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@V2Blast I've spent the past few hours sifting through the mumblemumble gigabytes of content I've downloaded from DMsGuild. Most of it is unplayable.
@MikeQ I'm convinced that there'd be a market for someone to trawl DMsGuild and basically resurrect Dungeon.
I would pay someone to sift through that trash-pile to skim off the top 10%.
@nitsua60 I'd take that money ... but your 10% may vary from mine ...
@nitsua60 I'm not being paid, but I have a sizable list of PDFs to rate poorly
Actually, I'm reconsidering that claim that I'd pay for a curated collection of DMsGuild products. I don't really want full "modules" from people. I want ideas. Preferably, contained on one page.
Good thing I kickstarted this guy: http://www.trilemma.com/ !
Ideas are cheap. Good ideas are not.
Your "good Idea" may vary.
Unfortunately too many monetized PDFs on DMsGuild are clearly not playtested (and probably not proofread either). Some aren't even the uploader's work, e.g. compiled lists of community-sourced suggestions.
Is there any Moderation on DM'sGuild?
Doesn't look like it.
Like you said, "good" varies, and it's not always easy to prove whether content is or isn't good.
<Tangent> our Rolemaster game just got shunted back another couple of weeks #catHerding Gonna be a 1-2 year campaign, so not a major issue ... but we're champing at the bit to get started ...
If your active death ward cancels your teleport spell, you should not cast it again.
@MikeQ You can have "lower limits". Like, is it spell-checked ... but it al gets very subjective very quickly
How about "we witnessed it being playtested"
@MikeQ Right, but if they're at least brief, I don't have to spend too much time figuring out whether I want to hang on or ditch them =)
@nitsua60 But you won't understand my "new unique idea" unless it is spelled out over 40 pages of nuanced detail! It's really good, and not just a rewrite of Hamlet! I've improved upon it!
Y'all, off topic but I work at a call center and one of the biggest rules is that we're not supposed to leave our computers unlocked if we walk away from them for any reason. One way we try to teach people this is by flipping their screens. Normally this is no big deal they either don't get their screen flipped or they unflip it and move on. Well... I flipped a coworker's screen or rather tried to and the computer immediately blue screened...
@Himitsu_no_Yami :D
nope, forgot about that. I went into control panel → display → adjust resolution
flip-screen/blue-screen ... wouldn't have happened if it was locked!
@BlackSpike Spelling and grammar errors are usually permissible. I'd expect to see them even in legit published material. With this community-created stuff, there are bigger issues with the content, like unfinished sentences or nonsense statements
References to nonexistent game mechanics, etc
@MikeQ Game mechanics elsewhere in the creator's collection?
No no, more like the meaning doesn't make sense
@MikeQ True. The odd mistake will always slip through. And an Author -should- know their System ... but a Full, Decent proof-read can get time-consuming (read: expensive).
@MikeQ Clarify how that can be gotten from "references to nonexistent game mechanics"? Give an example?
I want to have a bit of faith in third-party content.
It's not third party being the problem. It's that the content is directly community-sourced, with no apparent vetting or testing process
@Powerdork I'll try to find an example.
@Powerdork An example from (old, but "professionally published") was Necromunda (games Workshop). A fire-bomb gave the target a Condition: "On fire". There was no reference in the rules anywhere to what this condition meant.
(Can't speak for DM'sGuild content, as I haven't read any)
Thousands of years ago, the space Liches travelled between the stars. But in their pride and folly they reached again for weapons of war and battled each other and broke planets in their madness. But they held this world sacred. There is rumor and legend of a grimoile, The Tome of Star Flight that holds a secret of terrible power that the stars can be ours again.
@MikeQ Yeah. DMsGuild and /r/UnearthedArcana are slightly better than dandwiki in that homebrew is clearly marked (...by being entirely homebrew/third-party, basically, except for what official content occasionally appears there) - and more importantly because they have some sort of feedback mechanism (even if the OP doesn't respond to it or refine accordingly, others can see comments/reviews). But it's not inherently higher-quality in any way.
There's no minimum threshold of quality to publish on them.
Morning all
@Powerdork Ok, it seems I've deleted some of the big offenders. However I did just come across a homebrew item (in a list of many items for 5e ) that deals "cont/cort" damage. This term doesn't appear anywhere else.
Oh dear.
I probably should've said "ambiguous" game mechanics. I see a lot of those.
@BlackSpike One possibility here is that it isn't code they wrote.
Q: Can you add a collaborator to a Glyph of Warding?

CaklSo, say you are a Wizard, level 15+. You can cast 8th level spells, and so can your level 15+ Cleric friend. Wizards don't have Earthquake on their spell table, but the Cleric does. Can you add the Cleric to the Glyph of Warding, and have Earthquake be the spell casted by the Glyph, provided that...

@JoelHarmon usually its the other way around with that sort of thing -- my English is fine, but the code? not so much....especially when its the vendor's fault :P
1 hour later…
A law.SE question relevant to our interests:
Q: D&D Monsters and Copyright

Louis LunnWe are making a college board game, and would like to know if we can use a few monsters from dnd to make our game. We don't use the same name as you do, just the images from online and the books.

I did two unusual things considering my usual laissez-faire-pas approach to arts and crafts and household chores and folded an entire magazine into compost waste bags. We now have surplus for about a few weeks, yay
I was going to make just one bag like I usually do but this magazine was stapled so easily I got into the grooooove
@kviiri yeah the problems in the game can sneak up on you, i didn't know I had been running out of dirt (which I was dependent on for food) until it happened and dupes started starving
That's sorta why this time I started using bristle berries for food
@trogdor Yea, is there even any easy overview on resources one has?
A ledger of sorts
Like how much you are spending?
And producing
I think there is something but I would have to check
Yeah, and how much you have in storages
There is a list of how much of each resource you have for sure
It's under a tab near the top left
Labeled as resources
You might have to click on it for it to show you what you have and it will also show overviews of types of resources first
You have to click on each one for it to show numbers of specific resources and also have to learn the categories each thing falls under though
But it's there
Err sorry top right
Why did I say left? XD
Ooh, thanks! I need to check that out
But I thiiink there is also a cycle overview that shows resource consumption and production
I know there at least is for oxygen
But I forget how to access it exactly
But when I get home in a little under an hour I'll hunt it up
It's cycle report, shows in messages near the top left
Yeah ok
I don't know if it shows all resources though
No, just some vitals like oxygen, calories etc.
It might only be oxygen
That's too bad
And other stats like commute waste
I would love to be sure I'm making more dirt than I am using
Maddeningly dirt farming takes dirt
Yes :D
So if I have ratios wrong I could be pointlessly destroying dirt
Also I love that dirt is a precious resource ❤️
Anyway, I have 4 arbor trees for my pips, and don't want to cull my pips obsessively, so it's possible I have too many trees making food for them/ too many pips
Yeah, there seems to be a bit of a lesson regarding dirt :)
Because there's a metabolism debuff for having too many Because everyone wants to micromanage while also planning new projects right? XP
If you keep some of your toilets dry outhouses which is tbf quite ecological irl as well, you could farm dirt out of poop
But that causes a morale problem
A minor one but still
I've had failure spirals due to morale
Yeah, I haven't had any morale issues yet so I might not realize how big that impact could be
And this newest version is more strict about it too
Also outhouses are laborous to maintain
Yeah I may have given my dupes too many specialized skills
Also that
I like toilets because once you have them set up right there isn't costly maintenance
Unlike outhouses
No actually I was wrong
Outhouses are fed clean dirt
Although I ran outhouses really long this time because toilets can be a Hassle to set up
That's... not how it really works :D
Oh yeah XD
@trogdor Yea. Luckily those reservoir buildings are compact
Well, not more compact than large rooms full of liquid, but they save the need for extra pumps
I love them
I use reservoirs maybe more than I should
Infinite pressure loops
But they help me empty stuff into a useable container and also keep track of the resources I have in that area
And also that
Infinite pressure loops are great
Less power use
Besides the purifier but I'm using that anyway
So it really isn't an addition
Surprisingly though, I need a lot more polluted water
I've found 5 different renewable water sources and none of them are polluted water
And I need it for Arbor trees, thistle reeds, and Pincha
Luckily your guys are renevable polluted water sources :> it never quite runs out, but yeah you can need more
Somehow I assumed polluted water would propagate its pollution if mixed with normal
@kviiri they are but I need more than they provide XD
It doesn't
They sit on each other and share germs but they don't share type
If they did I would be so set
Actually though
I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner but maybe I just should stop purifier use and transfer all polluted water flow to things that use it specifically
It's going to be a whole mega project in itself but I can tap a second Clean water source with less heat and use all polluted water I have on things that use it specifically and that might make me set
I set up all my water stuff before over half my farming projects
@trogdor yeah, sounds sensible
So it's outdated unfortunately
I'm thinking of restructuring the base to be more atomic in design with less multi-purpose rooms, to facilitate redesigns where I have to flip everything to a new location
The biggest problem is germs but I think that actually doesn't matter for anything but the peppers
And those aren't actually food
Or replace something's inputs with something else
They get cooked as an ingredient and I think that kills the food poisoning?
Afaik yes but I'm not that far yet :D
Yeah I actually designed my base for multiple purpose use this time
I've never bothered before
But now I have a more compact (mostly) base than I've ever had and have fewer heat and power and oxygen issues
There's been some space spillover but it's largely exploring to find more vents and stuff
Because I wanted a hydrogen vent and a polluted water vent and instead got two Nat gas ones and a lot of clean and one salt water one X/
Space seems to be relatively plentiful so far
It is
The thing is that how you use it and how much you use effects things
Like how much of a resource you need to eat to make oxygen
To fill the space
Early and late game that's a huge deal
Midgame it's weirdly less of a problem because that's usually when you hit resource high on a lot of things
But later you have heat issues that effect you worse if machines run too close to things that need low heat
Like certain farms or other machines XD
FYI I've died a lot from that stuff XD
Hmm yeah, heat might come into play later for synergies
I take a lot of design inspirations from Factorio which has some elements in common with these other builder games, although it's much, much more geared for optimizing very large-scale production instead of worrying too much about things like "sustainability" in the resource use sense.
In Factorio, sustainability is more like "do I need to re-do this if I want ten times more of this stuff"
Thereby it encourages scalable construction: it matters little if your chip plant outputs 20 or 25 chips per second because at some point you're going to need a hundred chips a second and then it's just a matter of whether you have four or five units side by side :)
Adapting the same principles to ONI might work in some cases and I think the game even encourages it to some extent
I want to try out Factorio at some point but I've been waiting patiently for it to be released and also would love to wait for a sale
in ONI there is definitely a bigger focus on sustainability
and building a system you don't have to mess with before moving on to a new project
but there's definitely an element of re-factoring things and producing more of something because you need higher numbers for a new project
I can't for the life of me figure out why I would need so many water geysers but maybe eventually I'll take more than 6 dupes and will need more food and oxygen production
@trogdor I think it's a very good game already, but it requires accepting that a large part of the game is realizing that you've built something inefficient and need to re-do it
I've watched a lot of it
@kviiri Feels like a good summary of my life. :P
I think it's a fine game now but assuming they haven't released it because they are still tweaking and adding things means I would rather go through learning it when it's mostly done
@trogdor that's true
Q: Can a surprised monster use lair actions if they roll an initiative above 20?

DacromirThe rules for lair actions say: On initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties), it can use one of its lair action options. It can’t do so while incapacitated or otherwise unable to take actions. If surprised, it can’t use one until after its first turn in the combat. If a creature with...

Hi Pierre
1 hour later…
How long is it polite to wait for when an asker can self-answer and has been told they can do so?
@Someone_Evil As in, wait for them to provide a self-answer instead of answering yourself? I don't think there's any real need to wait then
@kviiri It feels rude somehow, to "steal" the first answer when they have the answer, but didn't know they are allowed (and encouraged) to self answer.
@Someone_Evil Oh, they didn't know? Hm, yeah, I can kinda see the situation then
They left a comment saying: "I found the answer, please delete my question"
Hm. I'd just answer it myself if they didn't indicate they're intending to self-answer.
Well, posted. Let's see if I catch flak for it
I mean even if they do intend to self-answer, I see nothing wrong with leaving your own distinct answer :)
Nope, you're getting banned forever
The first answer tends to get more rep, especially if they are largely providing the same stuff
2 hours later…
@TheOracle Seems like the most interesting reaction to it so far is this: rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9479/50419
@vicky_molokh FWIW I agree with the reaction but that post seems to be about feedback for notice banners, not for debating notice banners themselves.
Q: How do multiple castings of Demiplane interact with one another?

EChambers89So for the spell Demiplane, it states: Each time you cast this spell, you can create a new demiplane, or have the shadowy door connect to a demiplane you created with a previous casting of this spell. Does this mean that you can, for example, create demiplane 1, then on the next castin...

Q: Can you decide not to sneak into a room after seeing your roll?

ImspringinIf someone asks to stealthily open a door but rolls poorly, can they just choose not to do it, and let someone else open the door?

I mean, I don't generally support scope-limitation to single, fixed n-ary decisions in politics of real world or website alike, but we can have the flexibility of both choosing what notice to use, if any, and taking that discussion in to account whether to use even that, without having to mix threads.
@kviiri Oh, sure. I am half-tongue-in-cheek wondering if some answers need an asterisk linked to boilerplate saying something along the lines 'all words are produced by experiences; all experiences are my own' as a warding talisman. ^_^
(Yes, I know that in practice, such warding talismans don't necessarily help at all.)
@kviiri that'll be mostly because the meta post going up about the banners reprompted the discussion about the policy in chat
@vicky_molokh Yeah, I personally feel we're making users jump through hoops --- yes, for a good reason in a way, I just don't think vetting for answers with/without keyword accomplishes that reason.
It plays a bit too well into the "stack exchange cares too much about formal correctness" meme for my taste.
@kviiri Agreed. It is a challenge figuring out how/where exactly to draw that line.
For me, and i said this earlier, is the difference between presenting an untested idea and presenting a tested solution.
And trust me, nobody would like a clear line more than me and (I suspect) the rest of the mods. We have to deal with the flags on this issue after all, and it can be quite difficult to know what to do with them.
@NautArch I don't dispute that. I dispute the idea that requiring users to say they've tested their idea does more good than bad.
@kviiri You still need to show that it's been tested...otherwise, its equivalent to the former
@NautArch good luck doing that over an online text-only medium.
(yeah, I know we can have images too, doesn't really change the substance of what I'm saying)
You're taking show too literally :) show by telling us about the experience. Understanding not just the idea but the pros and cons from experience are what I think more important
@NautArch I fear this boils too much to "insert these magic words into your post or get deleted".
What's there to stop me from claiming I've tried this and that and that it worked this way? Okay, if it's clearly non-sense or contrary to others' experiences, I'll get downvoted a bit, but that's true for messages without the "I tried this" disclaimer too.
But anyone can just lie about experience. We can't prove that someone has or hasn't tried something at their table.
It seems odd that if someone is asked to provide some personal anecdote to back up their answer, they could simply fabricate a story, and suddenly that makes the answer better
yeah, I feel we're placing too much emphasis on reported personal experience over the substance of the answer.
Show is more and better than tell/state. An answer can state expertise/experience without including the limitations, pitfalls, subtleties of an approach and thus not be as useful as one that has included those, but which does not state experience.
I guess answers to subjective questions should do two things: give a proposed solution, and discuss that solution (based on theory, logic, and/or experience)
@Someone_Evil That makes sense. If an answer is explained logically and clearly, it doesn't make a huge difference whether they also mention their personal experience
How do you logically explain something subjective? How someone responds to something often isn't logical.
In a perfect world this works! But we aren't in a perfect world.
Hm... I suppose mentioning experience isn't worthless. But it doesn't add much if there's a solid argument already there.
@NautArch Would reasoning have been a better word? My point was that if you explained why/when your solution should/might work then that is valid, because it let's a reader decide whether it might work for them
@MikeQ But how do you present a solid argument for a subjective recommendation? That's the problem with these soft questions. We can hypothesize about what to do, but it's where the rubber meets the road where it really matters.
@Someone_Evil I still want to say no. I think i'm holding a harder line here, but I think it's for the overall improvement of the site. I also don't think that focusing on a few bad apples 'gaming' the experience required bit is a reason not to do it.
But raising the bar for new contributions is a very good reason. We already have a reputation for being a community of nitpicking hard-liners.
It's not raising the bar, it's explaining that we have a bar and asking folks to meet it.
@MikeQ That's my position as well. If it's a good or fine experience for the reader, maybe don't pester the answerer. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
@GcL Yeah, that was a good meta answer. Definitely liked the examples.
@kviiri There's probably a reason for that perception. Who harbors that?
@GcL Newcomers, I imagine. Also me.
@MikeQ I used to be able to find more examples of posters being apparently put off by the practice, but the comments are lost to time deletion
Sometimes it's worked out well. Especially in chats. However, those comment threads also lost.
I think i've said my piece and we're talking in circles at this point. There's a fundamental disagreement on the practice that's been rehashed on meta several times. Another is fine, but at some point we have to agree to disagree. I think I reached that point :)
Folks can keep putting up unsupported answers and be fine with it, but folks will also continue to ask for support. And the world turns.
Supported answers are good. Yet I'm not sure that asking for experience would make answers better supported.
@GcL Lots of my RPG friends, the occasional new user, and lots of people who (partially correctly) assume this site is quite like Stack Overflow.
@MikeQ If you're making a subjective recommendation on something, how are you supporting it without referencing your own experience or something you've seen? Theory is not evidence.
Like, if someone inserts "Oh btw I did this at my table and my players loved it" into their answer, that should not make it better.
@MikeQ I don't think that's evidence of support.
@NautArch I would start by assuming the answerer is drawing on their experience in gaming and life. Then I would ask myself, "do I think this answer a bad experience for the reader?"
@NautArch True, it's a goofy example, but I've seen similar patterns in the edit histories of questions where the answer was asked for experience. Mentioning experience starts to seem like a formality.
@GcL And I start by not assuming anything. I start with lookinga t the answer and thinking "interesting, how did it work out?"
@NautArch That's exactly what is being asked. Assert you tried this yourself.
@GcL Not to mention, I personally think so too. I've been on the site long enough to both grow disenchanted with the initial glamour and to see the point in many of the stricter parts --- but sometimes I feel that if I were to stumble upon the site now, without prior experience, I couldn't bother with it.
@GcL I think you are assuming that people will just add the bare minimum to game the system. It's a bad faith assumption.
@MikeQ Citing the actual rules is also a formality, but it's one we require.
@NautArch And you're assuming people post pure guesswork, and upvote things because they like how it sounds even if they don't know it's true. That's not exactly good faith either.
@NautArch I've literally been asked, "did you try this yourself" in the comments. The answer is "yes".
@NautArch Maybe. I'm less concerned about users gaming the system, and more concerned about bad answers suddenly becoming acceptable because of some anecdote
And expounding upon this one time at band camp that it worked great doesn't add to the quality of the answer.
@kviiri If there isn't any additional support, then it's not an assumption. They ahven't actually shown their work.
@MikeQ again, that's looking at bad faith examples rather than trying to get folks to put in good faith responses.
@NautArch Regardless of all the time we've spent discussing this now, i still fail to see what this "additional support" is, if not just an anecdote.
@NautArch We're not asking about showing work. The good subjective just says something that you've actually experienced. Not that you have to explain it.
@NautArch I think most people answering questions are doing so in good faith and based on their own experience. Pestering them to certify that is the case simply to meet a guideline seems like a poor plan to me.
@GcL experienced, or seen. It doesn't have to be personal. It can be a 3rd party, but bringing up that example seaparets it from generating an idea to reporting on an idea and how it went.
@NautArch I think I missed that in the good subjective post that keeps getting cited.
@GcL Sure, then to take that to an extreme, let's also assume that any rule quoted without a citation is correct.
Citing rules is a different issue, more of a matter of correctness. Not the same as good/bad subjective.
@NautArch That sounds like an ad absurdem or slippery slope arguement to me.
Maybe straw man
this is the answer I like that talks about the various cases:
A: How do we appropriately back up a subjective answer?

mxyzplkThis answer won't discuss the policy or why we do it, that's well covered elsewhere. It will take the Good Subjective/Bad Subjective policy as gospel and explain how to give Good Subjective answers and Back It Up! specifically. First, per How do we ask and answer subjective questions?: Answ...

I usually don't see that linked to. I usually see: stackoverflow.blog/2010/09/29/good-subjective-bad-subjective
Is this what you meant by 3rd party from mxyzplk's answer?
"Q: Do I have to have personally done that exact thing?
A: No, your two options are experience or citing a reference. That could be a book, it could be "Matt Mercer did it in a session in this video and here's what happened..."
It reads like good advice to me. I guess all references like that are 3rd party experience.
@GcL As far as I know, all the experiences mentioned in answers are made up, and every other site user is part of a highly advanced AI
I could be a dozen cats in a trench coat. You don't know! /S
@GcL Yup, I really like his answer.
@NautArch Seems like a blueprint for making good answers.
@GcL Yup, and it still requires some level of support beyond presentation of an idea. Maybe I wasn't being clear, but Mxy's answer is what I'm looking for.
kind of a bummer that resides in a duplicate question, but them's the breaks.
I still disagree that it's necessary and sufficient for good answers. There are good answers that don't do those things. I think the good subjective is a fine tool to fix a poor answer that would benefit from it.
And that's where we disagree. I think this template applies to all subjective answers. It's what makes a good answer.
For me, it's what turns "this seems like it could be a good answer' into "this is a good answer".
Well don't go deleting any of your formerly good answers. I have some of them bookmarked and I've not cached copies of my bookmarks in a while.
I'm definitely not removing any answers, but I do now always support my ideas and I think my answers have improved because of it.
and I choose not to answer when I can't back up my idea/suggestion.
I'll come in here to theorize :)
Sounds reasonable to me.
Q: What kind of tools would be used to carve bone?

VarisBerskRelated question: Is it balanced to replace a musical instrument proficiency from my character's background with an artisan's tool proficiency instead? I'm designing a Wood Elf Outlander Warlock (in D&D 5E) who only has one hand. This makes my arm nearly useless. As an Outlander, I am proficie...

@Gwideon Greetings, mortal
i am no mortal
@Gwideon Greetings, no mortal
@Yuuki Not sure dad jokes are allowed in this chat room è_é
@PierreCathé I don't see in the room tags.
I'm pretty sure I'm like 70% dad jokes and that's a conservative estimate.
@Yuuki Hehe now I'm imagining you as a sentient cloud of dad jokes
With maybe a spleen and a liver floating somewhere
hey guys
@Rubiksmoose @V2Blast - Considering his last edit about how to "mess with the DM", not sure the question should remain open: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/157117/…
@JohnP I linked some related questions. Couldn't find a good example question about antagonizing other players before jumping ship from a game, although I could've sworn I've seen such questions before.
@trogdor Oh, I forgot to mention this last time but you could always use it for oxygen production.
@MikeQ I think there's several issues going on here across the entire table.
based on previous interactions here in chat.
@NautArch Definitely a messed up game. I'd have walked a long time ago based on the descriptions I've gotten.
My base's oxygen production is currently 6 Algae Terrariums in various states of off and on. I put 4 Deodorizers around them and the Polluted Water that the terrariums output off-gas into Polluted Oxygen which is then purified to pure Oxygen by the Deodorizers.
@JohnP Yeah. But I also think that no one at that table is innocent.
@NautArch I don't think you'd ever find a pope who plays D&D.
@Yuuki i'm not sure the pope is innocent. He may named Innocent, though.
@Yuuki There's a reason that the BoEF even exists...
@Yuuki I dunno. That may be more of an issue of sample size.
@NautArch That can happen at toxic tables. The players can pick up toxic habits in order to adapt.
@MikeQ Or they may be contributing from the get-go.
But I'm bordering on straying from Be Nice. Just noting that this issue may have more than one side we're seeing.
Maybe. We have no way of knowing.
We do have some insight with some interactions in chat.
Out of curiosity, does that ever happen around here? Someone posts a problem-player or problem-gm question, and then someone else from that table responds to it?
@MikeQ I don' think so. I vaguely remember a 'group' question that had multiple writers from the same table that was kinda weird.
@NautArch I remember that one.
And I remember reading about folks concerned others at the table might read it, but I can't think of one where there was direct interaction like that.
Q: Can this question about the Sense Motive skill be reopened?

Hey I Can ChanThis question for Pathfinder about how to use the Sense Motive skill is marked as a duplicate of this question for Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition about how to use the Insight skill. While these systems may seem similar enough and the advice offered by the answers may be of interest to the Path...

@GcL What would you think about the 'notice' linking to that Mxy's answer as guidance?
@Yuuki So you guys geeking out about the game convinced me to buy it, and I accidentally stayed up last night until 2 in the morning trying to stave off a slowly escalating ecosystem collapse in my colony. XD
@Xirema "accidentally"
I'm pretty sure the game is secretly a proof-of-concept for a time travel machine.
Every time I fire up it after the dinner, it's suddenly 3 in the morning.
@Yuuki It's the worst kind of time Travel Machine, it only goes forwards.
At least stuff like Overwatch or Apex Legends, I play for what feels like several hours and am pleasantly surprised to learn it was only like an hour.
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