@SirCinnamon I only ever played the first Wolfenstein and have little recollection about the plot, but totenkopf is German for a skull. Y'know, just in case the players had doubts whether he's actually a villain :)
inb4 he's a Hero who protects the brains of innocents from various forms of trauma.
@ColinGross plain english doesn't help much either since "carry over" means "something transferred or resulting from a previous situation or context." The latter half of that definition is extremely broad and can apply to both interpretations
@ColinGross I don't think so, it doesnt say the spell ends. Just that you revert. Regardless, that has no bearing on the inability to take extra damage since the spell doesn't say that.
Okay. I would say that reverting to original form is the end of polymorph. So if you've been polymorphed, and reduced to 0, then healed are you still under the effects of the polymorph spell?
@doppelgreener I'm phone-only until the storm gives back our electricity, but... Boardly, yeah. But MLWM only works if everybody knows that's the game they're in for.
I'll ignore the combat capabilities for a moment - outside combat, how is the rogue going to compete with the flying invisible skillmonkey who doesn't have to care about triggering traps because the warlock can just resummon him?
So now, as well as the warlock taking his normal screen time, you've got the warlock taking screen time for the sprite. By making him be enormously careful with it, that screen time will be expanded, because he'll have to be saying things like "and my sprite is 100 feet behind us and invisible".
@ravery Yes, exactly. The warlock takes two turns in combat while everyone else takes one.
Ok, let's back up for a second here. Why do you want the sprite to be more useful than it already is? Do you feel that warlocks are underpowered?