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12:00 AM
@nitsua60 If you have MToF, the oinoloth looks a lot like xkcd's depiction.
Alternatively, as the world expert on using goat statblocks for sheep, you could use the goat-people statblocks for sheeple.
@Ash I think we can reason away BESW teaching it to you last week and it coming up here since I brought it up, and I was taught it by BESW. As for the other two occurrences, prolly time you spin around three times and spit. (Widdershins or anti- depending on whether you want more or fewer mentions.)
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Ash somehow I thought you meant you were baader-meinhofed for Baader meinhof
@trogdor hahaha nope, but I can imagine that happens
It was a weird thing to think about
12:04 AM
@nitsua60 spins and tries not to fall over
@Ash I don't know at all how I got there,... You were quite clear what you meant XD
@nitsua60 That xkcd looks like an eerie comic retelling of what a series of radio broadcasts did in Rwanda in 1994.
@Shalvenay Hey, I am trying to catch up with all of this chat activity ...
It's mostly about Baader-Meinhof.
@nitsua60 with a side interjection about NEC 110.26 violations :P
12:07 AM
Baader-meinhof baader-meinhof baader-meinhof
@trogdor Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaader-Meinhof.
@Ash Did you live in Germany in the early 70's? I did. B-M wasn't a fantasy. (IIRC later referred to as Red Army Faction)
(also called "how do you violate electrical code with a chair, or a trash can, or a sink for that matter?"
(This is what happens when Baader-Meinhof goes through the tunnel, I guess.)
12:08 AM
Now you have all been Baader meinhofed about baader-meinhof
I win
That's how that works Right?
Right glad we agree
@trogdor Dunno. Gotta ask
But Jeff always rules against me
He's obviously unreasonable
He's a harsh DM ...
@trogdor I know exactly what is going on, so I'll say yes
It can't possibly be all the insane things I say
12:10 AM
Hmm, it appears that my bride is taking me to see Solo, so good bye I think?
So Lo ..... ong I guess
Movie Date! Woot.
Not that anyone asked, but Angry's kickstarter funded in its first 20min, blew through its last stretchgoal in under 2hrs, and now nearing the end of day 2 sits at 250% of last stretch goal. Whether or not you like him, plenty of people do and it looks like he'll be at this full-time for the foreseeable future.
I already signed up
@KorvinStarmast Nice. I liked it--will be interested to hear what you think.
Not sure if I want to try and be one of the new ten to die in the story ....
About the kick starter?
@KorvinStarmast I chuckled
12:12 AM
@KorvinStarmast I think those went bye-bye a while back. (Like, and hour after he opened up the ten more slots.)
I have a five minute reprieve. Wife eating sandwich before movie date.
I save money on popcorn! woot.
OH, @nitsua60 got it, not gonna pursue it. I ordered the two book option so I can send one to my brother.
@KorvinStarmast Sounds like a telegram. Five minute reprieve STOP Wife eating sandwich STOP
> He needs some angry guidance
I prefer the Don't Stop Don't Stop telegram joke. :)
@Ben in ozzie grammar, what is the difference between a stop and a full stop? Or is there one?
@KorvinStarmast You have to come to a full stop at a stop in case a cop sees you.
12:15 AM
As I recall, full stop is what US English calls a period. But I may be missing a nuance.
@Miniman same is true here.
@KorvinStarmast I hope you like it,... I have just as much excitement for it as I did for rogue one,... IE I might like, watch it when it comes to Netflix,.... Maybe
@KorvinStarmast I figured, but it was the only joke I could come up with on the stop spot. As far as I'm aware, there's no difference between a stop and a full stop.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, I'm giving one as a gift to the student who'll be stepping into GMing in the HS group next year.
@Miniman Muchas Gracias. Movie: I'll offer a review when I get back.
I liked Rogue 1, hope it is of similar quality
@trogdor It was...fun. Not necessarily a great movie, but an enjoyable one. For me, at least.
12:18 AM
Ron Howard rarely messes up
KS's review: "Solo. Stop."
Miniman: "now how the heck am I supposed to read *that*!?
@KorvinStarmast I'd probably say it's more fun but not as good as Rogue One was.
@KorvinStarmast I didn't hate rogue one per se,...but I was not excited to see it,... And it was only "a pretty good non-starwars film" in my oppinion
@Miniman An interesting comparison (that I don't disagree with), particularly since I'd have said that Rogue 1 was good but not terribly fun.
That's good enough for me, as I have a family obligation with star wars stuff. Our dog is named Luke ... Skywalker .... {our family name} ... ther's more to it
12:19 AM
Like,... It literally establishes things we already know happened
I can't get very excited for that kind of story
As for Solo,... Similar problems but also other issues
@trogdor The reason I liked it was it captured the feel of the first movie, which I saw when it first came out. They were a bit obsessed by her eyes though ... got a lot of views of those lovely eyes ...
@KorvinStarmast lol
... shades of Frodo close ups from LOTR ...
OK, off we go! Movie date. WOot!
@Miniman lol
@nitsua60 I mean, I think Rogue One is still a fun movie. You've got K2, the blind guy whose name I don't remember...ok, maybe not that fun XD
12:22 AM
Like,... We already know Solo and Chewy and Lando all live,..... And that most if not all of the other people are,... Not Very Important
It is definitely worth a watch.
@trogdor I can promise you there are some surprises.
But after that, I think it's down to personal preference
And if Han comes out of it anything other than a sorta scummy smuggler who looks out for number 1,.... I will only be surprised because it won't make sense
Because we already got a lot of actual character development out of Han Solo
Development I actually liked a loooot
:45280821the problem is,... If you could have promised that for Rogue one it would have been enough, but as a different movie,... Solo is getting a whole other reason for me to not care too much
I feel like the trailers alone promised a Han Solo who was already way too heroic
I ain't looking for that in his backstory
I mean, I'm not saying you should watch it.
12:28 AM
@Miniman whoops that didn't ping to you XD
@Miniman I didn't think you were
I just meant that having surprises in Solo and having surprises in Rogue one are different
And my criteria for Solo is stricter than for Rogue one was
It has a major character in it as the star
One I,... Don't think it's doing the backstory for the right way
Or at least the way I would have preferred
I Know it's a little silly even
I haven't even seen it and I judge it XD
To be fair, there might be a tad of star wars fatigue
And Solo isn't the movie I want to possibly burn out on
I really like the main story they have going right now
All of that is totally fair.
I'm way more excited about a Kenobi story.
Especially...because of something that happened in Solo.
Fair enough
Do you think they will make a Kenobi story?
Notice I didn't say would because that would imply,... Not being willing to for some Reason if negative
I totally believe they would
12:44 AM
It's been advertised, at least.
Ah ok
I hadn't heard that
Honestly,... I know it's reaaaaaaly silly
Although apparently I should tone down my excitement and go watch Star Wars Rebels, which is a bit of a bummer.
But I would be way more excited for a Kenobi movie
@Miniman tone down excitement for what?
@trogdor Spoilers, sorry.
At Least that explains why I didn't know what you meant XD
12:52 AM
@Miniman I thought Star Wars Rebels was pretty good.
For one thing, it's one of the first times we've gone back into the between-years without major characters who we know will live or die, but we care if they do or not. So there's legit stakes.
@BESW I should really watch it
It's not, like, knock-your-socks-off awesome, but it's solid and interesting. I like it better than the Clone Wars series but that's not the majority opinion so far as I can tell.
Also,... I wonder if there are more people like me who disliked the premise of Rogue One, and disliked the presentation of Solo, but who totally would have gone to a Kenobi movie or a Fett movie
@BESW Well, that sucks. Solo killed it for everyone, I guess. I mean, a Boba Fett movie is one of the dumbest ideas I've heard yet, but I was hopeful for Kenobi.
And by more I mean a significant box office number
I am sure some are out there
@Miniman eh, at least Fett doesn't have a cannon backstory anymore?
I would have watched that
I realize he got a loooot of extended universe stuff
1:00 AM
@trogdor Well, other than Attack of the Clones. I'm more happy that he doesn't have a canon afterstory anymore XD
But I never bothered looking any of it up
@Miniman lol
@Miniman You'll appreciate this: I pulled a +190 the other day after twenty-something upvotes got me +200 then a "user removed: -10" ended my rep-day.
Ah the too popular to die syndrome
@trogdor Yeah, because for some reason a significant chunk of the fandom is madly in love with a guy whose best line was from Princess Bride.
@nitsua60 Oof, that's rough.
There's really only one more badge out there I'm looking for, and I was this close! (To moving 0.67% closer, that is.)
1:02 AM
@Miniman it is silly yeah
@Miniman "Stop it, Fezzik, you're driving me nuts!"?
But I would have watched it because I only saw him in the movies
Maybe he would have sucked as a main character though
I can imagine that issue cropping up
As a side villain no one had to explain how he showed up when the story needed him
@nitsua60 "I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
1:06 AM
@Miniman that seems like it might have worked for him
Only if he had more screen time though
Yeah, maybe if we had some scenes of him talking to frozen Solo on the way to Tattoine. Unfortunately that period of the movie was overshadowed by some silly family squabble.
> That day, Vader was amazed to discover that when Boba Fett was saying "As you wish", what he meant was, "I love you." And even more amazing was the day he realized he truly loved Boba back.
That is great
(my 1rst fic can u guess where I got the idea??? Please r&r kthx)
> Why do you wear that suit? Does it protect you from blaster shots?
> Oh no, it's just terribly comfortable. I think everyone will have been wearing them already in the future.
1:11 AM
@BESW I really liked the way you metiphorically hid their love under masks
> "Have fun storming Jabba's palace!"
Wait that was literal? Wtf? XD
I shipped it but then I found out it was all just literal masks, I just don't know anymore
Maybe I'll just re-read the one where Han Solo is actually Chebaccas dog
1:47 AM
@Miniman Those conjugation-gymnastics are almost Restaurant at the End of the Universe level.
1:59 AM
@nitsua60 oh wow that was a little much
Very confusing wordage
3 hours later…
4:39 AM
Writing a program.
Come up with a really innovative methodology for handling a process.
Use a bunch of reference projects and resources to build it.
Get overwhelmed by the amount of windows that are open
Close a bunch
Including my active project.
I take it you lost all the work
I did. Lol
Fortunately there was more work involved in building from all the references. Rebuilding won't take me that long.
That always sucks
4:44 AM
Now that I know how to go about it
@Ben oh, that is a good thing there
Yes, thank goodness
Still, losing the effort you already put into something is never great
Even if it takes less time to do again
For any normal person, sure. But I've played a lot of Dark Souls hahaha
Dark Souls wins again I guess
Not my kind of game but I appreciate how much other people like it
And technically I have watched two different Bloodborn playthroughs
Some games I like better watching than playing
The whole Bloodborn/Dark Souls set is among them
4:50 AM
I do understand that too.
What most people like about it, I couldn't put up with if I had to do the work
I still like that stuff but I prefer to watch someone else get good at it than do so myself
The special enemies and bosses and secrets and stuff are a treat to watch people find
At Least in Bloodborn
I haven't actually watched much actual Dark Souls gameplay
I understand they are similar in many repects but also are still different experiences
When playing something myself, these days I mostly prefer fighting games or strategy games
Yes the mechanics of the combat are very different between the two series
Yeah Bloodborn is more agressive right?
I'm mostly parroting that from the people I watched play it but,... I assume that means the mechanic for healing from hitting an enemy soon after getting hit is only in Bloodborn and not in Dark Souls
That being said, it did seem like you still had to back off after certain attacks
Unless that was just the way both people handled things
I imagine I got much the same enjoyment that many people do watching sports
Not that I never watch sports but it is rare for me to get that into it
Trying to guess whether they would back off to heal or keep pushing the offensive was fun
5:25 AM
@Ben Excited for Sekiro?
Definitely looks all soulsy
5:37 AM
@Miniman I definitely am.
I'm not sure exactly how the arm works... From the clips it looks like its meant to be a "multi-function" thing - axe, sheild, grappling hook... But knowing how the rest of the Soulsborne series works, I'm inclined to think it's a class based funtionality
Regardless, adding the ability to climb using that hook definitely changes the style of play, and the "feign death" mechanic definitely adds something new too
@trogdor yeah that's a good way to put it. There is definitely no "defensive" mechanics in the gameplay - it's all "tactical" aggression.
Well, mixed in with some backing off and healing
Because if you can't be agressive fast enough there is suddenly no reward for it other than doing damage
But yeah
@Ben I'm excited for just a touch of Zelda in my Souls XD
I just have barely any actual Dark Souls to compare it to
I might watch some remastered gameplay
@Miniman you have piqued my interest
How do you see the correlation between two of my favourite series?
@Ben Well, it's purely a guess, but from what I saw I'm guessing arm types will serve as kind of a Zelda dungeon item.
5:48 AM
Like adding an attachment to that arm thing for beating,... Stuff?
So when you get the grappling hook, you'll have an area where it's useful both for fighting the local enemies and navigating the area, plus especially useful for the boss.
That does sound interesting
As I said, just my guess.
@Miniman Like yanking Gohma off the ceiling?
That would be cool
5:50 AM
@Miniman thanks for the help clarifying the question :) at first I thought it was nit-picking tbh, but then I realized some things are not as obvious as they seem
@HellSaint Sorry if I came across badly - I've gotten a bit fed up with "gimme teh deepz" type questions. Ironically, yours being much more constrained makes it much easier to nitpick, but I think the end result is a much better question :)
Yeah, I would usually do the math myself, but I'm really unfamiliar with the other source books for players
6:39 AM
A basic enchanted door. No one had any spells, but Rooster the Paladin had amazing charisma and could talk the leg off a wooden mule. “Let’s take a journey to openness together, Door!” Hey, it worked. #DnDgate https://twitter.com/richaugust1/status/1009358657111326720
2 hours later…
9:09 AM
@BESW that's beautiful :)
It's the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that I encouraged in 4e skill challenges so that everybody could participate no matter what skills they had.
@Ben I like how that game affects people's relationship to losing, hahaha
Exactly hahaha
9:34 AM
@Ben you should try and complete Great Gurianos. Specifically, the ZX Spectrum port....
1 hour later…
10:50 AM
@Derpy I haven't heard of that lol
11:48 AM
It's Friday, so tonight's dinner is tuna. Marinated in soy and lemon juice with garlic and ginger, then sauteed with black pepper, cracked red pepper, and cayenne pepper. Served with onions and bell peppers sauteed in a drizzle of teriyaki sauce, and a buffet choice of pan-boiled upo melon, browned mushrooms, sprouts, cucumbers, and tangerines.
every friday :P
@BESW sounds tasty
I may have overdone the pepper on the fish, but my sinuses are clearing.
@Ben remember: it has to be the ZX Spectrum version
evil grin
(And yeah, we try to have fresh fish on Fridays.)
11:57 AM
Fresh Fish Fridays
Sounds delish (and alliterative) :)
And we got our bi-weekly farm-to-table crate this week, so there's lots of local veg.
@Rubiksmoose Frequent Fresh Fish Friday Feast
@BESW nice! I love getting local veggies.
Oh, @trogdor, I have cranberry juice and fizzy water again, so remind me to make some Pink Rangers tomorrow.
Foraged Fresh Fish For Frequent Friday Feast Featuring Fizzy Fanta
12:06 PM
No, tonight's Friday. Tomorrow's Saturday, which means Geek Night.
(Also, Fanta won't punch back when you drink it. A properly-done Pink Ranger has enough ginger and lemon to put up a fight.)
@BESW dang. That's harder to alliterate. um Saturday Seltzer Snacks Slaking Serious Stomach Solicitation?
12:30 PM
@BESW heck yeah
I kinda like Fanta better than most sodas trying desperately to pretend to be fruit,.... but ginger beer and root beer are still way better
I like Sanpellegrino Blood Orange
Hit that sucker with some Kraken rum and lime, and it's even better
San Pellegrino's nice, but kinda pricey, and neither Troggy nor I are big on alcohol.
Jun 1 '17 at 10:24, by BESW
> PINK RANGER: mix to taste:
- hot tea (I like using red herbal teas, like Celestial Seasonings' Red Zinger)
- ginger salabat punch powder
- cranberry juice (not punch)
- lemon, lime, calamansi, or similar juice
- brown sugar until it's not too strong for your guests
chill and add carbonated water just before serving
I get it off Amazon Pantry on the cheap
and don't drink that much soda anyway
1:06 PM
hey guys
I tried the float thing yesterday
@Helwar Float thing?
icecream and soda
some guys here recommended it for me
sooo... I gave it a try
Ah, it's a pretty classic American thing, though I have no desire to try one
An affogato, on the other hand, is the bee's knees (espresso poured over vanilla gelato)
1:20 PM
@Helwar How was it?
Good enough, I think I prefer my cocacola/fanta and my icecream separated though
Fair enough
But it was good. It's a curious thing to do. I thought the dairy products would spoil in cocacola :P Good to know they don't
@SPavel I strongly dislike coffee :P The smell of it is gorgeous though, it's just the taste that it's kinda bleh to me
@Helwar Nice!
@Helwar Try ristretto
It's espresso brewed with half the water, so that only the flavorful easily soluble compounds are dissolved
It's chocolatey and delicious
1:30 PM
Even a hint of coffee pulls me away of food...
@Helwar That was me for a long time. I've always loved coffee ice cream, but not really coffee itself.
You can also try various single-origins
At Starbucks or whatever, coffee beans come from all kinds of places and are blended together to average out flavor
At a normal coffee shop, they will use beans from one source, which maintain a unique flavor
The same way that beer or wine have different flavors
meh, i have absolutely no interest in liking coffee, sorry >_< I don't even wanna make the effort
1:37 PM
Probably safer for your wallet
I am just a posh hipster
I literally spent last weekend trawling Greenpoint for a vintage bar cart
I dunno, my friends say I eat like an 8 year old. There are plenty of things I don't like
Half of hipster food is just 8 year old food but made intolerable with pretentiousness
Truffle mac n cheese? Aztec hot chocolate?
Good side is, I don't like any alcoholic beberage so i'm abstemious by default
1:40 PM
The kind of person that gets 1 drink at a party, to hold?
@Helwar I'm a teetotaler myself. I've linked alcohol to my migraines and stopping drinking has helped immensely.
teetotaler? what's that word? haha
@NautArch Clearly the answer is to 420 blaze it
@Helwar Abstinent from alcohol
@Helwar Someone who does not consume alcohol
oh, what a funky word though
1:42 PM
I learned it from Kingdom of Loathing
the one used in spanish is akin to abstemious so that's the one I used :P
Both food and alcohol grant bonuses, so Teetotaler, Boozetafarian, and Oxygenarian are the "hardcore" paths that forbid them
@SPavel And overpriced on purpose. :p
@KorvinStarmast They are Veblen goods, that is the appeal
My $30 moustache wax is better than your $5 moustache wax because it costs $25 more
@SPavel whoa whoa whoa. Firstly, Aztec hot chocolate is amazing. Secondly is it really hipster food? Thirdly, hot chocolate is only for children?
1:47 PM
@Rubiksmoose Yes
@SPavel That's how the perfume industry makes so much money. Snob appeal. :)
OK, as promised mini review of Solo which we saw last night.
Point 1: they need new writers. Ron howard took a sow's ear and almost made a silk purse.
Point 2: some bits I really liked, and some bits made we shake my head and to a "WTF?" to include the space octopus .
Point 3: I love young Lando. Really captured the essence of that character with the performance. Beautifully done.
Point 4: Woody did not disappoint, even though the writing was clunky as all get out.
Point 5: Solo is depicted as a foot soldier even though he enlisted to fly, and we eventually find out he got tossed out of the flying academy for reasons DIsjointed exposition, and we never really get shown how this guy is such a good pilot. It just sort of happens. That could have used more treatment on screen.
Point 6: Since I have a warm spot in my heart for Emelia Clark, it is hard to be objective about her performance. The character as presented came off much as the movie did: a jigsaw puzzlel with some pieces fitting and other pieces hammered into place that didn't fit.
Point 7: Bad guy fit the star wars criminal bad guy mould well enough.
Point 8: A lot of the enemy, even with crew served weapons, are lousy shots. Standard Star Wars thing.
@SPavel I didn't get that. ELI5 that for me please?
I thought I knew english! I have a C-level degree that equals to native! And I lack 90% the vocabulary you guys use here :P
@SPavel OK then... well depending on what that yes was referring to I do disagree but not nearly enough to argue about it. But seriously the stuff is amazing. I have made pretty good batches myself in the past.
He's making up words
Point 9: the whole liberation movement for AI was lame, but I think I see the appeal of trying to fit something like that into the story since the writers wanted to push that button. It did end up with a fun piece of resolution, while at the same time a "sorry, you just stretched my suspension of disbelief too far" resolution.
Point 10: did I point out that the writing was clunky? Needs work? Yeah, I think I pointed that out.
How Han and Chewy meet was fun, but we didn't get the right foreshadowing on how the hell Han speaks wookie ... it just happens. Wait, did I mention that the writing was clunky?
There were some nice surprises. No spoilers here.
1:56 PM
@KorvinStarmast Octopus and the whole "Kessex run" thing hammered into the movie... It felt like they had to tick a checkbox and filled it with mental diarrhea
Some of my fears of what Disney might do to Star Wars have been realized.
The Kessel Run thing would have been good but for that one point that had tentacles onit. I actually think that showing us how out of the box the Kessel Run had been was a worthwhile plot point to give to us. They just pulled it off badly.
The fuel/commodity is a great case of fictional recursion. Dylithium crystals/crystals in StarCraft/fuel for hyper drives as crystale once refined. The SF trope of crystals as fuel is solid. Compare to the recent Lost in Space TV show that used dragon-bat guano to power space ships. arrgggghhh

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