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@HotRPGQuestions yep. For example, six-face shaped dices usually have an almost zero probability of rolling 42 :P
(sorry, bad pun)
I must agree with the comments. D4s are the worst die
Even ignoring their caltropiness
they seem less bad if you have a dicetower

or if you kind of throw them against the side of a dice arena
Of the standard die I mean. Actual 100 sided die I hear are pretty annoying for opposite reasons (they don't stop rolling)
@Rubiksmoose just generally true
@goodguy5 they're still terrible, the dicetower is just compensating for their terribleness :D
hehehehe, PixelMaster found a d4 caltrop:
user image
@Rubiksmoose their caltropiness is the best part. What other dice can you use if you are being pursued by the other players (who just discovered you killed them off with a loaded dice roll) and you need to escape?
@doppelgreener no joke, I think one of my players has this exact dice set
@doppelgreener was just going to do that same image search, you spared me the time.
@Derpy I think my d120 can knock some out if thrown.
@Derpy XD I do have a d20 that is about the size of a very large coffee mug that could certainly cause some damage...
@Rubiksmoose should be a martial art.
@KorvinStarmast I'm wondering if you have a minute to look at something personal--I'll drop it into discord.
@doppelgreener yes they are still terrible, but they FEEL less bad if you employ one of my aformentioned methods
okay, I was searching for a d24, but this came up and I was very confused

> D24 - Pill Identification Wizard | Drugs.com
https://www.drugs.com › Pill Identifier › Results for d24
Results 1 - 8 - Pill Identifier Results for "d24". Search by imprint, shape, color or drug name.
Substitute a d24 for d4,d6,d8, and d12. d10 and d20 also work if you're willing to reroll on 21-24.
There's also this one
I feel like these are political statements about the d4
@doppelgreener in a "decleration of war" kind of way
....... now I want to make a ninja character that has to roll a ton of d4's for their caltrop move. it's a joke, get it?
@doppelgreener no, please explain
ok, since it seems that you all are trying to steal my role as the room official crazy pony, I will have to use my secret weapon.
entirely theoretical game and move of course
The most annoying dice for a D&D player
but whenever the ninja wants to throw a ton of cantrops, the player has to roll a fistful of d4's to see how that goes. they're throwing caltrops! haaaaaa
Anyway Truncated Tetrahedra d4 are available from The Dice Lab (no affiliation) if you want a less weaponized but still distinctive d4, and not risk rolling your octaheadral d4 instead of your d8.

I get it.

It's a pun! You have to roll the dice "deefore" you know how much damage it does!

Good one XD
@Someone_Evil One of my players has those! I think they're better than normal and also aesthetically neat
@goodguy5 [audible teeth grinding]
@kviiri I have them aswell. My players "don't get how they work" somehow..
that's the joke
you definitely got it
/giggles to self, but quietly because work/
Wat is going onsss
Hello o/
@unicornturtle We're mostly discussing the military application of d4s
oh ok
caltrops for da win
Deploy dem on da battlefield, when dem russian bois step on dem it is like stepping on legos
> This project is a labour of love for us; to create imaginative, 3D-sculpted custom dice for our favourite hobby, and for the pure joy of holding and rolling them.
@Derpy I am mildly annoyed by the fact that "Neutral" is represented by scales, which is a symbol traditionally associated with law and justice.
[looks at d20] ... I think they failed in an effort to meet their goal
@nitsua60 OK, will do - I can't get to discord until later today. Might be faster with gmail.
@Derpy Wait, what are on the other sides? Or can you roll Lawful Chaotic?
@Yuuki I'm assuming the dice have doubled up faces
@Yuuki I'd assume they repeat on opposite sides
yay an active chat!!! the board game one isnt so much i am afreaid :(
Or who knows, maybe there's cheeses on the other side
@unicornturtle We are pretty active, but there's also longish quiet periods
Well i gtg i will be sure to ocme back!!
@Derpy honestly the more i look at these the more i'm thinking they sorta failed :U
They're not nice dice to look at, won't be fun to handle or roll, look like a pain to carry because they've increased pointiness, clunkiness, and space-taking-up-ness, will be hard to read or identify ("which one's the d8 again?")....
they don't even look like they'd be all that nice as ornaments
and three of them might be a bit weighted
@doppelgreener I agree, they're worst then d10 which is already sketchy
can work if you build the game around the dice. D10 for unarmed combat, D12 for defense rolls, D20 for parrying rolls... But I kinda agree with you, it is most for novelty purposes and will get old fast
10 fingers - d10. makes sense.
@goodguy5 I don't want to know what you have 12 of on your head
It's a Homer Simpson situation
teeth? idk
of course
"twelve" rhymes with "elve" and elves have pointy ears... on their heads!
@doppelgreener doppelgreener confirmed Beholder, you heard it here first everyone!
@Someone_Evil [sweats]
@Someone_Evil '2-10-11: eyes, fingers, toes'
i mean um
i have the n-normal number of eyes
i have ... what is it ... five of them just like all the rest of you
@Derpy I honestly don't know what this is supposed to mean
@Someone_Evil sorry, should have given a little more context :P
It is a line from the Addams Family movie
@Derpy Gotcha. (largely outside my wheelhouse)
it is the code used to open a safe in a scene in the movie. Fester does not remember the code so Gomez says that line.
@nitsua60 OK, I saw something pop up on my phone, currently not able to down load the doc, give me a few, and it is my pleasure to be of any assistance at all.
did y'all see there's a new Addams Family movie coming out on Halloween?
It looks great, and I'm looking forward to it.
And I think that may be an actual reference to Gomez claiming having 6 toes on his feet in the original 1964 show.
@doppelgreener never saw it before, thanks for letting me know.
Ah, John Astin, the original Gomez Addams. That was one of the few shows my parents let us watch. (they were real strict about the idiot box/TV) (Wasn't Raoul Julia in that role when the movie was made (Christina Ricci as Wednesday version?)
@doppelgreener Could be promising, can live with the character design. Only thing felling a little out of place is "fat" Gomez. Would have preferred if he was a little slimmer
to be more precise, the character design seems to be based more on the cartoon than on the original show.
@Derpy Yeah, the debonair and trim John Astin look would IMO be better.
@KorvinStarmast Sorry to bug you, but do you have a second to check Discord?
(Oh, nvm--just saw your message fifteen back.)
I can put it in as text if that's easier.
@KorvinStarmast I think part of that is actually due to having seen the original version far before this one.
Kinda like green Magica De Spell still looks weird to me even after starting to accept Ducktales 2019 more "geometrical" design.
@Derpy let's bear in mind the Addams family roots are in syndicated newspaper comics from 1938, not anything on TV
i.e. the cartoon was based on Charles Addams' designs, and so are the movie designs
@doppelgreener and you have a point on that
(By Charles Addams, Fair use, en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15992920)
@AncientSwordRage yarrrr
@nitsua60 I have another 46 minutes before discord finishes loading on my phone. If you can sent it to my gmail that we used before, that would be faster. Not sure what you have access to at the moment.
Does anyone here use a flat screen tv horizontally to display maps and other material for their table top games?
@KorvinStarmast Oh, yeah--that's easy. Just a moment...
Done. Sorry for the trouble!
@nitsua60 Got it! In work now!
@Derpy (just fyi, wikipedia image URLs like that don't actually onebox. They direct to pages not images even if they appear to have an image file extension.)
Anyone read the Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica?
@AncientSwordRage bits of it. I seem to be relatively rare around here in finding 5e splat books to be uninspiring reading...
@Rubiksmoose thats fair
I've started picking up MTG more recently so I've become more interested in that splat book than others
Does anyone have thoughts on how to do a Gruul Tattooist?
^ too broad for a main site question
ah yeah and that is certainly another strike against me for this one in particular since I have never had any real experience of interest in MtG for whatever reason.
@Rubiksmoose I read a review by someone who had little to no MtG experience which was completely counter to how the rest of the (mtg) community saw the book
I'm not a 5e fan so I'd probably pick whatever seems exciting and lift it into a system like Fate. The most interesting things on Ravnica aren't the fighting, they're the intrigue, interactions, espionage, negotiations, and all the other social stuff that D&D only lightly handles.
@doppelgreener IIRC you did that with 4e correct?
(not Ravnica obviously but just jumped from 4e to Fate)
the stories I'm most interested in aren't ones that mostly revolve around tactical combat
high-stakes dramatic physical conflict worth spending a significant amount of time on would tend to be rare and far between
I'm right there with you.
so, I moved to Fate since it valued and fleshed out those kinds of stories very fully with mechanics, and valued those mechanics equally to mechanics for actual fighting
I'm interested in Ravnica because it's full of potential for those kinds of stories
I think the most fun combat I've ever had was in a Masks game and the combat lasted five minutes when one of my players (with no super powers) had a breakthrough character development and used their Moment of Truth to take down a fairly major villain in one "round". It was amazing and glorious.
Oh, that sounds wonderful.
How'd that unfold?
(I was DM for reference) The player was playing as the Beacon playbook got grabbed by my villain (Clayface from DC comics). The character just kind of snapped. The character had had a really rough streak of luck recently (the dice had not been in the player's favor). He was sick of being the victim and started acting like a leader a bit and got the team to work together for the first time in the game. [cont]
I like tactical combat and I like games without it. I dislike games that put a lot of emphasis on tactical combat without really openly embracing it
[cont] He barked out orders and used his knowledge of the villain to instruct the team how to basically blast him into little pieces and contain him so he couldn't reform. And they walked him to the police station in a jar.
I had planned on this being a major recurring encounter but that was wayyy better.
Your fate <screws on lid> is sealed
hahaha it was kind of that awesome. I think the player managed to come up with some awesome lines like that too.
@kviiri I feel the same way about games that put a lot of emphasis on not-combat yet never really embrace it in the system. Which is how I would describe 5e.
@nitsua60 Reply is speeding to you via the intertubes.
@Rubiksmoose I still don't have it, and I too find the splats to be only so so ... the Wayfinders/Eberron is OK.
Hello, lovely chatizens!
Hello! o/
@Anaphory \0 hey
\o !
Masks! Nice! I still want to set up a campaign of it. It's on top of my list for that.
I'm not sure how my players all feel, but it is my fondest gaming experience so far.
I know they all enjoyed it at least. Some would love to do another story, but a couple others just didn't like the genre that much.
@Rubiksmoose ohhh, boy. that is fantastic!
@doppelgreener As a DM it was accompanied by many tingly warm fuzzy feels. :) I'm honestly not sure if D&D style combat has ever elicited near that kind of response from me personally.
Q: How does initiative work when teleporting into combat?

VigilA Wizard PC Teleports their party from a safe place directly to the location of a group of foes, who the party intends to attack. If the foes did not know this was about to happen, they should be surprised. How does initiative work in this situation - does the Teleport take place on the Wizard...

@Rubiksmoose was that snap a mechanical thing too? I've never played more than a session with the Beacon, so I don't know if that was a result of XP buildup.
@doppelgreener Kind of. There was nothing that said he had to snap then, but he felt that his character had that moment and thus invoked the Moment of Truth for Beacon (which basically is a "take down an enemy in an awesome way and show you deserve to be on this team of superheros even though you don't have powers" moment).
user image
(the tag is "druid irl")
@goodguy5 I wish I could have crows and not be a jerk to them/the environment/break laws.
@Rubiksmoose oh, that's awesome :)
@goodguy5 I keep hanging fatballs for the bird to eat on a tree in my garden. So far the only "payment" I got is "organic bird compost" for the tree. Will update if the ravens start bringing in money.
Crows are wicked smart.
West nile nearly wiped them out. Glad to see they're making a comeback picking up errant bills.
heh. They actually make and use tools IIRC. so smart.
I believe I read about experiments on training corvids to collect things humans want collected, but don't themselves. Cigarette buds, coins, etc. All of them still require several steps to reinforce the association between collecting that thing and the reward, so it seems anon got lucky about skipping step 2.
I'm honestly not sure what is going on here
ah nvm I think. OP explained.
Kind of?
@Rubiksmoose It's looking a lot like "I have made some poor choices about progression, and now it's breaking my game. Help"
@Someone_Evil I honestly have no idea.
The person is the DM but is acting like the rogue is somehow getting XP sneakily as if the DM did not grant them it.
I'm circling back around to this being unclear until that detail is clarified.
@Rubiksmoose I'm guessing by "not sharing experience" it means whomever landed the final blow gets ALL the XP and so the rouge has happended get more XP which lets them get more of the kills and furthering their lead
> So I'm running a homebrew campaign and one of my players somehow got 4 levels higher and about 40 extra hit points than they should. [...] They are the only rouge and they are very convincing to everyone else, but I'm onto them.
Its definitly a mess
And as a side issue nerfing evasion and uncanny dodge is a legitimately huge nerf for a rogue.
There is no way to know that they are following rules (/good guidelines) so there may be a whole lot unknown with their play-style
I'm guessing it will be too broad/opinion based by the time a the situation is resolved anyway
I wonder. I mean maybe not though. If they are giving XP like you said the solution could just be to stop giving them encounters where they will flourish or to change the way XP is divided or something else. You are completely right though that without understanding what is going on we can't solve the issue though
I've never heard a way of playing D&D where the players can get XP without the DM knowing about it
except in cases like AL where they might do other games and play at other tables in between sessions with that particular DM.
Okay, hold the phone. How does the rogue have 20 more HP than the barbarian, with 12 Constitution, with only 4 levels different between them, at level 10/14?
We can't really do that... the party is about average level eight and I don't want to be unfair to them if they did somehow get four levels and I just whack them down. — Logan 23 mins ago
@Xirema They might be rolling for hp at level up and the barbarian is super unlucky
@Xirema Rolling for hitpoints presumably
@Xirema another great question.
Because that requires some real ▒▒▒▒ery taking place.
Hang on, I can do odds for this...
I get the impression that this is a group of younger players for some reason.
4 levels of rogue with a con of +1 averages you 22 hitpoints
Not that is significantly affects anything if true.
@V2Blast I read this article yesterday and I think it brings up an important point how privilege changes perspective, that it's easier to "not see race" when you have the privilege of not being the target of racist actions.
And the bit of the difference between guilt and responsibility is definitely striking.
Oof yeah that question has a lot to unpack
Okay. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that the Barbarian has a Constitution score of 10. Because why the ▒▒▒▒ not.
Unless it's an organized play?
That gives odds of the Rogue HP outpacing the Barbarian HP at this point in the game, by 20 points, of 23.81%.
@Delioth but homebrew campaign so likely not unless they are home brewing their own kind of organized play or doing something weird there as well.
Which aren't great odds, but they're at least plausible, right?
Yeah, that's right, I missed that part
Organized play would have stuffed the question around "how HP" too since there'd be a standard method
(either average or max)
@Xirema definitely possible at those odds.
@Delioth and for how to split XP...
Yeah, the comment about "not splitting XP" feels like the weirdest way to play D&D
If the Barbarian has a Constitution score of 12, those odds drop to 7.093%.
My other question is whether character sheets are private or something. Because "I'm onto them"?
Like is it "kill something, get that thing's XP"?
At 14, it's 1.255%.
I haven't played a game where you can hide your character sheets from the DM.
At 16, it's 0.1203%.
I've played games where I didn't actually look at their character sheets but they were 100% available
(I'd check if something felt fishy)
Q: What are my chances of rolling a natural 18/20 critical if I roll 3d20?

Braymal GamingI have Elven Accuracy so with advantage on an attack roll using Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, you can reroll one of the dice once. So what are my crit chance with a crit range of 18/20 with three rolls also what would be the crit chance with a crit range of 17/20 with three rolls.

Are we doing those odds only for the 4 differential levels, or are we accounting for rolls for levels 1-10 too?
@Delioth I'm doing the whole thing.
Alright, just wanted to make sure because they'd be very different numbers
Questioner's comment on the answer just adds more confusion
@Delioth I might be a hangover from older edition, I certainly heard of that mode of play before I started playing
int rogueConstitution = 12;
int rogueConMod = (rogueConstitution - 10) / 2;
int barbarianConstitution = 10;
int barbarianConMod = (barbarianConstitution - 10) / 2;
RollBuilder rogue = factory.getXdYRoll(13, 8).add(8).add(14 * rogueConMod);
RollBuilder barbarian = factory.getXdYRoll(9, 12).add(12).add(10 * barbarianConMod);
RollBuilder difference = rogue.subtract(barbarian).filterAndFlatten(20, FilterType.GREATER_EQUAL_TO);
@Someone_Evil I guess it depends on how you define "not splitting" (I can see it either meaning everyone gets all the XP possible (don't divide by number of players), or meaning you get the XP for the things you killed)
Why not just set the mods directly?
(or have a util that gets mods from scores, since you've already got RollBuilders and some sort of factory)
Aside: is this on github
@Delioth It should be. It's not.
@Delioth it feels like they may be doing some kind of old-school throwback methods of playing (from how I understand it was sometimes played)
@Xirema Put it there
I'll fork it and rewrite it in Elixir or something
Ooh, Erlang can let a JVM work as a node
I mean, if you want to put in the effort, sure. ;)
Does Elixer have a BigInt/BigRational implementation? The former is pretty common to a lot of languages, but the latter less so.
(I would actually like, very much, to make a Website or Mobile App that gives a nice, clean GUI for creating these kinds of rolls. Just haven't put in the time yet)
Oh wait I know the answer. Wow how did I not think of this. It's a home brew, I can do whatever I want as long as the players have fun. Thanks for your help everyone! — Logan 1 min ago
..... "All is well that ends well"?
@Xirema Whats the odds on a question from the rogue player coming in after their next session?
You didn't give me a helpful answer but you tried so you win ding ding ding. — Logan 2 mins ago
that is a trainwreck of a "question"
"somehow" got 4 levels - not sharing XP... Hey I think I solved that mystery
@Xirema Someone never caught on to how this site is supposed to work...
"I don't want to be unfair to them if they did somehow get four levels and I just whack them down. " But I DO want to make them fight a monster with my homebrew +5 to hit against rogues trait
@Xirema Flag this as snark for me willya? I'm on mobile :/
@SirCinnamon Yeaaaah
It's not like there aren't ways to pressure a specific PC in combat, but shouldn't have to
@Someone_Evil Yeah doing this in a single encounter as a way to give a character some spotlight: OK, doing this as a consistent effort in the campaign because you never read the rules: Bad
@Xirema I saw that elven accuracy question and got really happy for you.
I know everyone has to have their first DMing experience somewhere, and that it doesn't always go smoothly, but...
I suddenly feel a lot more confident in my own DM'ing, if there are other who work themselves into this kind of mess
@Xirema Translation: If I answer these questions, it's going to show that I know nothing about the rules and I'm too prideful to reveal that so question time over.
@Yuuki I hope not, but I fear you might be right
wow that rogue question
@Yuuki As a wise man recently said: "ding ding ding".
Alternately, "I don't want to talk with the player. You think I play D&D to interact with people?"
@goodguy5 Maybe it'll be useful as a "don't ask like this" case
To be fair, the actual structure of the question isn't that bad: "The rogue in my game is too high level, how do I deal with this?" Like, that's a perfectly serviceable question.
@Xirema Might be good to get an objectively best answer to, but definitely not a bad question
The problem is, it's like someone hands you a computer and says "the GPU is getting too hot, can you take a look?" and you open it up, and it's full of dead roaches and everything is covered in years of cigarette smoke.
that's disgustingly visceral and accurate
Like... okay, yes, I understand why your GPU might not be running so well, but SO MANY THINGS HAD TO GO WRONG TO GET TO THIS POINT WHAT IS HAPPENING ANEJLTBG FJ RELJG TJN
Uhm... same person is at work here and I'm not quite sure how to handle it
Flag it for moderators, user clearly needs a time out.
the flags work, people
why would roaches even be inside of a PC? there have to better living spaces
@goodguy5 Warmth.

too warm?

What even is a roach's metric for "too warm"?
@goodguy5 Before I read the previous messages, I read PC as player character and got real worried
@Someone_Evil I mean, you should be worried either way, TBH.
German cockroaches die within 10 hours when exposed to a temperature below 45 degrees. They will die within an hour if exposed to a temperature below 14 degrees Fahrenheit as well.

They cannot tolerate much heat either. At a temperature of 50 degrees, only half of the cockroaches survived, when exposed for two weeks. These surviving insects could live for more than four days.
@goodguy5 Wasn't the question too warm not too cold?
Is that 50 degrees Fahrenheit?
the first half of the page is in celsius. why do they switch?
Yeah, it looks like Units are getting mixed?
@Xirema alrighty then...
am I allowed to comment "stop being passive aggressive" without getting fussed at?
@goodguy5 Try wording it like "it would be great if some people weren't so passive aggressive".
@goodguy5 I mean I guess that depends party on the context
in regards to logan being immature and passive aggressive
I'm not 100% sure they are being passive aggressive btw, but such a statement would probably not go over well with someone who is immature tbh. Though I do agree with your assessment there.
I'm not sure any feedback from us is going to noticably help him
fair enough
I wouldn't bother, tbh. New contributor and all. Might just end up being a ship in the night.
FWIW, it seems like he's cooling off now, so we'll see if he comes back or not.
@nitsua60 no trouble, I just hope that the response got to you in a timely fashion.
@Xirema at first I read the comment you pointed out earlier as being a really aggressive response. But I wonder if it was meant to be earnest?
I'm incredible curious about the situation in that campaign lol
@Rubiksmoose Well, they went off to another post and started making the same comment there, unwarranted, to an unrelated question.
@Xirema Well that's a problem.
So maybe they're not like, frothing mad, or anything, but they clearly don't understand how the site is meant to be used.
I'm pretty sure that new question should be vtc'd, but which category?
@goodguy5 Unclear?
@goodguy5 Same user, FYI.
I did notice
same context even
I can't vtc because I already voted and retracted when it didn't have an edition tag. then he added one.
He is now asking about a how a feature works when he has already nerfed it... oh boy
@Xirema I offered a comment for posterity's sake. Your comments or critique, please. cc @Rubiksmoose @goodguy5
makes sense, though, I suspect that the rogue is cheating. likely unfair on my part
@goodguy5 I think that question would be great for a forum discussion.
@goodguy5 Impossible to determine without better context/more information
Damn, went to a meeting and came back and we're still on the same question?
@Delioth Different question, same poster.
Related topic.
Similar mess
Ok, in all honesty: it feels like the GM and the party may not actually be playing the same game
Like, are we sure the GM isn't trying to run a 5e game but one of the players misunderstood and is using D&D 3.5e or Pathfinder rules "well enough"?
@Delioth I mean, the GM clearly doesn't understand the 5e rules. So for all we know the players are just assuming how things should work based on the GM's explanation, or maybe (and I've seen this a few times) they're using 3.5 mechanics without realizing that they changed between editions.
(Or the rogue thinks they're using some nebulous house rules that were used in a prior game the rogue was in, but never knew those were houserules)
And the GM is similarly unaware
Now I'm imagining a group that comes together to "play D&D" and they all have different versions in mind and they just get to rolling.
This one's weird because the title question is really answerable and understandable. The body is a completely different question and mostly incoherent
@Yuuki This sounds like it could be really fun if it were intentional
oh man.
As long as someone codified how the versions interact (what happens when someone with a THAC0 attacks someone with an AC of 30? is it just an auto-hit?)
a 2e, pf, 4e, and 5e character all sit down to play
@Delioth Until someone tries to rules-lawyer...
THAC0 vs. AC alone would be hilarious.
Yeah, as i said on hist first Q - trainwreck
personally, I'd use the thac0 conversion chart
@goodguy5 Luckily, they are playing Paranoia, so they have a great time. :)
It'd be great because, if you took the originator of an action as the source of truth for what rules to use... someone from 2e would ALWAYS HIT anyone from a future version (since even if your THAC0 is 10, base AC for other versions starts at 10 so you'd hit on a 0), but would almost always be hit by someone from a future version
I can just imagine the 5e character getting xp even if they avoid / dismantle the encounter

the 3e character is getting feats out the wazoo

the 2e rogue is getting xp for each gold piece and has to roll percentile checks for stealth

and the 4e character has all of these wonky atwill/encounter powers
But it would be neat because it'd be advantageous for someone from 2e to increase their AC as much as possible (no armor, Dex=2)
Except when they're fighting a monster using 2e rules
@Delioth and those things will just kill you because it's funny.
"You cast that AGAIN?"
"Yeah, it's an at-will"
"You mean a cantrip?"
"A What???"
"are those like orisons?"
"Those spikes that rogues throw?"
@SirCinnamon d4s you mean?
"no, those are caltrops, he's talking about having a high cmd" (can't trip)
I'm about to have a Disassociative Episode from reading all this.
What's a CMD? I have an AC of -5
And a Strength of 18/60
Finally this chat has some real roleplaying
@Delioth I suspect that the asker has not taken the time to review the basic rules.
Do you mean I have to make a Rod, Staff, or Wand save?
The asker heard a podcast once and figured they have all the rules they need
Because someone could trip me with a staff, so it should probably be a Saving Throw against that, right?
@Delioth No, just a general Wizard check
@KorvinStarmast looks valuable and on point to me. I might as that we aren't really sure that XP splitting is the core issue, there seem to be other factors. However it's definitely a huge XY no matter what the root causes are.
@KorvinStarmast What was your first clue, the part where their rogue gained 4 levels out of nowhere with no input from themselves (the GM), or the part where they don't understand the difference between Uncanny Dodge, Evasion or the Dodge Action?
@Xirema or the opponent missed their attack
@goodguy5 Strictly speaking, carpet caltrops. :)
What's a Wizard? Is it some kit for Mage?
"It's like an illusionist, I think"
@Delioth Its a kind of lizard with a speech impediment
W -> L speech impediment is hilarious to think about
@Xirema Yes. :) I did ask him in the first q if he had access to the Dungeon Masters Guide. Got no response.
Oh, it must be the alternate class Wizard of High Sorcery from the Dragonlance Campaign setting? Or maybe one of the dozen or so kits called wizard of something or other
They have these characters from Dark Sun, Monks or something
The title of the second question implies nat 1's (on something) grants attacks of opportunity (a bizzare and/or harsh houserule)
@goodguy5 I think that Four Elements Monk would fit Dark Sun almost perfectly.
Wouldn't be the harshest houserule I've seen
I've seen it where you drop your weapon on a nat 1
Four Humours Monk would be neat
And picking it up both costs a standard action, AND forces an attack of opportunity

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