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hm I just retagged a 6+ year old question with a system tag
Q: When should I fudge dice rolls?

h313When I started my first D&D campaign as a DM, I accidentally rolled and confirmed a crit on a PC from a goblin. It was an instant kill as our campaign had no cleric. That time I decided to fudge the dice. Now, there's a similar problem, but this time the PCs are at 3rd level and they are dealing ...

I'm not sure how it escaped getting one originally, but those were early days on the stack.
@Rubiksmoose When playing Fate.
I actually thought of PbtA first, but then realized that the DM doesn't ever roll dice in that.
So it would be very hard to fudge.
@BESW Do-over: hah! That is very clever!
I really want to play Fate at the very least because I have all these very pretty looking Fudge dice sitting on my desk and I can't use them for anything else!
@Ben You've pinged them again now. The cycle will never end
@Carcer it's pings all the way down
I'd love to run a game for you some time.
[dead stare into middle distance]
@BESW Yesss. I'd very much be down for this. You know. Some time.
@Rubiksmoose Is there any particular version of Fate you've got your eye on, or specific qualities of the system you're especially interested in focus on?
I don't at this point. I'd be certainly open to suggestions. One thing I would not want to pay is D&D style high fantasy though. I've had my fill of that for a good while.
...do you want a la carte Fate (served out of the box, "as it's supposed to be,") or the chef's special BESW blend?
I'm honestly not that familiar with what is out there for Fate. I know it's a very flexible system.
@BESW I'm guessing you wouldn't have changed things if you didn't think they made things more fun. Part of my goal would be to get a feel for things so I'd be able to eventually run something for my group in it, but as long as we could talk about the modifications you made I think that sounds like a blast.
we could also do something in GSS
:O that also sounds incredible.
@BESW Important question: which do you recommend? Do you think the BESW special is a strict upgrade for all porpoises (besides learning the base rules) or do they each have their strong areas?
Can I get someone else to take a look at this? I might be biased because I have an answer there but I feel this edit should not be done like this (editing in follow-up question)
Q: Can you move, and then use Ready to move again later in the round? What about adding Dash as a Bonus Action?

Mars PlasticThe Ready action is described as follows: First, you decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it. Question I: Is there anything preventing you...

Well nevermind the asker took take of it
@Rubiksmoose for <s>President</s> Moderator
forking markdown
@goodguy5 hahaha
Please no. I'd be an awful president.
@Rubiksmoose I mean..... comparatively.....
Well. Yeah...
You could be an El Presidente.
Tsktsktsk, two articles in a row.
@GcL It's a tasty drink!
You could be a tasty drink
@vicky_molokh It's ok they haven't exceeded their daily article limit yet
Anyone on EST?
If someone wanted to read over that moderator questionnaire/novel and give me some feedback I would appreciate it whenever they have time. Just feedback on improving the post not mod-worthiness.
@Ben [raises hand]
Can I ask what time is it?
you may.
10:09 am
Well thank you.
Something broke: new candidates stopped spawning.
I'm a little concerned then. Lol. Waiting on a response from an American company. Should have done by now :/
Oh well
@Ben It was a holiday weekend. People were off for three or four days. Was your contact with them on Friday?
^that's a very good point
@GcL Actually, Amazon did reply during the weekend.
@Derpy but they're a "global" company.
@Ben I think that is the most complex question that has been asked in a correlary to Stack Exchange :P
@GcL Yeah they said they'd be back on Wednesday
@Ben Seems reasonable. Maybe they're hung over today
Yeah I don't remember now lol
@Sdjz it's a confusing question, a little
@Carcer Oh I was actually concerned with the edit that added a second question but the asker has since rolled back the question and asked it separately
that edit question is confusing
they seem to be very concerned that a rogue can go fast
ah, I see from comment it was predicated on an assumption you can't take the dash action twice, and they thought that readying was a way to loophole around that
@Carcer yeah which also makes it basically not a dupe IMO (though very very close)
nobody tell them about the tabaxi
or monks? Monks can go faster right?
monks do get a movement speed increase yes
but tabaxi have the ability to double their speeds for a round
ah yeah, that would do it
and it's a doubling of speed, directly, not adding extra movement, so it stacks multiplicatively with dashing (as does monk fast movement)
@goodguy5 three consecutive hyphens'll do it: ---strike--- renders as strike.
I have a tabaxi scout rogue with Mobility who can move 240ft in a round if he double dashes
@Carcer very nice.
240ft in a turn, even! He can go 255 in a round if he gets to use reaction for skirmisher and move an extra 15 if an enemy ends turn next to him.
Regarding this question: how critical are we about spoiler tags? I can understand wanting to avoid spoiling players to adventure module content, but the question mostly concerns the backfill story of the Tomb of Annihilation and the history of the rulers of Chult, are those things super important to keep hidden from players?
I do feel like we've gone a bit spoiler happy in both questions and answers lately. And this coming from someone who is just about as strict about spoilers as you get.
I dont think theres a real issue with being too careful
at least not in that question. Also i just learned you can click the spoiler box to "lock" it open
Well it definitely adversely affects readability, but usually the harm is pretty low.
@Rubiksmoose The readability is kind of my thought: it was really difficult to keep all the relevant information in my head at the same time with only one spoiler box open at a time (It now helps we can 'click' to keep them open, @SirCinnamon).
@Xirema I was going to say the question looks like it would be tedious to read if you have to hover to read it all - but given the click feature it doesnt bother me nearly as much
If you have the SOX script you can unspoiler it all at once. But we shouldn't be considering that option for the sake of general readability for obvious reasons
@Xirema I didn't remember that you could do that either.
I think they maybe split the spoilers into too many boxes -> Text from book + censored summary of text from book + key for censored summary is kind of overkill
might be better as: Entire spoilered block from book + entired unspoilered but censored summary and then a full key afterward?
@SirCinnamon Well, it's a lot of different sections though. Some is from a paragraph in the adventure itself, some is from the blurb attached to an item, and it's all from different parts of the module.
@Xirema It can still be formatted that way within a single spoiler block though, correct?
@SirCinnamon I believe so; I'm just pointing out that quoting five discontinuous sections in a single quote block has its own issues, spoiler tags or not.
@Xirema right, but that's mostly just backing material for the censored timeline the asker constructed
So digging into the question, I've realized that the OP elided the actual person whose age needs to be interrogated. Person D's age can be very easily explained and justified within a plausible range for normal female fertility—but not Nepartak's immediate parent. =O
She's the ten-year-old Granddaughter of a woman who died 90 years prior to her birth.
@Xirema My understanding is that that person is dead
they are being referred to as 10 years old because they were that old when they died
Its a confusing quote... is it their skull literally, like out of their head? or is it their skull in terms of posession?>
I always give my 10 year-old skulls to play with.
@SirCinnamon Ooooh, that's possible.
Reading somewhere else that person is turned into a flame skull or something
Yes, that skull is a flame skull so it's definitely dead
So i think my timeline in my answer to that Q works out?
I suspect English may not be the OP's native language? Could explain some of the genealogical confusion they had.
@Xirema Oh no you had to cross out so much!!! I feel bad
@Xirema I think this is definitely a factor, although the simpe grandmother vs great grandmother confusion got me as well
@SirCinnamon What does it say about me that I saw "this skull belongs to Nepartak, a ten year old girl" and my immediate thought was "Oh, this kid has a skull as one of their prized possessions, sounds about right."
but what if the book was just saying that she was a qualitatively terrific grandmother?
@Xirema oh man, that is confusing
I figured that was like "okay, this skull belongs to her; if you bring it back to her, she'll give you a reward", and no part of my brain questioned the possibility that a child princess would have a skull as a favored treasure.
I'm curious if that says something about how I view royalty, or about how I view children.
Well the kids love My Little Boney
Also, not in my favor: the full context of the quote makes it pretty clear.
> The skull in the crystal box belongs to Nepartak, the 10-year-old granddaughter of Napaka, the last queen of Omu. The magic of the crystal box preserves her consciousness, but centuries of solitude and horror have caused her mind to blank out the details of her plight.
@Xirema To be fair, children are messed up.
@Xirema Yeah that may have been handy to know haha
@nitsua60 bah! thanks for nothing
@goodguy5 I think you meant baaaaaaaaa
Sanity check: in 3.5/PF Delay permanently shifted your initiative yes?
@Rubiksmoose For pathfinder at least yes "When you delay, you voluntarily reduce your own initiative result for the rest of the combat."
@Sdjz cool thanks!
@Rubiksmoose The 3.5e SRD says a similar thing too
how about 4e? I just realized the question calls that out specifically.
(I'm searching here to try to find that)
@Rubiksmoose 4e: "Perform your actions as desired and adjust your initiative to your new position in the order."
@Sdjz Thanks :) Now to polish up an old question I guess.
@goodguy5 [hums] what can I say, except that you're welcome =) [humming drifts off...]
@Xirema CENTURIES of solitude
i guess thats just a straight error?
At best you can probably squeeze a little more than a century with some fancy family tree work but i think it's impossible to hit 200 years
Q: Do creatures all have the same statistics upon being reanimated via the Animate Dead spell?

Maiko ChikyuI have been thinking of making a necromancer, and I feel like I am missing something. Do all zombies and skeletons, regardless of the corpse they used as an ingredient, become the creature listed as zombie/skeleton in the stat block? The main source of confusion I'm having is caused by this tex...

good job hotness bot
@SirCinnamon Hoo boy.
3 hours later…
Q: Can you move on your turn, and then use the Ready Action to move again on another creature's turn?

Mars PlasticThe Ready action is described as follows: First, you decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it. So, is there anything preventing you from mo...

@Rubiksmoose I like my changes, they make the game more fun for me and focus on what I think is important. But I hesitate to say that makes my changes objectively better for everybody.
@Xirema Yeah... I thin the user was definitely overzealous with the spoiler tags there. Especially with all the "person A, group B, moment 3" stuff. Best to put it all together in a single spoiler block or two.
@BESW I am curious about Fate as well. I do like to get a sense of a system before experiencing special customizations/homebrew, though.
that's fair
I'm gonna have to sit down and figure out exactly what my changes are...
Q: Can a rogue effectively triple their speed by combining Dash and Ready?

Mars PlasticThis question is a follow-up to: Can you move on your turn, and then use the Ready Action to move again on another creature's turn? The answer to that question is yes. Acting according to the following sequence should then enable a rogue (of at least second level) to triple their maximum moveme...

A lot of them are just mashing together bits of Fate that don't usually appear in the same game, and other things are more in my GMing style that isn't strictly not Fate.
Any input, Troggy?
you want my input on what your specific changes to Fate are when we haven't played it for,... a year and a half?
maybe two years?
I mean like you said, a lot of it has gotten mashed together in my brain too
take a thing from Atomic Robo and insert it into Umdar, or the other way around
I think that might be the answer though
one of your trademarks is mashing together different kinds of Fate
like our last ongoing game was Atomic Robo and yet we had a lot of Umdarr characters in it
mechanically and otherwise
So one of the players in my new group has committed to playing their Artificer (Alchemist), and I'd like to make their potion crafting experience a bit more interesting/detailed than "I buy 345gp of Potion Ingredients from the apothecary, I'm going to spend the next two weeks crafting these six potions out of it". Are there any good resources for handling this without just devising a Universal Crafting System for 5e?
(They have a lot of experience with video games, especially WoW and similar games, so I have that as a reference for what they will or will not enjoy)
I feel sure I have read homebrew rules somewhere about harvesting monster parts for alchemical/crafting purposes
I'm guessing that might be the sort of thing that's up their alley?
yeah, I think the closest official thing is Xanathar's downtime guidelines for crafting a magic item
@Carcer Definitely; I also know that certain things (Poison crafting, as an example) referenced in the DMG do allude to this.
@Rubiksmoose That's a lot of words, man. :)
which basically just defines the prereqs/cost, plus this general hint to the DM:
"You can decide that certain items also require special materials or locations to be created. For example, a character might need alchemist’s supplies to brew a particular potion, or the formula for a Flame Tongue might require that the weapon be forged with lava."
(is it any line break within a message that prevents any markdown in it from working?)
@Rubiksmoose Which is great parenting - just ask Hamlet's mom! :)
I have a memory of the homebrew I read involving letting a character harvest an amount of material from defeated monsters with an equivalent crafting value based on their CR
and then maybe you can decide that for certain crafting purposes a specific monster's resources are more valuable. Like a red dragon gizzard counts double for a potion of fire breath.
it seems relatively easy to eyeball fairly as you know the artificer will be devoting some of the money they get to crafting potions; you can just have some reasonable proportion of the treasure you would have the players earn be in the form of stuff to turn into potions
@V2Blast A forgery kit needs to be made in a blacksmith's shop.
@Yuuki get out
@Xirema So is this something you want to say? "You're able to find enough potency for those healing potions, but the end result has too much crimson and we both know what crimson does for healing potions. You'll be spending those two weeks testing local materials to put together the notoriously volatile anti-crimson catalyst."
@Glazius I could maybe justify that for when they're learning recipes, but I'd probably want something with less micromanagement for just creating potions.
There's a few things I came up with so far, I wanted to bounce those against other players' homebrew/experience to see whether it would be interesting or annoying.
What I've done so far is declare that, per the normal Magic Item Crafting rules, they need to learn a recipe for whatever they make before they can make it. Potion, Armor, Weapon, whatever. But, as an Artificer, they'll be entitled to "free" potion recipes they learn as they level up, kind of like how Wizards get spells as they level up, but also can copy down additional spells into their spellbook if they find a scroll or some other source in the world.
Then, for each potion recipe I give them, I'm also going to give them a list of discrete ingredients, and some information about where those ingredients can be found. The plan is to declare a few really basic, common ingredients that a lot of potions will all use, and then for each potion, one or two "exotic" ingredients that will either be particularly expensive, or simply difficult to find.
So for example: for a Potion of Greater Healing (considered an Uncommon, consumable magic item of a potion), the ingredients would be 2x Water Wart, and 2x Extract of Goodberry (which I would remind them is cut in half because of their Alchemist specialization). Water Wart, as the name implies, grows in and around rivers, and is generally pretty common, easy to buy and harvest (DC 10 to harvest during downtime).

Extract of Goodberry, on the other hand, would be a bit harder to find, since Goodberries only 'naturally' grow in forests that are infused with fey magic. These aren't super rare,
my first impressions is that it might be a bit overcomplicated and tedious for every little thing
there'd be a lot to keep track of - it's the kind of thing which maybe works in a computer game where you have a computer to manage your inventory and you can arbitrarily go places in order to harvest resources and it's only your own time that's involved
it might each too much into table time if you require the player to go and individually acquire all the stuff each time they need to, and if you let them abstract it by just saying they go to the alchemist shop and buy the necessary amount of water wart then there's not really any difference to buying X gp worth of alchemical reagents
I think requiring exactly specific components might be something you want to reserve for the especially potent stuff, not (un)common crafts
@Carcer I'll justify this by pointing out that there are only two Common quality potions: Potion of Healing, and Potion of Climbing; and when we get to the Uncommon tier, it includes stuff like Potion of Hill Giant's Strength (21 Strength for 1 hour); even at that level, you'd want to put at least modest restrictions on potion obtainability.
why? The alchemist's whole deal is that making potions is super easy for them
@Carcer I mean, the plan isn't to make stuff like this eat up entire sessions: it's not that difficult to arrange an encounter with a CR5 Hill Giant to get the toenail clippings they'd need for the potion. =D
@Yuuki no. bad @Yuuki no cookie.
> When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 hour. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score. This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a hill giant. — DMG, pg. 187
Sorry, Fingernail clipping. My bad. =D
even if it's only brief diversions my gut feeling is that it's a bit excessive for the party to have to go and deliberately hunt out specific creatures constantly for whatever potion it is the alchemist wants to make this week, or it's painfully meta when they just happen to conveniently keep running into the necessary encounter to make whichever potion the alchemist last expressed interest in...
but obviously you know your table and players better than I do, I'm just some random guy on the internet
I guess at least I can say that I personally would probably prefer a system which was a bit more flexible and required less fastidious inventory tracking
@Ash lol
but it does
and a blacksmiths shop needs a blacksmiths shop to build
Very ouroboros of it
@Carcer AngryGM's been doing a series on that recently.
@trogdor First thing I learned to weld was a welding table....
@trogdor hmmmmmm
A wizard had to build the first one
But to be a wizard a wizard has to teach you
So a sorcerer taught the first wizard :P
But to a sorcerer you need a dragon in your ancestry
But to be a dragon you need a dragon in your ancestry too
Which came first the dragon or the egg?
Ok I'm done now
My brain hurts :P
Q: How old was this woman (from Tomb of Annihilation) at her death?

OharHow is it possible? Page 92 of the ToA adventure says: So, group A was killed at moment 1. Okay. Later in the adventure, it says on p. 165: So, person B was killed at the same time. Okay. Page 69 of the adventure says: So person C was born at moment 2. Okay. The same page cont...

@HotRPGQuestions Trying to parse all the spoiler blocks and "person A, moment 2" in this question makes my head hurt
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