Tabaxi Barbarian 14, Monk 4, Fighter 2
Point Buy 15,14,15,8,10,8 -> 15,16,15,8,10,9
Barb 14 levels
Totem Barb, Eagle (bonus action dash)
ASI +1 STR, +1 CON
Feat Mobile
Feat Grappler
Level 14 Totem: Eagle (movement converted to fly, but you fall if you end your turn in the air)
Monk: 4 levels
Open Hand
> Unarmored Movement
> Slow Fall, reduces falling damage by 20 for Monk 4. As a Sky Suplexer, you'll be falling a lot.
Fighter 2
Action Surge
Have a Wizard willing to cast Longstrider and Haste on you and find a Boots of Speed during your adventure