying the Dash action you give yourself the movement to make a move on a turn that isn't yours
@illustro Why not? I see no rule staging as much
Me: I ready dash.
That's like saying if you don't move in your turn you can just move whenever else you feel like it throughout the rest of the round
The Crawford tweet you linked in the initial comment to me states as much (if you want Crawford)
@Medix2 no it's not at all
So you're saying your movement arbitrarily drops to 0 when your turn ends regardless of whether or not you actually used it?
@Medix2 You need a pretty specific trigger. E.g. when an orc runs through the door, I dash out the opposite one yelling "neener neener"
Which is a heck of an expensive trade for an action in the combat action economy.
Q: Can I Ready an action to run away?

Neil SlaterThis is a follow-up to Can I Ready an action to Disengage? It looks to me that the 5E RAW does not have a simple way to declare a behaviour like this: If anything nasty comes towards me, I run in the opposite direction! That is due to how the Dash action is worded as an increase in movemen...

I already linked that, but apparently it was unconvincing
Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it.
That Q&A says nothing about whether or not the Dash action is ineffective. It quotes a specific portion of the Ready action that says you can move on another turn if you have used the Ready action.
A: Can I Ready an action to run away?

wax eagleYou can't use Dash. But you can move your speed on your turn, and then move your speed again as part of the readied action. Here's the text: Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it (Players Basic p72). S...

However you don't have any movement available on another turn unless you have readied the Dash action
@GcL There's no RAW need, explicit or emergent, for the trigger to be specific though
Hrm. How does scribd get away with having proprietary PDF files of RPG's?
I assume they pay the owners.
It looks like a legit website
@JohnP it doesn't if the copyright owners submit a DMCA
@Medix2 That linked answer gives no justification for "You can't use Dash"
It just asserts it
@NeutralTax Still - "30 day free trial" = sign up, download like mad, unsubscribe before $$.
@NeutralTax they do not
So no, that answer, without justification of the "you can't use Dash" is entirely unconvincing
@illustro Where does it say you can even expend movement on other turns?
i just did a quick search for the website
@Medix2 In the Ready action "Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it."
General Rule: you can only move on your turn
Also you clearly can have movement available on a turn not your own without dashing. Namely the other use if the Ready action which explicitly allows you to move on somebody else's turn
Specific Rule: Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it.
Scribd's deal is that you get to download a pdf for free if you also upload a pdf. So they just have a rampant piracy thing going on.
@illustro there is an "or" there
"Wow, we've got so much piracy happening, however can we stop it?" says owner of site which asks people to upload just any PDF in exchange for downloading just any PDF and then displays all of these PDFs indiscriminately.
If you can't move off your turn, taking the Dash action won't change that. Only Readying the specific ability of moving will do so
@Medix2 that or is referring to a choice you make on your turn as part of the Ready Action
It's not referring to a choice you make when the trigger occurs
@illustro Yes. And you can't choose both to take the Dash action and to move
It could also be that some companies choose not dmca the illegal pdfs
I read DMCA as Devil May Cry Academy
Indie dev claims his game sales increased by 400% after he put it on pirate bay
@illustro Eh, I think regardless we almost both agree on what is possible. Just not how it happens or anything
@Medix2 No DM is going to say "aha you chose to ready the Dash action, it gives you movement but you can't use it because you chose the Dash action not to move".
Semantically its the same thing
I'll ask you this. If the Ready action allows you to Ready moving up to your speed, why would it also let you Ready the Dash action?
@NeutralTax I think most anti-piracy laws are excessive but that's a really lousy defense though
Its on page 194 of the pfb
@Medix2 because they wanted to call it out to players specifically to let them know that was possible without having to interpret the Dash action and movement
I'm saying that some companies might choose to leave the pdfs up. i don't know if this is actually true
The PHB is written for players to learn how to play the game. A significant subset of that player base with 5e had never played any RPG games before
@kviiri The dev put it on pirate bay himself. So it wasn't illegal
@NeutralTax There's a few studies around from the Napster days showing that people that downloaded music were more apt to buy the albums.
@NeutralTax It depends on the particular laws in question, and nevertheless you can't really generalize a single dev's decisions to defend a piracy site.
@illustro I think we'll just agree to disagree here. Ah well
I'm not defending it, simply pointing out a possible reason why compaines might chose not to dmca it
@NeutralTax Fine. The difference is a rather thin line though. It's easy to sound like "it's alright because if it wasn't it would be DMCA'd already"
Regarding piracy there are people who pirate something and then donate the amount it would reasonably cost (such as an old video game which now costs $100+ which would reasonably cost $20) or donate because they don't want to directly support the company who makes the thing they pirate. Though not exactly related to the site in question, it's something some portion of people do
An owner of a piece of technology choosing to release their software (or a version of their software) for free via a specific channel is them giving a license to anyone who downloads it via that channel to use it
@illustro I've removed my comments under the earlier question. I might open this as its own question since I hadn't known there was debate on it
@Medix2 fair enough
More likely is enough variants of the pdfs being uploaded than they can dmca.
or they might just have better things to do
@illustro I don't believe it works like that, mainly because how can you ever be sure that an anonymous or unverified upload is actually by the rights-holder?
But this might be one of those cases where it depends a lot on particular jurisdiction
I am almost certain I remember some game a while back where the devs put a version of it up on torrent sites that was actually a demo and at a certain point it went "hey, we know you pirated this, maybe buy it?"
Yeah, they do that. Also more, err. Playful pranks :-)
You could technically ready a dash, but it would accomplish nothing.
@carcer Reminds me of the various video game anti-piracy versions
@kviiri Has to be specific enough to be observable by the character.
does anyone know of any service like imgur for pdfs?
@Medix2 Operation Flashpoint's anti-piracy nonsense is still, conceptually, the funniest method I know about
@NeutralTax I thought as much as well, though there is little difference between readying dash and readying movement. Though Illustro argued you can Ready the Dash action, so I may end up opening this as its own explicit question
@GcL Well, yeah, but "anything observable happens" is hardly specific :)
@NeutralTax arxiv?
@NeutralTax you're talking about file-hosting services
@kviiri it does narrow down the range of stuff players come up with pretty nicely in practice.
@kviiri arxiv is only for a very limited subset of PDFs, though now it would amuse me to see the PHB typeset in latex in the manner of a common scientific paper
Instead of "When an opponent is going to attack" it has to be "when an opponent attacks" can't trigger on intent or meta game mechanical stuff.
@Carcer All those side text boxes would be awful
@GcL In practice, yes. But pure RAW, there is simply no reason to not pick the least specific trigger you can think of.
I think giving a programmer like me to much flexibility on a trigger is a bad idea.
@kviiri Usually because it's not what the player wants. Attacking the first enemy through the door is a good one... attacking the first creature through the door... sometimes doesn't work out so well.
I could be like "On at the start of anyone's turn... blah blah."
@GcL Why would that be worse, just don't execute the action if it's a friendly.
Effictively using something as a tick, and just take an action whever i feel like it
@NeutralTax Can't trigger on that because it's not observable. The start of a creature's turn isn't a ding that the character can observe
Regarding readying to interrupt things, these questions exist: 1 2 3 4 5 6.
@kviiri You've already decided on the attack. You don't get to ignore the trigger when you take the hold action.
@GcL Yes you can.
You declared your action as "when a creature comes through the door, i shoot it with my bow"
@GcL yeah, you can choose not to do the thing when the trigger actually happens
That's the character's action.
You can definitely ignore the trigger.
you're not forced to take your reaction
and the trigger could definitely happen multiple times
but you do lose the held action if you don't take it
I can't remember if you lose the spell if you don't take the first chance
@goodguy5 No, but you do at the start of your turn
"I ready a spell to cast when someone comes through the door"
- no, not that one
@kviiri ah, okay. thanks
@Carcer I stand corrected "When the trigger occurs, you can either take your reaction right after the trigger finishes or ignore the trigger. Remember that you can take only one reaction per round." dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/combat#Ready
I misremembered
now looking at it, its not entirely clear if you ignore one trigger than then act on another.
@Medix2 to directly address the move as a ready action, one of the basic rules examples does include movement: "If the goblin steps next to me, I move away."
@GcL Yeah I agree you can move, just didn't agree that Readying the Dash action had any use
@Medix2 How else would you use your Action to move?
Or, semantically does it matter?
By Readying the option that explicitly says you move? "Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it."
The ready action gives you up to your movement. A dash gives you up to your movement.
I think you always have the option of using your movement during a ready
Well if you have things that benefit you whenever you take the Dash action, they wouldn't be able to help any time you want to move off of your own turn
No, unless you have weird perks to Dash. Can't remember if any class does beyond the irrelevant (here) upgrade to bonus action.
@kviiri I can't recall a when you take the dash action, something else cool until the end of your turn. Do monks or rogues in any of the extra sub-classes get stuff like that?
My gut says that dash readying a dash just lets you move.
1) Someone next to you readies an attack on you if cast a spell. 2) you ready an action to attack at someone when they attack you. 3) You move 30 ft. 4) You cast a bonus action spell. 5) You get attacked. 6) Does this mean that you can use your readied action to move even more during turn?
@GcL Not for monks, iirc. Not sure about rogues
@NeutralTax yes
you don't need to ready a dash because you always have the option to move on your readied action
@NeutralTax Yes. You're not going further than you could anyway.
@GcL Just went through, yeah apparently nothing benefits explicitly when taking the Dash action, well, besides homebrew (maybe there's some feat but I don't know one)
@NeutralTax Yeah, but ready a dash is equivalent to use the move clause of the ready action.
@NeutralTax Really? I always read it as you either ready an action, or you ready moving
@GcL So its basically limiting your options.
@Medix2 That's my cursory search as well, but I haven't read the newest supplemental stuff yet and stuff from SCAG I always seem to forget.
@NeutralTax Not really. Its the same just using the word "dash" instead of "the move clause of the ready action."
@Medix2 Looking at it again, I think your right
"you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it." That choice is made when you take the Ready action, not when the trigger occurs
I missread it the first time
I'm trying to figure out if there's something weird with commanders strike (or whatever it's called)
@goodguy5 That just lets an ally use their reaction to make an attack
You mean the ability that allows you to make assassins absolutely broken on a surprise round?
In theory you could have a single rogue sneak attack 3 times during a suprise round
I meant maneuvering strike
@goodguy5 3? One with their action, one with bonus action, but what's the third?
no, because that requires their reaction.
If there's two fighters with the commanders strike and they happen to get the initiative order: fighter a (rogue (fighter b
Commander's Strike requires the target to use their reaction, and you only get one
You get your reaction back at the start of your turn
Q: Can a character take a reaction before their turn?

Nerdanel LancasterCan a character use his reaction in the first round of combat before their turn? There is no surprise involved here.

You also gotta get a Fighter beating out the Rogue in initiative XD
@Medix2 The alert feat?
this is theorycraft. it isn't really practically useful
now a single commanders strike with a rogue is definitely practical
True true, meanwhile thief Rogue could make, uh... 5?
Assain doubles the damage
True true and maxmizes stuff or something, very assassinate-y
so its effectively 6 sneak attacks.
but thief is much more practically to line up
I'd like some feedback on this spell here even if its not enough for an answer
The Headache thing?
Q: Is this homebrew spell "Harry's Horrendous Headache" balanced?

NeutralTaxThis spell is intended for a sort of anti-caster. I want to know whether this spell is in line with the other spells in the PHB. I'm not attached to the level of the spell. I'm ok with tweaking the level to balance the spell. If the spell isn't balanced, I want to know how to balance it. This sp...

@NeutralTax How? It only works once per turn.
You can sneak attack on a commanders strike
Right, that's once on the rogues turn and one on the fighters. I'm having a hard time seeing how you get more than two
just read the chat log
You can use one before your turn (with a reaction), one during your turn (with an action), and one after your turn (with a reaction).
If there's two fighters with the commanders strike and they happen to get the initiative order: fighter a (rogue (fighter b
Is Assassin the one that doubles damage and also gets auto-crits?
Or alternatively someone with the battle master feat (at least that's what i think the name of the feat is
Martial Adept
oh dear lord a rogue could take that
Though Battle Master feat is probably more descriptive
Rogues with martial adept would actually make that feasible
Do you think that the rogue caster subclass should be allowed to sneak attack on spells
Generally, no
My gut reaction is "no". I think sneak attack is balanced around the assumption that whatever you're sneak attacking with is dealing weapon damage.
@NeutralTax Seems like a bad plan. Cantrips aren't really a bow or crossbow replacement
Particularly, finesse or ranged. So maybe 1d8 at most.
1d10, but yea
Though, I don't think I'm super against cantrip spell attacks sneak attacking, but I'd have to think about it.
nevermind, Eldritch Bolt alone makes this a bad plan
Yeah, it's just asking for a Warlock dip.
@goodguy5 You get sneak attack damage of non-resisted types. You get to bypass a lot of resistances.
Yea, now that I'm thinking about it, it's a hard "no"
I'm pretty sure you could sneak attack on spells in 3e as long they required an attack roll
Maybe if you modified sneak attack (triggering conditions, damage, etc.), but it'll be a hard pass as-is.
@Carcer Yeah, but then you have to take into account the flat-footed AC, flanking, DR, azimuth of the moon, and relative difference of horoscopes times eye color.
@GcL And what's so difficult about that? It's not like I'm trying to grapple.
Maybe for a rogue caster subclass, something like "you may choose to forgo your sneak attack to instead cast a spell" or "cause magical effect instead of damage".
Remember how 3.0 forgot to account for size when grappling?
@Carcer Ha! Of course... not difficult... I just only had an hour for the round of combat, and the party has to get through at least one combat every two sessions or they get bored.
@goodguy5 You'd only be able to sneak on a single bolt of eldritch blast
@NeutralTax That's force damage... which circumvents a lot of resistance. There's no ammo required. And the damage dice scale with level.
It would make sneak attack more useful than it already is.
Sneak Attack requires the attack be made with a ranged or finesse weapon
spell =/=/ weapon
And on top of that, cantrips like thorn whip can move opponents around.
@illustro The entire thing being discussed are the ramifications of changing that
I can see that
Reminder that booming blade exists
Might do that for a BBEG as the result of some cursed artifact they've got. Probably make the curse pretty awful though... boots of legos or something like that.
@GcL Hm, although sneak attacking with a +1 weapon would bypass a lot of resistance too
@Medix2 Wonder how that would work. Sneak attack with the melee attack that's part of the spell and then sneak attack damage on triggering?
@Medix2 I think the verbiage is "use your action to make a weapon attack"
@MikeQ It does, but requires getting that weapon.
@goodguy5 Does Sneak Attack require the Attack action?
nope. just reread it
Q: Can I sneak attack with Green-Flame Blade or Booming Blade?

Tiwaz TyrsfistMost spells can't be combined with sneak attack because 5e sneak attack specifies a finesse or ranged weapon attack. However, booming blade and green-flame blade require you to "…make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range…" If you're using a finesse weapon a...

Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.
Seems like booming/green flame blade would apply sneak attack
@goodguy5 Yeah, but would you roll one or two d6 for the spell damage?
You would roll the spells damage as normal for those two spells and add your additional sneak attack dice
@GcL whatever the appropriate number is
You'd only add sneak attack to the initial damage, not the triggering damage as well
The sneak attack however has to be against the creature you made the melee weapon attack against
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