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As Rubiks says, it's probably not great to come into this with the implicit assumption that people who say they're being harmed... aren't.
facepalm there's no such thing as oriental culture
@trogdor yeah, it's a very exoticifying otherness sort of mess
@Aza Hey look, I just found an article about Aladdin 2019 on "Muslim Impossible."
> Can we accept Genie’s carriage-sized turban exploding, because at least it exploded with confetti, not C-4?
I love this already, oh my god.
@Ash yeah
Plus it's made worse by the fact that say for example, Japan and Korea aren't the best of buddies, haphazardly and casually lumping them together is ten million kinds of ridiculous
@trogdor yeah, never mind Japan and China
Yes well I was trying to limit it to one example but yes
It's even more ridiculous than that, but I expect to not be believed.
And all three of those countries did share around some cultural ideas, but they also looked at a lot more and threw it out the window
Historically I mean
If you know the Indian is Oriental, you still don't know if it's an Asian Indian or an American Indian.
@Joshua it's definitely ridiculous yeah
The sheer number of people it might apply to is staggering in and of itself
@Miniman On the dupe-status, or on the way forward?
You might be curious to take a look at "Orientalism," by Edward Saïd -- or at least skim its Wiki summary. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientalism_(book)
> Orientalism concluded that "Western knowledge of the Eastern world", i.e. Orientalism fictionally depicts the Orient as an irrational, psychologically weak, and feminized, non-European Other, which is negatively contrasted with the rational, psychologically strong, and masculine West.
@nitsua60 Both! Especially since the querent is asking about keeping the answer he got on the repost, which is a thing you can do but I can't.
> Such a binary relation, in a hierarchy of weakness and strength, derives from the European psychological need to create a difference of cultural inequality, between West and East, which inequality is attributable to "immutable cultural essences" inherent to Oriental peoples and things.
I'd really recommend reading this book, but I get that's not always practical.
@Aza eh what?
@Aza [adds to list]
(not at you, at the underlying ideas behind what the quote is talking about)
@Shalvenay It's a complex centuries-spanning topic that's difficult to reduce to a cover blurb, but... yeah, otherization at its finest. I don't think this conversation is really moving anywhere but in circles though.
wow that book is really bad.
Also recommend: Islam Through Western Eyes: thenation.com/article/islam-through-western-eyes
Why do you say?
@Joshua Have you read it?
I read the Wikipedia summary
@BESW yeah, I think its more that we're all really in agreement here
How is everyone?
[wave] Going to the local library with a friend this afternoon!
@Ben Not bad!
See ya!
@Rubiksmoose Oh ok..bye...
@V2Blast You're sounding fairly excited, what's the news?
Haha. No news. Just felt like putting an exclamation point there.
Well it's good to be in a good mood :D
@Miniman merged.
@BESW Yay libraries!
@Ash Shhh!
Took me a second.
Haha, well I'm glad you got it at least
@Ben oops! Misinterpreted what BESW was saying.
@Rubiksmoose Oh yeah, no, not going for another couple hours.
@V2Blast I'm very happy you linked to this.
@Rubiksmoose Haha it's all good. I know you weren't saying that to me
I saw the opportunity and took it :D
@nitsua60 Thanks!
Is anyone interested in helping me/us come up with some ideas for my Corruption system? Currently hit a bit of a wall, and a short hiatus has occurred (just due to other priorities, etc).
@Ben oh good. because in retrospect it looks very strange XD (on my part)
Well, that's chat :P
Yes,... Yeeeesssss
Give into the awkwardness
Let the bad puns flow through the land of RPG
hey there @Jadasc
@Shalvenay Hi, hi.
@trogdor That is certainly a good portion of chat content lol
@trogdor I enjoy looking through the list of my posts that have been starred. Most of them are just funny, punny, or awkward situations, and all of them are even better because they have no context.
Nov 12 '18 at 1:22, by Ben
Hehe. Humour is fun.
@Jadasc how're things going?
@Shalvenay Oh, not bad. Just keeping the window open in the background while I work. Yourself?
@Jadasc doing alright here, hoping things will work out when it comes to getting a chance to play Fellowship
Dangit. Took too long to edit
[Brainfart] I just realised I have a 3DS already. So that means I can play Dark Dawn!
I just need the game!
EBay to the rescue
I wonder if I still have Dark Dawn or if I sold it.
@Rubiksmoose but only when it is all chat consists of will I reign supreme, so get to it guys
Or not... The cheapest they have it is either $50 with minimal postage, or $15 with postage twice that value. Wow
@trogdor I'd like to think I could give you a run for your money or at least make it interesting ;)
@Rubiksmoose it's not about numbers, I draw my strength from it
Increase your puns and you only make me stronger
@trogdor Like me. Most people think that I get enjoyment from people laughing at my jokes. So they groan instead... But it's the groans that give me energy... Desire for more. Haha
@trogdor I did enter a pun contest once. I sent in 10 submissions to my local paper hoping one would win. However, no pun in ten did.
Mmm my power grows
Oh wow... GS1 and 2, in box and sealed for AU $260
@Ben bargain!
@Rubiksmoose nooooo
@Rubiksmoose This one was my best ever, as it just rolled off the tongue haha. No pre-planning or anything
@Ben this is so bad lol I like it
@Ben that is incredible.
I am incredibly proud of that one. Haha.
So apropos of nothing, I went camping this weekend in an area with low/no reception. I was worried that I would have to break my RPG.se consecutive visit streak, but I was able to find some stray 3G :)
@Rubiksmoose Did you try the alfoil antennae out of the headphone port? :P
I had a similar concern when I was in Haifa.
@Ben I did not thank you very much. That sounds...inadvisable.
@Rubiksmoose nice!
Haha. It actually works. And any voltage that might go through it is insignificant.
@BESW I was curious what the internet situation would be like there but I never know if I can ask those things
@BESW Nice. [checks your profile] curses! apparently that isn't public information.
@Ben huh, well I didn't have any foil, but I'll keep it in mind for next time
But it is a legit thing, too. The alfoil mechanic is just "life-hacky". It doesn't work as well as it can, but it does work better than you'd expect
I've actually gone a bit beyond 100 so at this point it is just an arbitrary "how long can I keep this going?" type of thing.
Which...is honestly kind of silly.
@Ash A lot of the meeting areas and hotels had wifi, but its security was questionable. And there was a bunch of desktops available for use in the main convention center. You can always buy yourself a cell phone service package that works there
Yeah, I have no idea what my max record was.
But you can do some average maths:
Member for 6 years, 8 months
Visited 2408 days
@BESW that makes sense, and is about how I expected it to go.
(just 'cause)
@Rubiksmoose I had a super great multi year streak...then I stopped moderating
@Ash heh. That'll do it wouldn't it?
@Rubiksmoose haha yep
@nitsua60 I've watched a few leatherworking vids on youtube. youtube.com/channel/UCmtnq4rV4X8ri1-4hq2fJlg
@BESW I'm going to say that is going to be an impressively high average.
I've missed... about 25 days out of 6.6 years.
That's ridiculous
Two of them were this month!
@BESW Oh dear... don't make it a trend!
Yeah whose messages would we star if you weren't around huh?
Because we have established that "BESW" stands for "Ben East South West"
@Rubiksmoose going off current trends, Mike Q
Q: Can the Help action be used to give advantage to a specific ally's attack (rather than just the next ally who attacks the target)?

Mars PlasticI am aware that usually one has to specify who is to benefit from one's Help action. However, when it comes to using it in combat, this comment by Jeremy Crawford says: If you use the attack-aiding option in Help, the next ally who attacks the target gets the benefit. However, maybe one wan...

Or at least on the star bar
@trogdor hah! I guess Ben will have to fight them for it.
And only because no one else has two up there currently
Obviously for the sake of this study BESW doesn't count
Because staring BESW when you can't star BESW is a cop out answer
Mar 20 '14 at 12:50, by lisardggY
Borth East South West.
@BESW in 7 years 9 months I have missed 24 days and I am wiling to bet a bunch of them were when I had brain surgery
@Ash the best reason
Just did the actual counting, and my napkin math was off: 41 days off.
MISSED Oct 12, 13, 16, 20
MISSED Nov 01, 03, 05, 06, 17
MISSED Apr 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
MISSED May 01, 02
MISSED Jul 11, 14, 22, 29
MISSED Sep 10, 11, 13
MISSED Oct 3, 11, 20, 21, 25, 30
MISSED May 13, 19
You has an interesting gap in 2013
The rest seems relatively scattered
That's when I was in this photo.
I guessed correctly!
(there are a looooot of humans in that picture)
I think I've mostly missed days when I was visiting somewhere
It looks like I've missed 50 days!
But all of them are basically from when I started an account here and then didn't do anything for a while with it I think.
Oh, I looked, I didn't actually miss any days during brain surgery! Most of my gaps were when I was camping for a week each summer (which was until about 4 years ago, a regular thing)
From my rough look I think since I've actually been active I haven't missed any.
...I used to be able to find myself in that photo but I can't anymore.
Which is weird because I can find all the rest of my NSA.
which makes my rep plot look really funny too
@Rubiksmoose How so?
@BESW The actual name is visible if you follow the links in your profile
@MikeQ Yeah, it's not suuuper seeekrit but I don't use it much online and people are amused by guessing.
I had two tiny little rep bumps from one answer I think way way early on, then I spent a lot of time just reading through all the questions to learn how things work here.
(ok so it actually doesn't look funny at all in retrospect)
What's rep? XP
It's more consistent than mine.
@BESW is this mine?
I win
@BESW I mean I guess if you take away the huge blank spot. You give way more bounties than I though! I need to up my game.
I've got 25.3k more rep than I need to retain all my privileges, and I get about 50 rep a month without doing anything.
I should be doing more bounties.
I treat most of my rep as a buffer to always have at least 25
And that's about the only brain power I apply to it's existence
What else is rep good for once you've passed 20k?
I think my bounty spikes would look a bit better if it wasn't offset by that ridiculous rep gain that one day. (I think there were multiple bounties involved?)
@Rubiksmoose That's all I can think of to explain it.
@BESW I plan to pass my rep down to my theoretical children in my e-will. Maybe invest some in the rep market. Buy some ModCoin.
@BESW oh, no it was just one bounty worth 500
...it looks like more than 600.
Seems like an oddly high bounty for that question in particular.
err yeah. 630 I guess. The rest came from updoots and an accept.
[this has been an boring conversation about fake internet points] carry on
@Rubiksmoose Don't joke. There's probably already a stack for that, now that you've named it.
@nitsua60 Maybe ModCoin can be earned in by betting on and competing in FantaSE Moderation leagues.
@Rubiksmoose snortgiggles could you imagine
@nitsua60 is that another Internet Rule? If you can imagine it, there is bitcoin of it.
@Ash it seems frighteningly like something that would actually happen lol
@BESW around here it seems to be. There are something like 6 or 7 SEs for different cryptos/blockchains, not counting anything in A51.
@nitsua60 Yeah, they're....surprisingly prolific
Ugh virtual coins
I'm so sick of those things
@nitsua60 oh wow. I had no idea they were that prolific on SE.
I'm loving all the new Caucus badges being given out :)
And I bet that most of them are actually interested in the election :D
Is an adult Changeling just called a "Change"?
@Ben Nah, they're commonly known as "doppelgangers".
Idle thought: the Alien Encounter ride would make good fodder for a one-shot horror adventure.
Especially all the funny dialogue potential around X-S Tech.
@Ben that''s only when they get really envious.
So I killed a PC in my pathfinder session on friday.
May 24 at 5:50, by linksassin
Big group of orcs attacking a small village. Players are tasked to defend it. We'll see if they can figure out that the Orcs are being mind controlled by a mind-flayer before it's too late.
Mind flayer stunned the Paladin who was standing in the way. Leader of the orcs cut him down, I planned to leave him unconscious but turns out his CON is only 12 and I rolled too well on damage. First death of the campaign.
First death most of the players have experiences as they are mostly new too.
[mschew] They should've used ID Odds.
@linksassin ouch :/
were they able to cut down the mind flayer at least?
@Shalvenay Cut him down in the end yes. Nearly killed the Orc leader as well and lost all the information they were meant to get from this encounter.
So what next? Does the player want to make a new character?
@MikeQ His prepared to. I would prefer the others resurrect him. They had a scroll of gentle repose so they have time to get back to the clerics. But not a lot of coin. Lots of new plothooks from there.
@linksassin yuck yuck yuck. I wonder if the Orcs appreciate being out from under an illithid's thumb, at least?
@Shalvenay Yes. The whole point is that BBEG has captured the elder brain and is forcing the Illithid to control the Orcs to cause a war. Party's Paladin is a Half-Orc on a mission to prevent the war because of he has visions it will lead to the extinction of the orcs.
The Orcs want out. And that was the point. The encounter ended when they killed the Illithid, but the Barbarian was angry at the Orc leader for killing her friend so kept hitting him even after he surrendered. The bard had to stop her.
@linksassin heheh. I wonder if the Orcs might have a shaman handy?
Things played out very differently from what I expected.
@Shalvenay No, but they know a Dwarf temple back in the capital that they can get healing at. I was planning to give the dwarf barbarian a character arc with the temple anyway. Now I have the hook.
@linksassin ah :)
that works too I suppose
@linksassin so....of all things, the limits of elven fine craftsmanship have been on my mind as of late
I had a discussion with the player after the session. He said his happy to come back but doesn't want me to just handwave his god resurrecting him. I had planned for 1 free revive per player but he said he'd rather have the others have to put in effort to save him.
@Shalvenay What limits?
@linksassin Well, there's always the option of coming back at a cost
That's often how stories work when the protagonists suffer a meaningful setback. The story doesn't end, but the loss still has consequences.
@MikeQ Yeah that's what he wants I think. His going to make some RP changes to the character if they others do succeed in bringing him back.
@linksassin like....if you wanted to challenge an elven master craftsman, what sort of modern-day part or artefact would you ask them to craft, given that it's mechanical work only? (i.e. nothing electronic due to supply chain concerns)
@Shalvenay Are we talking combustion engines? More likely intricate clockwork.
An automaton is pretty cool.
@Shalvenay Perpetual motion machine. Without magic.
Or maybe an artificial planet
@MikeQ With D&D physics that is likely possible. Oh man I am thinking of a super complicated main site question now...
@Shalvenay "Elven craftsmanship? It's fine, I guess."
@linksassin some of the clockworks could be fun; interestingly enough, that has much in common with analog computers and repeating firearms
Q: Would an object launched by the Catapult spell do full damage against a Scarecrow?

GuyA Wizard uses the spell Catapult (EEPC, p. 15-16; XGtE, p. 150) against a Scarecrow (MM, pg. 268). Catapult flings an object that is not worn or carried toward a scarecrow and hits. The scarecrow has damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons. Does Cata...

@linksassin I look forward to it :D
@linksassin combustion engines could be interesting as well. ordinary piston stuff isn't too hard to get going, but when you get to turbines....whooo-eeee
hands said elven craftsman a RD-180
@linksassin Pff... that's nothing. We're 5 sessions in and already on 2 tpk's. Talk to me when you wanna get serious XD
@Ben I know it's not a big deal. Just a first for this campaign. I'm typically a low bodycount DM though so this would be only my 4th or 5th kill overall.
@linksassin yeah, me as well -- I've only killed a couple of PCs ever as a tabletop DM?
(one of them was in a twosies game, and....that might be it even?)
If you prefer not to kill PCs, what sort of nonlethal consequences do you impose for when the PCs have setbacks?
@MikeQ They don't level up. Or get stuff.
I use milestone leveling so if they fail. They fail. No rewards for being rubbish.
@linksassin Haha yeah that's what you want, primarily. I think there's a bit of an issue with our group. 2 of us are experienced in PF, the other 2 are not. One player is always arguing with the GM about mechanics and rules, the other 2 are not.
@kviiri hoi
Hello Hilo Halo
God morgon, hoppas att ni får en trevlig dag
I went to sleep about an hour later than usual, so my body decided to compensate and I woke up an hour earlier than usual.
@kviiri That's not how compensation works.... that sucks
@kviiri The accent on the a there reminded me of the "Jeremy Bearimy"
@kviiri Good morning... hope... uh... something something something… day?
@linksassin Well it's better than your body deciding that since you went to bed late, you should wake up late, so since you woke up late, you should go to bed later, which means you wake up later...
@Ben I'd argue that it is better. At least that way you get enough sleep
The problem is that it slowly develops into a cycle of 4am-12pm sleep cycles.
Which work generally doesn't appreciate
This is why flexible workplaces are becoming more and more popular.
Very true
@Ben "hope you have a nice day"
At least I think
My Swedish is a tad rusty
It's better than mine :P
'lo! :)
@KenNg @Aza Hey!
Welcome to the RPG chat!
How are we today?
@Ben now I want to rewatch the show...
Small stress, but overall doing decently! How are you?
@Ben mine is more of a 6 am to 2 pm sleep schedule right now
@Aza Oh that's what you want haha.
Stress is unavoidable, so if it's at a minimum than you can't complain :P
I'm doing well... Dealing with a big project that has a pretty high priority, but it's something I'm having fun with.
@V2Blast Part of the reason why I want to be a millionaire :P
Then I'll be able to sleep and get up whenever I want haha
we need Universal Basic Income
Ehh, it's more than a li'l, but so it goes. Glad the project's fun, time-consuming ones are way less enjoyable if they're not.
@Aza I hear you there haha
@V2Blast It would solve so many issues.
@Ben I worry I might accidentally spread bad Swedish in my love for languages x)
Ahh fair enough
@Aza So what brings you to the RPG Chat today?
@Ben It has an interesting history
I hang out here!
I think I spoke of it in chat sometime
It's been a while since I last popped in, but I come and go.
Q: Does D&D physics enable a perpetual motion machine?

linksassinFor various reasons perpetual motion machines are impossible in real life. They violate the laws of thermodynamics and cannot be created. It has been estabilish however, that D&D is not a physics simulator and the normal rules of physics do not apply. Inspired by Shalvenay and MikeQ in chat. I w...

Anyway, Swedish used to have words with double a's, and over time their pronunciation moved towards a long "o", so it was shortened to a single "a" with an "o" on top to mean "this is an a, but pronounced as o".
@linksassin the chat will now forever remember your typo
@V2Blast thanks for telling me quickly enough that I could edit it :P
The ae was similarly at one point shortened to an a with a little e on top, which eventually contracted into the letter ä.
@kviiri Whoa, Swedish furigana! English definitely needs one too given how out there its pronunciations are.
(for added confusion, our ä is not pronounced the same as the Swedish one)
@linksassin How do you define "the physics of the material plane"? That seems like a pretty key sticking point to me.
@Aza agreed.
The only real confusion I think it gives me is that, well... if it's Our Physics, then the answer is clearly 'no.' Alternatively, if the question is, "given an unlimited amount of initial energy, is a perpetual motion machine possible?" which is a physics question, but is undefined. So I've gotta assume physics here means... something else?
@Aza I was trying to work how to describe the physics of the standard game. As in "physics as defined by the rules"
@linksassin except it isn't really defined at all.
@Rubiksmoose That's kind of the point. I was looking for rules abuse that prove that it is possible. Or a lack of rules to prevent it.
@linksassin right yeah. I get that.
But there are no rules to prevent it end of story.
You might find a couple abilities that would theoretically let you do it, but since the DM defines the physics it would be impossible at most tables.
I feel like this may be an existential question about what counts as 'magic' in the D&D universe vs what counts as 'magic' to us. c.f. "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced."
In other words, I'm not sure your question is clear enough in asking for abilities that would combine to suggest that this would work.
@Aza This is a dnd question. What counts as magic is what counts as magic in dnd.
Because the physics is always going to be up to the DM so no combination of abilities can prove anything.
(you may also want to address my comment, I suspect you just want the item to be strictly non-magical. I'd simply say that and nothing else)
I guess I'm really confused what you are trying to get out of this question...
Sorry if I'm not understanding something obvious.
@Rubiksmoose You have a valid point. NMA does make it super simple. I'll change it.
@linksassin While you are at it, you might want to close another loophole that is ever-present, but also makes the question a bit moot: wish. I can wish for a perpetual motion machine and that would qualify according to the current rules.
and it would also say nothing about physics
@Rubiksmoose Ah good point. I suppose fabricate would also negate the question. It was meant to be a crafting challenge. Maybe I should say magic can't be used.
I will also point out that I think "make a golem" is a simple answer to the question, as it's established that a golem's animation is not an ongoing capital M Magic effect once it's been created, and the golem can just turn a wheel forever.
@Carcer Valid. I have removed the use of magic from the creation process. This was meant to be a crafting challenge as inspired by @Shalvenay 's message
at the point where you outlaw all magic I'm not sure it's possible; there are many consequences of the rules for how creatures take actions which are counter-intuitive and potentially physics-defying, but the game doesn't have rules to describe how mundane objects behave in the absence of interaction with a creature.
And there are no rules on what can or cannot be crafted, that comes down to common sense and physics (which is undefined and up to the DM)
I mean, I think people count.
You can, in a day, do more work than you need food to make up, RAW. Nothing RAW says you must eat consummate food to the total energy expended in a day.
@Aza People are counter-intuitive and potentially physics-defying? Hard agree.
@linksassin I tweaked your title, feel free to revert.
There must, therefore, exist a process completely contained within a person that generates the excess energy, and can keep doing that, forever. The person's not the perpetual motion machine, but the person implies the existence of a perpetual motion machine.
@BESW You know it!
@Aza maybe that is the kind of answer they are looking for?
I'm not honestly sure I can envision what a satisfying answer would look like.
I don't think the question is a very good one. In order to have a p.m.engine you need to have physics that support that. DnD not being a physics simulator doesn't mean just that it has physics not matching our own (indees you could simulate unconventional physics while still being a physics simulator) but it lacks most of the physics completely.
and that extrapolating physics from random rules and abilities is going to generally end very poorly.
I think it's assuming that game rules are an accurate model of in-game physical laws, rather than narrative approximations of specific circumstances it considers interesting.
Which means the question is mu.
(To clarify, I didn't mean my reply as a case example, but more a reducto ad adbsurdum 'this is mu' premise-wise.)
I think the notion of a perpetual motion engine in DnD is about as mechanically grounded as the notion of a perpetual motion engine in Monopoly. (Yeah, I like using Monopoly as an example :D)
D&D runs off the Gamebyro physics engine.
@kviiri It's one of the best uses for Monopoly, I think.
@BESW It's a great example for some game design things :)
@Ben [tactically ragdolls]
@BESW I defy physics every morning simply by getting out of bed. Take that physics!
Gravity, I stab at thee
@kviiri I mean, as a just-for-fun brainstorming exercise "who can come up with something", it's fine. That's just not a question type we support.
@Miniman I'm wondering whether to post that as answer or comment and VtC.
I mean, sometimes "mu" is better as an answer than a VtC. I wonder if it's one of these times.
@kviiri Given the other answers this question is absolutely going to get, I don't think this is one of those times.
Fair nuff. Comment it is
@Carcer do I use str or dex to ragdoll?
@Ben charisma
> Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering gravity; from the bed I grapple with thee; in my snuggie I stab at thee; for wages' sake I spit my last breath at thee.
@BESW nice
Question: Do you guys think it's worth commenting on years-old answers (and perhaps questions too) to suggest improvements - such as suggesting that the answers support their recommendations by citing evidence or experience?
For instance, sometimes questions are bumped to the front page by an edit by the author of one of the answers, and thus I end up noticing that some of the answers are missing some support for their claims/recommendations.
(I suppose this could be asked on meta, but I'd rather get a sense of what you guys think first.)
Who pinged me?
@V2Blast I do! Or well I think that they are low-effort enough to leave and definitely don't hurt such that there is really no downsisde to doing so.
2 hours ago, by Ben
@KenNg @Aza Hey!
@V2Blast I do sometimes check the user's last active date though to get a better read on if the comment is likely to even be read.
@KenNg I think only @Ben can answer that.
@Ben why did u ping me?
(he may not be active right now so I'm not sure you're going to get a reply this instant)
I can only assume he simply saw you active in the chat and thus greeted you, as some people in chat are wont to do :)
the messages immediately following that one:
"Welcome to the RPG chat!
How are we today?"
That is my read on it as well.
Q: Does the 2019 UA artificer's Arcane Weapon spell apply to thrown weapons?

King-of-DeceitI was making an artificer (from the May 2019 UA) who has a dagger with the Returning Weapon infusion. I planned on using the arcane weapon spell with it, but I am unsure if it works. Arcane weapon states: You channel arcane energy into one simple or martial weapon you’re holding, and choose ...

The Fellowship seems really nice
I kinda want to try it
Q: Does the Thunderwave spell push back a Cloud of Daggers?

VIP3RssIf there is an active Cloud of Daggers spell within the AOE of a Thunderwave spell, would the Cloud of Daggers spell be pushed back 10 feet? From the description of Thunderwave: In addition, unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically pushed 10 feet away...

@KenNg just saying hey :)
@trogdor Kaneda!
Wobbuffet! o7
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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