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I wonder why they decided they needed to move that
I think it all looks more scrunched now
whereas it was very clear beforehand
I think it is fine, you'll probably get used to it fairly quickly
The new setup uses slightly less space, which is one thing
Also having useful information in a sidebar like that isn't great for people using narrow windows for the site; such as half of a 1080p screen like I normally do
@Rubiksmoose Is this on mobile? It doesn't seem different to me today, but maybe I'm not looking at it correctly.
My favorite question this week so far is about making your own flying carpet. I suspect that the recent hype about the Aladdin movie has inspired some people. 8^)
@Rubiksmoose Aha, I just noticed that detail on a meta question. Hmm, more stuff of unknown value.
I guess I should be asking: how did we ever manage to cope without that line of information in the header? "Fixing what isn't broken with the UI at SE, episode nine, in which ..."
I'll agree that it wasn't broken, but as someone who doesn't have the sidebar at the side (it's at the very bottom instead), I welcome the (small) improvement
@KorvinStarmast I just hope my players don't catch wind of it (one of them is a charlatan who sells fake magic items sometimes)
@DavidCoffron actions have consequences :)
that PF2 character sheet is accosting the eyes
@KorvinStarmast I was pretty disappointed in that movie
@NautArch Eh. I liked a lot of it, but the beginning was really rough, and the line-delivery was mediocre in spots
@G.Moylan that and there's so much unnecessary filler background color. lots of wasted ink/toner
@DavidCoffron Imostly felt that the animated version was superior in literally every aspect.
I can't think of anything where this was 'better'.
@NautArch I agree except for Jafar. I know its an unpopular opinion, but I prefer the direction the took with Jafar in the live action
@NautArch I noticed they corrected "sunday salaam" to "friday salaam" in the Prince Ali song, but that's literally the only "improvement"
@DavidCoffron I do have to admit that nostalgia may play a part. But it's really hard to improve on robin williams/gilbert gottfried :D
@DavidCoffron You could really see the ambition-side of Jafar's character in the live action, rather than just feeling like a generic evil dude.
@NautArch should I wait until it comes out on netflix? Wife is thinking we might go.
@KorvinStarmast cough Disney+ cough
@G.Moylan They have their own service, yes?
@G.Moylan @KorvinStarmast It is quite likely we'll be signing up for that :(. Netflix, Amazon, Disney...no more cost savings for streaming.
@G.Moylan Yeah, well, there is that. (Are you familiar with Carl Hiaasen's investigative reporting on Disney Corp? Not his funny books, but his work as a journalist? ) He's not complimentary ..
I personally don't see a need to spend the $$ for a theatre experience, though @KorvinStarmast
@KorvinStarmast <insert Fry shocked meme>
@NautArch I agree, I have a real hard time going to the theater anymore.
@Someone_Evil it comes out this fall and they're migrating all their content
@NautArch yup streaming is the new cable
@KorvinStarmast I'm not but I don't doubt it
@G.Moylan and yet I still pay for DirectTV/cable.
I only have cable because of the massive employee discount i get, Otherwise between Amazon and Netflix I figure i could fill my tv time just fine
So i guess my tip is get a job at your cable company
@KorvinStarmast yeah that reads like a joke. And yet.... it's not that crazy to think someone might legitimately ask that
@G.Moylan What do they mean subtweet?
@NautArch Maybe subtweet is related to subwoofer?
@Someone_Evil Heh, you are taking me back to my audiophile days of the 80's, before my hearing got messed up by turbine engine noise ...
@G.Moylan While one of his more famous pieces was called "The Rat that Roared" he did a number of treatments of the impact of the whole Disney borg on central Florida.
@NautArch no clue, but I agree with @KorvinStarmast that it makes it appear as if there's another dialogue going on, probably on twitter
@G.Moylan yeah. Check out the profile of the commentor. Also check out the edit history, that wasn't the original title.
Hmm, Team Rodent was another one ...
@KorvinStarmast that's also an awful lot of upvotes for something I wouldn't think people would vote on much
@KorvinStarmast and the commentor's profile doesn't stand out to me. what am I suppoed to be seeing? I flipped through his twitter and didn't spot anything
Short, snappy title on the HNQ, interesting viewpoint, I can totally see a lot of driveby votes on that
@G.Moylan other than he created an RPG profile specifically to make that comment, it would seem
@Someone_Evil fair
@G.Moylan Unless we're talking about different commentator, they have a closed Q from last year
@Someone_Evil yeah that one's interesting. I'm not sure how much it's worth reading into
@G.Moylan The 'offiicial' tweet in the history doesn't have any replies.
@KorvinStarmast Did you have your Secret Spy Specs(tm) on at the time? ;)
@KorvinStarmast also I'm still meaning to look at your comment on the sun soul thing. Just haven't had the time yet to look up those abilities (I'm not familiar with them off hand).
In other rehashing news, I've definitely settled on picking up magic initiate for healing word. I think it makes good party sense, but I also lost my in-game brother because I couldn't save him (failed medicine checks 3 rounds in a row and he failed his death save 3 times.) Wanting to not lose another brother-in-arms makes sense.
@KorvinStarmast et al just as an FYI I'm not seeing anything mod side that would lead me to conclude this is not an earnest question, but we're definitely keeping an eye on things and appreciate everyone doing the same :)
@Rubiksmoose Their followup comment/answer also lends to credence to this being legit. Alhough did they create a new account just to answer?
@NautArch oh hey waddya know. I didn't catch that. Strange indeed.
@NautArch The account is unregistered so it's possible that you have to? It's the same prof pic though so idk
Oh I see. This could be just a common newbie error. They posted unregistered then accidentally created another unregistered account, found they couldn't post a comment because they weren't OP and didn't have the rep, so posted as an answer instead.
@NautArch fyi subtweeting is retweeting something by copy/paste rather than using twitter's actual retweet mechanism, so it doesn't show up in a way you can follow from the original tweet
@Carcer ah, thank you. I am proud of my ignorance of social media :D.
related term subposting, which is doing the same thing on facebook or tumblr or whatever
I'm not sure which around they came or what the derivation is
@Rubiksmoose we talked about it last night, and you are most likely right. I edited that title shortly after it was posted, so I saw that question in a different light initially.
@KorvinStarmast (fwiw I'm not saying you're wrong, just contributing that tidbit to the group so people know)
@Rubiksmoose That's cool. When you can I'd like your take on that.
And thanks for editing that title. I missed that edit for a while and once I saw it things made much more sense.
Q: Is a normal-sized rug with the Animate Objects spell cast on it able to carry a person and fly?

Woolly WyvernIs a normal-sized rug (i.e. Medium or Small) with the Animate Objects spell cast on it able to carry a person and fly? If so, how many people can it carry? Can a bigger rug carry more people? Can a flying animated object even carry people? In other words: can I turn any rug into a flying car...

@G.Moylan When I clicked on that profile and looked at the closed question, something jogged in my memory that may be a partial, or evern mixed up memory, about an interchange during the process of that closing. But my memory may be playing tricks on me.
My take right now, from everything I can see is that they are probably just a new user asking a very hard-on-themself question. But, admittedly, my troll sense is almost nonexistant. I might be one of the easiest people ever to troll given that I've never hung out in areas of the net that had them such that I would have had to deal.
So I definitely listen to people who have a more attuned sense. But the post has been around for a while with nothing funnier than that comment which I have no idea how to read so [shrug].
@Rubiksmoose I think it is the question posted ("Help, I'm trapped in a problem player") is a perfectly valid question for the site, if there is anything funky going on it's possibly best we don't know it.
@Rubiksmoose It seems to be going well and it has generated some nice answers. (Joel's I like in particular)
All in all, a good result.
@Someone_Evil Yup exactly. If they're trolling they are doing an amazing job.
@PierreCathé Was just about to request that lol
@Rubiksmoose ;)
@KorvinStarmast yup! :D
@PierreCathé Grin! :)
@Rubiksmoose Heh, no, I had on my Goggles of Night, since I was at the same time trying to figure out what one uncommon magic item I could put onto my sun soul monk for a playtest event. No wonder I missed it!
This turns me off of Adventurer's League so much. Sure, I understand having characters with legendary magic items retire to keep sensibility (since you could in theory have two characters in the same group with the same magic item), but "some crimes are beyond forgiveness" removes all the agency for that character. It's like the adventurers of the world sought you out and killed you for taking someone's stuff.
I'm glad it was updated in the new version to just talk about retiring, and not have that line
permanently and irrovocably retired is a heluva statement
@DavidCoffron yowza
@DavidCoffron I get that the sentiment was that the items are too powerful to keep around, but that penalty is unnecessarily harsh. The Season 8 modification to that is much better
not sure if it's just a timing thing, but I just flagged a comment and it immediately disappeared
new change?
@G.Moylan Flags can sometimes auto-delete comments
yesterday, by Rubiksmoose
@Someone_Evil Number of flags as well as some other criteria. For example, shorter comments or comments that meet certain patterns can take fewer (or even just 1) flag to remove.
Also some more details on comment deletion from flags in this meta post
@Sdjz huh. TIL.
air conditioning
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (93): Please help, I’m a problem player by bhosly on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector Those 4cash folks really are very political.
@NautArch I just don't get it. Why do they think someone would click on a random link because of some super vague commentary on an unmentioned political or corporate entity? Or if it does work, why do people click on those links? xD
@DavidCoffron I can't answer because of our Be Nice policy :P
@NautArch Fair
@DavidCoffron But let's just say I don't have a generally favorable view about humans.
@DavidCoffron I maintain my hypothesis that these are a "Help I'm trapped in a Fax Machine!" situation, where users are writing their angry political rants (legitimate or crazed) into a third party form for a spammer, and then the spammer is distributing those rants without any kind of oversight into what actually got typed into their system.
May or may not be related to the "Family Finger Songs" insanity that has been popping up on Youtube in the last few years.
Is this question too broad if it's for all editions?
@NautArch Probably, but I also think it is a duplicate for most D&D versions
@NautArch I would argue yes. I think the answers differ quite dramatically depending on the edition.
argh, i think we've got most of them. going to close as duplicate for now and list htem.
...and i can't. already VTC as unclear :/
That feeling when animate objects on a Huge object is almost strictly better than fly at 5th level (unless moving through a tight space). EDIT: actually the speed is doubled for fly, I stand correct
hello friends
@inthemanual Hey!
I'm planning to run a one-shot with some out-of-town friends when they come back soon-ish. I'm planning to provide pre-gen characters to help make the game go quickly, and I have an adventure mostly ready for them.
The adventure features primarily antagonists that won't speak the PC's language. Most parts of the adventure can be solved without combat, but some level of communication may be necessary. I'm trying to determine whether the language barrier here is an interesting problem or the kind of wall that would send my players into muderhobo mode.
@inthemanual have they played before?
@inthemanual Depends on the players honestly. One nice way to let them know that negotiation is an option is to have NPCs who brief them about the antagonists request that they not be killed.
i.e. "preferably we'd like them stopped without further bloodshed. Too many people have died in this feud"
Or w/e would work with the story
@inthemanual Do they want you to make pregens? Most players I know with experience like to make characters.
What level will the one-shot be?
Making characters takes a lot of time, and I want characters to be cohesive and feel like an established party. Typically I'd do that in a session 0, but with only likely a single evening to play, I felt pregens might be a better idea.
alternatively, I've considered some pregen psuedo-backgrounds, then letting the players fill in their own race/class as befits them. maybe a best-of-both-worlds approach in that.
@inthemanual I agree with that sentiment honestly. I like developing pregens for one-shots that I run (although usually I make about twice as many characters as players so there are plenty of options)
@inthemanual Well, two things: 1) just because it takes time doesn't mean the players won't want to do it. and 2)having pregens doesn't 'solve' party cohesion. It's still a bunch of randos - you can always define that they are already an established group and to play as such.
@DavidCoffron I've gotta say I would be less interested in that. I like making characters :)
But that's why it should be discussed witht he players. If they're in, they're in. If they're not, then you shouldn't make them.
@inthemanual Why do you want the language barrier? What purpose does it serve?
1) Matches with established lore
2) provides an unusual obstacle or challenge
3) obfuscates the antagonists motivations
4) lets me make weird sounds and pantomime
5) allows players/characters who have tools/means to work through a language barrier have a shining moment.
6) potential for humor
@inthemanual WHat level is this for?
test test is visible
oh my. You can shift-enter to move to a new line. I've been opening Notepad to type multi-line chat messages and copy them in this whole time I've been here
For some reason I thought I remember testing it and it not working; I guess I remembered wrong
probably 3-5, but it's flexible honestly.
I did not know that, either!
@inthemanual Just thinking in terms of spells that could get around it. But again, if you do go with pre-gens, then you'll need to provide the means. But then if you're providing the means, why have the obstacle at all?
comprehend languages as a solution to the problem is different than tongues as a solution to the problem. Understanding through the language barrier but not being able to speak through it could offer some interesting problem space.
either way, giving the player the tool affords them the choice to spend a resource and use the tool, or to save the resource for a different use later.
if they aren't given the tools (or make their own characters and don't choose the tools they'd need) the solution space becomes a bit more limited.
@inthemanual If that's the goal, you could use a multi-spell spell scroll (something I love using). One of the spells may be tongues, but there could also be some other spells. The scroll is destroyed on whichever of the multiple spells you use, so you have to choose how and when to use it
@inthemanual Still your job as DM to let them know the world they're building for. But that is solved by giving them pre-gens. I'd ask them first if they'd like to create their own characters (and bring them with them) or if they'd prefer to pick from the characters you've created.
Tongues is also only available if you are doing 5th level. But there are other language solutions for some other classes as well.
You've motivated me to start the right conversations regarding character creation
It's the easiest place to start :) If they want to do it, you just givethem world details. If they want you to do it, then there we go :)
A GOO warlock also presents some interesting options on solving the communication barrier.
@inthemanual "The problem is that ALL of you are speaking the wrong language. NG'GPHAULNGLA'TGN FH'GLIGLARN!"
@NautArch Knowing my players, I suspect one of them to latch on way too hard to the idea of solving the language issue if I were to mention that language might be an obstacle early.
like to the point of neglecting everything else, just to make sure he has as many "language" options as possible.
I'd put a large sum of money against any of them individually choosing to learn the language of these antagonists.
@inthemanual I wouldn't that heavy handed in the world description. YOu can be as 'unclear' as "the world you live in is a diverse one. There are many cultures and languages, and you are heading to an unfamiliar place."
or something like that
but if you have enough 'other' tidbits, then they'll need to decide where they want to focus.
I think pregens also cut down on my-guy-ism a bit. If people are playing Human Fighters, Elf Rangers, and Dwarf Clerics instead of Tiefling Hexblades and Drow Rogues, they might be more apt to do "normal" things. Maybe that's just a thing within my group though...
@inthemanual Is the issue more tiefling/drow than hexblade/rogue?
A little of both perhaps
@inthemanual heh, okay ;) you can always ban those combos or races.
Or just ask folks not to play like that.
it goes the other way too. Aasimar Paladins sent by the gods on a holy mission that will do whatever it takes to end evil, even turning on or abandoning their own party.
we've been lucky where we haven't had that issue at our tables, but we've had other My Guy type things. Biggest one we've done is the Rogue's I'm Gonna Steal That problem. We just shut itdown fast.
i was the stereotypical "steal everything" rogue the first time I played.
Soiunds like you need to just set some clearer ground rules on play at your table.
it's not uncommon, and all it took was the DM saying "No. That's not how we play here."
The rogue for my other game had a Kleptomania problem for the first few sessions, but our DM isn't so great at giving his world a sense of rich interiority, so the Rogue eventually realized there wasn't anything worth stealing in the first place.
I think we're all a little too non-confrontational, and don't like to speak up when things bother us in the moment. We tend to talk about it afterward, that specific behavior is adjusted, but new problems come up.
I've considered something like an X card to use to signal when people are taking behavior too far, or not acting appropriatley for the type of game we want to run.
There's also simply the real-world response. I've generally found that to be the best 'teacher'.
I think there's an expectations gap there too. Session 0s don't always help clear everything up because it's hard for us to express exactly what we want from a game.
You want to walk in and steal from the magic store? Sure. Let's see how that goes.
Rule 1: "don't be a jerk to me or the other players"
but can characters be jerks to other characters?
how far can that go?
@inthemanual character-character is the same thing as player-player in my mind.
If one person at the table isn't having fun, then something is wrong.
What happens when characters and/or players have disagreements?
@inthemanual It very much depends on what the disagreement is and how people are reacting.
If everyone is having fun, then it's likely fine (as long as you as DM are part of everyone.)
Where's the line between "solutions I don't agree with" and "being a jerk to me"?
@inthemanual Very group dependent. I've had groups where they genuinely enjoy being cruel to one another in character, but are great friends and it's all in the spirit of the game (to them), and other groups that have fallen apart because the GM was unable to curb in-character bullying
@inthemanual usually in the tone of the interaction
This is easily one of the harder parts of DMing. Identifying and resolving table interactions.
I agree with all of this
I just struggle to convey it all to my people.
@inthemanual Just be open and honest. When you feel uncomfortable or if you it seems like someone else does.
It can be as simple as just interjecting and moving the story forward out of the issue. You can then revisit the problem with the player later.
I'd prefer to get ahead of it, honestly
Our PCs often have disagreements, and can be real a-holes to each other ... but so long as the PLAYERS are enjoying it, and it's all in good fun, all is well
But like @DavidCoffron, we're all good mates, and are open to people saying "Hey, calm it down!" ..."You're crossing a line here!" etc
I have:
• 3-4 "normal" players, but all of which are shy and not likely to speak up against the problem players described below:
• one player who hyper-fixates on some particular aspect of his character each session and makes everything about that. He doesn't mind if no progress is made as long as he gets to express himself through the aspect-of-the-day. The arresting of progress can upset other players.
• One player who will always, always, always want to "do the right thing". It's not a problem up until the point where he refuses to compromise, which arrests progress, causes intra-party c
that's a lot of players for one game
Yeah, bigger group that I like.
They're not all in the same game
just all part of a larger group that has started and stopped multiple times with various subsets of that group
Hyper-fixator is usually the easy one to deal with. Give them some spotlight time, let them "do their thing" for a bit, then move on, make sure they know everyone needs to get involved, and you can't spend all session on them. If they're happy to to quietly add "I''l be doing my <today's thing> " to any scene, and back away, all good :)
The one-shot I'm running will be 2 shy normals, "hyper-fixator", and "mr Right"
Gruesome guy also frequently needs rules reminders and never knows what dice to roll.
@inthemanual We had a couple of "gruesome"'s , back in the day. Before "edge-lord" was a thing. Shock-jocks wanting to gross everyone out. Only way I coped was to say "We're not doing that at my table. Calm it down, or accept that we 'fade-to-black' and skip over the details, or find another table"
Nice use of
Fade to Black
@Shalvenay You have been mentioned in an answer (No Tabaxis were harmed in the crafting of this message)
A: Is two-person D&D feasible for any edition?

KorvinStarmastIt's not only feasible, I've done solo adventures in three editions Question How feasible is it to play D&D with one DM and one player? Very. I'm more interested in 5e, because if I were going to attempt it, I'd attempt in that edition. I am interested in past editions mainly j...

@KorvinStarmast one-on-one games are very intimate. Very customised. The GM is not trying to balance a group of players. It's all about The One!
@BlackSpike Yeah, that's a great point. Can I steal that, or do you want to toss out an answer to that one?
@KorvinStarmast Steal away :) I'll not be writing an answer
Noun: subtweet (plural subtweets)
  1. (Internet, neologism) A tweet (message posted to the microblogging service Twitter) that refers to another user without tagging their name in the message, so that the user being talked about is not automatically notified.
  2. 2014, Daleen Berry, ‎Geoffrey Fuller, The Savage Murder of Skylar Neese
  3. But it was also a subtweet, addressed to one person but meant for someone else entirely.
Verb: subtweet (third-person singular simple present subtweets, present participle subtweeting, simple past and past participle subtweeted)
  1. (Internet, neologism) To post a message of this kind.
  2. 2014, danah boyd, It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens (page 69)
  3. More often than not, they employed this term when referencing various teen dramas that occurred between friends and classmates that required insider knowledge to decode. In other words, teens subtweet to talk behind someone else's back.
  4. (by extension, neologism, nonce word, transitive) To speak obliquely about (a person).
  5. 2017, Aaron Blake, "Chuck Schumer sent a pretty pointed message to Donald Trump, right in front of him"
  6. Schumer's remarks were oblique...
I ran some 1-on-1 back in oD&D/aD&D1, but not recently. One game was for my (then) gf.
apparently Wikipedia oneboxing hasn't broken yet
(or Wiktionary, in this case)
@KorvinStarmast I fixed some spelling
Q: Does a grappled creature need to use an action to escape grapple if grappler is stunned?

NathanSSome creatures can grapple, others have a grapple built into their attacks. Taking the example of a roc's Talons attack: Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 9) slashing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the...

@V2Blast muchas gracias, amigo! :)
@BlackSpike I remember that in Dragon Magazine, waaaaaaaay back, there was an article on solo adventures, and I think that Dungeon Mag had an issue or two devoted to solo adventures. Memory very hazy on that.
@KorvinStarmast Dragon magazine #73, page 16: archive.org/stream/DragonMagazine260_201801/…
@V2Blast I really don't think that's a dupe, the solo question, since the dupe being pointed to is very LMoP focused, and the querent in this question is not asking about LMoP and Starters Set. But I do not want to get into a reopen/close war.
@JohnP: You ROck! Can't get to it until later, though. Firewall.
And issue 157, apparently, which has a nice 3 page article from Tom Little
@KorvinStarmast - Are you firewall blocked from archive.org?
@JohnP yes, i can get it from home though
@KorvinStarmast kk. I changed the links to archive, as that is (probably) a more reputable source. Plus it has a nice page flip browser feature.
@KorvinStarmast: Ah, that's a fair point, I was judging it mostly off the title. Though that question does seem to ask about one-on-one play in 5e more broadly, in addition to asking about how feasible it is with the Starter Set adventure. — V2Blast ♦ 43 secs ago
Hrm.... there are two openings, an IT manager position and a IT Data Privacy specialist, both under the same manager. What to do...
@JohnP Which pays more? ;)
@V2Blast The DPS (I presume) would pay the same, as it's the same band I'm already in. Although there are tiers within the band, so possibly a raise. The Manager position would be a significant bump in $$, but not sure I have the full chops for it. I'm seriously considering the DPS, and if he wants me for the other, so be it.
> I made an Artificer in a campaign that didn’t enjoy dungeons. In his backstory he came from a family of artificers that were the reason you would find magic stuff in treasure chests anyway. He had a uncle that insisted on venturing into dungeons to plant items for adventures. And as a child my character would be dragged in to help his crazy uncle.
So... extreme geocaching?
Droping myself a (semicoherent) note for later: [5e] feats that synergize across party members? (Like make SA easier, or help something target something else...) I'm trying to put my finger on what bothers me about the 5e mechanics being poor at, oh, mechanizing PC-PC interactions. Party's feeling like 4 acquaintances each in a one-on-many encounter, rather than a many-to-many interaction. "Help" doesn't count.
Help's (observed) to be complete meh, since nobody ever uses it. Mastermind is pigeonholed into one class.
Heh. "Droping." Told you it was semicoherent =)
@nitsua60 It's not limited to 5e - I've had the same frustration in other (similar) systems. As far as I've seen, the only way around it is for players to coordinate their character choices and think of ways to play off each others' strengths, rather than design their characters independently.
@nitsua60 Do you have any semicoherent thoughts on this idea for an LLKM rule change?
14 hours ago, by BESW
Cards no longer grant extra dice, they're all rule-bending powers. Instead, everyone has [ X - Y ] dice where X is a fixed number like 5 and Y is the number of power cards the monster has.
@BESW I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it right now. Ping me again in 24 hours?
No worries!
@nitsua60 I suspect there's also ways for the DM/GM/narrator to facilitate that sort of cooperation in game, but I don't know specifically what that would look like
D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder have both experimented with teamwork feats, but broadly speaking I find them clunky because they're almost always tied to the "if you're near someone else who also has this feat, [benefit]" template.
D&D 4e had teamwork tattoos, which were really cool because they'd basically invented new item slot for teamwork instead of forcing teamwork to be a choice that replaced other effective choices.
Moonlighter and This War of Mine are free on the Epic Games Store from now until August 2nd: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/collection/free-game-collection
(After that, Alan Wake and For Honor will be free from August 2-9.)
@MikeQ Yeah, I'm just reflecting back on things I was daydreaming/mulling over during a session last night which included multiple hours of my character being out of spotlight. (Which was fine--I'm not complaining--but gave a bunch of pondering-time for "things I might not think to think about if I weren't currently watching my friends play D&D.")
My D&D 4e group had everybody get a tattoo where, when someone with the tattoo was hit by a critical attack, everyone else with the tattoo got a free attack on the attacker.
@BESW Yeah--I can imagine this being a notion that's (a) been noodled with a lot before in D&D, and (b) hard to do well.
I felt like the tattoo thing was the best implementation I've seen yet.
But especially that particular one really felt narratively satisfying AND it helped avoid the "NPCs make more attacks so they get more crits" problem.
I always first want to lean on players using their words, but ~while in a session~ I wasn't going to interrupt an active and enjoyable couple of scenes to be all "hey, guys, can we talk about the play-experience we're going for here?"
@BESW particular one==the one where allies attack on your being critted?
But 4e was also pretty good about making it easy for players to synergize with each other in lots of different ways.
@BESW ooo
> <goblin crits>
> <everybody's head turns, shadowed with glowing eyes>
> "You're in the wrong neighborhood."
@Yuuki Exactly.
@V2Blast forever free? No strings?
@Ash Indeed, as far as I know. If you get it before August 2nd, it's free to own. the only string being that you run it via the Epic Games Launcher
@Ash You have to make an account and it's only downloadable/playable through their desktop app.
@Yuuki I also gave everybody a magic talisman that effectively worked like a walkie-talkie, so they could stay in communication and coordinate all the time.
@V2Blast Mmmmm, right, because they're like Steam that way.
yep. it's a promotion for their service
Moonlighter is fun, I have it on Switch. I also own This War Of Mine but I haven't gotten too far because I'd rather avoid crippling depression.
@V2Blast makes sense
@Yuuki okay, so avoiding This War of Mine.
It's a game that takes place during a devastating civil war, only you're not playing any of the combatants but rather the civilians caught in the middle.
It's... rough.
Of what I've played, it's a good game and it's one that deserves playing, but I need to buck up a little more emotionally speaking before I pick it back up.
@Ash yeah it's about surviving in a war zone basically
I've made a mental rule that at least for now, my media etc has to contain more positive emotion than negative.
11bit seems to specialize in games like this. Frostpunk has a similar aesthetic.
I really want to play a successful game of FATE, but my group leans way more towards crunchier systems
There are some crunchier version of Fate, like War of Ashes or Atomic Robo or the original Dresden Files RPG, but they may not be the kind of crunch your friends are looking for.
@nitsua60 (in re your help remark) ahem Eku and me are what, chopped liver?
@MikeQ It's very much on the players to think "team" for that to work. Yes. For sure.
I keep surprising the other players in my brother's group with my offers to help, and to cast Guidance on them (life cleric, druid-magic-initiatie feat). And I have often suggested that when they try to break the door down, one of them helps the other one. heck, I'll help. (I sometimes had to remind my brother (DM) that this was 'working together' and maybe a roll with advantage ought to be called for. He finally cottoned onto what I was doing.
hey there @Rubiksmoose, how're things going?
@Shalvenay Busy! But I can't complain. How about you?
@KorvinStarmast The "help" mechanic in 5e is just implemented in an incredibly "meh" way. On the one hand it doesn't really matter who's helping or how (it's just like having an exact clone of yourself attempting the task), and on the other hand you can't accomplish anything that's actually too hard to do on your own.
@Rubiksmoose alright here
@Shalvenay Good to hear :)
hey there as well @JohnP, how're things going over there?
busy busy.
@JohnP ah, no time for the transcript eh?
No, not really. I read it once, wasn't just itching to try it.
Q: Is there a published campaign where a missing artifact or a relic is creating trouble by its absence?

ZomaI already wrote months ago a question about linking Lost Mine of Phandelver to another published module. By then, I hadn't yet bought the starter set and hadn't even GM'd. I now have GM'd through the first chapter of the starter set campaign, and I really love it. I'm now sure that I'd like to b...

I guess I barely have time for the stuff I'm doing. I can't even make a saturday night gig except once in the next 4 weeks. :|
@JohnP ah
aaand....now the kids are whomping on each other. Rolling 2's, but I gotta go get them before one rolls a 20 :p
@MarkWells If people remember to use it, I find that it's quite effective. But you have to get used to using it. That's my experience.
Eku's a bit of chopped liver: an NPC =)
You are not--there's definitely more thinking I need to do about how buffs and (more-generally) "support" characters interact with my sense of ennui. Also: prescription narcotics!
@nitsua60 Perscription Narcotics for the Win! 8^D
@KorvinStarmast They're definitely making it easier to get up and down and move around, which I'm told is a good thing. I just hate the altered/foggy/distant feeling that comes with them.
I also need to seriously proofread the seven-page document I wrote up earlier today to send to an alumnus/prospective donor, which I (a) don't remember starting, and (b) clearly felt was really important to write today. That's on the to-do list for tomorrow.
@nitsua60 Sounds like fun :P
hey nits
hey there @inthemanual
sup guys?
not a whole lot, as for you?
Stuff. Being a new dad, planning stories for friends, playing a lot of Gloomhaven and not enough TTRPG.
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