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@kviiri Wolfenstein reference?
Hmm, or maybe the term is more widespread than I knew about
@kviiri Castille? Sympathetic? @Comuneros
@SirCinnamon I only ever played the first Wolfenstein and have little recollection about the plot, but totenkopf is German for a skull. Y'know, just in case the players had doubts whether he's actually a villain :)
inb4 he's a Hero who protects the brains of innocents from various forms of trauma.
@kviiri Shares the name of the primary antagonist of a few of the Wolfenstein games: wolfenstein.wikia.com/wiki/Wilhelm_Strasse_(disambig)
@kviiri Next time name a villain something like Liebhaber to throw them off the trail
Totenkopf AKA Deathshead AKA Wilhelm Strauss
hey there @SirCinnamon
@Shalvenay Hello!
@SirCinnamon First read that as "Deathshed"
@DavidCoffron Waisenretter
@DavidCoffron I did have a villain whose name roughly translates as "Mercifullius" in my previous campaign :)
@kviiri Also spooky, lots of dangerous tool sin there
how're things going?
@SirCinnamon Much blood has been shed by his hand
Uhh a little hectic actually. I'm buying a condo, I got a tattoo, Something funky is happening to my car. Work is normal! How are you?
fine here
@DavidCoffron I understand the rationale behind your resistance & forms answer. It seems to me that it is getting two bites at the apple
@ColinGross thanks for telling me. Tbh I could see it going either way.
Yeah. It's a weird one.
Not clear how the carry over is meant to be calculated in the rules.
@ColinGross plain english doesn't help much either since "carry over" means "something transferred or resulting from a previous situation or context." The latter half of that definition is extremely broad and can apply to both interpretations
@DavidCoffron I posted an answer with a less atomic interpretation of the damage.
Where the altered form soaks damage until it hits 0. So the resitance/vulnerability doesn't end up being a multiplier through forms.
Turning a 40 hp fireball into 140 damage or 15 seems peculiar to me.
It's rule-agnostically reasonable but the section in the basic Rules says that the "damage is halved" (or doubled). Not that the HP reduction changes
The damage against the target with resistance is halved. It can only take so much of that damage. The rest of it is against the original form.
@ColinGross It can take more than that. That's how instant death occurs for example
@DavidCoffron I was under the impression that polymorph ended at 0 hp
So it can't take more damage than hp.
@ColinGross I don't think so, it doesnt say the spell ends. Just that you revert. Regardless, that has no bearing on the inability to take extra damage since the spell doesn't say that.
@DavidCoffron if the effects of the spell end, does the spell end?
@ColinGross no.
Duration rules of Spellcasting indicate what causes a spell to end
Okay. I would say that reverting to original form is the end of polymorph. So if you've been polymorphed, and reduced to 0, then healed are you still under the effects of the polymorph spell?
A spell only ends if its duration expires or a more specific rule says it does
i.e. can you be in your original form and still be considered "polymorphed"
it says up to 1 hour, but does not specifically say "the spell ends when"
@ColinGross the spell still affects you but your not in the other form
it just says "revert to original form" which I am assuming is synonymous with the spell ending.
So why not just write 1 hour for the duration?
The text says up to 1 hour but then doesn't include any method of ending it earlier? Seems peculiar.
@ColinGross It can still be dispelled early
Or concentration can be broken
Hence, up to 1 hour
Polymorph is concentration?
@ColinGross uh. Maybe not
Yes. It does. Just checked dndbeyond
Roll20 doesn't have a good indicator
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hiya
@nitsua60 how're things going?
Alright. Popped up to the folks' to keep my mom company for the 4th. You?
alright here
How'd PF go the other night?
went quite well :)
@doppelgreener I'm phone-only until the storm gives back our electricity, but... Boardly, yeah. But MLWM only works if everybody knows that's the game they're in for.
@BESW thank you. i hope you get your power back soon.
It still follows the basic "safe and happy" rule, just for a version of happy that's more like watching a legitimately scary movie.
Hopefully everything gets better when the storm has passed over us
2 hours later…
@BESW -- are you hear?
@nitsua60 HI
@ravery hiya.
Were you here whe I was discussing giving a class to a sprite familiar?
@ravery If that was recent (last week, say), no. If longer ago, maybe?
Looks like it was mid-June?
sounds about right
Jun 17 at 7:29, by ravery
which kind of bring me back to my current dilemma, the sprite familiar seems to be a skill monkey without any skills
I decided to give him 1/4 levels on the warlock ie he gains a level when the warlock gains APIs
he gets one ability increase +1 and a feat
and +2 hp. thus he cam improve, but still be relatively weak to enemies
what thoughts have you?
Actually, I just noticed BRA-MEX is being (re)broadcast where I am, so I'll be back in 30 min.
@ravery Are you going to give other players massive buffs to match, or is this a warlock-with-sprite-familiar-only thing?
what massive buffs?
Well, the warlock now gets to have, effectively, two player characters.
no there is still the limit on attacks, and level is far bellow the party
when the party is level 20 the familiar will only have 5 feats, and the optional feats are mostly utilitarian
a sprite could never take armor feats ( too heavy)
2) an animal companion far out classes a familiar
I'll ignore the combat capabilities for a moment - outside combat, how is the rogue going to compete with the flying invisible skillmonkey who doesn't have to care about triggering traps because the warlock can just resummon him?
as does wild shape
if he does he loses all levels
starts over
Ah. So you're going to balance it by punishing the warlock for using it?
rogue isn't the skill money he used to be either
killing it yes, using it no
If it loses everything on death, the warlock will have to be incredibly paranoid in order to keep it alive.
You were already going to have a screen time issue - this will actually make it even worse.
how do you mean?
The familiar has it's own initiative regardless
So now, as well as the warlock taking his normal screen time, you've got the warlock taking screen time for the sprite. By making him be enormously careful with it, that screen time will be expanded, because he'll have to be saying things like "and my sprite is 100 feet behind us and invisible".
@ravery Yes, exactly. The warlock takes two turns in combat while everyone else takes one.
Ok, let's back up for a second here. Why do you want the sprite to be more useful than it already is? Do you feel that warlocks are underpowered?
and everyone else does the majority of damage. even the rogue out damages the warlock
the sprite is less useful in my opinion, but then I started with old school (AD&D) where familiars were combat capable
I'm not asking about the sprite. You're buffing the character of one player. Why?
technically I
I'm buffing an NPC
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