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Happy generic greetings to all people but only if they are experiencing (insert time of day) right now indeed
I have decided that I do in fact need at least 3 games per week in my life.
Not too much so as to be something that gets in the way of my weekly schedules, but enough so that I don't have to wait 5 days until the next game.
Happy Saturday, everyone.
@Xirema Take me to this mystical place
Yes give the Saturday to me
In fact just give me all of them, all the Saturdays
@Ben Have you tried ultimate tic-tac-toe?
Darn, I'd be lucky to have 1 game per week
@MikeQ <cough> <cough>
@Ben Darn, I'd be lucky to have 2 games per week
<blink> <blink>
looks right to me!
@nitsua60 I have not
Is that along the same lines as Frisbee vs Ultimate Frisbee?
I used to play 3D tictactoe, back in the Windows 95 days. I was...not good at it.
Just looked up ultimate tictactoe - damn that's cool.
It's just a grid of tic tac toe boards?
I prefer 3D tic-tac-toe, myself.
@Miniman Oh damn
I think I actually still have that board somewhere, but the giant glass marbles are long gone.
I can at least agree that normal tic tac toe is boring
@trogdor Yeah, and then the winner of each individual game (x or o) takes the place of the overall grid. So not only do you need to win each game, but also strategies which one to win so that you can win the overlaying game
I only had to play it a couple times to realize that more often than not you will start getting ties every time you play against someone who pays attention
@Ben but is each grid run normally? Because I don't see how that fixes it if so
We had a programming challenge for the game (it has the game rules at the top):
Q: Let's play Meta tic-tac-toe!

DJMcMayhem Lets play a game of Meta tic-tac-toe! This is a king-of-the-hill tournament of Meta tic-tac-toe. The rules of Meta tic-tac-toe are as follows: All of the regular rules of tic-tac-toe apply. There are nine boards arranged to make one master board. Like so: 0|1|2 || 0|1|2 || 0|1|2 ----- || --...

@Ben So it's a large tic-tac-toe grid, and in each space you draw a full tic-tac-toe board. One player starts in tic-tac-fashion by placing their mark in any of the 81 spaces. The next player can place their mark on any spot in the board that corresponds to the mark last placed by their opponent. And so on, until one player makes a three-in-a-row in any of the 9 boards.
(Oh, it looks like I play a different ultimate tic-tac-toe than you!)
oh really? in regards to which rule?
It looks like in Ben's you need to win three of the sub-games in a row to win the whole game, whereas in mine it's the first to win any subgame who wins. And mine has the placement-rule which Ben's doesn't seem to have.
Also, the player going first could always pick middle and force the second player to be on the defense for the whole game in normal tic tac toe
Really not sure it was thought through very much
@trogdor Remember, though, the second player's move will then necessarily cast P1's move into a different board.
@trogdor got five minutes to give it a try? (Or are you at work?)
@nitsua60 I was specifically talking about normal tic tac toe
@trogdor oh... gotcha.
I'll be on lunch break in a little over 30 minutes
I'll be here--ping if you want to give it a try!
I am interested in these other versions of it
Is it still a solved game, even in higher dimensions?
I did like the game, up until I discovered how ridiculously basic it was
Which I don't think took me very long
@MikeQ I hope not
That's my issue with it
That normal tic tac toe is basically solved, and anyone who knows the answer can force a tie at least
Also unlike some games going first is highly broken
@MikeQ I don't know. (I've never looked it up for fear of spoilers.) I've played about a dozen games with my son and while I have a slight lead in the standings, it seems only to be that I don't make gross errors that lead to a next-move win. Past that level, I'm not sure I've really figured out strategy yet.
@MikeQ I think if 3d requires only one tic-tac-toe, then it's solved because P1 can just assume any plane is a 2d game and win that way.
I'm not exactly clear on how the smaller boards effect the larger board
Is it 2-deep recursive tic-tac-toe?
Do you have to win a board in normal style to claim it?
I'm pretty sure that n-deep recursive tic-tac-toe is a solved game. But I don't know whether n-dimensional tic-tac-toe for higher dimensions (having 3^n spaces across n axes) is in the class of games that are theoretically but infeasibly solvable
@MikeQ I think the n-dimensional ones, requiring one solve, is solved in the manner of my previous comment.
3D tic-tac-toe did seem to be a solved game when I played it.
(It requires only one solution, just the solution can be across three levels rather than just one.)
If you start in the middle middle and play to block, you're still guaranteed a tie or better.
My understanding is that 3d t-t-t is no longer a solved game when played as a drinking game: one drinks each time they dislodge a piece from its position while placing their own.
That's 3d hic-tac-toe.
@nitsua60 That's a very interesting way to un-solve a game :)
@JoelHarmon (un-solves lots of things, for that matter...)
@nitsua60 Yep, adding randomness tends to prevent solvability
@nitsua60 alcohol: the un-solving solution
@MikeQ I thought it was solubility?
Because alcohol's a solvent?
Yeah I mean, 3d still looks solved
Or solvable at least
Ultimate, I would have to actually understand what makes it different from just several normal games of tic tac toe
Say I place an X in the middle-middle square of the top-left game.
Your move must now be in the middle-middle *game*. Say you choose center-bottom of that game.
Now my next move must be in the center-bottom *game.*
...That's not how I played...
Each player's placement within their game decides which game the next player must play in.
21 mins ago, by nitsua60
(Oh, it looks like I play a different ultimate tic-tac-toe than you!)
There's no way 3D tic tac toe isn't solved. There tons of symmetries, tons of forced moves, etc
@nitsua60 Oh, ultimate. I thought you were responding to Troggy's comment about 3d.
Yeah it's confusing because two different games are being talked about
There's a gif that visualizes (my) ultimate here: fivethirtyeight.com/features/…
Ooooh ok
I think I understand
@trogdor Good. So we'll play for money?
That does seem less easily solved at least
@nitsua60 sure I'll send someone with 1million$ over if I lose
Expect shipping in 2 to 3 millienia
@trogdor I am a Nigerian prince, by the way. So you should expect a very good return on that million.
@nitsua60 What if one of the grids is a draw? Does its corresponding space become unavailable on all other grids?
@MikeQ I've never gotten there.
@MikeQ oh, it turns out that's footnote 2 in the 538 article =)
Hmm, what happens if a space was won but you are supposed to make a move on it?
> A tied subgame doesn’t count as a win for either player in the larger game. Once a subgame is won, any play that would send the other player to that subgame instead gives that player the right to play wherever she pleases.
Oooh ok
A whole other layer of strategy there
3D is solved in the case of a 3x3x3 board, but is generally played on a 4x4x4.
Ooh, right. I vaguely remember that.
Hmmm, apparently computers have solved the 4x4x4, but it's too complex to be usable by humans.
@BrianSKotkin But how can I create unique characters if their stats are kinda the same, Brian?! But, yes, this interview is incredibly revealing.
@nitsua60 honestly that was just a face-value interpretation of it haha. I just saw the pictures of it on Google.
So now there's 2 ways to play haha
@BESW lol
I don't even Know what to say on that one, apparently all the classes in 4e do the exact same thing, who would have thought :P
That always makes me wonder if the person who said it played it , or just looked at the classes in the book instead
Balance isn't the same as equal
You know, from a game design perspective, it's good to design classes that don't all play the same.
But man, the way he explains that in that interview...
One of my favorite sayings is that you want to make all characters overpowered (in a PvP setting)
I think most debates over TTRPGs can be resolved by dropping the assumption that there is One Correct Way to play and design TTRPGs, or that all TTRPG experiences must adhere to One Correct model
@Xirema I guess it depends on your definition of playing the same, I can see not liking that everyone (or mostly everyone) has the same number of powers and such
But you still choose what power to use, and the class powers still bounce off of class features differently and actually do different things from each other
I can accept some people don't like the way 4e works, but it does get me mad when people say anything along the lines of everyone being the same regardless of class and build difference
Even two fighters can do drastically different things just when they hit whith an attack depending on build
@MikeQ yeah -- its more of a case of applying the right tools to the situation at hand
@MikeQ also fair
in a system game where it's expected that all players consistently contribute to combat, then yes, balance among player character power is important
I'm by no means saying 4e formula works for everything
And from my understanding, 4e was very combat-focused, to the point that the system didn't really support having noncombat player characters
@MikeQ yeah -- D&D relies on PC power balance for spotlight management
and "contributions to combat" is hard to measure the impact of
which is a bit unfortunate
like, what's the ratio of healing to damage?
@MikeQ there,... Were options to be sure, but not many and they still technically helped in fights
They just didn't deal damage
I didn't say non-damage characters, I made sure to say noncombat characters
Support characters could provide support. In combat. Right?
But I never played a game in 3.5 either where anyone was expected to be allowed to sit on the sidelines during combat,.... So.... Yeah
@MikeQ yes
The other systems have enough material that you could have a combat-light adventure, plausibly, if that's what the DM and players want to do
4e was not trying to be anything other than a game about simulated combat though
@MikeQ yeah
I certainly wouldn't recommend it's use for anything other than that
There are other systems where combat is treated as just another challenge. So one player character could be a magical battle juggernaut and another could be intentionally weak, and depending on the game they want to play, it could work.
@MikeQ I like Fate for this one.
And I probably sound like a hypocrite, given how often I criticize the magic-mundane imbalance, but I should followup by framing it within the context of combat-centric games using D&D-like systems.
Take another system, or another goal of the game, and complaints about magic-mundane imbalance become irrelevant
@trogdor Never played any D&D where that was true.
Everyone's perfectly happy to sit back and let there be a "face" or a "scout/ranger," but not so in the combat world.
(Raistlin excluded.)
@MikeQ yeah, magic vs mundane balances very differently in different games (MtA vs D&D vs Fate, just to name a few)
never mind games where you don't have that divide to worry about to begin with ;)
@Shalvenay (dusting off Cyberpunk2020 this year...)
@nitsua60 Don't you mean in a year and a half or so?
@nitsua60 yeah, my experience with that sort of thing comes from EVE
@JoelHarmon My grown-ups group is going to play it some this year to knock off the rust, so to say, in preparation for having the student group play it all next academic year =)
@nitsua60 that's definitely the guess I would make
On the topic of starting games... I've been probing for any one interested in another player/stsrting a new game for Dark Heresy. Might be worthwhile doing the same here.
Did somebody say... Dark Heresy
Don't worry though @Miniman, I know your game is full haha
@MikeQ tingles
1e or 2e
@MikeQ Yes. Lol.
I've only played 1e, but I have no preference
Who the F--- starred my mundane obvious statement, lol
Someone that obviously saw it as a worthwhile statement.
@MikeQ But, the guy that ran the games we played said the he preferred 1e, and I never really had any issues with it. I haven't played 2e.
Lol that was me
Didn't realize you would take offense to that XD
I feel like mundane obvious things need stars sometimes
(ASCII joke fail)
"Water is wet, and composed in a ratio of 2 Hydrogen Atoms to 1 Oxygen Atoms."←80k likes
@nitsua60 Badum-tss
@Xirema immediately gets 200 stars?
Augh! XD
Those were not me
Stars are like downvotes; sometimes you get one for no discernible reason.
user image
@Ben If I had time to start another game, I'd think about it, but I'm struggling to play in 3, so running one on top of that isn't going to happen.
So I'll leave that at 2.1 potential players... Myself, @MikeQ and you. (You're the .1 due to your interest but lack of availability :P)
@Ben I think you mean 1.1 - someone's gotta run the thing :P
@Miniman Well, it's the GM's game as well :)
And I should clarify that I would be incapable of running the game, So if @MikeQ is also incapable, then we definitely need more people involved haha.
eyes narrow very quickly
I can co-GM (help others play/learn the rules/potentially organise the group time sessions etc to lift the load on the GM) but outside of the session time, I'm pretty tied down.
I was under the impression that the plan and GM was already there
Alack and alas... no.
I have found one person that has shown an interest in it, though I am unaware to what degree and in which role.
So that could make 3.
Afternoon @DavidCoffron
@Ben Availability varies. Usually evenings/nights in Eastern Standard Time. As for role I have a strong preference for techpriest
That makes 2. Thank god for subclasses
However, I did hear of a game that had all psykers, and that clearly didn't end well... so I wonder if the same applies to Techpriests
@MikeQ I believe that would roughly equate to mornings for me. So that can still work for weekends
Your Friday/Saturday evening = my Saturday/Sunday morning
1 hour later…
Question about the rolling in DH... when I played, the system relied on players rolling under their stat scores. So for example, if I had 40 Int, I would successfully make an Int check if I rolled <40. But I have just recently started watching a game on youtube, and the way the DM worded it, made it sound different to what I remember.
Yes, in d100, you're rolling against percentages. So if the roll target is 60, that means you have (at most) a 60% chance of success, meaning that a roll of 1-60 is a success
He said "make an easy awareness check, so +30"
Wouldn't it be -30 to lower the difficulty of the roll?
Again, it's your dice versus the target. All math goes into the target. You don't usually modify the dice.
So if your awareness is 60, and you have a +30, then you're rolling against a 90.
Ohhh right
that makes sense
In other words, the number you roll against is your percentage to succeed. Hence in d100, high target numbers are desirable.
As you might have discerned, it's been a while haha
Ohhh corruption and insanity were fun... Lol
My first iteration of my Techpriest (Explorator) was quite insane... he was getting up to like... 70 Insanity. To the point where he was considering using a Kroot skull to make another Servo Skull
My second iteration was a Mindwiped Crimson Guard.
My first DH character was a long while ago, before I really found my niche with TTRPGs. I went with... skum? I wanted to do an edgy warrior/roguish type. Really boring.
@MikeQ We had one guy that played a Skum. He was very proud of him (until he split from the party, got kidnapped, and failed to be rescued)
My second character was much later. The GM ran a mini-campaign based on Team Fortress 2, kind of. I was the Engineer, aka the walking toolbelt. And I think that's when I began my love affair with the Techpriest class.
We played a one-off as Space Marines. Anyone that survived got a fate point for the next session.
Haha yeah for sure.
We had a psyker in our party that, for some reason, always managed to invoke the warp right near me, and whenever that happened, EMP'd me.
Being the Logical character that I was, I understood who was doing it, but not why or how. It got to the point I was considering getting the "Psybernetic" enhancement lol
2 hours later…
Hey, I've got a 4e homebrew question
I have a desire to run single-session dungeons to the peeps at my office using a slightly modified version of 4e (notably they get less choice of powers so I can print all the options on their char sheets)
However, I don't everyone to save their daily powers to the big final encounter and want to give them a way to recharge dailies without extended rests
This so they can use their fancy powers more, not just once
So are you worried about the balance, or how to do it?
How to do it, mainly. What'd be a good recharging scheme?
You could potentially scale it (down/up) to "per hour" or something like that, and for flavour each person could have a talisman as the "charging stone"
Or it doesn't have to exactly involve recharging, as long as it allows and encourages using these powers over the course of the day
And keeps the distinction between Encounter powers intact
@Ben I dislike per hour because it's too close to encounter powers and encourages pauses instead of action
Hmmm. Maybe the recharge scheme action points use?
(Which is to say, recharge daily or after completing 2 encounters.)
That's something I thought of too, it might work. Would it be better to recharge all or just one Daily?
I would be inclined to say all - it's a bit fiddly otherwise.
If the goal is to encourage use, you could borrow from the 3.5 crusader - when you use them all, you get some number back.
@kviiri Just add this: As no action, you can spend an AP to recharge a daily.
If you're worried they'll just use the same daily over and over, make it "that you haven't used this combat."
@Miniman I did like that concept, but it always seemed fiddlier than it needed to be.
Can I send someone a message from chat that hasn't been in chat recently? I want to share a link with someone (that I think they might find very useful) that's of tangential but not direct relevance to a question they've asked and I'm not sure a comment is the appropriate place to do that.
@BESW I'll try this
@Tiggerous I think a comment with [chat] link is appropriate. Like "Hey, I'd like to discuss this further, could you pop by in [chat]?"
3 hours later…
@Tiggerous FYI If you see their name pop up when you start @ mentioning them in chat, then they will receive a notification. If their name doesn't autofill, it has been too long.
How long is too long?
Two weeks, I think.
Thats pretty long
@Rubiksmoose Thanks that's what I thought, I just couldn't quite remember and wanted to check.
@Tiggerous No problem :)
howdy howdy
Afternoon (it is where I am, anyway)
its been awhile are game aid questions still off topic?
@NautArch can you make phrases with howdy as you do with buffalo?
@JoshuaAslanSmith game aid question in what sense?
Asking for game aids to do specific things for a specific system
Character creation game aids for Cyberpunk2020
they're probably off topic on account of asking for recommendation of products/resources
@Helwar and barbarians?
and our topicality rules on that haven't changed in the past couple of years, so if they were off topic before they're probably still off topic
looks like tool-recommendation tag is still gone so I guess not
But can be discussed freely in here... (not that I know anything at all about Cyberpunk2020)
@doppelgreener yeah I was a user back when they were still in
and I remembered them being ruled off topic
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, community decided instead of asking for a tool to solve a problem, ask how to solve the problem, which might mean answers involve recommending a tool.
wasnt sure if any movement on that had occured with the new Mods being included and the community no doubt shifting over the years
basically, treat tool recommendation requests as an instance of XY problems
ah okay, so if I asked a more general "I'm having problems making sure I include all modifiers and steps in char gen" style question that would be on topic
and then if anyone rec'd tools in the answers that would be fine
explicitly saying yo list me some tools
@JoshuaAslanSmith i still consider the circumstances in which tool recs were ruled off topic to be illegitimate, but accept that they are off topic. i don't have a present solution to enable them to be on-topic again though.
@JoshuaAslanSmith totally on topic, yes : )
@JoshuaAslanSmith exactly.
@doppelgreener to be fair I do think the old style of tool rec where we did get list style answers was problematic as much as I enjoyed answering them when I could or asking them when I needed the help
yeah. i am okay with the conclusion we reached, and i am okay with the reasons for being at this conclusion. it is just the bits in the middle before we got there which i consider to have been improper.
@doppelgreener Sounds like we need a convenient question that raises the issue again and then a meta about it to for consensus. As much as you or I might disagree with the ruling back then dont want to set a precedent of activist mod change.
there was a lot on the meta at that time that occluded all meta questions
@Tiggerous the issue is that the people whom I remember having solid experience with the system are not people I see whenever I duck in for a chat lurk, but I could create a room and then @ them and see if I get a response
so being able to ask a question and not have it be closed would help to get their eyeballs on it asynchronously and especially if they have it in favorite tags
@Rubiksmoose I"m trying to work through that TruePolymorph->MagicJar->dispel and I think I need more coffee.
@NautArch Yeah I think I have basically given up on siding one way or another on this issue. David's answer has a good take on it, but given the confusion and ambiguity around the whole thing I'm not sure I find it that compelling yet.
@Rubiksmoose Can I try and walk it through here with you?
@NautArch Absolutely.
Okay, so you're a wizard.
@NautArch If only.
You True Polymorph into a dragon. This changes all of your stats to that of the dragon (except for personality and alignment). Right?
@NautArch Correct.
Then, you cast magic Jar once you are permanently a dragon. This moves your soul (that of a dragon and not a wizard) into the container.
and thus making the body catatonic.
@NautArch Just to be clear, this doesn't seem to be the way OP is setting up the question. Are you trying for a different take here?
@Rubiksmoose I"m trying to follow their logic...but it sounds like I've got something wrong at that step. What's their setup?
Can dragons cast magic jar?
> Is it possible to true polymorph a non-humanoid creature, wait for an hour to make changes permanent (so one doesn't break concentration), use magic jar, possess target's body and then dispel true polymorph with dispel magic thus gaining all the perks of original host's body?
Right - where have I deviated?
besides not drinking enough coffee
So Wizard TPs Non-humanoidA into humanoid.
Not TP'ing themselves.
Not themself.
The changes being permanent can't be dispelled, correct?
@ColinGross No it can be dispelled I believe.
Permanent in 5e just means essentially that its duration is infinite IIRC.
OH! So they're trying to turn a dragon into a humanoid first.
Which requires the dragon failing that saving throw.
@NautArch Yup!
If you concentrate for the full duration, the transformation becomes permantent... not the duration of the spell increases.
@NautArch That's my read.
@Rubiksmoose Gotcha. I wouldn't expect that.
@Tiggerous @Rubiksmoose Okay - that's where I went wrong.
But...why wouldn't the dragon just use their legendary resistance on something like that? "Uh...no Mr. Wizard."
@ColinGross It is confusing and I might be wrong. But I'm 90% sure I'm correct.
There is something about it in the Sage Advice Compendium I think.
@NautArch They certainly would unless they were out of them.
@Rubiksmoose That's correct. It got errata'd
new wording is "lasts until dispelled" instead of permanent.
@NautArch Ostensibly the situation has been set up such that the dragon has already used it's legendary saves
@Rubiksmoose ok...so going with first transforming the dragon into a humanoid. You magic Jar into that humanoid and then you replace your target's statistics, but you are still limited to anything that target can/can't do (which includes no spellcasting, because the target currently has no spellcasting.)
@NautArch actually with MJ you retain class features.
> Once you possess a creature's body, you control it. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the creature, though you retain your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own class features. If the target has any class levels, you can't use any of its class features.
@Rubiksmoose ah, gotcha. just saw that.
okay, I think I'm good with their steps at this point - and I'm still okay with my answer :)
I definitely don't have the energy to try and answer a question like that today - I'm happy letting those who do get on with it :)
While I enjoy edge cases, the polymorph object/creature type casting seems like the people who do crazy substitutions on recipe sites.
@NautArch I mean it's cheesy but pretty clever. I wonder if the humanoid part of MJ was put in place to avoid cases just like this.
What happens if I substitute bananas for eggs? ... how about also substituting gypsum for 1/2 the flour?
Also I'm not even sure how much benefit they'll get out of it, Dragon's stats are really good.
(though they would get to keep their class features which is pretty great)
I have invited MrDeWitt to join us to workshop this question. It needs a bit of refining and his core concerns are presently unclear.
Q: I need advice for a DM

MrDewittI'm a DM for D&D 5e rules. My playing group are fighter, a wizard and a paladin. My question is this. How can I reward them after a boss battle or giving good choices some situations (beside giving weapon etc.) and not the break my game? My party is currently level 3.

That's fair.
@ColinGross Those are always really entertaining. Especially when they leave a comment saying that it is great/terrible, but the substitutions they made essentially change the recipe into a completely different one.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah... some are valid in a chemistry sense, but change the recipe from a cake to something else. I'm particularly entertained when people mess with the yeast in bread recipes.
e.g. substituting beer for yeast
@Rubiksmoose I changed my mind...I don't like my answer. Althought it did do it's job of getting the querent to consider x-y.
@ColinGross I once made brownies where I substituted the Oil and Eggs with Applesauce and [mashed-up] bananas, respectively. The results were tasty, though I'm not sure they fit the classical definition of what a "brownie" is.
@NautArch Yeah I'm with you there. I wanted to like it, but given what OP wants, probably not so helpful. I think the answer of "Up the the DM" though is spot on.
@Xirema Yeah. You can get some interesting results that aren't the thing.
@Rubiksmoose If I was the DM, I don't 'think I"d allow it.
@NautArch I think there's a hell of a confluence of events that would need to be in place.
because then the whole party would want to do it. and you'd have a party of dragons with class features.
@NautArch Nor I. For one, it seems that it is bypassing something the spell was specifically designed to prevent.
Note to self... Chef/Wizard who keeps trying to find ways to substitute material casting components with alternatives.
If you're party is already L20, they're likely the most powerful group around... adding dragon-ness to them doesn't seem like it's that much more OP.
@Maximillian That would be entertaining.
Another is that there are some good humanoids out there, not as flashy as a dragon maybe, but you could certainly get your physical stats up in other way with MJ without the cheese.
I'm going to yoink that. yoink
@ColinGross True, and it could cause more problems than it solves. Want to go to town? Yeah...that's gonna be interesting.
@Rubiksmoose Also a lot less dangerous to deal with than ancient dragons.
@ColinGross And possibly more to the point, at level 20 there is really not much more I would want to play for that group. So it might be fun to let them go at it for one or two encounters at the very end.
@NautArch You just do what dragons of previous editions have done, and TP themselves into humans
I always question these level 20 questions/cheese builds because really who is playing for a significant time at 20? Not a lot of groups that is for sure.
Stoneskin requires 250gp of diamond dust... It is this chef's theory that diamonds have some kind of relationship to coal. So he brought 250gp of coal... So yeah that's why the party has several mule carts right now....
@Rubiksmoose As you get up in the level, the encounters become very much like AD&D... either you die or the enemy dies in a hurry. It's like four rounds of some high level who fails the death save first.
@Maximillian hahaha
@Maximillian Yeah... I think I'm going to do something similar, but without any mechanical changes. Discovering new recipes that don't functionally change the mechanics.
If the bottom line cost is the same, it shouldn't unbalance anything.
as an example to my two players than always want to alter the f*#!@$* mechanics.
Most recent was "can i have a wizard that gets cleric spells"
Here's your bard.
Well I didn't say it'd be GOOD at cleric spells.

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