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@KorvinStarmast It did, thank you very very much.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 peace be with you ....
For the Queen, by @muscularpikachu and @EvilHatOfficial is now available, expanding the envelope of emotionally-driven roleplaying games. https://www.evilhat.com/home/for-the-queen/
@Rubiksmoose this meta is one I have bookmarked for linking into comment like the (good) one you made to someone today. I hope you find it useful, too.
@KorvinStarmast It's been alright, but sleep eludes me. St. Augustine, my namesake, will (as usual) have something helpful to say on the matter: "Keep watch, O Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep this night...."
1 hour later…
hello all
just got accepted to an Adventures of Middle-Earth campaign
well... earlier today anyway
my lament from there:
> this race culture decision is probably the hardest one for me. damn it Tolkien why couldn't you have more people of color that aren't faraway villains and such
Adventures of Middle-Earth is an actual setting/set of rules modifications for D&D 5e
I assumed not, just reminded my of and entertaining video I saw this morning. NVM
But yes, in general Tolkien's world isn't the most diverse...
one of my few complaints
I did come across this list of playable "cultures": reddit.com/r/AiME/comments/badjsy/…
still fairly limited
I have yet to look through the rest of the Player's Guide besides the cultures
Q: Does coating your armor in silver add any effects?

Victor BSimilar to this question, I am curious about the effects of adding silver to your armor. Though adamantine armor (being the other enhancement able to be added to weapons/armor) has a specified effect (under magical item), I have found no entry as to what effects adding silver to your armor would ...

For any freelance writers:
We're Hiring!! If you think this might be for you get your CV and sample into us by April 26th!
@V2Blast no argument here that's for sure
right now I'm leaning towards Beornings
anyone here played AiME before? any general thoughts?
I don't even know what it is
Oh you had just been talking about it whoops
I mean, I assume it's entirely dependent on if you like the system and the setting
Although I suppose the adventure material could be especially good/bad
@V2Blast I haven't played it. But would be interested in hearing your opinions once you have played for a bit.
A short thread:
Here's a really easy way to design a simple game. For those who want to jump into designing and have had a hard time, this one's for you. The next time you're in a conversation that really strikes you, take note of the questions and events that lead you deeper.
@BESW It's a good theory, but I feel it will be hard to apply in practice
Creating deeper more meaningful emotions and thoughts is absolutely the goal. But I feel many of those things are deeply personal and things that effect me may not work on someone else
So it's a good idea to practice a lot with small games that are easy for people to try.
It's been my observation that if one creates something which speaks honestly to oneself, it will also resonate to some extent with a surprising number of other peoples.
Microgames like the above are good exercises in exploring how to express a small but honest experience in a way that's shareable.
Most of our games shortcut that truth by using our shared experiences with media to activate schema, but microgames like those often found on itch.io tend to be digging into experiences that don't have a lot of shared pop culture schema to rest on, or are interested in finding more true expressions of experience than media tends to provide.
Once again, a conversation with you exposes me to a whole world of things I have barely thought about before.
It's what I love about this chat ^_^
that dang ole BESW exposing people to new things
arrest that man for decent exposure!
I was thinking the other day. Is there a log somewhere of all the starred messages in chat? Or stats for top chat users. @BESW must surely be in the running for the most stars in chat histroy
there is actually
you can look up all,..... 9266 stars in this chat
on the right above the star bar there
Yeah but there's not easy way to filter that by user or sort by most stars is there?
you can search by user
if you click on the star bar there, and then go to search and type something in, it lets you then specify a thing said, who it's said by, and in what room
and you can click on a thing to exclude everything that isn't starred
although I don't know if you can make it work without all the criteria filled out
I suspect @Miniman might be able to work some magic.
I think you can't unless you are only looking for your own stuff
@BESW true but I kinda mean like,... as is XD
but if you ARE interested in looking up your own stars you can just click on the Show all button there and go to "posted by me" yes I am vain enough to have done that several times
because this song is about me
bam call back
no one but me gets it, bonus points
I think
(haha gotcha, if you get it gotcha)
I was hoping for something more like the user stats on the main site. But I guess not
no idea
Yeah, nothing in Meta Stack Exchange even asking for that feature.
I'm still proud of this one:
Feb 22 at 18:45, by V2Blast
the real bad guy was the enemies we made along the way
@V2Blast I loved it then, I love it now
@V2Blast My friends and I have been talking about doing that for ages. The BBEG is just the annoying guy you robbed in the 2nd session
All the enemies in late campaign were just random NPCs until the party ruined there lives
@linksassin Haha, nice
@BESW Sorry, chat sold separately.
It came up because we keep ruining peoples lives tbh... We play a very neutral party and when things go bad we tend to leave once the money dries up.
No, wait, I've got a better one.
Chatteries not included.
This seems to be my most-starred message:
Jan 5 '18 at 15:22, by kviiri
DnD is the game where I argue about rules on the internet for maybe 40 hours weekly and then spend four hours per month with my friends pretending to be heroes.
tbh it's not strictly true, I argue about playing styles more than rules nowadays
@kviiri I can see why that is so high. Have another one...
@linksassin You need to star the original to up its count! :P
I did that too
@kviiri How did you check that? (I'm hoping the answer isn't "check all of them")
@Miniman I checked all of them
@Miniman It's easy for me. I only have 3 starred messages
@kviiri :( I just finished.
This is my one and only message with multiple stars...
BTW how do you guys quote messages in chat?
If you post the link it happens magically.
Mar 19 '15 at 21:59, by Miniman
@JohnP Because there are no experts when it comes to MS Office - only fellow victims.
@Miniman Too true
@linksassin Post just the link
Mar 21 at 23:15, by linksassin
It's the curse of gaming these days. When I was younger I had time to play games but no money to buy them. Now I can afford them but have no time to play them.
Ah, you can't post anything else in the same message. Got it.
it can be a reply though
13 secs ago, by Carcer
it can be a reply though
Ah, good to know. Thanks.
Been a quiet day on the main site today.
[rummages through own stars]
Not one of my highest starred, but worth sharing again:
Jun 24 '14 at 20:54, by BESW
(And yes, why he's not using any of the many systems which already have those features, but some men just want to watch the world homebrew.)
@linksassin I have 54 pages of chat stars in this room.
Six pages in the Not A Bar, nine in the Reading Room...
You get starred a loooot
my highest is 5 for the 2018 D&D core books errata, then 4 for the sidekicks UA
Nah, I just talk a lot.
I've been here for what, seven years?
No I'm not saying it's disproportionate
I'll correct, you have a lot of stars
I'll say it's disproportionate if you like
You can if you want
I'm not gonna tell you to
I'm also not gonna stop you
Hmm, maths.
I've got just under 2,700 starred messages in this room, out of a total of not quite 182.5k messages.
Mine seems to be six but I have a couple
Which comes out to about 1.5% of my messages getting starred.
My favorite is this though
Jul 19 '18 at 2:35, by trogdor
Trogdor for president of the world, I promise that everyone will be Happy for up to a week before civilization completely collapses
@BESW seems fair, and for the record I wasn't saying,... That
Barring room owner business like pinning this post, my highest starred post seems to actually be two, tied with 12 each.
Aug 11 '14 at 23:28, by BESW
I'm pretty sure that's D&D's pitchline. "Travel the world, see exotic creatures, stab them until they bleed magic items."
Feb 12 '17 at 4:01, by BESW
@Axoren Hateful rhetoric doesn't usually jump up and down and scream "I'm hateful!"
Both seem pretty on brand.
Q: How to follow-up with updated versions of homebrew content?

VadrukDisclaimer. I'm not sure whether this question should be asked in this stack, or in the meta (or somewhere else). I'll ask it here since for me it relates to designing content for RPGs specifically. I've been noticing questions and answers regarding homebrew content offer a lot of insight in un...

1 hour later…
@CTWind I've been thinking about "crit fails but narrative only", which seems to be a common pattern for people who want to have crit fails for any reason, but don't want mechanical consequences out of that
I don't mean to judge people for it, but it seems a bit careless to me to include "let's break tone when the die shows up 1"
I mean, that is a consequence, mechanical or not
May 29 '16 at 4:17, by BESW
I'm inevitably reminded of Once Upon A Table's critical hit table.
I have difficulty following conversations about critical failures because they inevitably contain a lot of unstated but unshared assumptions about the subject and its variants and purposes.
That's certainly true
CT's definitely got a point that it's deeply imbalanced to treat MC failure and lackey failure equally, because the consequences for one are much more dramatic and significant to the story and the players than consequences for the other.
(MC = main character; I'm experimenting with terminology that defuses the GM-is-not-a-player rhetoric of PC/NPC, and MC is an established abbreviation in many online writing communities)
It's very similar in function to how goblin dice, misapplied, create narrative stumbling blocks.
However not having critical failures can mean loosing fun(ny) moments of failure, which is the argument for having a rue to "generate" them
@Someone_Evil That was kinda my point --- funny moments of failure being a norm can be awful for those who want a more serious-toned game, and maintaining one of those is tricky anyway
Hence my apprehensiveness towards the usual attitude that critical fails are a "safe alternative" to more serious critical fails --- they might not change the mechanics, but they do impact the game's tone.
Very fair, I'm not sure if there has been more than one discussion, but the one I knew of related more to how often they should happen, which is gonna impact the tone. (A comic relief once per three or four session versus five per, is quite notable.) And the difference in rate would let a GM make each one more creative and interesting, rather than being forced to add a penalty so they use the same, boring, (and very quickly unfun) outcome of a nat 1.
@Someone_Evil That's... actually the first time I've seen that particular justification for critical failure.
The most common justification I'm familiar with is realism, that a certain amount of random failure accounts for personal error and unexpected situational interference and thus avoids unrealistically hypercompetent characters.
@BESW I think a lot of people take the nat1/nat20 houserule for granted. Our group certainly did (mostly people who hadn't played before)
Shortly behind realism, and somewhat related, is the idea that critical failures and successes provide the opportunity for dramatic reversals of fortune which incentivize trying unlikely actions and not giving up when outnumbered, while also keeping people from getting too cocky when the odds are in their favor.
@BESW I can ahve my party talk to any NPC to prove they are not hypercompetent
In my group, the usual justification is a paper-thin wrapper of Realism over a huge, throbbing lump of the Cult of Natural 1 and 20.
@BESW Dramatic reversals shouldn't happen 5 percent of the time (10% if you count both kinds)
To be clear, I don't think either of those justifications are a good argument for critical failures because the mechanic doesn't create the desired effect of the argument as well as other options would.
@Someone_Evil The other way'd be... err, dramatic acceleration?
@kviiri I suspect the most honest reason for nat 1/20 rules in most groups is simply the brainchemical rewards.
@kviiri I guess it's more 10% chance that success/failure is determined irrespective of the difficulty
@BESW "brainchemical reqards" is arguably the reward for doing anything, but I do agree with you
I feel tempted to grunt and groan about the needlessly unusual roll mechanics of Savage Worlds now
@kviiri [settles back with popcorn, makes "go on" gesture]
@BESW Characters are driven into two classes: Wild Cards and Extras. (Extra roughly correspond to "mook" tier of enemies and allies)
Extras roll a single die which explodes
(eg. if you roll a d4 and get a 4, you roll again and add the result to your total, with repeated explosions being possible)
The die size is determined by the character's skill, or occasionally a primary ability. Usually rolling a 4 is enough to succeed, but occasionally the target is lower or higher. Getting a result more than twice, thrice etc the target number grants "raises" or iteratively better results (not related to the 7th Sea term)
Here's where the unnecessary complications begin: Wild Cards (including all the MCs) roll two dice: one determined by their skill, one always d6. Only the higher die counts. With explosions, this gets rather complicated rather quick.
There are critical fails associated with specific items or kinds of items (eg. cheapskate weaponry misfiring), or particular hindrances (clumsy characters may find their equipment breaking) and they varyingly trigger off various things, most commonly "rolling 1 in your skill die" but IIRC sometimes also rolling 1 in the WIld Die, and sometimes rolling 1 in both
I wonder how much of this comes from a need (real or imagined) to use their dice mechanic to differentiate themselves (from other rpgs)
Sounds like Cthulhutech to me: less interested in being unlike other games, more just...
Oct 12 '18 at 22:55, by BESW
Cthulhutech is one of those ridiculously overengineered games that disappeared up its own ruleset and never noticed that it stopped being fun to play.
@Someone_Evil SW does taste a bit like that indeed
Q: How can I add encounters in the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign without giving PCs too much XP?

ZomaI'm currently reading the LMOP scenario. I was thinking about adding some encounters if the PCs want to explore the forest or other side-story zones that aren't considered in the book. But actually I don't want them to earn too much XP from these, plus I've never DMed before so I'm not aware at ...

Double feature idea, only half joking: Manimal and The Manster.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (248): In the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign, is it a problem to have PCs advance above level 5? by Isabella on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
Spanish-language spam! How exciting.
Variety is a good thing
I think that's the first non-English I've seen here
non-English spam, to be specific
Surprisingly long tbh, but maybe I'm underestimating spammers
I assume we're talking about something from smoke detector?
@goodguy5 Yes, all gone now
Also good morning
yea, I muted smokebot a long while ago. I got tired of his daily messages
Sí, muy interesante, pero esta muerto ahora
@doppelgreener Oui
it's been said a million times but man, I'm sad that so many people still consider hyper-realism the pinnacle / end goal of all forms of visual art. the greatest art style is just whichever style best elevates your material and the themes you're trying to convey.
@goodguy5 likewise
Looks like smoke detector missed this one How to Choose the Best Funding Agency for Improving Credit Score & Quick Mortgages Flagged as spam.
It's tagged planes
@KorvinStarmast I like that it was tagged with 'planes', implying you can take out a morgage on a plane of existence..
@Someone_Evil Hey, even evil liches hiding on other planes of existance need financing ...
What is the RealEstate market like for elemental planes at the moment?
My language's version of "jack of all trades" is a "plane for all places", which would sound a lot like some sort of teleportation magic if it wasn't about the tool, but the DnD-ish dimensionality concept
@Someone_Evil on the elemental plane of earth, you rarely have foundation problems with a house up for resale.
Based on this answer, I have a question: Do people normally have their next level character sheet prepared in advance? Because I do...
And it is pretty annoying when someone levels up and everyone has to take a 15 minute break, then come back and help this person with their mistakes.
@kviiri Wouldn't that be an aircraft that has wheels, pontoons, and skis altogether?
@Davo I did in most of my D&D games, though I know people who prefer to make choices based on what's happened to the character recently rather than on what will be optimal for a long-term build. And outside D&D-like games... no, rarely if ever.
@KorvinStarmast houses on the plane of air all have really good ventilation, but on the plane of water you need to check the woodwork very carefully
@Someone_Evil on the elemental plane of earth, you rarely have foundation problems with a house up for resale.
@Davo My players typically agonize over their choices for the whole week between sessions. I'm not gonna have them level up mid-session (again)
@Davo Yes, for those of us who think ahead that can be kind of irksome. Good time for a beer break if someone does that.
@Someone_Evil This was definitely a thing we did. It was a feature, until it started feeling more like a bug.
@BESW Yup. I learned a lot (mostly things not to do) from my first one-shot
@BESW The greatest art style is colored wax on sugar paper.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (77): Can the Protection from Evil and Good spell be used on the caster? by Rodriguez on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
Hmm.. more spanish...
dios mío
Donde esta la biblioteca?
@Davo huh, i never thought of doing that at all
I always plan what I'm doing next. I don't always follow through (situation changes, party is now seriously imbalanced), but I do always plan between sessions, balancing options for fun, effectiveness, and party balance.
@goodguy5 Congrats!!
can someone remind me the strikethrough format
Q: Balance problems for leveling up mid-fight?

curious_penguinI am planning an encounter for 4 level 2 players and I am planning to have them level up mid combat. I wanted to describe it sort of like a power within awakening like many popular animes have. To do this, I want to balance the encounter for 8 level 2 players, and when they level up they will hav...

html: <s> ?
<strike> works
It's maddeningly unhelpful that site Markdown is different from chat Markdown.
To be more precise, assuming you meant this:
in the chat it is ---this--- (three '-')
in a post on the site use <strike>this</strike> instead (html style tag)
ah thanks
note: no formatting works on a multiline chat message, that's why the three --- in the above message have no effect.
Technically speaking, there is one kind of formatting that works on a multiline chat message: multilining.
And that weird bar thing that comes up if you preface a multiline message with >, I suppose.
@goodguy5 Very good point re: pacing in your answer on that leveling up mid-fight thing
It's all too easy to neglect problems like that
@Yuuki hehehehehe
good point
test out
@BESW also applies to RPG design nicely I think.
@goodguy5 woohoo!
@kviiri that's really cool
@Rubiksmoose How many is 'so many' to be regretful? I've played games that strive for realism and those that don't, and I always had the impression that the former is a minority. (I also think both can be fun.)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, messaging number in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, +1 more (435): How can I make a spell very hard to dispel? by Cindy Anthony on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
@vicky_molokh are you referring to the number of people or RPGs? I think that it is a very common perception among especially newer RPG players that RPGs should be realistic to some value of the term. However I don't think too many RPG systems are designed like that because I think it becomes pretty clear that 1) it's very difficult to do and 2) I think it is acknowledged that perfect realism is not a goal that necessarily enhances fun.
@Rubiksmoose I was thinking that RPG design implies people who design RPGs and/or how many RPGs are designed.
It's also a hard discussion to have because "realism" is on a spectrum and is going to change with genre.
@vicky_molokh nah I was thinking more of perception of RPG design than designers of RPGs.
@Rubiksmoose Well, I for one want my spell-slinging to be as realistic as possible!
XD it sounds ridiculous when you say it like that, but the number of people who try to bring physics to a magic fight continues to surprise me.
@Rubiksmoose Peasant Railgun.
Fails on basic principle because it's an improvised weapon and therefore does 1d4+STR bludgeoning damage.
@Yuuki that one is so ridiculous on a number of levels. But I love that resolution.
@Rubiksmoose It probably more people wanting to be creative which rules-heavy games struggle with, and the "physics" is what gets squeezed in the prosess
But the improvised weapon ruling is my preferred way to rule the Peasant Railgun.
I think the way that Ian Danskin described the appeal of Smash Bros as a competitive sport hits on something I find really appealing in games like D&D, and why I like weird exploits like the Peasant Railgun.
> Chris DeLeon has a series of articles and a DiGRA talk about the idea that sports and board games have rules, but video games have laws. That, in soccer, you don’t touch the ball with your hands because you’ve agreed not to; but in FIFA, you don’t touch the ball with your hands because it’s impossible - there’s no button for it. In a sport, you can do anything that is not expressly forbidden by the rules; in a video game, you can’t do anything except what is expressly allowed by the system.

So in the case of something like Daigo vs. Justin Wong, what happened is that Justin executed a Su
(The last two paragraphs are the critical part, but they need the prior context to make sense)
@Xirema AGDQ can be really fun to watch, especially when someone manages to figure out how to do arbitrary code execution.
@Yuuki I love watching people find/execute ACEs in games, but I fear them ever actually being used in speedruns. I watch the Super Mario 64 A-Button Challenge videos and lament how boring they would become if you could solve the problem with a perfectly executed ACE instead.
(Thankfully, at least for SM64, an ACE seems pretty unlikely)
Aren't they kinda considered their own category?
@kviiri Well, Any% runs usually allow them. Hence the Super Mario World Any% being 6 minutes long. XD
They are really cool to find though.
I suppose if I'm being totally fair: I don't think I would mind an ACE being brought into most runs so long as it doesn't completely negate everything else the run does.
Like, if we can get 120-Star 0 A-Press runs that also let us keep our Parallel Universes and Hyperspeed walking, then an ACE or two used won't bother me as much.
There's always Glitchless runs.
@Rubiksmoose Hey, some people don't care that HPMoR is silly so long as it's fun! ^_^
quiet day in chat?
seems it
I'm wfh, so, naturally, I'm busier
@goodguy5 Where fireflies hurk?
Mostly wife being panicky about baby.
@vicky_molokh HPMoR?
@Rubiksmoose Harry Potter and Methods of Rationality.
I was going to guess Harry Potter's Meaty Orangutan Reality.
Harry Potter and the Microcosm of Rhinos.
oh HPMoR
I got a long way into that
it got a bit up itself imo
but it introduced me to Worm!
Harry Potter and the Myriad of (Fanfiction) Recommendations.
Worm's not fanfiction
I was trying to figure out what Worm is but got distracted by a favourite hobby of mine: reading FANDOM wiki pages for real things
Thats every mention of worms from harry potter
@SirCinnamon I love that someone made that
Thats the star wars wiki page for "Breast" (I would say it's SFW in most environments, the only photo is a shirtless anakin)
the star was wiki has a quirk where because star wars occurred "A long long time ago" all the articles are in the past tense
hence: "Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species." Sorry, they're over
@Carcer It seems like there's a void in the language for a term which would be . . . 'amateur fiction'? 'Indie fiction'? 'E-fiction'? The stuff that is not published through serious printing houses, and often not though printing at all, with no paid editor etc.
@vicky_molokh Self-Published I think is the most common term?
it is self-published
it would seem inappropriate to call it amateur given the man makes a living out of doing it now
@SirCinnamon Close, but it carries other connotations.
Worm is a self-published web serial by John C. "Wildbow" McCrae that aims to subvert and play with common tropes and themes of superhero fiction. As McCrae's first novel, Worm features a bullied teenage girl, Taylor Hebert, who develops the superpower to control worms, insects, arachnids and other simple lifeforms. Using a combination of ingenuity, idealism, and brutality, she struggles to do the right thing in a dark world filled with moral ambiguity. It is one of the most popular web serials on the internet, with a readership in the hundreds of thousands. == Publication == Worm was firs...
@Carcer 'Amateur' is an odd term. E.g. amateur athletics used to be still making a living (but now IAAF got renamed).
@SirCinnamon if you genuinely want to know what worm is, it's a web serial about superheroe
wikipedia calls it a "Web Serial"
Sounds neat... and actually i'm just remember I think a coworker talking about it
yeah but "web serial" is a method of distribution which is distinct to what vicky's getting at I think
isnt it in the hundreds of thousands of pages?
Worm's total word count is about 1.68M
it is often described with reference to Harry Potter, specifically in that "Worm is about 1.6 Harry Potters long"
@Carcer Some writers earn immunity to editors. Some just never have an editor. ^_^
Worm is very very good and it is worth reading if you've got the endurance for it. It is frequently very grim, though.
I came upon it just about as it was finishing and now I am enjoying reading the sequel Ward as it is being published
despite repeated efforts I have to convince my partner to read Worm
have yet to, rather
Oh, I'm sorry, in retrospect my comments could be read as saying it is bad. What I meant to emphasis is that it is infamously big and that's usually something editors don't like.
I haven't personally tried reading it, as it has a reputation of (a) indeed being very grim/cynical (in the new sense of the word) and (b) how do I put it . . . being the sort of work that has a strained relationship with the genre from which it hails.
@Carcer oh, yes I started reading this at one point, but because it was online, I got distracted
HPMoR also has the latter issue, but I was seduced by the exploration of what happens when you try to apply science to magic. (It stopped being rigorous fast and felt like having a Take That attitude against the origin-genre too, but it was still a fun ride IMHO.)
@vicky_molokh Yeah, and unfortunately it's the kind of thing where you can be a couple hundred thousand words in and yet still not be at the bit where the fandom at large really agrees it kicks off properly and gits gud
I don't think Worm has it out for the superhero genre, though
it's not just like "oh, comics are dumb, this is how it would really be"
@Carcer Is this the FFXIII of the written word?
yeah, the world it presents isn't a typical example of the superhero genre, but it has compelling reasons for why the world is the way it is and crucially those reasons are not "people are just bastards"
@Carcer There's this anime that people keep trying to recommend to me and I had checked out the manga some time back and every plot development could have been summarized as "people are just bastards".
Suffice to say, I did not watch a single episode of the anime.
which anime was that?
Something something Shield Hero.
@Carcer Interesting. I've seen people who like it take a stance that this is what it's like.
@vicky_molokh I think they are projecting
"Stories of old tell of four otherworldly heroes—wielding the sword, spear, bow, and shield—who defended the land from wave after wave of calamity. With the fate of the world in balance, the kingdom of Melromarc summons these legendary figures; in modern-day Japan, the call is answered, and the unwitting heroes are transported to this fantasy universe.

Thrust into Melromarc and given the title of "Shield Hero," otaku Naofumi Iwatani is labeled the weakest due to his lack of offensive capability and apparent inexperience. When the heroes part ways to start their journeys, he only has one wi
I didn't get too far into the manga because I just got incredibly annoyed with the plot developments.
Isekai is also an incredibly dumb genre, solely due to sheer volume.
I can certainly see someone who thinks your typical superhero comics are childish trite really liking Worm as a "more realistic" portrayal, but I don't think that's a view that Worm itself actually has.
Worm does have a lot of emphasis on how the mechanics of superpowers actually work, and how those interact, and people creatively using powers that are often, on the face of it, kind of weak
I need a sequence that goes {12, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1.5} any ideas?
@DavidCoffron that is a sequence
@DavidCoffron switch (index) { case 0: return 12; case 1: return 8; ...}
@Carcer I need a formula that yields that sequence* xD
The 4 <-> 3 is a break in the sequence.
Otherwise it's just a cumulative /1½. It seemed close to /1½ but isn't quite it.
anyway Worm's good read worm
Oh wait no.
@DavidCoffron a_n = -2^(1 - n/2) (-4 (-1)^n + 3 sqrt(2) (-1)^n - 4 - 3 sqrt(2))
@Yuuki How'd you get there so fast? I've been thinking about this for a half-hour
Wolfram Alpha.
@Yuuki Oh. that makes sense
y do work when computer do work for u?
It alternates. It multiplies by 2/3 for each odd term, and 3/4 for each even term.
@Yuuki I'm going to keep thinking in case there is a simpler option, but thanks
@Xirema Good observation. That makes it easy.
I guess I'm not thinking straight
So it's something like 12 * (2/3)^TRUNC((i+1)/2) * (3/4)^TRUNC(i/2).
... the real computer was the RPG.SE users we met along the way?
Everyone stick around. I have a big reveal connected to that sequence in about 10 minutes...
I've been working on something for two days now
i = 0: 12 * (2/3)^0 * (3/4)^0 == 12
i = 1: 12 * (2/3)^1 * (3/4)^0 == 8
i = 2: 12 * (2/3)^1 * (3/4)^1 == 6
i = 3: 12 * (2/3)^2 * (3/4)^1 == 4
i = 4: 12 * (2/3)^2 * (3/4)^2 == 3
i = 5: 12 * (2/3)^3 * (3/4)^2 == 2
i = 6: 12 * (2/3)^3 * (3/4)^3 == 1.5
i = 7: 12 * (2/3)^4 * (3/4)^3 == 1
I did something slightly different and got: 10 7 5 4 3 2 2
now I'm just comfusing myself
Okay, maybe longer; Important client just came in.
no such thing. all clients are important
And when all clients are important... ehehehe.... N̷͚͝o̷̠͘ ̷̺̽o̶̝͊n̸̺͑e̶̬̓ ̶͕͛ì̴̭s̷͓̈́.
@SirCinnamon I started reading this when I was doing research for my Masks campaign. I thought it was good but it didn't quite hook me so I didn't get very far. Also it was very long IIRC correctly.
@Rubiksmoose You do remember correctly correctly, it's very long
I remember looking at my % read stat not climb at all as I progressed lol
@goodguy5 haha. i suppose
@goodguy5 I feel offended on behalf of all guients.
how's everyone doing today?
I feel doubly offended at the lack of reaction to "guients".
@Rubiksmoose it's only 1.7 million words you coward
@Carcer hey that's just a medium length answer for @Xirema ;)
Work: 'This urgent project can wait while we need to focus on this new small urgent project'.
Hobby (TTRPG): GMing a microsession where a PC is trying to get a local minor spymistress to relinquish her grip on the shares in the party's guild.
Hobby (C/ARPG): passed the Cathedral of the Deep in Dark Souls 3, checking out the Smoldering Lake.
@Rubiksmoose How dare you say something that's completely true.
sounds like quite a day
@Xirema XD not like mine are much shorter, but I like this running joke.
@Yuuki I just didn't get it. Sorry...
Work for me today: training people is hard. Training people in a language you are at most elementary school level in: stupefyingly draining.
@Rubiksmoose sorry about that, some of the other SE sites I use prefer have edits marked — SaggingRufus 10 hours ago
Wait, really? Why?!
@Rubiksmoose Idk which ones he's talking about. Most of the ones I visit don't have that common
I only visit a few and only occasionally, but I don't think I've ever seen it common, and definitely not encouraged...
I can kind of understand the want to keep posts marked with Edits: sometimes posts receive votes, and then some amount of content gets changed. If the amount getting changed is substantial, it feels like votes were accrued for content that wasn't previously there, and the community as a whole hasn't been given a chance to reflect (positively or negatively) on those changes, so you want to signpost those changes.
That doesn't necessarily make it a good practice to add big "EDIT" markup to the post, but it's at least an understandable motive.
Huh, I guess I can see that. Though usually that is the purpose of the bumping and edit time note on the post yeah?
But yeah, it is understandible. And especially if the people there are all conforming to traditional forum etiquette.
Grr... I was so close, but now my project isn't working
Ugh, bug fixing now
the tag could use some tag info... right now it has none
Oh my goodness... I messed it up because I forgot to adjust for the aesthetic changes I made.
right now it's tagged on 5 very different questions
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