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@BESW This might be a stretch, but could you use Lasers & Feelings to approximate a short and simplified Lady Blackbird style of game?
Yes, but it would put all the pressure of character and setting and tone on me and my players; the awesome thing about LB is that it does that heavy lifting almost effortlessly.
That's an interesting Roll. Yes, you are choosing the 2 High numbers, and then then arranging them high-first.
So 61 is not likely, as you were more likely to get a 6,3 or 6,4 or 6,5. For 61, you need 6, <all 1s>
I haven't seen the Table, used to roll against, but I would suggest putting Rare results on 41, 51, 61, etc within scale (41-46 is still lower than 51-56)
You also have a wider spread at higher levels (1x only has 11. 2x only has 21, 22)
@BESW did some tinkering
@V2Blast I am aware of that, it was the 200 rep drop that surprised me.
@BlackSpike Oooh looks very cool.
Thanks. I'll tidy it up a bit.
There are no "limits" on anything (apart from 2-5 goblins). It just records what you tell it :)
The Reset Button sets Toothiness back to 10.
I haven't added naming Your Goblins yet
Naming goblins and ships would be great.
Consider it done :)
Our goblins were named Greg!, Glug?, #Bibble, and &Gig. So naturally our ship's name was G!G?#B&G'); DROP TABLE.
@BESW hahahah
@BESW My go-to for those purposes is Danger Patrol Pocket. dangerpatrol.com
I like DP:PE but it's got so many moving parts.
Have you ever run it for just one player?
@BESW Perfect.
Little Gobbo Tables ;)
Ah, I thought that was about drop-in-drop-out. I've run it for two - one means that given the way it works you're always looking at a slim chance of a one-hit KO.
And since the ship has a Teethiness stat, we decided it looks like this.
@Glazius What happens on a KO, anyway? That was always... unclear... to me.
My ideal game is something where one person can walk up and say "what's this table about?" and I say "do you have half an hour?" and we play a game.
Which means pre-made characters or super-fast guided chargen, two+ players (exactly two is not preferred in case they have friends), and an easy-to-explain high concept that's communicated and enforced by the system. Preferably, it's free for them to get to play on their own later and it has non-combat options or entirely no physical combat at all.
@BESW DPP doesn't do vaporized, so I generally run it as them being limited to recovering and using help dice. They're still around in the next scene.
My usual DPP con serial is cliffhanger opening - modified investigation scene - "previously on DANGER PATROL" as a commercial break - finale with all the previously on elements.
I'm not sure I understand.
About limiting them to recovering, or about the idea of a DPP serial?
The DPP serial thing.
As an introduction to the system, maybe a slightly longer one? I've basically found that sitting people down and talking about the system, then saying PREVIOUSLY ON DANGER PATROL is a little too much to expect.
So I run a cliffhanger scene - you know, fighting dragons on Saturn, breaking out of a gas chamber and punting robots, rescuing a crashing aircar from mutant apes -
Then I do "an investigation", which is a smaller number of "mysteries" that otherwise runs like a regular scene but caps danger at 5.
And now that people have a better grasp on their character I do the PREVIOUSLY ON DANGER PATROL prompt to get them to set up how they got thrown into the cliffhanger in the first place.
And that feeds into the final scene.
I call it a serial not because of some continuity from session to session but because it's a central structure I can repeat over and over with no bigger expectations.
I'll do a bit of tidying up (some of the code is ... well, lets just say "in need of tidying" ). I can then put on Google Play (for public download) or somehow send you the APK (or some other option)
I could also let the Author know about it
That all sounds awesome.
Thanks! :)
It was useful to write something for someone else. I've done a few of my own apps, but am allowed to move the goal-posts if I find anything tricksy! :D
(Don't be surprised if the Layout is not quite the same ... I don't have a trolley-full of devices to test on ... and art/design/prettiness is not my forte)
That's fair.
In other news, we went to see the fireworks tonight :)
Ooh, fireworks?
Aye. Bonfire Night here in UK (5 Nov)
Big firework display!
Plus The Lord of Lightning!
Ah, right.
(not my video)
It is a friend's birthday on 5 Nov, so we always go to the Fireworks with him :) He says all the display is in his honour :D
Q: How many attacks can a 3rd-level Hunter ranger using two-weapon fighting make in one turn?

Rock StoneDoes a 3rd-level Ranger with the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style and Hunter (Horde Breaker) archetype get 3 or 4 attacks in a turn? The two-weapon fighting rule (PHB pg. 195) says: When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you ca...

1 hour later…
I've settled on three offerings: Lady Blackbird, Masters of Umdaar, and Honey Heist.
@BESW Honey Heist is always a good choice for a short, low-threshold game
There are others I'd like to use instead but I don't have the time to get familiar with them to the point of running them with strangers at a con.
2 hours later…
Working on a single poster to go by my table to advertise all three.
LB needs a bigger title and less crawl text.
I'd rather have three smaller independent posters but then I'd have to also provide the "how they stand up" equipment.
Q: How does a variable caster level work for spells?

KyyshakThere are a fair few spells that have more powerful results with a higher Caster Level. Magic Missile creates more missiles, Fireball uses more damage dice, Cure spells restore more hitpoints, etc. In addition, any spell that can be resisted/countered/dispelled uses Caster Level to determine how ...

Daylight saving time ends for the year in the US today (November 3) at 2 am local time (jumping back to 1 am), so make sure to set your clocks and schedule accordingly. (It already ended last week in Europe.)
> Remember, remember, the third of November,
Dutifully set back your clocks.
I see no reason for changing by season,
But nobody asked for my thoughts.
Q: Function to calculate "Nd6 take highest 2, sort descending" probabilities in AnyDice

JohannesI'm creating an injury-table where the player has to roll a d66 to see how severe the injury her character sustains is. The players roll up to 5d6 (they roll more dice if the injury is worse), take the highest two, whereas the higher of the two is the tens digit and the other one is the ones dig...

2 hours later…
some of my players use power cards, some use a cheat sheet, but they all know their character and they know what to look for, so their reaction time is biased and I can't draw conclusions from them. The impression I get is that power cards are inherently less organized (it's more likely for a new player to keep all unused ones in a pile and go through it looking for something interesting to do, rather than sorting them by action type.
Cards, on the contrary, help with giving away daily powers you've used already and with keeping track of used encouynter powers. Maybe I'll mix the two approa
@BESW why isn't roll for shoes working for you?
@BESW ah, because of this I suppose
The bits of the Kekri celebration we went to weren't otherwise that special but we met two customs dogs at the Customs Museum :3
Sadly they had closed one room of the exhibit
It was a mite cold so we didn't stay for the burning of the goat but we stopped in this enchanting little cafe with a really picteuresque interior
@Zachiel In my group, new players quickly began sorting their cards by type--but what type depended on the player. I liked to sort them by action type, but some preferred to sort them by use frequency to make sure that they used their encounter powers as often as possible.
@BESW What's "quickly" here? During the first session? After a pair of sessions?
I can't recall specifics, it's quite some time ago, but I know that people were always eager to share tips and advice with new players so it's not like everyone had to learn techniques all by themselves.
And many of the players had a background in TCGs like Magic: the Gathering so when they got a handful of cards with color-coded categories and types indicated by lines of text... they had schema for it.
the problem is when you get the Hanabi players in and they hold all the cards backwards and try to work out from your facial expression which one to use
2 hours later…
Could someone offer me advice on a question? I feel like I am constantly justifying asking the question, what difference it makes, why anyone would want to clarify RAW, why RAW even matters, to give examples, to justify the examples, etc. Initially it was a short and concise question but I feel like constant demands are burying the actual question: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/158806/…
My 2c: Strict RAW isn't super helpful for solving actual problems. 5e (and I'm guessing most other systems) aren't written to be hyper consistent on a nitty-gritty rules level, because that way lies madness and super hard to learn systems.
If you have some case of an actual feature that would care about multiple advantages, that's the better version of the question, so people are going to ask about that as a clarification.
I think the basic problem is that you've got a reading of the rules which is counter to most people's natural reading and understanding of the way advantage/disadvantage works and you seem to be wanting to argue it until someone agrees with you
I am mainly interested in what the rules say because then I don't have to convince anyone of anything. For me, the rules should be the #1 port of call for solving any problem, but I can understand how houseruling something can be faster than looking up the rules.
I don't have a problem with people playing advantage/disadvantage differently to the way the rules say, but I thought in my question I was pretty clear I am interested in RAW and want answered supported by the rules. I can understand how someone can say "well I don't know what the rules say but at my table XYZ", but that isn't really a valid answer when the question is so explicit about wanting RAW, right?
@jgn That isn't a good answer to that question even if you don't explicitly ask for RAW. It might be if the asker doesn't like the outcome of RAW, but if it is a question about the rules, then answers should answer based on the rules.
none of the answers to your question are of the form "this is how we play it at my table"
Do note that explicitly asking for RAW with a lot of justification can come of as aggressive against answerers as it implies we don't know how to answer questions appropriately
@Carcer Not explicitly, but Rykara's answer is essentially as you describe, a preconception about how advantage functions without considering the rules. When I asked for clarification about the rules, I was told that I should have made it clear that is what I was after.
@Someone_Evil Well, I had to edit the question a lot because a lot of commenters asked me things like "why does it matter" "why does the rules matter" "when does this happen" etc. Initially the question was a few lines long with a preamble saying I was looking for RAW supported by the rules.
Is there something I could do to make it clear I am interested in the rules/rules supported answers? Is there a RAW tag or something?
@jgn No, not anymore and for good reason
Q: Time to retire the [rules-as-written] tag?

mxyzplk says reinstate MonicaWe have recently seen some issues around site users being unclear on how to use the rules-as-written tag and some unpleasantness broke out on the topic. Sadly, this has been happening for more than six years on this site. History of the RAW Tag Here's all the meta questions debating the RAW tag...

@jgn Rykara's answer is based on the rules and, since the nature of your question indicates that the rules are apparently ambiguous enough that not everyone is arriving at the same reading of them, invokes commentary from the writer of those rules as to what the intended reading is
Rykara's answer isn't based on the rules, it quotes the rules, sure. But if you actually read the rules and then read what they say, it is clear that the two do not match. The rules directly contradict their ideas. I can certainly understand how someone can have a differing interpretation of something, but merely throwing a quote here or there haphazardly doesn't mean that the rules support a position
This wouldn't be a problem, but for some reason people are upvoting it despite obvious problems.
I sense this will be unproductive
As far as I am aware there isn't really a mechanism to challenge answers that have problems. You can comment and hope that the comment is read and isn't deleted, but that's about it. Is the answer to make yet another question asking "when the rules say X does it actually mean the opposite of X"? That seems crazy.
This is starting to feel like a staring-so-closely-at-text-the-words-stop-meaning-anything situation. The solution to this is to stop trying to over-interpret the rules.
The thing to do is explain your situation well enough. I mean, there's something going on that makes you think you need just a RAW answer. Maybe you're running a con or a league. Maybe you've got the rules-lawyereyist of players/GMs. Maybe you're trying to produce a digital implementation of the game.
Share that info with us. Then answerers--and voters!--can actually see the context and why RAW matters.
I feel like that is a bit dismissive. There is no attempt to 'over-interpret' the rules, just to read them. Just because people commonly have a perhaps incorrect understanding of the rules, doesn't mean that we should ignore them. Games are made up of rules. I don't think it's fair to force someone to justify wanting to know the rules. [In my opinion] deciding to ignore the rules should be a conscious decision, not done offhand because reading rules is tricky.
I don't think it particularly fair or productive to force me to defend that position every time I ask a question. I don't go on all the homebrew questions and give them the 3rd degree for wanting to homebrew. Why not just let me ask about the rules in peace?
I don't think people are trying to give you a hard time about your playstyle. We are trying to help your question because it is unclear what your actual problem is.
@jgn From my perspective it's hard to see whether you've found a distinction that makes a difference. You're right in that the wording has a bit of a seam in it: it's not clear if possibly there are situations where one "has advantage twice, though still rolls 2d20." (Rather than the "advantage is a binary, one has it or not no matter the number of sources" interpretation that I've seen most widely-quoted.)
But before I'm going to dig through every rulebook to look for places where that distinction might matter, I'd like to hear the situation where it did matter to you and you had trouble.
So you push the burden of digging through the rulebook on me instead? If you are only willing to answer a rules question if you first know all the consequences of it, then it feels like you have an agenda.
@jgn Not wasting my time. Yes. I push that on you, because it's your question.
I'm not really clear on why it has to be done at all.
I mean, ask all the questions you want out of curiosity. But you asked for advice, and my advice is that questions that arise from actual problems are better-received and better-answered than those that don't.
@jgn You asked for the advice.
Every single time I have provided an example people have latched onto it and failed to give an answer [to the actual question], so although I appreciate the advice I have tried it and it leads to low quality non-answers for me.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Me too.
I do know that questions trying to specify what answers should look like has tended bad emergent properties around here, so we try to push back on that.
You and the stack might differ on what high quality questions and answers are. That sucks, but it's really hard for any of us to solve
"If you're not getting the answers you like/want, explain yourself better" is the mantra I go with.
I have put in huge bold font, the biggest that I can find, that I am looking for RAW supported by the rules, and tried to follow every suggestion that I get in the comments. Although it is a huge overhead to asking a simple question, I understand that this site doesn't really work well for simple questions, so I tried to explain as well as I can.
Perhaps the difference between this site and others is that people get a benefit out of certain answers, which leads to more bias?
Just a note - that large font feels very unfriendly.
That's trying to prescribe answers, not explaining the question better
You've but in huge bold font exactly what I'm claiming is bad for the site. A set of instructions for what you expect answers to do.
It doesn't feel helpful to what you want, it feels very much like you are just yelling at people rather than explaining.
@Ash (Certainly doesn't feel like listening.)
In any case, I'm off for the morning. My 11 year-old son says he wants to try his first half-marathon, so today we start a 6-mo training regimen =)
If people are not understanding, a big font in bold won't magically make it clearer
@nitsua60 oooh, have fun
Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but if someone asks "What is the hit die of fighter in dnd 5e?" then "tomato is a fruit" is not a valid answer, correct?
(Which, coincidentally, should probably be pretty good "get back into shape after double hernia surgery" training for me.)
@Ash Thanks =)
@jgn I feel like this is being dismissive of what's actually happening with its hyperbole
@jgn Correct, but I'm failing to see the relevance
@nitsua60 together time and useful exercise time, nicely done
So if I ask "By RAW XYZ" then answers that are not by RAW are not valid answers? I feel like this should be pretty clear.
@Ash That wasn't my intention, I just want to establish common ground that we can agree on.
@jgn The same rules can have different interpretations. You disagreeing with an interpretation does not make it not RAW
@jgn but people are using RAW, they're just not using it in ways you like
I understand that on this site answering with homebrew/houserules/RAI/RAW are all seen as valid. Which is totally fine. However I am asking about RAW, and I'm not sure how to do that without "prescribing answers", to me it is "defining the question parameters" and I'm not sure what the difference is.
BTW, you can use the arrow on the right of a message (when hovering) to reply to a message. Makes mixed conversations easier to follow
@Ash RAW must be supported by the rules, you can't just throw in a few random quotes and expect an answer to be considered RAW (in my opinion)
@Someone_Evil OMG THERE'S AN ARROW ON THE RIGHT! (I've always used the drop-down on the left.)
@Someone_Evil Oh, thanks
I never thought to hover a chat reply haha
@jgn "a few random quotes" I feel like this is not a fair interpretation of what people are doing
@nitsua60 I love that you are discovering this, after all this time
@Ash Maybe? I think you are focusing on the wrong point. If the quote says "X" and then the post says "opposite of X" then it's not RAW even if there is a quote from the rules.
Every RAW thing is, by nature, going to have to quote things, you are just disagreeing with what people are quoting, and thus deciding they are "random"
@Ash Just having a quote isn't enough for me.
(is there any way to reply to a message just with kb? I hate switching to mouse. Maybe theres a way to show chat line IDs?)
What is enough? I think that's what's confusing people.
You aren't very clear on what counts as enough, and the bold big font just feels so antagonistic
@jgn Sort of? (user script)
@Ash Well, usually you would discuss a quote directly. Something like: the rules say "X, Y, Z" X means ... Y means ... which is why Z. I do not accept directly contradicting the rules as a valid RAW interpretation. To me it seems like an attempt to justify a pre-existing idea rather than a reading of the rules.
@Someone_Evil Thanks, very nice!
@jgn Do you have an explicit example of someone doing this?
A: If multiple sources grant advantage do you have advantage multiple times but still roll +1d20?

RykaraAdvantage or disadvantage is a binary state. Either you have it or you don't. The rules talk about multiple sources of advantage but, in the end, you simply "have advantage" or "have disadvantage" on the roll (or neither). The rules make it clear that a single instance of the opposite mechanic i...

The tl;dr is they quote the rules saying "multiple disadvantage" and use this as proof that multiple disadvantage doesn't exist.
@jgn No, multiple sources of advantage and multiple advantages are not the same.
This seems to me to be an attempt to justify the common understanding that advantage doesn't stack, which I actually discussed in the question.
@Someone_Evil Advantage is something that you are granted by sources. If they want to argue that being granted advantage isn't the same as having advantage, they should argue that.
Perhaps ironically the same quote that I am talking about also says that being granted advantage is the same as having advantage...
Anyway it's late, I'm off. Thanks for the discussion. Some of the links and comments were useful, I appreciate it.
Huh, a good day for getting my messages starred apparently
howdy howdy. With that question, I may make a clean-up edit @jgn. You've got a lot of not so nice language in there that isn't helping you and I think removing it would do you a service.
Q: Is this a deadly encounter?

BryanMy DM is insisting that he is not giving us DEADLY encounters, so I am bringing one example to this community to see if I am calculating incorrectly. I am in an adventuring party as one of THREE 12th level characters [wizard, warrior, cleric]. We came upon (4) Ooze, Corrupting (Tomb of Beasts ...

@Rubiksmoose looks like you did the edit :)
although i am going to remove some other lines
@NautArch yup! I had no idea this was being actively discussed actually lol
FWIW I don't think questioning the "why" for this question is going to help. I just removed a bunch of comments to that effect.
@Rubiksmoose I took out the last paragraph. It wasn't helping the question in any way and came off as very combative.
@Rubiksmoose was my 'why' for the use case okay? I still think that may help us understand the issue.
Well I would agree but the last handful of attempts to ask the exact same thing just let to frustration and exasperation from OP and that paragraph being added to the question.
Actually it looks like I did leave some and OP has already declined to answer. So I don't think it's useful to press the issue.
> Could we just stick to the question I am asking and you can just assume that I am asking because I'm interested in the answer?
Then should we remove thel inked question? Because that confused things more. It's hard when asking for clarification results in argument. Without understanding what the implications may be, it's hard to formulate an answer. It' starting to feel like close as unclear.
If it's generating lots of "I don't understand" and OP doesn't want to get into that, then that seems to leave it as unclear.
Because the'example' above the linked still isn't an example. It's basically a restatement of the question in story form.
But I think ultimately it probably could stand alone, but it's another example of why the community does better when solving problems and not asking about theory that doesn't have a clear mechanical implication.
OP it's coming from the perspective that you should be able to analyze what the rules actually say and that it's effects on the gameplay don't matter. They are asking what the rules say in the case and that's it.
I'd agree that the question would definitely be better if it had a clear use case and practical application. But that doesn't appear to matter to OP.
@Rubiksmoose Right, and I'm saying those are notoriously difficult for us to answer and often don't get a good reception. Being upset about that result doesn't really move a marker. They can leave it and deal with it, or they can try help the community resolve the question by providing details the community requests.
Sure, my original point was just that continuing to press the point is not useful at this point.
yup, it's why i deleted all my comments trying to help
i'll go ahead and delete the most recent one as well
Just trying to help OP get to an answer rather than more arguments.
But when there is a fundamental disconnect between the querent and the respondents and the querent is refusing to adjust, that's not going to go well. If the goal is getting an answer, being stubborn isn't a great way to move forward.
Yeah, and generally it's a good strategy, but I'm this case they are asking something intentionally divorced from practical application. So it is what it is, I guess.
and, um, you may want to edit this comment
@Rubiksmoose But unfortunately, OP doesn't want the answers or feedback they're getting. So it's a bit of a vicious cycle.
@NautArch Heh good catch. Stupid autocorrect
OP is asking a question we don't generally do as well with and is upset about the answers they're getting. Rinse and repeat.
I still don't like not understanding the implications, but I'm also not answering it...so not my problem to be concerned with :P
Yeah, I'm just not sure how to help. OP wants to ask these types of questions and we're not always great at answering them in the way that they like.
I'm the end, most of them are still providing some useful Q&As though.
Vicious cycle. I'm not sure there's a solution here for it unless we get some respondents who are also better at answering those types of questions.
Yeah. In the end, people can always just not answer of course.
Or OP can adjust their view of the site and how it generally works to get better answers to the questions.
That would certainly be good as well.
BUt folks like to answer and want to help solve problems. I think that's why those clarifications are asked. Removing the solving problem bit makes things harder for everyone.
I don't think this question is bad, I just think it's hard.
I think it's only hard because it's not clear what it means.
And it pokes at an area of 5e rules in a way that the system is not really used to being poked.
I think that's very true, but i'm not sure if it's "not used to being poked" or "not really meant to be poked" type of thing.
@NautArch I think it's pretty clear what's being asked. And what's being asked doesn't care about the effects, if any, such a ruling might have on gameplay. It's just trying to understand the system.
But OP is also clear that they don't want the latter, but that also assumes we're supposed to look at it in that way.
Divorcing rules from gameplay is problematic. We have the rules for gameplay, and 5e rules provide a lot of leeway in many cases. I get what OP is trying for, but I'm not sure that fits with us. It turns it more into a theoretical discussion.
And the philosophical disscusion that turns into doesn't fit the Q&A format.
Regardless of how and what was even asked, it did trigger me reading the rules for Advantage more closely and realizing I hadn't understood them properly:
I certainly agree it's not ideal. I'm just not sure what to do about it. Closing seems like probably not the best solution IMO.
I understood that Advantage and Disadvantage cancelled each other out, but I thought it was less of a zero sum thing.
I would have ruled that 2 sources of Disadvantage and 1 Source of Advantage equals Disadvantage on the roll.
Yeah I was surprised by what the rules actually said too. My understanding of them was definitely off as far as RAW. I thought the RAW offered a some clear answer to this question.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, i'm not sure closing is right, either. But if they're not getting the answers they want and they're unwilling to provide the level of context respondents are asking for, then we're stuck.
When the Rules As Written make it a bit simpler
@Rubiksmoose I must have read enough questions on here to get that. Probably based on the using chips to track adv/dis question.
It's all about simplification, even in the face of logic.
Yeah it feels like a very deliberate choice to tone down the endless stacking and recalculating of effects you see in like 4e or something.
@NautArch trying to control what answers you get here is largely always a fool's errand. You can try your best by making the question clear and your desires clear, but the system doesn't require people to follow that explicitly. And answer removal only really occurs when those answers are junk.
Yeah, answers shouldn't be removed just because OP doesn't like them (especially if the community does).
were my edits to their question okay to you?
Yeah those all looked like improvements to me. I might have left the frame challenge one, but I was divided on it. OP can always change it back. Nobody is telling them not to follow the rules anyways.
@Rubiksmoose I left the request for no frame challenges, just removed the assumption on people telling them not to follow the rules.
I hate to say it, but OP also seems to have answers they're looking for, RAW or not. This comment talks about things seeming strange and wanting an explanation. They seem to want it both ways.
and that may be the problem.
2 hours later…
@jgn So you push the burden of digging through the rulebook on me instead ? Yes. SE does. the Help clearly tells you this, in the encouragement to search and re search in "how to ask a question" section
hey there @Glazius and @ACuriousMind, we on for today?
@Shalvenay Aye
@Shalvenay Sorry, @Shalvenay. I haven't had the energy to do much this weekend. Been cranking for the last... months on overtime for a work project and now that everything's mostly buttoned up on it I'm finally feeling the fatigue.
@Glazius huggles no worries, check back in next week?
Yeah, I think I just need to decompress.
@Glazius Months? Ouch. Hope it's over now and you get some deserved rest! And no worries :)
2 hours later…
@Khuldraesethna'Barya [wave] Hi!
Anybody got a Honey Heist character sheet they really like?
I'm liking these by Bjarne Nielsen.
Heh, nice sheets. We used just pen and paper and pdf, that's a sweet upgrade.
Normally I'm all for "just grab an index card and a pen," but I'm planning to offer HH as an option at my convention table next week.
I'm looking for Masters of Umdaar sheets, too.
Thinking about using the She-Ra inspired sheets
Omigosh the same artist made Hilda-style Fate sheets.
@BESW oh I like these!
hey there @Khuldraesethna'Barya, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@BESW oh my god
that's the best
I like that it uses conditions!
you are destroying my free time
look at it just fly away
you monster
@Khuldraesethna'Barya howdy!
@BESW Uh, artwork by Tazio Bettin. I know the guy!
Yeah, they're one of the artists Evil Hat contracted for illustrating MoU.
well the first one I got was just a plain old humanoid
with super strength
telekinisis and a tentacle for some reason
@trogdor Mine was a clever mutant weasel with a laser punch and laser bow
re: character sheets. While I like "styled" sheets, and "themed" stuff, they REALLY need to be READABLE! no fancy backgrounds on the bits I'm going to write on". No unreadable fonts! Need to be able to scan the sheet and find the bit I'm looking for, not decipher hieroglyphics! /rant
Q: Is the Kolat Towers map properly drawn?

BlueMoon93In Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, players can access a zone known as Kolat Towers. The map is drawn strangely though. It seems like the 2nd floor is not aligned with the 1st floor. Not very usual, I think. I'm building the map in 3D for my Halloween session later this week, and I'm unsure if I shoul...

Q: Does a Light Domain cleric's Corona of Light feature produce sunlight?

Mark OmoDoes a Light Domain cleric's 17th-level feature, Corona of Light (PHB, p. 61), produce sunlight? It explicitly says, "you can use your action to activate an aura of sunlight". However, it also says, "You emit bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that." That seems to impl...

@BESW Space Goblins author liked my App! So I'll go live Tuesday (Tomorrow is Games Night!). They also mentioned forthcoming Updates ...
As always: feedback appreciated.
I should build a "library" of code for the "<Trait> <-> <value> <+>" bit. I use it all the time!
That is awesome!
+1 Tinkerer to you
@Rubiksmoose Thanks! :)
Can't seem to get our group to play such games :( we get stuck into long (2-year) campaigns. On off-days (when we've not enough players) we stick to Small World.

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