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Yeah I didn't think of that
That was totally something i should have half expected
Of course, do keep in mind there are different types of players and playstyles. Some will expect more structure than others. Some may expect full control over the plot's direction, others may sit back and wait for you to put monsters in front of them. Suggestion: Learn your players' styles, and then try to cater your DM hands-on-ness appropriately.
That's true
You do need to know what the players expect In those terms
Yeah. Another thing I've done is start the session with the party standing next to a bulletin board of HELP WANTED posters, and they'd choose which to answer.
And of course there's the traditional White Wolf Vampire approach, where the Storyteller often has trouble getting independently powerful and self-absorbed PCs to not kill each other, much less work together: so you have a stupidly powerful NPC show up, demonstrate that he could kill them all without breaking a sweat, and then yell at them until they follow the ST's plot to the letter.
I'm not a fan of that approach, but it's definitely A Thing People Do Which Seems To Work For Them.
Similarly, the DM for a D&D session could bring along a megaphone, and shout "RULE ZERO! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME!" whenever the PCs go off-script.
(Don't actually do this)
@Regress.arg Structure-wise, a decent compromise is to establish what must (or should) be done, but not how the PCs should do it. And definitely avoid outcome-specific bottlenecks.
If you're a relatively new DM, and you plan on running a "full" campaign, I'd suggest aiming for a short campaign with its own story and measurable end-point. If the players approach the end, you can start filing in the details for the sequel arc, which becomes Act II. And so on.
When planning a long-form campaign, it's often tempting to plan out multiple arcs and scheduled plot points, as if writing a book. But there are too many unknowns that make this typically infeasible.
Have any of you started a campaign in a city, and how detailed did you make that city to begin with?
In terms of NPCs, locations, geographies, etc
Yes, and I've run the gamut from extreme detail to "I know a bit about the room we're starting in."
But part of that is because my GMing style has become much more interested in asking my players to help create things as we play, rather than presenting them with my own work fait accompli.
Similar here. Tried different approaches with different degrees of success. Early on, my process was to plan out a linear progression of rooms for the PCs to visit, and put excruciating detail into those rooms. Got flustered whenever the players try to go anywhere else. So don't do this.
More recently, my process for a city is: Roughly divide the city into districts. For each district, plan the types of buildings/industries/shops/people that are typically found there. Include notable structures and NPCs, if any. Sprinkle in some more detail as needed. Then improvise.
My recent urban campaigns have involved pulling up Google Maps and marking stuff on it.
Well I planned to fill out the map with all the maintenance shafts, etc. and the magma pools just in case somebody wanted to dig the walls. (Dungeon was powered by magma)
On the subject of session prep, mission briefings and brain storms are amazing.
All I have to do is present a vague mission/goal type thing, and then have them do a Mission Briefing scene. I take a few minutes to arrange something accordingly, and we're off! If a big question about what's going on arises during the session, I call for a Brainstorm and they tell me what's going on.
I haven't given any thought to how that would adapt to D&D; it's certainly philosophically radical regardless of mechanical feasibility.
For designing environments for D&Dish games, I'd suggest peeking at TheAngryGM's blog for advice
@MikeQ I like to uncomfortably split the two styles (in your campaign) by trying to be clear that I'm not really going to do much prep beyond being intimately familiar with the hardcover. Thus emerges (I believe) "you can feel free to interact with anything, but there are directions you can go in which the map will fail to render."
hey there @nitsua60
@nitsua60 how're things going? got a bit of time?
Grading two tests in the next 1h45m, hopefully.
@nitsua60 ah, still with the grading. was hoping to catch you here so I could brief you on what happened with the dungeon after you left the game (as there was a room you missed)
@BESW one of the two times I played DnD I played a.... Crap, don't recall exactly but some sort of fighter and my response to anything was "can I hit it?
And part of me wonders if me who is now would do differently
(sorry, hands are being frustrating)
I think I've found all the relevant 5e questions about Sanctuary and either commented to suggesting updating post-errata or left my own answer accordingly :)
@Ash well honestly I think that is largely due to what the game guides you to ask
If all the options fighters get are "can I hit that thing" that's all you might think about possibly
That's almost all I did when I played a 3.5 fighter
The I think,... One time I ever did that
Yeah, I felt like that was all I could do. I mean I picked the class I did because I pick melee types in just about everything (heck my wow main is a kul tiran human warrior for a similar reason)
I like melee fighter types because it is often less numbers and details to hold
Same here
Or at least it used to be like that for me anyway
I liked being the guy it took extra work to take down so my first and mostly main character in WoW was a Tauren Warrior
And my first D&D character was a fighter for a similar reason ,partly because it seemed simplest
@Shalvenay T/Th evenings, maybe--not so much tonight or Wed or Fri.
@nitsua60 will try tomorrow night then
But I learned later in WoW after trying different classes I really liked making other people's health bars go back up so I rolled several classes that could heal and my troll priest became basically a second main
I think sometimes we forget that if we try something new we might like it XD
Because that's been the case for me, and I've occasionally observed it of other people
Not to say we constantly have to though, that would be tiring
Afternoon by 3 minutes all
In Brisbane this week for my sister's wedding :)
Ah nice
Greetings and congratulations from the tiny island above Australia's pointy horn then
That could be Antarctica depending on how you hold the map
Antarctica is tiny?
Like I said, it depends how you hold the map
Fair enough
@trogdor this is why I am trying a Tauren Shaman. I like it so far.
@Ben oh, fun! Congrats to her!
I never played a Shaman
One of the only classes I never tried in fact
I am bad at remembering I don't have to walk up to something to boop it's nose
Ah, even as a fighter I would usually evaluate whether I should use the charge move or throw a dagger or something to engage
Must be because I got so used to making that call as a tank
And even questing it would make the difference between agroing too many mobs or not
hey there @Jadasc
@trogdor I am very used to just DPS run in and hit it once it's grabbed
@trogdor at least you didn't have to worry about the mobs sticking a curtain in the middle of the room on you, with half of them hiding behind the curtain, even though that was not an intentional part of the map design ;)
@Shalvenay lol
@Ash that's definitely a nasty DPS habit
...the equivalent thing actually happened to me once in EVE Online -- was running a site, and only half the spawns showed up to play initially, or so it seemed....until we burned in, and found the rest of them hiding off of our initial landing "grid"
But I also kinda loved it because I was apparently pretty good at keeping agro
@trogdor yeah, learning how "traditional" CRPG PvE works has actually been one of the steepest learning curves for me in NWN, of all games, because I hadn't been exposed to it before to speak of
@Shalvenay it's definitely something that takes some personal experience to learn
@trogdor it's something I think that people largely....assume that folks know these days, even? (at least, that to some degree has been my experience, but the NWN MP stuff I've done has been on servers ranging from "not exactly easymode" to "moderatly hardcore"
I would say a lot of people assume things like that all the time
Myself included
It's hard not to assume other people know certain things that you have known for a long time
@trogdor that is quite true indeed
@trogdor I mean I don't pull, I know better, I just know I am tough to squash so once I can hit, I do. (although honestly I avoid a lot of dungeons/raids that require non-friend humans)
relevant xkcd:
@V2Blast I love this comic because that's how we should approach this stuff
@Ash that's fair, I didn't go into dungeons a lot myself until they made it way easier to find a casual group who doesn't want to talk to me and mostly wanted me just to tank/ heal well
@V2Blast @Ash yes indeed
@V2Blast If more people took this approach the world would be a better place.
It's certainly a way to re-experience everything for the first time
@trogdor I mostly just don't trust myself to be actually decent enough for people
(plus a lot of raids especially are sensory hell. Dungeons are pretty bad too a lot)
How are we meant to handle questions where enforcing site policy would be a certain detriment to the user as a person. For instance, this question is clearly not something we can answer. But closing it may drive the user away from rpgs entirely. I tried to leave a sympathetic comment and vtc but I'm don't know if that's the best way to handle these.
@Ash that's all fair enough too, they don't usually trigger my sensory stuff, for me that's mostly audio
(like something that's too loud, a bad frequency, too many people talking)
Q: Should questions about dice be on-topic?

DuckTapeAlOver in another meta thread, there is a conversation about a particular question regarding dice-rolling outside of an RPG context. I suggest you read that thread first, but to boil it down to the basic points: RPG.SE is probably the best place we know of to get an answer for that sort of question...

Though I have to admit flickering lights distract me, and lights that are too bright also really mess me up
But that doesn't happen as often I guess
Mine are super visual or textures
(I have a lot of weirdness about the colour blue)
Ah yeah
Wow dungeons have a lot of weird visual stuff going on
@Ash huh interesting,
I don't have any of that at all to do with any color
(ooooh that's probably why so much of like looking at water or island stuff makes me wobble....)
Sounds though, if you play/make a sound I don't like it's pretty bad
Blue light shifts and wiggles and doesn't sit still for me
It's even worse when I see no one else being bothered by it or doing anything to make it stop
That's pretty paralyzing actually
@Ash oh you know for me shadows do that a little
Not colors though
It's especially weird if it's something that does move though because then I can't tell if it's my brain doing that or the thing actually moving
@Shalvenay Hey. :)
I can do sounds easier but fabric textures and food textures are problems, blue light is hard,
(in fact it just happens less if the thing isn't moving but it still like,.. it moves just a little sometimes in a way it shouldn't, or else I'm just really sensitive to shadows moving, I'm not sure which really)
@Ash I do like certain textures better than others, but I also like touching cold things (especially metal left in air on that gets really cold)
But I don't run into too many textures I don't like
But you know those nightclub scenes in movies where the lights strobe and flicker? Hate that
That makes it annoying and hard to pay attention to anything
Sorry everyone this room has been confiscated fir the use of weird sensory details we need a new one for RPG stuff XP
@trogdor strobe lights are rude.
They very much are and I hate them
I don't like socks and seams and things, I hate mittens, I like softness and smoothness and fluffy things. I dislike scritchy things (my djellaba is a weird exception, it's soft and scritchy)
It's especially egregious because they always seem to put something visually important happening in the nightclub scenes
I like weighty things. (I want a weighed blanket some day)
@trogdor which is extra rude, because how are you supposed to focus.
Oh a weighted blanket sounds extremely good
Also actually seams,... I wouldn't say I hate them but they don't give the best sensation
I feel like it would be. I emulate it with many heavy quilts but then I get too warm.
@Ash exactly
@Ash yeah I only use one but it's always open somewhere because it's not held down by anything and then it gets too cold
But multiple would make it waaaaasyyyyy too warm here
@trogdor yeah I can imagine. It works when it is minus 30 C here lol
Yep doesn't get that cold here
Pretty sure
That's something like minus 22 F
So yeah I don't think you do that
Pretty sure it's never minus anything here
I only like winter for the like....parts where I can be inside and cozy
@Ash in F we are usually between 70 and high 80s
Which is probably part of why I like touching cold things
Hm, I would struggle with the higher end, my skin gets crawly
@Ash What are these 'minus' temperatures you speak of? I think it's cold here at the moment when it's 6C overnight.
@trogdor I am paranoid of getting stuck to the cold things
(the whole don't lick a flagpole in winter principle)
@linksassin canadaaaaaaaaaa
@Ash yeah if that had ever happened to me it would be different for sure
I like some cold things to touch but mostly I like smooth things or varied things (like my stims are all like varied textures or spins or clicks)
@Ash Right... re-evaluating my plans to visit there one day.
Anything less that 20C is jumper weather here.
(I try not to use the clicks during Feast or other such things where people want more quiet hands but sometimes I forget)
@Ash that's pretty similar for me actually, I like something smooth that then ends abruptly leading to a click that connects it to another smooth thing
@linksassin Hahaha it reminds me of Christmas in Atlanta where I was like omg it's 10C thats pretty much tshirt weather with maybe a light coat
Like dentist chairs
@trogdor I have this snake thing that is very satisfying clicky links!
The arm parts
@trogdor oooh yes.
@Ash Lol christmas a couple of years ago was 46C.
@Ash oooh I had something like that! I lost it though
Friends let me stim off of this fantastic wood carving (something in Arabic, the Arabic was smooth and the other bits were rough and I could tap and poke and scritchy)
@BESW Where is this mythical place of perfect weather?
@linksassin Home!
@trogdor I don't know if Stimtastic ships to Guam but they have good stims and chewies for decent prices.
@BESW I would just be a basking lizard all the time
@Ash they are also usually cold so all in all I have a much less anxious time at the Dentist office than I might otherwise XD
@BESW ooooh
@trogdor that's awesome.
@BESW How's the humidity though?
(I realized I can freeze my chewy necklace so it is cold for chewing on, that was a revelation.)
@BESW yes drop the other shoes
@BESW fat me says oooooh nooo
It's extremely humid here
Even in dry season
My weird tiny baby lung branches say noooo
@Ash mm I don't really like chewing on things unless I'm gonna eat it
We've usually got some good wind through.
(premature birth means my lungs are weird, the nurse says I have svrubby bushes where I shod have strong trees)
@trogdor chewing for me is an anxiety response, it saves me from self harm responses!
In fact that's part of why I am so glad to have practically perfect stims at dentists offices because sticking non food in my mouth upsets me a lot
@Ash fair enough
@trogdor I can see how that would be tricky!
That's like, what you go there for
There are too many textures for me to be cool with dentists
Thankfully those chair arms have the right quality apparently everywhere
Or at least here anyway
That's awesome.
@Ash visual textures, felt textures or both?
@trogdor both, mostly tactile.
Tactile that's the word
I'm very kinetic, like I handflap and twitch and move a lot
I move my legs around a lot of I don't have them in a position I like
I'm usually doing something specific with my arms but they also tend to move if I'm not
(I am teaching my local Baha'i community that handflaps are a joyful act and they are....working on being chill with that. I appreciate the attempts. Like I was full body happy flap joy during the reading of the most recent Ridvan message and once people realized I was happy and not distressed they thought it was awesome)
If I'm extremely excited about something I might jitter a bit if people are around
I don't flap in front of people though
I can't say I've ever flapped
Maybe a little if I'm literally alone at home and running around
@trogdor I usually don't! But I am trying to just be my authenticity self with my Baha'i community because thays kinda the point I guess
@V2Blast not even to pretend you were flying?
Besides that stuff brings up so many emotions I can't not sometimes
@trogdor ...I don't think so?
@V2Blast it for me is a "I can't hold this joy so I literally gotta release the valve and that's why I flap"
Q: Why was this question closed as too broad?

william porter How can wizards gain more spells per day? This question was closed as too broad, and I disagree with that flag. The question is quite narrow in terms of scope, nor would any answer that limits itself to the system have to be too broad. Now the question itself is poorly written, and it would m...

(negative emotions are more like handwringing twisty rubbing my skin off)
@Ash that's fair, I don't think I'm usually excited about something I'm not currently occupied with, so I'm usually actually doing something and am not making movements not involved with it
So instead of releasing it that way it's usually automatic for me
Makes sense!
Though I've noticed if I'm listening to music I like I move more
There isn't anything else to do if that's all I'm doing
Music is a super kinetic experience for me.
I like moving
Makes sense
I'm kinda embarrassed to move if people can see me
I have worked super hard to not feel shame in that sense
Mm I have not
I have too much fun. I dance and sing while I walk and it just makes me happy. So I do.
I just avoid it instead
I'm very rarely outwardly emotional
(if I feel pleased and joyful it's easier for me to ignore people, I know I am weird, I don't really care about that kinetic weirdness)
@V2Blast same here
@Ash that's extremely great
Emotional stuff though especially around interpersonal skills? Super hard.
@trogdor it took effort but I am proud of that.
@Ash I agree, but that's actually something I've worked really hard on
I can fake interpersonal stuff, emotional responses people expect from you day to day that I'm not currently feeling at the time
My brain spiders fight me hard.
Because instead I'm usually feeling " why you talk to me out of nowhere person I've never met?"
With people I actually know I can be much more "real"
Strangers I can do. Humans I know is harder.
I can talk to bus humans, my friends I am like oooooooooh noooooooo
Strangers are the worst
See I just go oh well I won't see you again so
If someone is my friend that should mean they understand me to some degree
So if they don't that reflects on them, not me
Whereas like....trying to sit myself into the Baha'i community and trust my new friends has been a struggle, not because they're bad at it but because I just don't trust people to be honest I guess and I expect them to see all my flaws and go ooooohnooooooo
The worst is people I've met before who's face I remember but who I don't see enough to remember thier names though
@trogdor I haaaaaate this
They are in the worst spot between strangers and expectation
I am like "I know you! Except I dont! But I do!"
@Ash the worst
And then they always remember my name
And it's worse when they like only have to learn you when you are new but you have to learn so many faces and names
Without freaking fail
And I don't know thier name
And if they confront me I have to say so
It's the worst so worst worst
A lot of people at Feast keep asking me if I rmemebers them and I am like yes but that doesn't mean I know you
I remember people fine
Faces are in the brain tank forever
Names don't like it in there
Amen to that.
I know my own name most of the time does that count
(also this conversation reminded me I need to replace my spinner ring I lost)
Oh right is that the one that snapped while spinning and went flying across the room never to be seen again?
@Ash there are people I used to spend lots of time with who are not here anymore because they moved, and now I don't remember most of thier names anymore
@BESW oh wow
@trogdor same
@BESW yep it's goooone and I am sad. I have even cleaned up super well and I still don't know where it is
Maybe Norbert ate it.
Like it just went somewhere and maybe there is a pocket black hole in my apartment that took it
@V2Blast I figure a lot of us have this problem but usually not the people who I run into :/
@BESW I think he would have expressed displeasure about that by now
Or you would have found it in the uh, sandbox at some point
@trogdor There was one person in the theater club in college whom I only ever saw at parties... so I always forgot her name
Hahaha yes also that
I am now debating if I want the dinosaur one again or a different one
I do like my cute Dinos
@V2Blast yep, I'm running into people who my parents know or who met me one on a class or wtv it happens to be
@trogdor and they know you and you are like hello...fellow....humab
At least you can be reasonably sure you share that trait
@trogdor I remember approximately 0.05 percent of the people that know me through family (whether extended family members, family friends, people who visited that one time 2 years ago). If it weren't for my parents I'd be hopelessly confused
It's the worst when they ask "do you remember me?" and I can't be honest and say "I assume we met at some point but I don't remember it at all"
Yes,...I am a humnan likze you, of course normal humnam things to talk about, don't ask me if I remember you you are ruining my disguise
@V2Blast yep, I try to tell the truth when that happens but thier reactions always suck even when they take it in stride
@trogdor stop looking behind this fantastic velvet curtain noooo don't look there
@Ash yes of course because we all happen to be humans, no reason to think otherwise right? No lizards around here no way no how, I would definitely tell you
Yes sure is nice to be one of those humans
@trogdor yeah of course why is there even any douuuuubt
Yes human being is so good yes this meat suit is so cozy
I mean
No need to assume I'm just using my lizard camouflage powers to look like this, that would be absurd
Exactly, who would ever do such a thing not me this perfectly normal human
@kviiri Afternoon. How's it going?
@linksassin En route to work, hoping it'd rain today to clear out the dust and pollen
@kviiri Allergy season there is it?
Birch, mainly. It's one of my favorite trees apart from this part :)
But eh, second-gen antihistamines do their thing quite well
And they're over-the-counter nowadays. Ten years ago one'd need a prescription for all but the smallest doses
How about there?
It's probably the best time of year to allergies actually. End of autumn into winter soon.
I feel a bit socially deprived
Haven't played board games or TTRPGs in a while again :/
I recently convinced my friends to get Betrayal at House on the Hill
I hadn't played it since college
the first haunt we ended up playing was one that had no traitors to start out with
which was somewhat confusing at first, but it worked out well since it meant there wasn't one player who'd never played before stuck trying to figure out what they were even doing
in Board and Card Games, Jan 4 '18 at 21:03, by BESW
@OneEyedBandit Hi! After a few games of Betrayal my friends got frustrated by scenarios that were overly complex and/or felt like one side or the other had very little chance of success. The game was still fun enough that we wanted to continue playing, so I did some Googling and found these custom haunts. By replacing the default haunt books with the custom ones, we increased our already-high enjoyment of the game immensely!
We once played Shadows Over Camelot and had a bit of a dilemma in that one player REALLY wanted to be the traitor and of course it doesn't really work if we just give that to him
for that haunt, everyone except the one holding the Holy Symbol had to start their turn with a Sanity roll. I ended up failing my Sanity rolls and being turned into the traitor... but for that haunt, the traitor(s) had to make a Might roll at the start of each turn; if they failed, they lost 1 Might and couldn't move that turn. my character had low Might to begin with, so I failed 3 turns in a row and died.
we also managed to start the haunt very early in the game, before the house had been built out very much; my character was the first to even go to the upper floor, and nobody had been to the basement at first. they'd explored maybe 8 rooms at most outside the starting area, I think
so getting to the summoning chamber (or whatever) was pretty easy for them, since it was just 2 rooms from the basement stairs and they were all close to the starting area
ugh yeah a lot of the default scenarios are rubbish
I got one where I had a ring of invisibility and was trying to steal stuff from everyone and kill them, but that's all I got,... nothing making me stronger, they just didn't know what room I was in,.... and I didn't even know they had ways of finding it out
there should be a mechanic for not starting the haunt until a certain number of rounds in, so there's actually room to explore
so I died fast right after I tried to steal one thing
it seems like a lot of the haunts are horribly weighted one way or the other
there was another where the traitor got minions who respawned and who they could control
so they sat them all guarding the room we needed to get to to stop the bad stuff
There's a Betrayal at Baldur's Gate for those who think flavoring the original game as D&D will make it more... something. From experience, some of the scenarios are even wackier than the original, since all the player options have extra combat abilities.
and they hid there too to guard it as a last resort and also so we couldn't just kill them
@MikeQ I assume wackier is bad in this context?
Sort of? It depends. Wackier in the sense that there's a larger quantity of stuff going on, and less of a semblance of traitor-vs-others balance.
Or possibly the designers didn't consider how certain scenario elements would interact with certain board setups
ah, I see
In one scenario, the traitor could spawn a bunch of kobolds per turn in the lower floor, and then control their kobold army each round, guiding them toward a destination in the upper floor. This edition has only 2 floors, not 3.
Except they could spawn kobolds faster than we could destroy them, and their spawn point was right next to the floor-to-floor passage. So they only had to "march" the army 1 square. So the other players all stood in that square, defending it while the kobold army quickly built up in the adjacent square.
@MikeQ @V2Blast You are breaking the primary rule of Betrayal. Don't tell people about the haunts. That ways they are new and fresh the first time you play it.
except for this haunt, everyone starts out knowing the heroes' goal, since they all are still heroes at the start
I never mentioned what the traitor's goal was :P
Fine. As for a not-haunt-specific issue, the items are based on powerful D&D items. So players who find items early, they tend to find more items quickly, while the others tend to lag behind. Positive feedback loop.
@MikeQ Positive feedback loops are definitely an issue with that game. I've played multiple haunts where the heroes either had the stuff they needed at the time of the betrayal or they simply couldn't win.
I've also played some where the traitor had literally no chance of winning. Unless the heroes took complete leave of their senses.
I think with the amount of replayability it is difficult to sufficiently playtest every haunt and a bunch of them are poorly balanced.
But when they are, its a brilliant game.
It can be. From what I've seen, most of the excitement comes from the dice or lucky/unlucky streaks, rather than space for particularly clever strategies or player coordination.
@MikeQ Accurate. I had one game where we failed the first haunt roll. The traitor had to work with the party to discover more rooms because neither could complete their goals. Another time we were basically running out of rooms before failing a roll. Pure chance definitely is part of the fun.
@linksassin for our game, we had to search the room deck for both the room that caused people to become traitors and the room that the heroes were trying to reach
@V2Blast Yep, a lot of the haunts have that. But not all.
So in this game, is the role of the traitor fixed or can it change?
I'm frankly bored of games with the traitor mechanic, but having the traitor change over gameplay through some mechanic might be intriguing
@kviiri When the traitor is declared, a scenario is chosen based on some in-game conditions. I don't recall any scenarios in which the traitor role can change between players.
@kviiri The first act of each game is exploring the house (setting up a tile-based board and collecting items and bonuses/penalties). Each time anyone draws from a certain deck, that person rolls dice; if the roll is under the number of cards from that deck in play, the second act starts and a scenario is chosen from a book of 50, depending on the triggering item and the room you were in when you got it.
Many scenarios have traitors, but not all of them do; sometimes you play against a more nebulous threat or it's a free-for-all to see who wins an objective. The traitor is not always the person who triggered the second act. I think there are a few scenarios where the person with the antagonist power can change, but those might only be in the fan-made scenarios, I can't remember.
@kviiri there are 3 books in the game: there's the main rulebook, then there's the Survival Guide for the heroes and the Traitor's Tome for the traitors. The first 2 pages of the traitor's tome tell you which haunt begins (the base game comes with 50 haunts) when you fail the haunt roll; based on the omen that triggers that roll and the room that the person who triggered the haunt was in, it tells you which haunt begins.
My biggest problem with Betrayal (only played the orginal) was that the rules were not very clear/rigorous which becomes a problem once you introduce PvP. Also because the two sides get different rules added it becomes impossible to run a check on others and the 'rules weaker' players in my group quickly started to struggle.
sometimes the traitor is the one that triggered the haunt, sometimes it's a different character, sometimes there's no traitor to begin with and the traitor is determined by later events
yeah, I've seen a lot of reviews mentioning that there are often unclear parts of the rules, even in expansions and in the Legacy version of the game
I was worried about the traitor not understanding the rules in our group's first game, so we kind of lucked out in there being no traitor to begin with... but still
We had one game just pan out dead because the traitor need to kill the others and didn't understand how the combat mechanics worked. (also didn't find a way to ask without revealing what they need to win, but that's a different problem)
Q: May a character shove an enemy who is already prone?

Amethyst WizardImagine a 5th level fighter, Battle Master archetype. He uses the Trip Attack maneuver with the first attack of his Attack action and knocks the enemy prone. With his second attack, he hits the enemy with advantage, then as a bonus action (thanks to the Shield Master feat) he shoves the prone e...

@Someone_Evil I was called "boring" when I invited friends to play a wargame and insisted they read the rules in advance, as opposed to "just bring the rules up as you go along, it's easier"
It makes me feel really bad being the only person in the game who knows the rules, I feel every move I make is an insidious trick except with none of the genius
@kviiri on the other hand they literally asked for it. muahaha
yeah, it just kills the enjoyment for me
My biannual via dolorosa is approaching fast
The loathsome ritual where I climb the hill to the campus and meekly request extra time to complete my research project :(
prostrate thyself and begg that thy lordes haeve mercy upon thee for thou art but a werm byfore them
At least the walk of shame towards the campus won't be slippery this time of the year
The shortest path popular up the hill the science campus is on is notoriously not tended during the Winter (for reasons unknown) and as a result it's fast to go down and dangerous to go either way.
Oh good
Best of luck!
FWIW I don't really believe they'd decline my request
I'm just... super stressed out by this stuff.
It's embarrassing and shameful
fast to go down one way or another
@kviiri ... time to change your username to Sisyphus?
In Greek mythology Sisyphus or Sisyphos (; Ancient Greek: Σίσυφος Sísuphos) was the king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down when it nears the top, repeating this action for eternity. Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean (). == Etymology == Linguistics Professor R. S. P. Beekes has suggested a pre-Greek origin and a connection with the root of the word sophos...
See the bright side: at least you don't have a rock to push.
... and that also reminds me I probably shouldn't be the one joking here since the "Icy Slippery Stair of Doom" was a thing at my campus too.
There's a word in my language that resembles "Sisyphus" and would be an appropriate term to describe someone who'd bear pushing boulders uphill all day, but I think it's a false cognate
oh well
1 hour later…
I don't like touting my own horn, but I struggle to understand how our whale barding question haven't qualified for HNQ
@Someone_Evil the hotness algorithm works in mysterious ways
and/or is a fickle mistress
and other idiomatic expressions of indecipherable behaviour
is "fickle mistress" really an idiom? It seems simply a metaphor?

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