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@Yuuki More than that, the plant is named for a specific family of birds called birds-of-paradise. Here's some males displaying:
It's not just "looks like a bird," it's "looks like this particular bird wow that's weird."
In the case of the bird of paradise flower, the bird it looks like is from a totally different part of the world.
The flower's cool pointy bits are perches for its pollinator, the sunbird:
They rest on the perch, which opens up the flower and gets pollen on their feet so they can carry it to the next plant.
Guys. I just did a self answer question. Is it possible for you guys to check it and tell me whether i did any formatting mistakes or not?
I'm not familiar enough with Pathfinder's intricacies to be useful here, but you might get more eyes on it if your request for proof-reading included a link to the thing you want people to proofread.
@MaikoChikyu Unsure about formatting mistakes, but from the question and title, it was confusing what you were trying to ask. The title says "without money expenditure", the question refers to the resources of an 18th level player character, and the answer doesn't have any math other than how to maximize the strength ability score. I was confused but you self-answered, so maybe it's ok?
4 hours later…
@BESW Interesting point. Though I think players rejecting authorship powers in Fate is akin to players rejecting the very notion of using violence to solve problems in D&D - they can do it, and the system still functions well enough, but you're probably better off with a different system anyway.
it does seem like one of the biggest reasons to stick with the system
5 hours later…
Hmm. What system would you recommend for open-ended descriptive-phrased-driven mechanics where players' agency is largely confined to character agency?
@BESW I have absolutely no idea
I'd like to say Mutants and Masterminds is quite open ended, but it's also quite rules heavy during combat :S
16 answers in and I finally lost my 100% streak (of accepted answers).
It's a sad day.
I'm thinking some variants of Cortex, perhaps.
But I don't know the system very well--I've just seen hacks of it.
@BESW I don't know that game at all. Honestly I can count the systems I know with the fingers of one hand
@Helwar I know of a great many systems, and about a good several handful of them. The systems I've actually read are even fewer, and the systems I've played fewer still--especially if you count all the minor variants of a system as a single system.
I have the Discworld book, but I don't know how to play it. It's not clear to me
And since "a system" can range from several thousand pages and many years of play like D&D 3.5 to a single sheet paper and an hour of play like Honey Heist...
I think I need GURPS to understand it?
(Honey Heist rules, it's there with Maid in the "random laughs when you don't know what to play" category :P )
@Helwar This one says it's "a complete roleplaying game. You need no other books to play."
yeah, but maybe I'm too stupid, maybe reading it and not playing it is what makes it difficult to get, but I feel like I'm missing something
like if I was reading a campaign scenario, not a complete game
Mine doesn't have that cover, but maybe it's because the spanish editor changed it or something
Well, it is GURPS, which has a reputation for overwhelming complexity.
So, when a game says "cloth armor," from now on I'm imagining this.
@BESW what is that?
One of Tracie Peisley's "floral armor" artworks.
that looks like it goes on a bull or something like that
would the question "is there ever a reason to not choose the highest modifier on a Finesse weapon attack" be on-topic?
or something similar to that
Essentially, the rules for Finesse say you can choose the modifier you want to use, but it seems weird to give that choice when at a glance picking the highest modifier always seems the best choice
@Nzall well I can think of some situations where you might want to deal damage but as little as possible
like giving your allies saving throws on some charm effects
although an unarmed strike might just be better then
@Sdjz I mean, isn't stowing your weapon a full action?
or is that a bonus action?
@Nzall I think you can use your free object interaction for that, but yeah, ok there might be some very specific situations where you don't want to do that
I think there are several effects where there is a choice but you mostly just choose the highest one. Take a look at the Lucky feat for example: "You choose which of the d20s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw." Of course you are going to choose the highest most of the time
morning nerds
Cottage trip to Turku archipelago today! \o/
I assume you're already in Finland?
and did you mean cottage, as in you have a cottage there?
I don't, but a friend does... for a while, at least
(and yeah, I am)
that's awesome! Have fun. ^_^
I assume you can fish and swim and stuff?
It's his late granddad's and we're visiting it before they sell it
@goodguy5 Yup! Although I'm not much of a fisherman :P
The water's a wee bit on the chilly side (11 degrees Celsius they said) but that hasn't really stopped me before x)
Mostly we're going to eat well, enjoy the weather, try not to get ticks and relax in the sauna
11C, what's that in freedom units?
@goodguy5 That's water that will induce hypothermia in a brief space of time when you are immersed in it.
well, tell that to kviiri
@goodguy5 kviiri is welcome to take such risks as he's willing to handle ...
kviiri is Finnish
Hypothermia is normally a Tuesday thing yes
It's also going to be a musical trip, I packed my favorite instruments
Harmonica, recorder flute and kazoo
@SPavel I am aware of that; being Russian or Finnish won't change physics. I am also aware of the various Walrus Clubs in northern climes (we have them in the US); take whatever risks you are comfortable with.
> being Russian or Finnish won't change physics.
[citation needed]
Morning folks :)
@Rubiksmoose Cheers
Well fine, since we are all in different points on the Earth relative to the sun: Happy Friday?
Happy Friday to you too.
> we are all in different points on the Earth relative to the sun.
[citation needed]
@Rubiksmoose New chat rule: all statements must be backed up by peer reviewed science.
@Rubiksmoose You violated your own rule in that statement (jstor.org/stable/4500873)
@Rubiksmoose As a peer, I am now offering a discount on reviews of any science you would like to bring to me, 1 science = $1
@nitsua60 With regard to section headings...I'm wondering/hoping (haven't checked) that DNDbeyond organizes things the same way. You can search (which is great), but i'm not sure the results give you all the informatin you'd need to properly direct people to a location in a book.
@SPavel Oh man that is a good bargain on Science... it is almost never that cheap.
@NautArch Sometimes it does, but other times it is harder. And it depends. For example, if you search for "Bard" you can find the Bard section of the PHB but also "Bard (class)" a section in DnDB that Brings together all the Bard class information from all the sources and doesn't say where to find those particular sources.
The later of which can be found here for example: dndbeyond.com/characters/classes/bard
@Rubiksmoose yeah that's what I was thinking (and just did in my Quaal's token answer)
how does that citation work for you?
@DavidCoffron oh man, you read my mind with that meta question. Was literally just about to broach that subject as well +1
@NautArch In what way do you mean?
@Rubiksmoose yeah it's a limited time offer, typically it's a 4:1 gold:science conversion
@Rubiksmoose the parenthetical "citations" i have in my answer
@SPavel Are gems considered liquid or do I have to get them appraised?
i'm super surprised at my last point, though.
@NautArch ohhh I see. I'll check it out.
@DavidCoffron I find that melting my gems tends to negatively affect their value. :P
@NautArch Maybe add the section heading (Magic Items IIRC) since the specific item is not in the Table of Contents (though it is in the Index)
@DavidCoffron good idea. Kind of a pain to search and then have to go back to the compendium to see how it's actually organized. But that's my digital burden, I guess.
@NautArch I meant like this (pseudo-MLA format). Feel free to revert if you want.
@NautArch Interesting to note however, there are actual page citations at the bottom of pages on magic items (unless they make them up like the Guardian's amulet :-|)
EG Quaal's is on DMG p. 188
@DavidCoffron I will also appraise your gems for $1 per gem
@SPavel at my work we have some "gems" for 1.99 lol
@DavidCoffron Oh, we have a lot of "gems" in the code base
The best part of my job is that, if I’m reading my contract correctly, my Elminster/Raistlin slash fic is canon. #wotcstaff
Mearls is right
@DavidCoffron so about your meta: it seems to me that the most obvious solution is just to watch posts for this behavior, and roll back changes that OP makes in response to answers and comment telling them that that behavior is not good. Is there any reason you see us needing a system beyond that?
Yeah. See here. Seems to imply that answers should change rather than questions. Making an exception for question-changes of this nature does make sense though.
Yeah though even in that answer they kind of alluded to this issue "If the question was changed because the OP has refined what they wanted to ask as a result of feedback on their question... That's a grey area, and we'll have to deal with it on a case-by-case basis. In some cases it'll be appropriate to revert the change and ask a new question; In others, to let the edit stand and update or downvote and delete old answers."
Yeah missed that line... Seems like that policy is good
@Rubiksmoose now i'm feeling kinda stupid. Hadn't noticed that.
perception fail.
@DavidCoffron i'm not sold on that interpretation
@NautArch why not? seems like it checks out to me?
If anything its just ambiguous. Hence my argh
Oh, I just reread it
Q: Can we develop a system to avoid/discourage subsequent hombrew critique question edits?

David CoffronWhile our policy on homebrew-critique questions makes a lot of sense as the questions are certainly able to be answered effectively by experts and fit all the criteria for an on-topic question, these questions often take a sharp turn fast. Soon after the answers to these questions come in we of...

Wouldn't it be for 9 hours, rather than 144 miles? what if you have speed altering affects?
@goodguy5 See my answer addendum at the end.
@DavidCoffron Definitely agree it's ambiguous. Just not sure why you'd need to read it with a further limitation.
@TheOracle I answered this, it's my first meta post, and I did it scraping a few minutes here and there while I'm on my job
so it might be bad...
if I could get a peer review, at least for format, it would be wondrous
@Helwar looks fine. Maybe some headings for neatness but formatting is okay
I did not notice that Bag of Tricks errata. I mean, it's not a big deal because waking up a tossing an animal out is really nothing.
@NautArch what does it change? (Away from book rn)
@DavidCoffron disappears at dawn now (or at 0 HP)
solves the feeding problem, too :)
it's the first thing my bard does in the morning, anyway.
well, that and do a lyre solo for Inpsiring Leader.
@NautArch The second thing he does is feed the roc.
> use the bag of tricks to produce a daily ration of "roccy snacks" so that the bird doesn't get too hungry.
> the diet is varied since one rolls for random animals on each usage.
If it disappears after 144 miles regardless, they'd be no reason to ever mention how far it could travel in a day. While you argument is axiomatically logical, I'm not sure the conclusion makes sense of the full wording. — Tiggerous 21 mins ago
Yeah this is what I thought as well.
@KorvinStarmast oh my. that's a great idea!
@Helwar how many sciences do you think this review is worth?
Heheheh, in fun with rocs thinking, what if the party flies only 140 miles, thinks it has the roc for the next day, but the roc gets hungry and goes off hunting for breakfast. 4 miles later, POOF! RocBeGone! (It ends in tears, as do so many great ideas ...)
@Rubiksmoose I dunno... One?
@NautArch I have this visual image (similar to my golden retriever's love of doggy snacks) of the roc eagerly snapping up a boar for his morning snack...
> And then giving me "that look" when I offer up a panther.
@KorvinStarmast Or of that joyous moment of creation when the boar hopes out of the bag, only to be eaten shortly after.
But i'm not sure those animals are really big enough to be of interest for the Roc.
roc seldom hunts swift or small creatures
> I am positing a snack, not a full meal ...
@NautArch dogs seldom hunt for treats, but they sure like them :P
@NautArch Giant Elk would be more like a meal. (number 8 on the gray bag of tricks)
Giant Goat, Brown Bear. Giant Boar.
(Rust Bag of Tricks)
@Helwar BTW your answer looks good and I like the suggestion.
@KorvinStarmast yah, good point.
@NautArch heh, my morning snack awaits me near the coffee machine ... afk.
@Rubiksmoose thanks!
@KorvinStarmast bag of Doughnuts? Or Kolaches for you?
Could also be coffee.
@Yuuki bag of coffee? Is Dunkin's Box of Joe a magic item?
+1 to initiative checks?
but you may have to leave combat to go to the bathroom.
That's what Jarate is for.
@Helwar I actually added a modified version of your idea to my answer as well because I think it definitely has merit...
Let me know if that feels like I'm stealing your answer or something though.
Can't read it now but go for it
if it feels like I added something to the comunity its ok for me
DnD but the group i play with kind of just mix all the editions together. — Apollo 13 mins ago
I was literally about to quote that. You got me back!
Whoooo boy. I would not want to be in charge of adjudicating rules for that game.
I had it in the chat bar lol
Woohoo! About time lol
If you are playing a mix of all the editions (which are not compatible and require some work to be "mutually-intelligible"), it might be better to ask your DM, which will know better than us what rules they choose for your case. — Luris 7 mins ago
"some work" lol
yes. the Great Wall of China required "some work". That "some" just turned out to be a MFT
How much is that in EFTs?
I don't know what the conversion for Metric to English is
A metric ton is more than an imperial ton
an eff-ton is more than a metric ton
and an metric eff ton has to be more again, right?
@goodguy5 Logic seems solid.
I think I might try to marry all the editions just for fun
@DavidCoffron You are a madman.
@DavidCoffron You'll never lose that bonus to AC since the system is all around you.
Smart man.
@Yuuki HAH!
So I looked into this before, but regarding that question: there is nothing stopping a wizard from using an ioun stone to give every party member their own familiar is there?
@Rubiksmoose I'll give it a gaudy name like "D&D Ultimate Edition"
@Rubiksmoose Looking up the ioun stone, my initial guess is that by RAW nothing stops you from doing just that.
@Yuuki shhh. My players might do that. One already has a pet dog from back story. Stahp it
@Yuuki Yeah I can't see any reason why it would not work. Seems like an interesting use of it. If we didn't have so many creatures around already I might bring it up to our wizard and do it in our campaign lol
Plus I wouldn't want to steal his familiar spotlight.
Assuming that attunement doesn't wipe the ioun stone's memory. And given that there's a rule that an ioun stone you find might already have spells in it, that's not the case.
Q: Can a non-caster class gain a familiar from a Reserve Ioun Stone containing Find Familiar?

SteveA Reserve Ioun Stone can store up to three levels worth of spells and can be used by anyone. While the spell uses the same stats as the original caster (DC, spell attack, and ability modifier, slot used if upcast) the follow up text says that the spell is treated as if cast by you. Does this ...

Well wadya know... I've even read that before and completely forgot.
Some idiot pinged @ everyone in a discord I'm in for a bot that I don't use anymore. Then when I asked him about it, he just said "reasons, scroll up and read it yourself"
and that's one less discord I'm in
@goodguy5 wow...
@Rubiksmoose It's funny. A friend of mine said the same thing this week....
Plot twist: I am your friend.
I'm like.... 99% sure you're not
If you can successfully give me their name, then I'll be significantly less sure
I think you meant to say my name yes?
*the name
Well clearly it is Jeremy.
Darn that would have been incredible otherwise.
yea, you had like a 1/200 chance.
which, in terms of random guesses, aint bad
I definitely like doing that to people that say something like "you look like someone I know" to me.

Pick a name. "oh? Mark. he's great"
or whatever
one day, I'm going to get it right
the closest I've gotten is "Weird, that's my brother's name"
pssst.... pssst... hey... what's an XY problem?
Q: How are features that automatically deal damage to be balanced?

BloodcinderThere are a few spells and other features that can automatically deal damage, but it's very rare. The most common example I can think of is magic missile, which strikes unerringly and deals its damage with no attack roll or saving throw involved. Some area effect spells like cloud of daggers also...

Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

thank you very much kind sir
or... lady. Human. Human is best.
@Helwar I'm actually a key, stop oppressing me
@Sdjz Everyone knows you don't oppress a key you orotate it.
@Sdjz let me rephrase: Thank you very much kind sentient being!
Magic Missile does ~10.5 damage total
Burning Hands does ~3.75-7.5 damage to some number of targets. I think balance design assumes two targets for balance.
so 7.5-15 damage. I think average Dex saves for level 1-2 monsters +2.
So, they have a 50% chance of success
Which gives us 11.25 expected damage
Chromatic Orb Deals ~ 13.5*.5+.05*27 = ~8 damage, but is very versatile.
@Helwar Ugh, there you go again, assuming states of existence. Why must we consider everything as "being"? Why won't you recognize that I'm definitely "wasing" or "will-being"?
As for by my point of view, of a sentient being flowing through time, you either are or you arent, and as I was interacting with @Sdjz, he clearly was at the moment. So... Being. There.
Or Sdjz was wasing, and simply set up a bot at that time to exact their will on these moments. Or they were will-being and actions taken in your concept of "future" came to enact changes in your present or past which led to a message being sent your way
@NautArch Kolaches!
Kolaches are great.
How do you guys preserve your adventure grids?
what do you mean?
@SimonH. with kolaches?
I bought the official D&D adventure grid and it has open sides, like cardboard.
Hey, I know we're being silly (and I was have being a fan of time travel tenses), but let's avoid that "stop oppressing me by assuming my [x]" meme because it makes folks uncomfortable to genuinely and humbly ask for their preferred pronoun. Thank you, @Helwar, for remembering the existence of non-men in the chat.
@SimonH. oh
they look like this.
....That's terrifyingly bad design.
perfect, thanks
@BESW I didn't know better at the time. The sides are curling up and it's bugging me x.x
these ideas should all be checked for validity, but off the top of my head:
clear tape, some sort of resin or apoxy, ignore it, cover it with some sort of plexiglass sheet when you use it
Clear tape will hold it for a good while, but then the tape will start to peel and fixing it will damage the boards further.
A light stroke of rubber cement along the side would do it, no?
Depending on exactly what it's made of, the right glue/resin/apoxy would probably last longer.
But the wrong one will either not stick, or melt it.
@SPavel What's rubber cement?
Though if I were pro, I would give it tin/copper sides
Rubber cement is an adhesive made from elastic polymers (typically latex) mixed in a solvent such as acetone, hexane, heptane or toluene to keep them fluid enough to be used. Water-based formulae, often stabilised by ammonia, are also available. This makes it part of the class of drying adhesives: as the solvents quickly evaporate, the "rubber" portion remains behind, forming a strong, yet flexible bond. Often a small percentage of alcohol is added to the mix. == Composition == === General === Rubber cement is simply a mixture of solid rubber in a volatile solvent that will dissolve it. When the...
Oh, neat. That's a good idea, thanks man.
I'm fond of soft craft glues, like Tacky Glue.
My go-to plan is the most caustic over-the-counter chemical
And for the future, there are third-party grid boards which are much higher quality.
there's a different name for rubber cement in some places... some brand.
I can't think of it
@SimonH. Rubber cement is what you sniff when you can't afford beer. (that's a bad joke from my high school days ...)
and terrible advice
it may also be where people first discovered a special preference for playing with latex
@SimonH. I used to use Clear Shelf Paper to preserve our game board, which was a cardboard sewing pattern board with 1" squares. (I think I have an answer on that somewhere). Works like a champ, and you can use water soluble markers to draw on it if needed and wipe off.
@goodguy5 The amount of terrible advice form those days would fill a large book. Maybe I ought to write one ...
I laminated my 3.5 tear-out-of-the-back-of-the-book paper grid, but those look too thick to laminate.
@BESW with THAT attitude.
@KorvinStarmast Korvin's Big Book of What not to do
I'm more concerned about the map's altitude than its attitude.
@goodguy5 We might need to make that a two volume set ..
@KorvinStarmast I just commented, but I really like your answer.
on the swarm Q
@Rubiksmoose Glad you like it, yours answers the mail as well.
Why not just go for a trilogy? Then they get a cool name. For bonus points, on each one give a different name to the trilogy (Volume 1 of the Korvin's Bad Advice Trilogy, Volume B of the Bad Advice Trilogy feat. KorvinStarmast, Final Volume of Korvin's Trilogy: Terrible advice).
@KorvinStarmast another updoot from me
@SimonH. This is what I mean or a thing we used to cover in clear shelf paper.
@Delioth I think you are on to something. Stretch two into three, just as was done with the hobbit movies. 8^D
@SimonH. Shelf paper in question ... that might help you, since you can cut it to wrap around the edges, protecting them, and then tape them to the bottom.
@BESW bahaahahah
I've got two more chapters to read before I can watch the 2nd movie with my son.
@Delioth We need more dualogies
@goodguy5 Clocktaur Wars!
Maus. The English translation of Persepolis.
@goodguy5 @BESW Bird and Sword Chronicles, too.
although I'm having trouble getting into book 2. that...and I misplaced my kindle.
@BESW Heh, good one. :)
@BESW I mean, I could see War and Peace adapted into three movies.
@NautArch That would complicate the matter.
@Yuuki Seems like it might be a bit rushed.
@BESW Yeah, maybe a five-parter.
...also, given its thematic material, I think a live TV event would be a more appropriate format.
I will admit that reading the books the first time through, I thought the Ringwraiths were kinda ghosts rather than Super-Gollums.
War and Peace is 587,287 words, ASOIAF is 1.77 million so far
And so I thought they could die and come back to life and such.
LotR trilogy is 455,125
So you could do a nice 6-movie arc from War and Peace
@Yuuki For all practical purposes, they were a form of ghost. Specter in D&D original roughly fit their mode ...
There are 4 books and a 2-part epilogue so it works
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, but the salient part is that they were still mortal (ish). For some reason, I never connected Gollum and Bilbo being "stretched" by the Ring with the Ringwraiths despite it literally being in the book.
I just always thought "ooo, they're ghosts of human kings that were cursed to serve Sauron after they died because of their rings".
@Yuuki War and Peace was adapted to 1 movie twice, a 4-movie series once, and a TV series 5 times
And that's... sorta true except for the "after they died" part.
So its adaptation length is flexible
@Yuuki For most purposes, it's "close enough"
The 4-movie series took 6 years to film
On a completely different tangent, I wonder what Halo lore looks like with only the first trilogy and Reach as canon.
(i.e. none of the 343 Industries stuff)
Thinking of them as ghosties won't really ruin any interpretations, though it might bring up questions of why they e.g. didn't walk through walls or anything. Depending on your understanding of the abilities and limitations of ghosties
(to which the obvious answer is <<they ain't ghosties, they're still "alive">>)
The human kings, not being hobbits, were beyond stretched. They were kept "alive and dead" by the power of the rings that they wore, and that Sauron wore. What is unique about hobbits is how resistant they are to the Ring, as compared to a Human.
@Delioth I was kinda hedging around the depiction of the Ringwraiths in The Hobbit movies. That the Witch-King was killed at some point in the past and buried in an unbreakable vault.
@NautArch Hmm, it would seem that question might be related to Astral travel?
@KorvinStarmast It's because hobbits have chubby fingers, so the ring is difficult to put on
@KorvinStarmast oooooh
And then we had action scenes with Elrond stabbing Mr. Ringwraith through the chest and he trashes about and disappears. And then comes back.
@KorvinStarmast It's because nobody west of Bree would have much interest in adventures.
@KorvinStarmast although astral projection isn't necesarily the same thing as a soul (in fact, they seem different)
Yeah, because the conjecture around the Ring is that it amplifies one's desires. Men and Elves are ambitious and desire power. Hobbits are lazy and desire nice gardens and full bellies and naps.
Wait a second... I might be a hobbitses
@Delioth Then Bilbo and Gollum should have gained weight, not become stretched, I guess.
@KorvinStarmast Yes but living longer means you have more time to eat and sleep.
Plus, magically gaining weight means you'll eat less.
Which is :(
The ring feeds on its bearer
Gollum was a little special and became obsessed with the ring (and from there, amplifying the desire for the ring means they ain't got no time to eat)
So if anything it's the opposite, you could chow down and not get fat
@SPavel New diet discovered: wear this fancy gold ring and never gain weight! Fitness trainers hate him!
AFAIK it's kind of a duality - amplify the bearer's desires and ambitions, and turn them towards fanaticism for the ring. Hobbitses are less effected by the ring over short times because their ambitions and desires are super mundane and don't often lead to attempting to overthrow anything
Side effects may include, but are not limited to, obsessive behavior and occasionally looking like a crack demon.
E.g. Isildur - the Ring made him want it, and made him want to conquer and rule over his domain
@Yuuki Ringworm eggs were sold as diet products
What happens if your greatest desire is to not wear the ring?
Or whichever worm is the one that lives in your stomach and eats your food
@MikeQ ... then you wouldn't put it on?
@MikeQ [Insufficient Data for Meaningful Answer]
Gollum's self imposed isolation was in part due to a severe faux pas in a tavern along the Gladden waterways near a hobbit settlement. After a few pints, he observed to the barmaid that he liked his women the way he liked his fish: raw and wriggling. She was aghast, and word soon spread that he was a class A creep.
Ok, fine. What happens if your greatest desire is to not wear the ring, and you wear the ring anyway?
And also, if your greatest desire to not wear the Ring, I'd say that you need to get out more.
Alternately, maybe see a psychiatrist about your commitment-phobia.
We've only got like... 6 data points for bearers of the Ring
@MikeQ That's not a real desire
You've been in a relationship with your current significant other for several years now and they're getting tired that you haven't popped the question yet.
As far as I'm concerned, the Ring is semi-sentient and I've got a relevant xkcd for that in a moment
At best you'll have what Frodo got which is where the ring slowly erodes your will until you break down
And your desires are supplanted with its own
Well, the Ring is a fragment of Sauron's will/soul/whatever.
It's basically like a mini-Sauron.
Or Tom Riddle.
Don't trust anything if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
Now I'm imagining Gollum being played by Ginny Weasley.
@Yuuki I like to think that Ginny Weasley, the actual fictional character, in some universe gets into acting and decides to play Gollum
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