Site newb here - this site seems to focus mostly on D&D, which is not too surprising. However, there are only four questions ever about the Hero System, while GURPS has about 120 spread over two tags. That seems odd to me. There are a lot of issues in how to build characters. Is it that the system is just not popular? Or do those questions go elsewhere? Is there a better, more recent point-build system than either?
As a programmer, point-build systems seem more natural to me. And given the success of SO, I thought point-build systems would dominate discussions. But they seem to have lost the marketing race.
@Helwar Given that it's past middle of the weekend by now, is it too late to say “I have played Edge of the Empire, with three different GMs (not GMed it myself) and I may remember a thing or two”?
They got back to me about the signs. I'll be at a 6'x6' table in the middle of the hall, but they'll provide an easel and a 24''x36'' frame, and I can do table tents and signs that hang off the table sides.
I don't know either, I assumed a picture frame you can put on the easel to put your poster inside so you don't have to worry about putting your poster on a sturdy plane.
I think my car might be a spellcaster. It certainly casts invisibility at random on objects within it, it teleports itself and its contents, and the boot is clearly an extradimensional space.