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Hello @Shalvenay
I’m actually thinking of creating my own RPG, but post nuclear apocalypse style
@RobertPaul Oh cool :D
From scratch, or based on an existing system?
Hmm. I'm trying to think of post-nuclear games with a good reputation and I'm just not coming up with many. Apocalypse World, obviously. Deadlands, Rifts.
I'm not counting ones like Paranoia and Eclipse Phases where there's a nuclear apocalypse in the backstory but it's not the focus of the gameplay.
Not exactly "Post apocalypse"... But AFMBE has provided a good basis for a few
Seen in the #StarTrekDiscovery production office. #204 #AnObolforCharon
@tony_salazar @StarTrekRoom We pitched a whole swimsuit calendar featuring Saru! Some ideas are never taken seriously... 😔
That's fantastic
@BESW huh you know I think I must have known that was a thing in Eclipse Phase but I forgot because they just don't emphasize it very much
@trogdor Yeah, it's one reason nobody lives on Earth if they can help it.
Except like
That's probably about as much about it as I read
@Ben I think only one of its settings is specifically post-nuclear, the aptly-named "After the Bomb."
(I was fond of Sacred Soil, myself.)
My friend actually had games that were the lead up to said event. That was always fun actually
@trogdor I mean, it was just one relatively small part of the TITAN wars, which were a Very Bad Time and radiation is probably the least of Earth's problems now--the armies of death robots, kill satellites, swarms of flesh-eating nanobots, and the unexplained hiccoughs in space and time.
You'd be lucky to live long enough to die of radiation poisoning.
@BESW lol I wouldn't call that lucky unless the other thing was the nanobots
Those sound like a worse way to go than radiation
@Ben: Existing system, actually. I’m more of the story writer, a friend of mines is the artist
But no good options in there for sure
Also remember it's Eclipse Phase, so uploading yourself out of your dying body (or considering that fragment of yourself expendable) is a thing.
@RobertPaul Cool, what system?
@BESW yeah true
That part both cool and a bit creepy
@BESW: Gurps
People wish they were deconstructed by nanobots. That way people will always remember them. "No don't go that way. Bill went that way and he was eaten by nanobots" [Spooky voice] "Beware the nanobots! Says Bill!"
@RobertPaul Oh wow! Original stylez
Ok... I remember having a question about Identifying an item from an unknown system... it was a weapon that dealt 12d1 damage.
After doing some digging I found it was from GURPS... but I can't find the question?
@BESW do you remember anything about that?
May 17 '17 at 22:34, by Ben
So... I found that "12d1 damage" weapon I was looking for
@BESW that answers my question haha
@Ben: This is my first project so I’m starting out simple
Honestly have never played GURPS, so I can't say much to its simplicity haha
Timezones really can be a pain in the beehive
Doing some research for my W&G question - and the mods for a forum need to approve my account before I can post. Which means I won't be able to post until tomorrow, then likely not get responses until the next day. Lol
hey again @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 now a good time for us to talk more on Discord?
Not really, sorry. Need to crank through some grading before hitting the sack.
@nitsua60 aaah.
@nitsua60 maybe catch you sometime during the week then?
@Shalvenay Yeah, Tuesday at the earliest.
@nitsua60 Good luck :)
I have issues focussing on repetitive things - so I can only imagine how it would be reading through different variations of the same thing
I definitely don't want to be a teacher
It's got a lot of things I don't like involved
Not least of which is dealing with kids
Children that think they're smarter than you is probably the biggest hurdle
Grading papers doesn't seem too great either though
Kids in general is fine.
@RobertPaul I wouldn't exactly call GURPS simple. What are the other options you've considered?
My favourite story from school was my English teacher - I was terrible at doing my homework - I wasn't a nuisance or dumb or anything - I was just lazy. So every other lesson she'd ask "Ben have you don't your homework?" "No, sorry Emily."
This was a recurring theme
Until one day, I had actually been in the mood to do it. So the next day, I went to class, I was excited for her to ask. She didn't, but as she was checking on others, and she came past - "Emily! Guess what? I did my homework!"
Didn't get a reward from it. She gave me a mildly sarcastic "well done".
I was happy with that haha
@Ben for you maybe, but I do not do well with kids
oh, hey there @JohnLocke, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@Shalvenay Hi. I was just checking to see if you were still on the WB chat and had seen the screenshot I posted
@JohnLocke ah, yes I did :)
Ok, great
hey there @Kevin, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@nitsua60 Thanks for bringing me back to that question. I needed the reminder that this community can handle serious topics with grace and gravity.
hey there @AlexP, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@Miniman She's been on my mind: the two-year anniversary was the other week. And last week our school counselor who'd worked so closely with her lost his own son.
The punches just don't stop coming.
Damn. Sorry to hear that.
@nitsua60 Oh dear, you and they have my condolences and prayers.
Ok then wow
I think I vaguely remember a conversation about this
Probably around two years ago
:( I hope you're alright
4 hours later…
Haha, that Lady Blackbird scheduling didn't go as smoothly as I hoped
After ostensibly agreeing on a date, we had three different conceptions on what the date we agreed on was x)
All of it was my fault though
I asked people to fill the Doodle "for next week", but accidentally put it one week too far --- everyone agreed on Sunday 24th, but I thought it was 17th because I was careless with the dates
I also aciidentally referred to it as "next Sunday" instead of "next week's Sunday" at one point... causing a third contender, the 10th...
At least everyone's on the same page now
2 hours later…
Hello. I'm trying to make a character on D&D Beyond. After I pick the Variant Human race, the starting feat box only lets me choose from "Grappling" and "Snirfneblin magic". Is there something I need to do to get the rest to appear?
@Kevin I think you need to have the PHB on D&D Beyond for all PHB feats to appear
Alternatively, are there any better online tools for generating character sheet pdfs with nice layouts?
If you're saying "A feat only appears if you own the book that it comes from", that doesn't quite match what I'm seeing, since Grappler is from the PHB and Snirfneblin magic is from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion, neither of which I own.
It's probably also worth mentioning that I have an existing character that I made a couple months ago. It's also a variant human, and all the feats appear just fine when I edit his stats.
Oops, Grappler is from Basic Rules, not PHB. But anyway.
@Kevin Thank you--I'll pass them along. (Dad's the chair of our Theology department; it'll mean a lot to him.)
You can create a character as part of a campaign and get access to sources that the campaign owner has (not sure about this since I've never used this feature but I have seen people mention that)
@Kevin But is Grappler the one feat included in the SRD as the example? If so it'd make sense: Grappler's SRD and Svirf is EEPC (also freely released).
and the elemental evil player companion is free so everyone has it
That is useful information :-)
So I can only access feats from books owned by me and/or the campaign owner. The owner of the campaign I was in six months ago owned every book in the world, so I had access to all feats. My new campaign-unaffiliated character can only access the two feats available in free/demo content. This makes sense.
I would have liked a "want more feats? Come visit our store!" link or something on the character editor, but such is life
As this chat has discussed several times, interesting mind control of D&D 5E PCs is difficult to pull off. My RPG club is working on an adventure and somehow it was decided that a BBEG should be a mind controlling tiefling. What homebrew spells and GM techniques and stuff exist in that framework to show off his mind control powers and still make the fight against him interesting to those he temporarily controls?
As in, I want players to retain agency and strategic influence. An ideal outcome would be to change set of options a character has. Are there (playtested homebrew) spells that, for example, add a detrimental reaction to a character's choices of reactions and then force them to take exactly one bonus action until their turn, and if they cannot take any other one then the detrimental one it is? Stuff like that?
Suggestions how to turn this into a stackable question also appreciated.
Evening all
My first idea regarding mind control in 5e would be something like the 4e Warlord... the bad guys can, on their turn, grant the targeted PC an additional "action" and choose what they use it for
But this isn't tested. Pinch of salt and such
I would also rule out them using that action to consume certain resources
@kviiri What do you like about Vandy Vandy that makes it stand out?
@BESW I think it played up John's strengths well: his knowledge of history, even the shadier bits like the Salem witch trials
@Anaphory In 4e, I turned mind control into a two-part effect: first, it imposed the 'dazed' condition (can only take one action each round, grants advantage, can't flank) on the target; second, it let the caster use their actions as if the target were an animal companion (spend one of your actions to have the target act according to your wishes with an equivalent action), with the caveat that the target couldn't be forced to use up limited resources or act without self-preservation.
@kviiri Good point.
I'm particularly fond of One Other and The Little Black Train.
From what the two of you say, it sounds like, and it's a thing I thought before, that 4E's tactical gaming think might be better suited to this than 5E.
Or you could take a more aggressively narrative approach. In Fate, I once modeled mind control by telling the player what instruction they'd been given, but they were still free to figure out how their character would follow it.
@BESW I also liked the little twist at the end since I was wholly prepared for the old "silver against the wtich" thing again :)
@kviiri Oh, yeah. That was great. "yeah, sure, silver's good, but have you tried THE GHOST OF GENERAL WASHINGTON."
It was doubly surprising since it's not that often that I have to think of what images are on what US coins
@BESW I liked One Other, too.
@BESW Yes, I thought of that and it seemed like a decent narrative way to do it.
@kviiri One Other was the closest Wellman comes to going full Lovecraft, with Outsiders and the science of the limits of the knowable and creepy people being petty about powers beyond their reckoning.
And I felt like it hit that same "sitting with insignificance" note much more effectively.
@kviiri That's another thing I like about the John stories; they're so firmly rooted in exactly where and when they take place.
@BESW yea
I talked a while back about how landscape influences story, and the kinds of stories you can tell there.
And so many of the people John meets couldn't exist, wouldn't be making those decisions or having those priorities, if they weren't right there. And neither would John.
I've got the germ of an idea for an RPG set in that area, but maybe a bit further back in time, where the main character(s) is/are pack horse librarians.
Huh, I've never heard of those
So cool
Isn't it though.
There's a lot of game potential in there, from historical drama to mystical horror.
Yes it is! Cool stuff.
@BESW Travel hardships!
How do we feel about list questions?
@ColinGross depends on the question and its scope honestly.
faq says pitchforks and torches
Not necessrily true though. We have many very highly upvoted examples.
You do have to be careful to avoid a few pitfalls though.
@ColinGross Yes, except be aware that is a term of art in use there in the FAQ.
For example, a list question should have a finite (preferably small) number of potential answers.
It's worth browsing the metas in that tag to get some sense for what's a and vs. what's a question that might have a list as part of an answer.
@ColinGross thinking about asking one or just curious?
E.g. Give me a list of spells or skills or feats
@ColinGross Problem with those is that they can easily be seen as "I can do this, but it is tedious, please do the work and comb through the books for me instead" which is generally not as well-recieved
But I've seen voting often go into the positives on those occasionally as well.
@ColinGross you have a particular one in mind? We could probably provide more concrete guidance that way.
Oo... vtc adds a comment now. That's interesting.
@Rubiksmoose I was looking for a guidance function.
oh I see. you are asking about the recently posted question I guess.
I think the question is fine, personally.

Or rather, I think the question can be smithed into something stackable.

It's current state is a little garbled, so I vtc as unclear
@Rubiksmoose I've argued those are on-topic, but not very good. (I.e. I won't close-vote, but not gonna upvote, either.)
Q: Are questions of the form "what are all the X with property Y" on-topic?

nitsua60A number of questions come our way, usually from D&D and Pathfinder, that are of the following form: What are all the [spells|creatures|feats|items|...] that have the [fire|supernatural|undead|concentration|forces-a-save|...] property? See, for instance, anyone know of a list of spells fo...

@Rubiksmoose specifically this one today: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/140905/…
Q: What are list questions?

mxyzplkWe have some lack of clarity, I think as to what consists of a "list" question on the site and why they are undesirable, per recent meta Q (Not) closing question for Spells with Concentration vs Spells with Thunder/Lightning Damage. I think it's worth discussing this in a more general manner. So...

I think it's an imminently stack-able question asking about an optimum build for getting the most re-rolls.
But that's not the question they asked. I'd argue their (existing) question is on-topic, too.
@nitsua60 My issue with saying short lists are stackable is that it implies that at least the range of the answer needs to be known by the OP before the question is asked. They have to have a sense of the magnitude of the list... which would imply they already know the answer.
@ColinGross Asker doesn't need to have a sense of it, close-voters do.
(And the voters should have expertise if they're voting.)
@nitsua60 The question as stated is asking for a list. The description tells us that it's really should be a question about optimizing a build for a single metric.
@nitsua60 Sure. That invites a throw spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks when asking list questions. There's no way for a querent to know if they have a good question or not before asking it.
@ColinGross If they rephrased it as an optimization question, trying to maximize their potential rerolls, would it be more stackable?
That strikes me as a little binary. The problem with isn't when they generate an answer that is a list. It's when they generate dozens of answers that, taken in aggregate, form a list. "What are the playable races in 5e" functions as a perfectly fine Q/A because there's an answer that, yes, has a list as its core. It would not have if thirty different answers had come in with one race each: in that case voting doesn't work.
@MikeQ Yes. I think the answers would probably include lists, but that's different than asking for a list according to the faq.
So "what are some good barbarian builds, I want to build a barbarian but I'm not inspired so need some ideas" is clearly likely to be a list-question: individual answers would each contain an item in a list, voting on the items of which makes no sense.
@nitsua60 That example would probably run afoul of most people's "triviality" threshold which is also pretty subjective.
Q: What are the playable D&D races in 5e?

nitsua60There's not a lot of material published by WotC for 5e (relative to previous editions), nor is there planned to be. However, there are playable races for D&D scattered around in a few different locations in published products that people may not even know about. What are all the playable races, a...

@nitsua60 The meta you linked to specifically calls out list answers being a PITA.
@ColinGross Actually, it's the question that calls them a PITA.
Q: Where to find races and classes in 5e

nitsua60I agree that https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/77169/23970 isn't a great question for the site. One step worse than a "read the book to me," it's a "read the ToC to me" question. However... Would What are the official (WotC) playable races in 5e? be an acceptable question for the site? The obvious...

@nitsua60 I don't like that one for two reasons. 1. It's a big fat list that is going to need to be continually updated. 2. It's a poster answering their own question, and that seems like it belongs on a wiki somewhere.
(You'll have to forgive my enthusiasm: is a topic that's caught my attention for a few years, now.)
I like the "where do I find the list of playable races?" better.
@ColinGross That's funny--the fact that it's self-answered seemed, to me, a lot of why it didn't get the sort of hate that, say, "what are all the spells that do lightning damage" got. (One's asking someone else to do their grunt-work, the other's doing the work for the long-tail of searchers.)
@nitsua60 Oh yeah. You're definitely shoehorning a useful wiki page into a SO question & answer. Which is better received than "I'm lazy someone else look this up for me."
@MikeQ Are we really more willing to accept a question if it's phrased as an optimization question than otherwise?
@nitsua60 That's where I'm at as well.
I was more answering Colin about how they are typically received than if they are on-topic (I thought that was more what he was asking).
@MarkWells Unsure, but there is precedent
I'm not sure honestly if it would be better as a charop question or no.
I think they are both fairly equal quality but different ways to approach the same issue.
@Rubiksmoose It is a charop question. The headline just doesn't reflect that.
The downvoted answers are responses to the question title not reading into the implication that the OP is only asking for options to optimize a specific character build.
I dont really see any asking for optimization
@ColinGross I mean it is not a charop question much more than it is.
@ColinGross If the player doesn't want to ask a charop question, supplying one for them is really not OK.
@SirCinnamon What is the build that maximizes the number of ability check or saving throw re-rolls starting as a halfling wizard?
"What abilities allow rerolls...[background of question]...I know aboy X, Y and Z... Are there others?"
At its heart the eventual goal of the information is to optimise a character, but the question itself just asks for a simple list.
@ColinGross That isn't the question though
@ColinGross but it isn't asking that outright.
@Rubiksmoose The title asks for a list. The description of the question goes on to talk about a specific character and specific kinds of re-rolls
@SirCinnamon That's my issue with it. It's asking for a list, but then goes on to limit the list for a specific build with a stated goal. Sounds like a character optimization to me.
he's not asking for a subset of the abilities which allows the most rerolls, he's asking what skills allow rerolls (so he can choose what he likes based on personal criteria (aka that unanswerable part of charop questions)
He doesnt ask to limit the list though, he's just giving background
@ColinGross nah, the question lists that as background yes, but I think a complete answer should include even options unavailable to that build.
It could easily be rephrased as a pure charop question. Though we would need a lot more information to make it answerable.
@Rubiksmoose So then the background given in the question is irrelevant and it's not a charop.
Then it's an I'm lazy can someone go find this for me.
@ColinGross background information can be used to inform the answers, but I don't see the intent as asking for answers to be limited as a result.
@ColinGross Yeah it is.
But that is what it always was.
Mostly a go find this for me, but he at least made an effort and found some of the easiest ones XD
Even with the background info it doesn't change that.
which... is better than nothing
I am of mixed feelings about this kind of question. On one hand, this is purely asking for others to do work you don't want to do but are able to.
On the other hand, I can see some questions as being useful to future askers.
But neither really effect the topicality of the question, only the voting. (IMO)
it's just not good for stack. it's easy in other formats for people to chime in with "oh theres this one too" and eventually you have a full list
but on stack 1 person needs to hunt and compile a complete list themselves to produce a single truly correct answer
@SirCinnamon Which is then out of date and somebody should update the wiki errr answer
which is a burden
I thought our preferred way to handle that would be for one answer to be edited to include them all.
@ColinGross Yes but to be fair that happens to a lot of questions when errata comes out
Making it the most complete answer.
@MarkWells That is correct. And answers not doing that should be downvoted. All answers should be complete. If you want to note a new option that someone might have missed, a comment is the appropriate method to do that IMO
@MarkWells It's been done in the past
@MarkWells just wait for a bunch of answer then copy paste them together?
@ColinGross I've definitely done this before for answers where others were unwilling to do so.
Give credit if any is due, but yeah thats the way to do it.
I don't see this problem as unique to list questions either. It is simply more obvious with them.
@Rubiksmoose True.
good edit, moose
daw thanks! It was just a small one.
I'd considered making it, but I'd already edited it once and didn't want to root around anymore with it
so much work for an answer that I don't think is going to get much rep.

which I is not dissimilar to my fefhnr answer.
At least it seemed to make OP happy.
@goodguy5 well it is currently a HNQ so you may get more than you think.
oh no....
Have you considred adding glibness to your answer?
I have, but I wanted to wait for a little while. feelsbadman to see someone else post glibness and then yoink it immediately.
@goodguy5 it's already on one of the other answers.
@ColinGross I know. that's exactly what I said
@goodguy5 I thought you were still waiting for that. Just mash refresh.
I meant that patrick had found it; I was unaware of it. I wanted to give it time before I comment / snag it.
@Rubiksmoose The only thing I'll say about "able" is that the number of items, spells, boons, favors, races, archetypes... that might conceivably contain something on point might easily be spread across over a dozen published books by this point. To a non-expert it may not be at all apparent where they should look. (I'm still not upvoting, but I might sympathize a little.)
@nitsua60 fair point!
We are known for being "unwarrantedly fair," after all =)
Jan 6 '17 at 22:02, by nitsua60
I think we have a new contender for site motto: "unwarrantedly fair" (Previous contender here)
Wassup everyone
I'm running some research code after a bit of a break
@nitsua60 hah! that is perfect.
Not too much!
I'm really super hoping they release the new Artificer UA today. The campaign starts later this week and I really want to build with the new version lol.
@Rubiksmoose I've been curious to see an official fix to the class, maybe along with a fix to the "modern magic" archetypes and spells
@MikeQ I wonder what and how much they are going to change from the first version.
I never looked into what issues people had with v1 though. Looks fairly fun.
The biggest weirdness of the Artificer class is in the fact that it's a font of free Magic Items in a game setting that generally limits Magic Items before you reach high level play.
It's highly thematically appropriate, but it clashes with the design space of the rest of the 5th edition setting.
@Rubiksmoose Yes at first I was super excited and thought it had cool potential. But when you compare it to other classes, it's really lackluster. Compared to other classes, it doesn't shine at anything. And you can't get the most out of the class unless the DM runs the campaign with lots of crafting materials and magic items.
TBH, I think Artificer should have been a half-caster at least.
Yep. Common homebrew "fixes" increase the casting, give the archetypes some actual features (especially alchemist), and add some scaling to the robot companion
@MikeQ I love the idea of the companionbot
I think you could even make a case for the Artificer being a Full Caster, given that its spell list very specifically excludes most offensive spells, including direct damage spells, enchantment spells (charms, mind control, etc.), even most of the illusion spells.
The only issue then would be that you'd have a ton of spell slots that you never use.
@Rubiksmoose Most people do, since the CR 2 companionbot is currently the strongest part of the class, which speaks to the weakness of the overall class implementation
@Xirema What do you mean you'd never use them?
@Xirema That would be really interesting...
The Artificer spell list very specifically excludes any spells with effects like the following:

* Deal damage to a target
* Cause a status condition to a[n unfriendly] target
* Invoke a saving throw on a target (literally only 4 of the spells on their list have any kind of saving throw)

So their entire repertoire consists of buff spells that you'd spam on your allies, plus some healing; and most of the good buff spells are mutually exclusive due to Concentration.

As a Full caster, it would be difficult to use all your spell slots in a normal adventuring day without deliberately wasting t
@Xirema Maybe the class/archetype features could have something like divine smite, where you can spend spell slots to do stuff; e.g. gunsmith adds damage, alchemist infuses an alchemical item, etc
Granted, if you want to play an Artificer that just spams Cure Wounds over and over, I'm not going to stop you.
@MikeQ There's a UA Wizard school that I think can spend spell slots to make temporary magic items, literally called the "School of Artificers". Seems like a perfect fit for the Artificer actual class.
alright, I give up on that question about the animals.
@goodguy5 I was out from the beginning but I definitely have no idea.
I thought maybe I could do a little googlefu
I gave a half-hearted attempt as well
That question about "Rejecting Healing" is as good a time as any to remind 5th edition Evil Parties that the Revivify spell does not require the target's consent when bringing someone back from the dead. So if you want to pull a full Jack Bauer on your enemies, the game gives you the necessary tools. XD
@Xirema hahaha oh man who thought healing could get that dark
@Xirema There's a better option for healer/skillmonkey; I recently played as a city domain (UA) cleric, they can cover that role pretty well, plus they can use firearms too.
Is anybody familiar with a rpg system where you can have "spirit fights"? Like 2 opponents each controlling their own spirit, battling against each other.
I have just seen this and love the idea.
I'm not aware of any that have that as an explicit mechanic. However, as long as the experience you want is "combat, except with spirits and not bodies", you could simply use a normal combat engine from any hack-and-slash game you prefer for it
@Momonga-sama Yes. It depends. Are you looking for systems where "spirit fights" are the core mechanic for conflict resolution? Or a system where they're just one of many combat options?
Although I think Shadowrun has something of the kind, with astral projection? Although AFAIK they're more often used for spying than for combat.
I believe if it was core, it would be better and more developed.
@Momonga-sama I definitely was imagining like dbz energy beam battles until you linked that
@kviiri Yep, Shadowrun has it as a magic option, Pathfinder's occult stuff introduces it but it's not really a useful option compared to most of the existing spells or combat mechanics
@Momonga-sama What sort of experience do you want of it?
@Momonga-sama You could find a system that focuses on the whole combat-companion trope, for example some Pokemon tabletop systems, and then reflavor them as spirits
That sounds like a good idea
Alternatively, if the premise is that the "spirit fights" aren't actual creatures, but more like superpowers or metaphors, then you may prefer a system where the player characters themselves have such abilities
@MikeQ Which exactly are you referring to, from what I see there is a couple of pokemon systems.
I'm not referring to any particular Pokemon system. There are many out there. It depends on what you want from the gameplay. Some are more tactical and granular than others; some are direct adaptations of the official Pokemon game mechanics, others use simplified mechanics more suited for dice and paper.
It may also be worth noting that depending on your exact requirements, you might be able to use nearly any roleplaying system where the "characters" are the spirits.

At least for combat.
I am looking for something more unique.
interesting question....
Q: How do we do?What Should we do?

Ms.EmaHi guys how to code calculator pls help me!! In basic pls My problem is very big plis help plis BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)[2] is a family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use. In 1964, John G. Kemeny an...

flags please
@Momonga-sama Is there a specific story style that you're trying to emulate?
Probably Jojo :D
The next thing you say is
Oh boy then you have come to the right place
I have a JJBA campaign in the works. Currently I plan on using Fate, plus the superpowers rules from its Venture City supplement, with some adjustments. I've browsed for some misc attempts at making a dedicated JJBA system and most results seem too complicated.

but I'm so confused about that question in basic(ha)ally every way
@goodguy5 It has a self-answer too
it's so weird
Well, it seems they solved their own problem. I'm glad we were able to help.
It's nauseatingly confusing.
@goodguy5 My mistake, I meant to downdoot it
And how did they choose those tags? The first three are each three apart and thus in a line, but gm-techniques isn't and optimization is like a page down
@goodguy5 As they said, it's a very big and great problem, so it's fair to assume it spans many topics
more like spams many topics
Don't feed trolls guys
I mean.... in what way?
Just don't give any attention to that question
Not worth a single second of your thoughts.
@MikeQ I am trying to finish my own little rpg system and I try to implement something similar to stand fights from Jojo
oh, well.... it got attention. lots of it.
2 messages moved to Trashcan
very likely not a troll, just someone being super weird and confused
some people don't understand how to use stack sites, and some of those don't recognise that one site is different to another
I like that they picked 5 tags seemingly at random
problem-dm, spells
@SirCinnamon You can cast Enhance DM for that issue
For natural DM enhancement.
Snow sucks when it falls on your hill of a driveway
Snow never sucks
Snow is cool
Snow always sucks unless it is somewhere far away from you lol
Snow is great, just not on my driveway
On the road I can manage
eh I'm not a fan. As an almost-lifelong midwesterner I've seen more than enough snow for a lifetime. It is cool outside a window but if I actually have to do anything I want it gone lol
As someone from a tropical island, snow is terrifying.
A thread:
Looking for input from people with a variety of disabilities: What would make a tabletop RPG most accessible to you? Retweets on this are appreciated! This is for a long term RPG project my partner and I have been working on. Replies or DMs are ok. Your time is appreciated!
@Momonga-sama Given that it's kind of a thing that you take biofeedback from getting punched in the Stand it's not that necessary to go special alternate world with it.
Evening folks, how goes?
Well the Artificer has not been released yet like I hoped it would so literally everything sucks ;)
@BESW it's fun for one hour, and then yeah it sucks XD as someone from the same place who has only dealt with it one time
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, messaging number in answer, pattern-matching email in answer (432): Casting healing spells is automatically successful? by jennifer on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
^ I should have known there was a dark side to my powers. XD

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