And then finally gets to do non-mo-cap acting in a well-known film franchise only to be utterly wasted as a bait-and-switch villain in an otherwise great movie.
@SPavel I mean, replace "magic" with "technology" and you basically have "I don't understand why people find historical fiction compelling".
> "Why did you write this thing? Because you think it's an interesting expose on the failures of a society motivated by material wealth and capitalism gone mad?" > "lolno, i like pirates."
Antagonist uses politics to usurp control of technologically advanced nation from superpowered protagonist, protagonist organizes the rebellion to defeat antagonist
Martin Freeman plays Lando
Meanwhile I don't really know what Last Jedi was doing
I don't really want to spoil it, it just feels...aimless
Force Awakens had a plot, even if that plot was A New Hope
@SPavel I agree with that analysis. I've even somewhat-jokingly suggested that TLJ is an attempted remake of the Holiday Special, because the structure was so similar
Last Jedi would also have been a great Elder Scrolls game
"Prisoner, the ship is under attack. We are releasing you so that you can go get help" proceeds to run away to Nar Shadaa and become the leader of the Thieves Guild
The end would be the protagonist rolling up to the fleet decked out in overpowered Sith artifacts and force-throwing the entire enemy fleet into a black hole
then using the black hole as a lightsaber crystal to craft a super powerful sword or something
But basically, one of the main plot points (using "plot" very loosely here) of SWHS is that Boba Fett introduces himself as an untrustworthy guy but Luke considers him an ally because Fett literally tells him to. Then later on, surprise surprise, he betrays them to the Empire.
On the plane of Toloreen, they measure width in duckless (pronounced duckulls). Which is to say the maximum number of millimeters away from your dominant eye that an object can be to still fully obstruct your view of a fully grown duck from 18 meters away (just out of the distance where you would enrage the duck)
@Yuuki The Toloreens are too afraid of Canadian geese to even list a measurement for fear that the lost god of the maple leaf might permanently tattoo geese on the back of their eyelids thereby making everything impossibly thin.
The pond was a great place to hang out and study (I had found a secret grove where the campus wifi juuuust reached) but geese season almost completely overlapped with nice weather season
I know little of Burr's life, but Hamilton is no saint. The play leaves out a lot of his mistakes like the alien & sedition acts and the electoral college we so hate today.
The Electoral College is dumb but it's only dumb because we haven't changed anything in forever.
@SimonH. I hate to say this, but rightly so. You just couldn't expect a random person from Georgia to know anything about a Massachusetts politician running for President. Ease of access to information was terrible back then.
It's not like these days where you can learn plenty about a candidate's positions and history within an hour or so on the Internet and make an educated decision on your vote.