The thing with Pandemic is, it's actually two games: one about winning (researching the cures) and one about not losing (keeping the diseases under control). People tend to play the latter much more, because it seems more urgent.
Eldritch Horror can be fantastic. It's very well-balanced and doesn't require perfect strategies, so it accommodates players with different playstyles.
I disliked Pandemic because it demands an optimal strategy, and feels like a group sitting around solving a math problem
what I actually meant is that almost every game I had with that fiend-of-a-game ended quite soon due to a very-unlucky-to-the-point-of-suspicious strain of "move Sauron forward one" on the event table....
and since when he reaches the end everyone loses... ^_^'
Anyway, to answer your question, I actually had a few tries at Pandemic, but memory of those is pretty vague.
There was a question on RPG.SE about the game system called Advanced Fighting Fantasy. I think it was the only question that used the tag for that game (there was also a tag, probably called advanced-fighting-fantasy, but I can't remember exactly).
However, I can find neither the question or th...
@kviiri Yeah, coops in general tend to have this issue, but it is definitely present strongly in Pandemic. Or at the very minimum have the experienced person be of the disposition such that they can sit back and let other people make their own mistakes even if it means losing.
@Rubiksmoose One of the best things about pandemic is that it's always close - if you lose, you were just a few lucky draws or slightly smarter moves from winning. If you win, you did so with a loss condition right at your back
@Anaphory Hmmmmm.... that is a very good question. Arguably a lot of hidden role games would technically fit the bill being that they are partly coop and has hidden information (Werewords being a great example of this). But they aren't really coop in the sense that you are asking about I think.
Hanabi was definitely the first game that came to mind.
@Anaphory Oh actually there is Onirim! 2 player game, I'm not sure if it is default or variant but there is a rule which limits what the players can say to each other and one that prevents them from saying anything at all. Which makes it hard since each player has a hand of cards they are trying to coordinate together.
@Yuuki From the description, that sounds competitive. But actually, where speed is an issue: I did play one recently where the players have to run a restaurant, with action selection done by placing a 3 minutes timer there. It would theoretically work with just one player, but would be very hectic.
grumble I hate the nWoD... it makes people think that it is the same as the oWoD. it is NOT. It has explicit rule differences. And then people upvote the answer that is based on the wrong game.
The party becomes convinced they're under a geas to be friends and work together and spend the rest of the campaign trying to break the curse they think they have but really do not have.
@nitsua60 I think I might include a small imp appearing to the maga in the TDE campaign, offering "A powerful treausre that could protect the town... if you manage to hang the head of the white ork hunter from the green tower's tip by midnight of the first of Efferd" - they are in a siegged city after all XD
maga. not mage. maga=female version of magus. which is the title of a member of one of the three magican guilds.
@Yuuki na, but she is a social mage with dominating spells and a knack for alchemy. she cooked up some 15 flasks of napalm... and might turn them into 15 barrels with just a little step to the dark side. What is a blood sacrifice to the archdemon of perverted elements for a saved town?
@NautArch reminds me of the adventure I wrote for a fellow GM to spite his players: al lthe orks and kobolds and goblins they killed... were parents. Their kids ended in a dungeon orphanage... they... killed all of them. Bad choice: The nanny was a red dragon. Ancient Eldritch red dragon. Which would have come back instantly as a Ancient Eldritch Ravener red dragon, should they slay it. They didn't made it that far...
being slain by slayers of innocent would have been the last part of the rite that would turn the dragon into that undead...
If you really want to punish players for murderhoboism (whether or not punishment is the thing you should do is an entirely different question), I don't think giving them a tough enemy is the right strategy.
players unexpectedly detained by orc authorities, taken deeper underground, kept in orc holding cell, informed they will be tried for murder, kept in orc prison for 45 days, get a trial by jury, orc public defender is appointed, tells you he's got a decent plea-bargain for you setup if you'll take it...
"Hey, you're orcs, can't I get trial by combat." "That's something we stopped a long time ago, and honestly, that's just racist of you to think we do that down here."
Remainder of the adventure is working with your lawyer to collect evidence and work with other inmates to either escape or prove that you were provoked and/or defending yourself.
wait, the orcs are the US? makes sense.... next time I GM Pathfinder, I'll give them M16s and a world that otherwise only has muskets made only by Dwarves.
Hey @NautArch -- I have another question about the campaign I'm running. They are at a point where they get a free upgrade to their armor (gift from the Harpers). But the parties classes are locked in light armor. would it be game breking to give them all a +1 enchantment instead? current AC + DEX for the party is 14-16
I think it will be mildly helpful; less useful in fights with lots of monsters and lots of attacks, more useful versus solo monsters with not loads of attacks.
@ravery right, but light armor wearers generally can't get that high without magic. But if you're in a high magic setting, then it's up to you as to whether Uncommon items are available yet.
@ravery Ah, I am less versed in things like that. But if you're playing it in a high magic setting, then giving them the equivalent of an uncommon magic item at level 4 seems reasonable.
@NautArch at the begining of the next chapter the Harpers offer the party new armor. since the marty is maxed for light, they wouldn't benifit. which is why I'm considering the enchantment
@KorvinStarmast DMG says cloak of protection is uncommon?
which is arguably better than +1 armor (saves, too). But yeah, +1 armor is Rare.
@ravery I dunno. Modules may work differently (i've never played a module.) If they hadn't already bought the best available mundane, then this may have been an opportunity to get it (and may be more for the heavy martials as a means to get plate)
@KorvinStarmast right, but the module may not care about that :) I also don't know about how much money they start out with and opportunities for getting better armor earlier and whether or not @ravery has made that 'better armor' available earlier.
@ravery Right, then your question is - do you want to shoe-horn the upgrade and give them better than what the module generally provides or follow the module to the letter.
@ravery Rogue, warlock, bard, barbarian: barb can wear medium, not sure I understand his reluctance? Breast plate, decent dex, shield ... decent armor class right there.
@ravery The more I think of it, the more I like Naut's idea on harpers giving them all +1 cloaks of protection. Seems to fit the theme better of Harper Assistance ... but that's an opinion deal.
@KorvinStarmast WHOA there big guy. I didn't recommend the CLoaks of Protection...I said that if the CLoak is uncommon and they're in a High Magic setting, then giving them +1 armor (which is, technically Rare) shouldn't be too big of an issue.
@NautArch Yeah, and I don't have the book with me to see if there's anything in there. +1 to AC at that point is hardly a problem since they aren't heavily armored.
@NautArch -- true. So, since the campaign has been very low in regards to treasure/rewards; I'll give them the enchantments, and compensate later if needed.
@ravery Let 'em feel good. If it's trouble, you can fix it. BUt I doubt it will be. I've only seen things become a problem so far when one PC has a massively higher AC than the other party members.
And even then DM can usually self-balance that a bit since mosnters aren't going to try to keep going for the guy they can't hit/hurt when there's all these nice squishy people around them.
We had a long discussion a while back, my son and I, about the difference between a "tank" and an "off tank" and how to compare that idea from League of Legends to D&D.
It seems that we agreed that as tanks go, fighters with sentinel and protection fighting style, or the new Cavalier with some of those features, fit with tank. Paladin not as much; more of an off tank/bruiser. But the paladin can take those two as well, so it's not all that cut and dried. Plus pal as off healer ...
@Rubiksmoose True. Our DM generally has just sent monsters with enormous to hit modifiers at us so that he could hit that guy. WHich made my AC meaningless. Which then turned me into a kiting paladin. But now the huge AC guy has the Mobile feat. So I dunno what's gonna happen now :)
In LoL, it was often the top lane solo, but it wasn't necessarily so. In D&D, the off tank isn't quite as sticky/hard to hit as a tank, but has good AC.
While tanks threaten space through their ability to initiate fights and crowd-control, off-tanks threaten space through their ability to blow something up.
@Anaphory In LoL, traditional tanks are both sturdy and they have abilities that facilitate jumping in and causing chaos while their team comes up behind them to do damage.
So as far as archetypes go, here's how it goes in LoL: bruisers and mages tend to have strong burst damage, tanks have strong crowd-control, and marksmen have high sustained damage. The goal of a bruiser or mage to assassinate the enemy damage dealers (marksmen, mages), the goal of the tank is to both force fights with favorable conditions and protect the damage dealers, and the goal of the marksman is to kill the tank.
@KorvinStarmast The Free Action I randomly got on a treasure roll and figured anything that could possibly keep me moving is a good thing.
While the barbarian can't really get hit much and has crazy HP, my massive damage spikes and the ability to be mobile o my pegasus puts me in a great position.
Oh yeah; getting restrained/held suxors. (We had a roper fight in the underdark back in 2015 that was brutal since so many of the party kept getting wrapped up ....)
@KorvinStarmast I was fighting an efreeti with my +1 maul. Critical fumble, 97% roll for how bad it would be. DM said I cracked myself in the head and went unconscious in the firewall I was standing in when I attacked. Had me roll a d4 for my WIS, INT, and CHA and subtracted the result from my ASI. Some greater restorations brought some back, but he capped my CHA at 16.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I got my other stats back to normal. But CHA he capped. I also don't think he in general liked my auras helping everyone out (and me) and this was a way to mitigate that.
I dunno, these days I view crit fumbles differently. Back in the day, I thought crit fumbles made sense because of "fairness". But really, for whom are crit fumbles fair? The player? Eh, I don't think introducing a self-harm outcome is fair for the player. For the enemy? The enemies are constructs of the game, fairness or unfairness doesn't really have an effect on them. Plus, from an abstract point of view, enemies die multiple times without consequence while that is not the case with players.
@NautArch Heck, my brother still has us roll for a lot of stuff when he runs the game; it's a beer and pretzels kind of game so we get a lot of silly fails. (like the time that I got out bargained for fresh cucumbers at the local village market by our barbarian ... that was due to a roll off)
I have never had good experiences with crit fumbles because the tables tend to be silly and more extreme than what the character can normally do. Like when a character capable of ~5 damage per attack suddenly stabs themselves for ~50. Or if a stray arrow suddenly hits an ally for max damage, and now everyone's dealing with a surprise PVP that nobody asked for.
But we also use flanking, so I try and get advantage before I do much. But now that our Barb has mobile, he may not be engaged for me to gain advantage with anymore.
@MikeQ I'll say that when the game was young, we liked it for the randomness of outcome. We were used to characters dying a lot. When I was DMing for my kids, I didn't like the idea of them self maiming, among other things. I was trying to keep the game clean and simple.
@NautArch He gazed into the crystal ball, and saw a mighty warrior slicing off his own foot. So he signed up for wizard school the next morning and never looked back Something like that back story? :)
My elf just calculated he might create 12.5 tons of potatoes with a 200 mana spell. That are about 6875 rations of 1400 cal. Which would feed the town they are in for 2 days.
I am aching to get to level 3 with our ToA group so Shal and I can RP the ceremony where my ranger gets his archetype ... we had discussed doing a ritual or a ceremony of some sort ...