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Q: How to ask questions on Role-Playing Games without getting instantly moderated as opinion based

LokiareHow can you ask questions on Role-Playing Games without getting instantly moderated as opinion based. For example I asked this clearly mathematical question and got moderated almost instantly for opinion: D&D 5E: Are the new Bard Class Options Tier 1

Q: D&D 5E: Are the new Bard Class Options Tier 1

LokiareThe tiers as defined here https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Tier_System Tier 1: Capable of doing absolutely everything, often better than classes that specialize in that thing. Often capable of solving encounters with a single mechanical ability and little thought from the player. Has world changing powe...

Q: Does Tomb of Levistus overpower (or have any special interaction with) Infernal heritage?

Samara MarkcosianTomb of Levistus eldritch invocation (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, p. 57): Tomb of Levistus As a reaction when you take damage, you can entomb yourself in ice, which melts away at the end of your next turn. You gain 10 temporary hit points per warlock level, which takes as mu...

Is 1d4chan problematic, or am I just letting other *chans prejudice me against anything with that suffix?
Anyone got a Christmas-themed D&D sesh planned for the holidays?
or #SomebodyStoleHanukkah
Too busy with The Christmas Prince, The Christmas Prince: A Royal Wedding, and The Christmas Prince: A Royal Baby. Maybe next year =)
[Brain start trowing spitballs]: a group of evil druids are trying to take back the winter solstice, and have taken Santa hostage. Reindeer roast anyone?
@Ben What's their goal? Destroy his workshop for being industrial? Sacrifice him to bring Obad-Hai back from the dead?
@Ben My seven year-old told me the other day that the tooth fairy buys teeth to sell to bounty hunters; the bounty hunters then criticize the (disembodied) teeth, which prevents them from having to criticize people. (Which would hurt their feelings.)
Feel free to use as much of that ^^ as you want =)
That's brilliant! I love young minds, they're so creative
Are there procedures to follow with a problem-user besides appealing to a moderator?
I think the advice is usually talk to [a specified person]
The Player, The group, the DM.
Escalate as necessary
You're talking about on the site?
Yeah, unfortunately
I suppose I can just trust that the system will figure things out itself
What's the issue?
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to mention specifics
But an overall lack of listening to other users, including moderators. And holding of inherently incorrect beliefs such as "If a question is closed it won't get views or answers ever"
As well as antagonistic comments, or at least jumps to wild, unfounded conclusions
Right. Yeah in that case I'd just drop it. Leave them alone and if it gets properly out of hand then ping a mod.
It sounds like in this situation, the least that is required is to actually come up with case=specific evidence to prove them wrong, which is more effort than it's worth. It's easier to just drop it and ignore them until they aim to be helpful
Yeah I think that'll be my current approach then. Thanks for helping!
Any time :) the only thing I'd amend to that is remind them of the "Be Nice" policy (which I reckon there should be a meta for, if there isn't already), and that their current behaviour is not productive, then leave it there.
hey how strong is a character with 1 str
@MageintheBarrel I'd say on par with someone with a muscular disorder.
10 is supposedly the "average human strength"
I got hit with an insane amount of strength damage from injuries in my session today
Oh wow. Yikes
Str was my dump stat so I had 10 str for my roll + 2 from my worshiped god
I got hit by multiple crippling injuries a -5 and a -6
So my already awful strength stat got lowers to 1
“I’m a full caster I don’t need strength”
Since these are injuries the only way to fix them is get treatment which as you can imagine will be insanely expensive
So until I can afford it or take the plunge and borrow from some questionable people I wanted to know how bad it would be
well borrowing from questionable people it is. Wish me luck!
What system are you playing?
Heavily customized version of pathfinder
a lot of normal pathfinder rules don’t apply or are modified
Sound like you're better off finding an all-terrain wheelchair
Well I can walk and swing my magical sword at least
Oh I also fell 24 stories and managed to get out unscathed by freezing myself solid
Well mostly
Damaged my armor but my hp was okay
Quick thinking, well done
On the other hand I have 30 and 25% ice piercing
30 cha*
level 7 currently
Well good night
Enjoy your evening :)
@nitsua60 It's not just you. There is some... questionable language on it in general. It's certainly not universally as bad as some *chans, but it's not without its issues.
Carcer talks about it a bit here:
May 21 at 17:04, by Carcer
anyway, as regards other experience, via dubious decisionmaking in my youth I was briefly an admin for the original wikichan, before it became the well-groomed anonymous, after which I set up 1d4chan, which I've also long since really burnt on paying much attention to and trying to keep a sensible lid on but continue to host out of a misguided sense of obligation
May 21 at 17:09, by Carcer
I saw... I think it was mxyzplk describe it as a "hive of scum and villainy" in a discussion somewhere about linking to disreputable sites, which amused me enough that I put that in my bio
@MageintheBarrel Certainly a unique solution!
Q: Can I use Thaumaturgy to hide the effect of Detect Magic?

PixelArtDragonDetect Magic makes my character's eyes glow blue. This is a homebrew rule that my group decided on because my Detect Magic comes from an Invocation. This sometimes can be very inconvenient, because it makes it abundantly clear that they have some kind of supernatural sight. Could I use Thaumatur...

RIP D&D Insider: geeknative.com/70078/…
> You have up to the end of the year to export your characters and monsters from Wizards of the Coast’s D&D Insider. If you’re still using it.
The D&D Insider (known as DDI) is an application that allowed players to manage their character sheets for D&D 4. The subscription model also provided new content up until 2017.
Wizards have kept the tool gong because some gamers still used it. However, the application used Microsoft Silverlight, and Microsoft no longer supports Silverlight.
Any content you have stored in DDI will become unavailable on the 1st of Jan 2020.
That lasted longer than I expected.
I thought it was already dead
so same really
it does make me perversely happy in a way
to know there were still some people playing 4E, and enough of them doing it with that specific tool to keep it operating until Silverlight itself was no longer supported
It was dead to us because if you ever stopped paying your subscription to DDI after 5e launched, they didn't let you start it again.
but I had figured the legacy cases were done by now
I'm glad I was wrong
but it sucks for the people who still wanted to use it
(as it also sucks for those who wanted to use it but didn't have a foot in the door like that :( )
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
4 am
This question on HNQ caught my eye:
Q: D&D-like fantasy film from possibly the 80s

Kalman BachmannWhen I was a little kid I was fascinated by this movie but I only remember parts of it. These are the little snippets I remember: The villain was a Darth Vader-like black knight with a large sword. He had a helmet that covered half of his face. He must have had something terrible happen to him...

seems not actually related to D&D, just a fantasy movie (Hawk the Slayer)
@V2Blast Counts as morning !
@MarkWells Words to live by
1 hour later…
glorious achievement
I finally has Great Answer
Nice !
1 hour later…
@Carcer \o/
@nitsua60 I edited your playable races answer though did it on the assumption that the UA stuff can be forgotten for races that have "graduated" to officially published
@V2Blast oh yeah 1d4chan is not a respectful place at all though it's definitely not as bad as it could be
I just completely lack the energy to do anything about it but I would feel bad about shutting it down
@Carcer I can imagine a god saying that, when challenged on the state of their realm
@Someone_Evil would explain a lot wouldn't it
@Carcer Cool--thanks! I'll poke around this weekend and find something of yours I like to bounty =)
and Someone_Evil appears to have done the same for races in GGR :)
so really we both deserve bounties.
Or we must engage in gladiatorial combat for the right to the one bounty on offer.
I think I ran my first kill -9 last night
@goodguy5 Somebody call the police !
What did you do with the body ?
@goodguy5 kill -9?
@NautArch "kill" is the standard unix utility for sending signals to processes, "-9" is the short form for using the signal SIG_KILL
basically - it is telling a process to immediately stop running and die
@Carcer ah, that makes much more sense
And not the nice "save and quit" kind, the "tactical nuke" kind
think of it kind of like killing a program in task manager, if you're more familiar with the windows approach
But it only works if the process has 100 or fewer hit points
I'm familiar with the kill command, but not the -9
@NautArch It's a ninth level command, hence the -9
yeah, SIGTERM is "please stop"
SIGKILL is "stop now"
The less-known power word sigterm works on processes with 150 hp remaining
still depends on the process being able to handle interrupts though
if you've got something paralysed on disk I/O that will never come it's not much help.
Well, I had overflowed the vi internal command buffer and it was pretty mad. The screen window was basically unrecoverable.

ctrl+c did nothing

So, I pulled up top in a different screen window and killed the process.
Of course you can reproduce the effects of any lower-level command with a sudo, though beware of the side-effects !
You might end up removed from the sudoers file if you abuse it
... ok I'm open to the idea that there might be such a thing as taking a joke too far
Well, I'll let you know when I think you're getting close.
@goodguy5 Appreciated, but I'm done anyway
Although, I'm thinking of introducing a book of "forbidden spell scrolls" to my party. custom high level (maybe higher than level 9) spells that can't be copied and have risks to them.

Like, you as the cast also make some sort of save

The warlock one would be heavily based off of Hiei's (yuyu hakisho) trial in the dark tournament. Summon the Dragon of the Darkness Flame.
Somehow, I have earned 4 secret hats on RPG. One of which is a secret hat for earning other secret hats.
@JohnP and now you're on double secret probation
@NautArch Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? (The germans? Forget it, he's on a roll)
@JohnP <screams>
I gave my love a cherry, that had no pits.
Kevin Bacon's first movie too.
we can reopen this question, right?
@NautArch Reopen it to close it as a dupe of the linked question?
@JohnP ooh, that's a good question.
i'm honestly not sure
my gut says no
Q: Is this homebrew Warlock Invocation, Splinter Casting, balanced?

TranquiliteIntroduction It seems the internet is littered with posts about players complaining that their Warlock just doesn't have enough spell slots, or that if they don't get enough that many short rests in a day they just become eldritch blasting machines. This invocation is designed to let Warlocks st...

@NautArch Relevant meta
Flag for mod to reopen/close with new reason.
Oh where is @V2Blast or @Rubiksmoose when you need them? :p
I'm still not certain it's a dupe
But I'm often wrong
The linked answer has
> Gith: Githyanki or Githzerai (MToF)
that answers the new edited question exactly, imho. But I'm in a debating mood, convince me. :)
Yeah, but same answer isn't same question. THis is clearly a subset of the linked question, but i'm not sure that's enough.
I think its a subquestion of the linked one. "Is X on this list?" is answered by that list
"Is there a playable Gith race" isn't the same as "What are the playable races".
but it is a subset, so i dunno
Ah, but the question isn't "Is there a playable gith race", the question is "Are Githyanki a playable race in D&D 5e?"
That sounds like the same question by different words
The first one allows for expansion and clarification, the second is a basic "Yeah"
Slight subtlety I admit, but aren't nuances why we play the game? :D
Maybe change it to be "Are Gith a playable race, and if so, what are the resources that have that information?"
What is the expansion and clarification possible on the first one? They seem to me to be clearly the same question and with the same answer; "Yeah, it's here:..."
@Someone_Evil So the question "Is there Fireball in 5e" is the same as "What are all the spells in 5e?"
@NautArch No, but it is a subset
(I was referring to JohnP's two questions)
Yup, it's a dupe!
A: If an answer to question A can be found in question B, should we close A as duplicate of B?

doppelgreenerWe close Question A as a duplicate of Question B only when all of the following is true: It's the same question, or Question A is already covered obviously as a subset of Question B. Obvious here means I can tell at a glance it's there. Question B has an obvious answer to Question A. Obvious he...

@Someone_Evil Essentially the same thing, yes. I think it's a dupe of the linked question in either case.
@NautArch So...you've proved that there are no new debates. :p
the best part is that's a drop which is entirely doable by acrobats/parkour enthusiasts
@Xirema Meh. He got what he deserved. I could (and have) done that without injury. Except not on concrete, I didn't fail my intelligence check.
yeah jumping onto concrete was a bad idea
@Carcer They are proficient in Acrobatics
@Someone_Evil definitely.
Guys, I baked a loaf of sweet bread, but then I couldn't find it......
Turns out, it was stollen.
@goodguy5 @Yuuki? How'd you get into @goodguy5's account???
It feels weird to have a reputation for puns such that I'm cc'd when someone else does some wordplay. Weird but very much appreciated.
@goodguy5 no bad no cookie
@Ash Stollen is, in fact, not a cookie.
This is true yes
@Xirema hail satan?
@NautArch I mean, I wasn't gonna say it, but....
@goodguy5 Get out of here with that, we don't want naan of it.
There's no need to get the room all ryeld up.
@NautArch Err... it's Saitine, actually.
Quick - everyone go ask, answer or vote. Get a moon hat.
Every year, I just behave like I do normally and see how many hats I get.
Last year was 2, I think.
I'm currently at zero hats.
Yep, zero hats.
13 hats here, but not by any deliberate effort, and half of them don't even say how I got them, which honestly is actually kind of annoying.
This is the first year I haven't "chased" hats, and I'm still up to 8.
@Carcer There's a meta thread for that. ID's the trigger for all the "secret" hats.
And in the true spirit of fake internet points there's even a site leaderboard.
...can we not make trigger warnings into a joke please? (Unless I'm misinterpreting)
@Ash I think it's what triggers getting a hat is the meaning there.
But good reminder for everyone to be aware of language
@NautArch The joke in question has been edited away
Squirrel disapproves
@Someone_Evil oh my bad. I didn't realize it was goneso.
Something about this question makes me belligerent. I'm going to make my Wisdom (Shutting Up) check and see how it goes.
@MarkWells DC 34
@MarkWells I think it is a good candidate for giving the benefit of the doubt, and close it if it attracts bad answers
I had voted to close it originally, but I think the answer of "ask your DM" is legitimate and worth having it open.
But once it starts attracting 'ideas', then it should be closed.
Otherwise we run into "I used a DC 30 for X and it worked out well" followed by a comment of "Oh! I did that same thing but used a DC of 20".
Both are 100% right.
It's not even that, it's the tone. "See the awesome high number I achieved and how I did it, now give me ideas of what to do with it."
From their comments on the answer, it seems they are happy with the type of answer they have gotten. It might be worth suggesting the question could be focused away from idea generation, but I'm not sure it is necessary
> Warlock: "Wha... What are you?"
Warlock: "...Bonedaddy~"
Patron: "NOT THAT."
@MarkWells That's why voted to close it. It seemed like it was asking exactly what you just wrote.
@NautArch sorry if I semi-derailed your discussion in there. Was not my intent.
@Rubiksmoose no worries. I think there's a level of stubborness i'm not sure I'll be able to breach.
@Rubiksmoose Do you think that asking if the two bard subclasses in question are significantly more powerful than the other subclasses is stackable?
@NautArch TBH I haven't even yet dug into the question itself. I've been too busy digging through the flags and Metas of the situation and dealing with the moderation tasks.
@Rubiksmoose That's it? :P
@NautArch Yeah you know me just slacking lol
Ooh, Miracle of Sound just put out his new album. ★⏝★
So...I can't seem to make a purchase on the Epic store.
GUess i'll pay more for it on Steam.
hmm wondering if i should go watch a movie this weekend
@Yuuki I don't think anything interesting came out :P
yeah but i haven't gone to the movies in awhile
I disagree.
I think something very interesting came out this weekend.
And that something...
according to my local theatre, they're playing the following movies tomorrow: star wars, jumanji, cats, frozen 2, bombshell, richard jewell, knives out, black christmas, queen and slim, ford v ferrari, fred rogers movie, and a number of indian movies
there's also a few showings of joker
Knives Out is actually on my list of movies that I'm considering if I go to the theatre.
But I might just get on streaming or something and watch it at home.
It's not essential to watch in the theatre, but it's a very good movie that I went to see with my cousins over Thanksgiving, and I had a great time with it.
@Xirema /s
Come now, surely we cannot possibly claim that nothing interesting came out this weekend.
After all, one of the most anticipated, most polarizing, most discussed movies finally came out this weekend.
that was the /s
@Xirema hahahaha
I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that Cats is divisive. It was just as weird and polarizing when it came out on Broadway.
It's a very weird very queer show. It just is.
(plus the movie version cats are super uncanny valley)
I wonder how well the movie would do if it was just regular people wearing those cat ear headbands.
And that was the full extent of the costume department's effort.
Like not even sharpie whiskers.
Just cat ear headbands.
Granted, I suppose that would make it look like a film student's summer project instead of a blockbuster CGI nightmare.
Jury's out on which one's better.
Was anyone else deeply alarmed reading the title for that question: How to discretely record a conversation for later playback?
@goodguy5 Yeah, there was a brief moment of "................. um."
It's actually an interesting question though. I think you could pull it off with a judicious application of the Arcane Programmer's Guide.
@goodguy5 Yup!
Would it be worth adding some kind of "in game" nod in the title, to prime readers a little better?
As for Star Wars, it honestly just seems like this what you get when you swap directors like puzzle pieces.
I'm sure the new trilogy would've been fine if Rian Johnson headed all three films.
@goodguy5 Depends on what you state you live in.
Or even just headed the final two.
(I am and forever will be skeptical about JJ Abrams's ability to finish things that he's started)
@NautArch I state that I live in a society where it is not acceptable to record people without their knowledge
@Someone_Evil ah, the state of disbelief
I reserve the right to record anyone in a state of suspended animation.
Though, normal people just call it a picture.
@goodguy5 I do not give you permission to steal my soul.
@NautArch I can't be blamed for you not making your save.
@NautArch I thought you hated fish?
@Yuuki They're pretty high on the scale.
@NautArch Weird, any idea why? I've never actually paid for anything on EGS, only gotten the free games.
NautArch are you here
Just a question: Permissions are needed on publicly supplied images?
Moderation on here seems very targeted. I feel like i get comments/flags for things other people are doing that never hear a word about it.
It's very unlikely that moderators are targeting you personally. At most, it's merely coincidental based when you are active and when moderators are active.
@J.Wagner Note that NautArch is not a "diamond moderator", but rather a community member (all of whom, with the appropriate privileges granted as a result of reputation points, are collectively responsible for most "moderation" on the site).
Relevant metas:
Q: Copying Potentially Copyrighted Images

LitheOhmHow do spells work in D&D Essentials Starter kit? I've seen some answers rolled back because the copyright wasn't owned. Ultimately all one would do to go around this example, though, would be to type out the relevant line -- still copying the information although less of it (probably). Related...

I was told to remove a partial answer in the comments, when I see those fairly commonly
Had a question removed that was opinion based and saw a question almost exactly the same a few days later
@J.Wagner On this stack, or on other stacks?
Q: Can I include a screenshot of a diagram to support my answer?

linksassinI recently answered a question where the best support I could find is in a diagram presented in the beginners rules. I attempted to translate the diagram to the best of my ability but it isn't as clear as I would like, particularly when the actual diagram is so nice. I would have liked to include...

this stack
We do remove answers in comments. Please flag any you see.
Q: Should users refrain from answers (or partial answers) in comments?

YasskierThere are situations, when you know SOMETHING that is related to the question but its insubstantial to be a proper answer, in example lets imagine a question: In which edition of game X dwarves are allowed to play as mages? Now lets say that I know a bit of game X, but I haven't played a wh...

Thanks you V2Blast for that
It just seems odd that im getting comments about that, but other's aren't for the same thing. It's been a few weeks worth of it. I am doing it to begin with based on others NOT being called out for it
Having the Q&A above will help. Thank you.
@J.Wagner There is actually a long history of answers-in-comments getting deleted here, and a mod (or community member) usually links that meta to them when someone does post such a comment.
Those comments just usually get deleted after it's clear the user's seen it :P
@J.Wagner So one thing worth remembering is that when other users get called out, that usually leads to comments getting removed shortly afterwards. So many of the instances where users are making that mistake are getting deleted before you're seeing them.
We wouldn't want to just leave up a mod warning as a "mark of shame" or something.
what Xirema said :)
So the only ones you're seeing are when they've slipped past the moderation.
much appreciated, have a good evening/weekend
You too!
BTW, just for reference, the reason Xirema asked "On this stack, or on other stacks?" is that we are a little stricter about comments being used for their intended purpose than some other sites are. Personally, I can't stand the walls of answer-comments on scifi.SE - they clutter up the area beneath the question, they can't be edited or improved, they can't be downvoted, etc. I liked the cleaner comment policy here before I was a mod, and I think it makes the site better :)
Q: Can the Mage Hand Spell do somatic components if the person who cast it doesn't have a free hand?

SantaClawsTheNecromancerA wizard casts the Mage Hand spell. They then pick up a short sword and a shield. They then want to cast Burning Hands against an opponent. Can they use the active Mage Hand to provide the somatic component for it?

There's a free game on the Epic Games Store every day (free to own if you get it that day) from today to Jan. 1: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
Today's is Towerfall Ascension: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/towerfall-ascension/home
(Supposedly, tomorrow's will be SUPERHOT.)

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