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@KorvinStarmast Thanks for the info. Arcane Trickster in 3.5 (DMG 177) required both Sneak Attack and Arcane spellcasting, such that you were likely multiclassed in the first place.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 Thanks for the explanations!
And thanks to all for the thread on teenage sorcerer rebellion. :-)
1 hour later…
HARK WHAT LIGHT THROUGH YONDER BROWSER WINDOW BREAKS WHY TIS THE SCUM AND VILLAINY PREORDER, FLEEING THE HEGEMONY ROUND THE SUN https://www.evilhat.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=79&products_id=336
2 hours later…
anyone here?
Only a little.
@ravery Howdy!
ok I ran into this situation today
I have a barbarian with a primal path of bear totem, this give damage resistance when raging
so if he makes a save for an AoE spell for half damage, he would then only take 1/4 damage yes?
this isn't 2 resistances, this is one resistance and a dex save
Ok, I think they might take 1/4 but I'm not entirely sure. Definitely ask that on the site.
my thinking is the dex save avoid half the impact of the spell, then the damage resistance havles that
That sounds correct but I can't confirm at the moment. Surprisingly that hasn't be asked on RPG.SE before, so I recommend you do that.
How does resistance affect the damage taken from a successful saving throw, or something along those lines
@MikeQ - posted here if you are curious about the answers. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/125405/…
4 hours later…
Reputation lost to downvotes is recovered when a post is deleted as non-malicious non-constructive (eg. not an answer), right?
@kviiri All reputation changes from deleted posts are reverted, unless the post is older than 30 days and has a net score > 2
@ACuriousMind Ok, I thought there was an exception for malicious posts/spam (but those have a rep penalty anyway)
@kviiri I don't think so, but posts deleted by spam flag carry a -100 penalty anyway, so the rep lost by downvotes is rather small against that, anyway
A: Mounted wizardry: how does sitting on a horse impact spell casting?

Gennisa RosebaneWell If a magic user (I know I'm old school :P but i just said it because for in general) is in mounted combat a few spells can not work such as spells that takes components. The Reason is that the components can drop or be flown away due to the mount itself (no matter how fast you go). Concentra...

I voted to delete this answer as it targets the wrong system and therefore doesn't really have value, thought I'd leave a welcoming comment while at it explaining the bright side of having your content deleted.
Brings back memories from when I was an assistant teacher at the Univ. One of the first things they teach the freshmen is the point of an exam answer: "it's a work of text to convince the teacher that you know the topic well"
And then I'd see exam answers starting with "I don't know, but I guess <entirely correct answer>"
Tough dilemma.
dndbeyond.com/posts/262-the-character-sheet-revamp-is-live-now new character sheet design is live in DnD Beyond!
Hah, my friends always said I was a bit of a weirdo when I put the modifier in the big box and the score in the small one, but seems like the official sheet does too
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 Can I suggest a lock or something on this question? The querent has already started editing based on the feedback in the answer.
@Miniman Should be noted that Erik (who wrote a good answer on it) already instructed the querent not to, and they affirmed in the answer's comments, so I don't think that's actually necessary
@kviiri Yeah, but then they rolled back the rollback, so...yeah.
Well it's stable now :)
Oh yeah, they then rolled back their rollback of the rollback, so it seems like they got the idea.
Or they really just love rollbacks :)
@JoelHarmon Ah, prestige class?
@ravery yes. Damage taken reduced by save, resistance halves it again.
1 hour later…
My players are really digging into 7th Sea lore and chargen now :)
We've got a Vesten jenny, a Highlander bard and an Ussuran officer of the law, plus one more who hasn't decided yet.
1 hour later…
@kviiri i think that's the best combination of actions done there
edition mismatch = automatic deletion on the basis it's not an answer, but welcoming them and explaining what's going on is preferable
Q: What is the difference between the [product-identification] and [materials-identification] tags?

WibbsThe question title says it all really. materials-identification is only used in four questions, and I'm struggling to see why it exists. product-information is far more established as a tag, and I have no issue with it. So, should [materials-identification] exist? Specifically it's tagged on: ...

@doppelgreener I aim to please!
I'm a bit saddened that a new user with a fair degree of enthusiasm has such a nasty downvote record, even if I can't really disagree with the voting... I hope they understand what's going on and can join the flow
@SevenSidedDie Did you mean to ping me in that last comment? The question got deleted so I don't know what it said.
2 hours later…
@kviiri Not that I know any of that, but hooray!
What makes 7th sea cool?
@Anaphory First and foremost the setting, which is a cool theme park version of European history with a touch of romance and mystique. The gameplay also seems neat, with players actively being in charge of their characters' stories, setting goals for them and all that.
Oh, was it … does it have backgrounds/traits (enemies, relations, “protagonist” maybe) that you keep reinforcing until you decide they are resolved and buy them off?
Not sure about 1e, but 2e doesn't. Characters gain new advantages and other rewards by their player laying out a story for the character and then playing it out. I'm a bit worried about the amount of content to run but it seems interesting at least!
The more steps in a story, the greater the reward
@kviiri That's cool! What if you decide your story plan doesn't work any more due to Circumstances?
@Anaphory I think a story can be abandoned at any time, but I'm not 100% sure
Théah (the game's version of Europe) and particularly the nation of Eisen (Germany) are recovering from a large-scale religious war that lasted for thirty years between the Vaticine and Objectionist churches (you can probably guess what real life events and churches inspired these)
The Vaticine church is nominally led by the Hierophant (Pope), but currently they're in the state of sede vacante because the Castillian Inquisition has interrupted the election of a new Hierophant so they can rule the church unchecked.
@kviiri Vaticine? Castillian? Okay then.
There's also the Sarmatian Commonwealth that takes the Polish-Lithuanian concept of "republic" to relatively modern levels
Historically Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth that had elective monarchy and liberum veto that gave the nobility the right to veto pretty much everything. In 7th Sea, a similar situation was rectified by a clever crown prince by exercising the king's sole un-vetoable power --- the power to grant nobility --- to make everyone a noble. The old nobles panicked and unanimously voted to remove their right to veto legislation. Now it's a noble republic where eveyone's a noble.
Excellent :D
17th century Europe is a setting I used to not appreciate a lot, but that changed with three different games of Honor and Intrigue run by good friend of mine, so I think I might also appreciate 7th Sea.
(Also given the system tidbits you mentioned.)
> Rzeczpospolita (reh-ZEHKS-pos-poh-lee-tah)
Nope. ʐɛt͡ʂpɔˈspɔlita, so more like “jetch-poh-SPOH-li-ta”, if strange transcriptions need to be employed because clean ones are not enough. If one tells people how to pronounce stuff, why not get it right, instead of just codifying the mistakes they would make anyway?
Yea, I had checked the pronunciation waaay before (because of EU4...) and yep, I found their instructions rather incomprehensibly weird too :D
> By 1667, the Royal Council of sixteen nobles and Vaticine bishops …
So even the year numbers are widely compatible?
Pretty much, although the different countries live in slightly different eras
I think in 1e, France... err, Montaigne was already revolutionary.
Avalon (England) already rules over Inismore (Ireland) and Highland Marches (Scotland), under the rule of Queen Elaine (Elizabeth I), although it's not a personal union but a sort of vassalage. Highlands and Inismore both have their own kings (and both are very sympathetic to the union, unlike some of their underlings)
seventhsea-2.obsidianportal.com/wikis/Montaigne speaks of a “Sun King”, which would also be 2nd half of the 17th century.
But yeah, slightly different ages is understandable, and the range seems to be far less than classical “medieval” fantasy ranging from Viking northmen to late renaissance mediterranean-like areas.
Yeah, it's Early Modern all around with a few twists here and there
But now I need to be going, catch you later!
@Miniman Just got back--looks like everything's okay?
hey there @Helwar
The only frustrating thing about playtesting a world/character-building engine is probably never getting to actually play the stuff we're making.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 How is DC today?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: What happens to vampire spawn when the vampire is slain? by Robert Large on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)

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