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> Feel the burn. When a fate point is spent to invoke one of your consequences against you, you get that fate point at the end of that turn rather than at the end of that scene.
> Pain mage. When you invoke a consequence to improve one of your magical actions, you get the value of the consequence as a bonus to the roll, instead of +2.
> There is power in suffering. Once per session you can spend a fate point to add +1 to a roll for every consequence in the scene.
> Damn the consequences, full speed ahead. If you have a consequence in recovery, you can reset it (no longer in recovery, treat as if you just acquired it) to gain fate points equal to 1/2 the consequence's value.
@BESW That last one would model "I have to fight even though my wounds will reopen", right?
@Miniman Yup.
It's cool how it's both generic and specific at the same time.
Run on your bad leg, go back into the gang territory before they've stopped holding a grudge, etc.
Drive at top speed even though you haven't finished repairing your vehicle.
If you're on the ground and someone you care about is falling from above or almost directly above you, can you catch them with Feather Fall as they get into your spell's range?
I suppose that'd depend on whether you've chosen Haste as the approach tied to your air spells.
shit, wrong chat
maybe not. Talking about D&D 5e
Yeah, this is tabletop RPG chat. There's just a LOT more than D&D out there.
For example, in D&D 4e feather fall is a free action triggered by a creature falling, so there's no question about reaction times; that's baked into the power already.
And in Dresden Files Accelerated your magic is tied to a particular way you do things--with guile, or force, or flair, etc--and it'd be hard to justify being able to cast a spell fast enough to intercept a fall unless your associated approach is Haste.
In D&D 5e, feather fall has a casting time of "reaction" so it's a question of how that action type interacts with the narrative. I don't know 5e very well, but I imagine someone else here can help.
There's this silly Suplex build in 5e, where you go Totem Barbarian, and choose Eagle at 3rd and 14th level, which gives you bonus action dash, and turns your movement speed into a fly speed until you end your turn off the ground. With the Wood Elf race and Mobile feat, it lets you use your entire turn to drag someone you previously grappled 82 feet into the air
, who you piledrive back into the ground for 8d6 damage to the both of you, or rather half that for you because you're raging and the ground deals bludgeoning damage, which you resist.
you can do that every turn
well, until they break free, then you have to spend a turn grappling and hitting them normally
A spellcaster using Haste on you increases the fall to 110 feet, which causes 11d6 damage per turn
also, welcome to the RPG.SE lair @0xFFF1 :)
Use your background feature for a Retainer, a squire that can cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip, so they can follow you around and into battle to make various eagle screeching sounds to accentuate your Roaring Skies Suplex Piledrivers. Also, you're a Luchador
@0xFFF1 That's the least silly build around grappling and fall damage.
Q: How does the Feather Fall spell work on a flying character falling unconscious? What if it's the caster?

Al SunPlaying a flying race (the only one in the group) and still low level (10hp/13AC), we seem to be encountering many creatures with longbows. I was thinking about somehow getting the feather fall spell (multi-classing/magic item/other party member to take it) but wanted to know/confirm how it worke...

Part 3 addresses your question, I'm pretty sure.
@BESW In 5e the reaction trigger is when "you or a creature within 60 feet of you falls." Which reads a little ambiguously to me... is it when a fall starts or when you/creature-within-60 is falling? But the first line of the description seems (to me) to clarify it in the more-permissive direction: "choose up to five falling creatures within range."
The really silly build is this one:
Q: Is It Possible To Lift A Grappled Opponent Multiple Times On The Same Turn?

user27327This question follows from this question: What Are The Minimum Stats To Cause Fall Damage When Grappling Plus Jumping? In my answer to that question, I came up with the following minimum stats to pull off a jumping grapple: Strength: 10 (standing long jump of 1.5') Height: 5'8" Mov...

And hiya, @Miniman. Job still good?
@nitsua60 I think, given 5e's focus on narrative understanding rather than literal rules interpretations, "falls" can be understood as an ongoing thing.
@nitsua60 Still fantastic! How's things for you?
@Miniman Really good. Kids are healthy and (generally) happy, school year's coming to an end, and I finished a nine-night run playing for a show. In one piece!
(Though it's going to be a while before I want to listen to Queen again.)
@nitsua60 Wow! Playing what?
@Miniman guitar.
It's been about fifteen years since I'd played guitar for an audience, so it was nice to get back into shape. (Such as it was.)
@nitsua60 Oh, cool! Was it a school thing, or independent?
@Miniman School.
@Miniman got to help run an epic for the first time last month. It was super-fun, we've got another one scheduled for the fall that I get to design =)
Oh I see, I'm not epic enough for you
@trogdor Not until I give you those ranged smites =)
(Don't worry, I'll give @KorvinStarmast melee arrows to make up for the imbalance.)
hey there @nitsua60
Ranged smites eh?
What an I gonna use those with exactly?
@Shalvenay Hiya. Don't worry, you'll get arcane healing. We didn't forget about you =D
@nitsua60 lulz!
(I'm on a NWN server that has arcane healing scrolls as a drop, believe it or slurp it)
What Powers do I get for slurping it?
Then there's @NautArch... prolly Great Old One-powered rages. It's an extra rage, but it doesn't end until he gives a plot-twisty sentence to end a scene. And the sentence is in italics!
(Hmm... that implied critique of Lovecraft's style may be two or three hops too far to reasonably expect anyone to follow. That's my sign to go to bed. Because the clock had just struck eleven!)
The Stitching Hour!
3 hours later…
Today in Your Fantasy World Can't Compete With Nature: vulture bees producing corpse honey. Get your necromancer a hive!
Samson sees bees do that with a lion in the Book of Judges and proceeds to make a really unfair riddle about it.
Huh. Wiki says this behavior wasn't discovered until 1982.
That's.... not surprising.
With the Bible and other mythical writings, it's always a bit of "did they really know this or just make stuff up and get lucky?"
Either that a Judge would be that kind of a "well actually" know-it-all or that modern science would refuse to recognize knowledge outside itself.
Samson seems like a bit of a jerk to be honest
None of the Judges were supposed to really be models of good behavior.
They fill a different role as teachers of specific lessons and leaders in times of crisis.
Ancient stories tend to be a lot less about ethical superiority triumphing over evil, and more about us triumphing over them.
Or something else entirely.
Often what we recognize as the obvious plot arc is just a standard scaffolding on which to hang the point of the story.
"Plus Points" is a good lighthearted introduction to thinking about what genre each section of the Bible is written in, and why the genre you're reading it as can fundamentally change the meaning of what you're reading.
To be fair to science in this particular case, though, apparently all vulture bees are American so it's likely Samson either just found some bees who made really bad real estate choices, or that it's purely symbolic and probably invokes some older, now-lost story or idiom.
Hm, upon re-reading chapter 14 of the Book of Judges it never actually says the honey is made of the lion, just that there war a beehive in the carcass.
(and honey)
Yeah, I suspect it was just poor real estate choices.
Now I'm picturing Samson shoving a beehive into a dead lion in the middle of the night, giggling to himself.
"Hohoo, the Philistines will never get this!"
This.... would also be arguably in character.
At any rate, it'd be pretty cool to have corpse honey as a rare ritual component that requires a quest to acquire.
@BESW Absolutely!
I'm thinking less full-out necromancer and more... seriously macabre druids.
Hexenwerk in 7th Sea is a bit like that, uses body parts and other disgusting things for everything.
Not exclusively them, but <something about the most potent forces of magic being tied to human death>.
> Sweeten the deal. You know a really messed-up druid who can provide you with corpse honey. Your Rapport checks made with the dead and the undead are automatically one step more successful, but the GM can compel you to do a favor for your druid friend once per adventure.
@Magician eeeeecccchh
I decided I'd do a weird adulting ritual today and bake for my friends
@kviiri Weird ritual, you say? Bake your friends, you say?
@Magician yes their bones shall furnish my furnace errr sorry no just the usual brookie stuff. One of the few things I'm relatively comfortable making :)
@kviiri This was the first year in quite some time that I didn't bake anything for my friends on my birthday.
well I guess you have no friends now XD
The way vacuous truth works: if you have no friends, all your friends are always present!
technicalities are the best
> Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks: "Does everyone want a drink?"
> The first logician replies "Maybe."
> The second logician replies "Maybe."
> The third logician replies "Yes."
I feel like in a fantasy world, vulture bees would be the product of the same kind of druid mistake that produced oracular slugs.
@BESW What is the relationship between vulture bees and monkey bees
@MikeQ Oh, those are what you get when a wizard brings a Bee Movie meme video to life.
Living memes are like living spells: self-sustaining intellectual constructs given form and motive force to terrorize the innocent and bewail their unnatural lives.
> THIS IS FINE. Level 19 Meme, Medium Elite Controller
HP 360; Bloodied 180; Initiative +13
AC 33; Fort 31; Ref 30; Will 32
Speed 0; Immune: gaze
Saving Throws +2; 1 Action Point
I'M OKAY WITH THIS (aura 5): Creatures in the aura have -5 to saves.
ON FIRE (Basic attack; Standard, Melee 2; Fire; target: one creature). Atk +21 vs Ref. Hit 2d6+7 fire damage and grants combat advantage (save ends).
GROUPTHINK (free action; Triggered when a creature fails a save within the aura; target: All creatures within the aura). Atk +21 vs Will. Hit ongoing 15 psychic damage.
@Shalvenay You're forgetting, @nitsua60 doesn't believe in bards.
Every time a sheep says "I don't believe in bards," an instrument string snaps clean through.
I'm theming my campaign's first BBEG as a bard
Evil Wizards are so overused
Speaking of bards, I just found John the Balladeer, an anthology of short stories by Manly Wade Wellman about a man who wandered the mountains of North Carolina and faced supernatural challenges armed with his quick wit, deep knowledge of occult folklore, and silver-stringed guitar.
Looking forward to reading it, and he sure sounds like a great RPG character.
> Silver-stringed guitar. You get +2 when overcoming or defending against evil by playing your guitar.
That sounds neat
Manly Wade Wellman (and what a name!) was a Weird Tales author at the same time as Lovecraft and Howard, but outlasted both of them and made his mark with the John the Balladeer stories in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in the late 40s, and continued to write until he passed away in the mid 80s.
@kviiri Antagonists with personality are the best most engaging antagonists
I figure unmarried antagonists are probably the most engaging.
and which is the Unmarried class?
@MikeQ Yep. This one is a Q-like trickster that hails from a realm where music shapes reality. They're weak in their own world, and want more power by conquering the Material plane. However, their more humane side is genuinely curious about the workings of the Prime Material, which makes them far less interested in just destroying stuff. They want to try everything.
After all, they're an artist in a way... and causing all kinds of glum misfortunes to befall the lands they conquer feeds their creativity.
> At 1st level, the Unmarried has the ability to not have a spouse.
At 3rd level, the Unmarried *still* has the ability to not have a spouse.
At 5th level, they become immune to *Ceremony*'s wedding rite and cannot be forcefully wed.
At 7th level, they feel lonely and get a cat companion
The woes of war, the pain of an impossible romance! The weeping of a widower who lost their family to famine.
@kviiri That works. I was speaking more generally, I find that villains who specialize in manipulation and "support roles" tend to be more creative
Closer to gameplay, this BBEG's thing is not that they're insanely powerful. Their music carries only a fraction of the power it does in their home realm. But they can't be slain by conventional means either, instead simply blinking back to their homeworld as a marred vestige of their former power that regenerates over the course of a couple of weeks. This, combined with their ability to bond with various evil actors in the world, is what makes them dangerous.
@kviiri "Bond with evil actors in the world" ....so he's got Count Olaf's Theater Troupe?
@BESW Nah, just that somethin' it takes to make friends with liches and chromatic dragons :)
....A poor sense of smell?
They hail from the realm of music, yes. Hearing's the thing there :)
The plane of smell is the next campaign.
(now I'm really glad that DnD didn't include sense-themed planes like they did with elements and alignments)
> Tactilia, the Realm of Touch
> Odouros, the Realm of Smell
> Geusis, the Realm of Taste
> Opticon, the Realm of Sight
> Auralia, the Realm of Hearing
(if it wasn't DnD there'd also be planes for the sense of balance and body position and such)
...now I want to say that the sensation planes are actually part of the Outer Realms and natives of the Cosmos would go mad experiencing them.
Buy the supplement to get access to Giggleon, the Sensational plane for the Sense of Humor, and Serius, the Sensational plane for the Sense of Self-Importance.
And Lutebocks, for the Sense of Accomplishment.
Then there's Onwee, and Anksy-Yeti, and This Pear.
And of course the Plane of Jubliation, better known as Parteon.
I wonder if the sensual plane of Honor overlaps the LG outer planes
So I thought I had come up with an absolutely ingenious world, which is based on the idea that there was a once-powerful civilization that had some really fancy technology they left behind when they collapsed, and the current civilization is very primitive compared to them but is slowly learning to use all the gizmos their predecessors left behind
Then I realized that I had reinvented Medieval High Fantasy.
And He-Man.
And Battlefield Earth.
Oh yeah, He-Man was a magitek setting too. (I never was a fan, and I don't think He-Man was really big in Finland in my youth)
Assassin's Creed has that too, but there the magic items are considerably more rare than I had envisioned
Ah, Assassin's Creed... how I wish I could have loved thee <3
And Fallout.
And the Wheel of Time.
I think it was you who once explained to me, correctly, that high fantasy and post-apocalyptic share a lot of similarities.
It was a nice new perspective
err, is too :P
I've learned a lot of good stuff from this chat
Oh, and Thundaar the Barbarian is set in North America two thousand years after a rogue planet shattered the Moon in 1994.
I think I don't have the same definition of "High Fantasy" than you do then haha
@Helwar Maybe not "high" fantasy, but think about how many fantasy settings this describes:
Feb 7 '13 at 7:35, by BESW
Pockets of civilization hanging on and trying to expand in a savage wilderness that overtook the ruins of an older empire.
And how it's also basically every post-apocalyptic scenario.
yeah that's true, I was not disagreeing with the premise
it's just that when I think of high fantasy, tolkien and D&D comes to mind
Sometimes the fallen empire is more implicit than explicit, but eg. usually the older some magical item is, the better - this implies some sort of lost knowledge or power the ancient ones used to possess.
Yeah that's always... The only thing "different enough" I can think of, is High Fantasy worlds usually are "degenerating towards normal", eliminating other races and magic and all that makes that world interesting, and postapocaliptic worlds are "degenerating to nothing", either barren lands or alien-esque new fauna and flora eliminating us mammals from the world :P
One of the more interesting cases of fantasy settings, Might and Magic, had a rather complex magitech world where a lot of "fantasy creatures" were actually aliens or something, and magic was actually highly advanced technology at least to a large part.
The developers also created the highly popular turn based strategy game series Heroes of Might and Magic which was set in the same universe, but didn't pay much attention to stuff like "the demons are actually planet-devouring aliens, not literal beings of Hell".
huh... I played a LOT of Heroes of Might and Magic, but never completed a campaign of it. And obviously never played the "might and magic" (sans Heroes) games... I never got that impression from what I played
I have no actual data but I'd guess a lot of HoMM players never played Might and Magic. I sure didn't, until way later.
@kviiri that's what I played. Demons are demons, angels are angels, unicorns are unicorns :P
[grin] LotR is about trying to reverse an ongoing apocalypse. The ancient empires are already shattered: the dwarves have just barely scraped themselves back together, Mirkwood is falling to the spiders, Lothlorien and Rivendell are evacuating, the ents are going extinct. The kingdoms of men are lawless and corrupt. The old technologies like mithril and palantirs are lost and any remnants are horded; the angelic guardians are giving up and letting their corrupted rivals take over...
Anyway, come HoMM III which appears to be a pretty normal fantasy game where Angels and Titans fight Demons and Dragons
But it was not really meant to be just that
The first expansion Armageddon's Blade was supposed to feature a new faction, the Heavenly Forge that paid a lot of homage to the MM series' scifi bits.
@kviiri I loved having 999 imps in that game. It was rather useless, a single 3rd lvl monster wiped them by the hundreds but... I loved them :P
@kviiri And then there's the Wizardry series.
But the fans got mad, specifically the ones who had never played MM beyond HoMM and who got the impression that this was scifi being shoehorned into a fantasy franchise, which wasn't exactly accurate
So the Heavenly Forge was replaced by the rather boring (and OP) elemental conflux town :<
@BESW but on the way they are leaving the world just as plain as it can be, regular non-longlived-numenorean humans, no elves, dwarves disappearing, elves leaving, no more magic, etc... All bland and unsavory, so it can connect to our non-magic past, and give the story the impression that "long time ago, this happened"... Wich I hate. I read fantasy for the fantastic things... And a lot of times by the end of the story you get a regular run of the mill medieval world...
@Helwar Aye, I'm increasingly focusing on the awesome modern epics like Broken Earth and Binti, and feel the "must-read classics" are... not really must-read or classic.
You might also like The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, which is a bit more traditionally fantasy.
I started listening to The Wheel of Time at work... I think I'm on chapter 6, two weeks after starting to listen to it :P
I was increasingly underwhelmed by that series the more I read, until I dropped it entirely.
It gets slower and slower, and the characters get flatter and flatter.
I'm currently reading the Obsidian and Blood trilogy, which are urban fantasy murder mysteries where the detective is the High Priest of Death in 15th century Tenochtitlan; so they expect the apocalypse every day but are working very hard to prevent it.
the Aes Sedai woman at the start, I can't remember her name, is SO annoying, right now her character is all over the place
Wheel of Time has some nice visuals, but that's about all I took away as a positive from the experience after reading six or seven of the novels.
I persevered to the end of WoT, it gets better, but the middle can be quite a slog (though I never personally found it too bad).
1-5ish are pretty good and 12-14 are at a similar level.
Can't be worse than the middle part of Pillars of the Earth
10 is a particular low.
Amazing expansive worldbuilding, probably just a little bit too expansive in the end though.
@Helwar Moiraine (spelling?)
Guys, I have a question, but I'm not sure wich SE should be better... It's about a book I'm writing, so it's worldbuilding. There priests have reality bending powers (they power up the spaceships and "teleport" them around the galaxy). And I thought they could "teleport" away parts of someone, like for example, a tumor, or the appendix if needs extracting... But I'm no doctor so maybe that would cause internal bleeding and horrible death? So maybe ask this in a medical SE? But, it's all magic...
@Tiggerous yeah, that one. However her name is spelled, I haven't read it once, just listened to it :P
His characterisation of women generally is really poor. Moiraine does grow on you though. Nynaeve on the other hand...
@Tiggerous I dunno, right now she's all over the place. One moment she tries to be down to earth, next moment she's glaring at you from her proverbial high horse. It's jarring :S
@Sdjz Thank you!
2 hours later…
Since you guys love eagles, I have a cool video about a Russian guy who barely survived encountering one. In Soviet Russia, 6 HD eagles attack you on the fly. youtu.be/N65ALqiBW_o
@Tiggerous Is that the one that covers exactly one day in Randland?
@Helwar I feel like they'd certainly take it over at WB. And you might get a really good, medically informed answer. But you'll also get ten that may be no help at all.
@Tiggerous I feel like Sanderson deserves a Hugo or something for finishing off the series.
(Both for the tackling of the task and the quality of his product.)
@nitsua60 Can't remember exact timings, but book 9 climaxes with a 'big thing' happening. Book 10 is 800 pages of people debating whether or not the 'big thing' has actually happened and what it means if it has.
@nitsua60 It was definitely a herculean effort on Sanderson's part bringing it all back together.
@Tiggerous That was a great "big thing," though.
@nitsua60 No argument from me there :)
(Frankly, if RJ hadn't set up Tarmon Gaidon for so long Big Thing could have been the end to a really good eight-book series.)
Yeah, I can see that - though even then it might have made a better 5/6 book series :P
@Tiggerous Good point. A good 8-book series, or a really good 5/6-book one =)
@Miniman While that grapple jump thing tried for our Cheese meta, it seems that it didn't quite make the cut. @nitsua60 Melee arrows would be better if I'd chosen two weapon fighting style rather than archery.
morning nerds
@KorvinStarmast Okay, melee bow =)
(Since it's an attack with a ranged weapon, you still get your +2)
@BESW And how it's (with magic added) the situation in a variety of places after empires fell: central and western Europe, Central America (After the Mayans fell) ... Bronze Age Collapse around 1200 BC in central Anatolia ...
@nitsua60 I'm good with that. Now all we have to do is find one.
@BESW Yeah, WoT (aka Waster of Time) began to drag around book 4 or 5; Jordan fell in love with side characters to a certain extent ... but I kept picking up books until 8 or 9 at garage sales/second hand books, since I was traveling by air a lot those days. Kept me occupied on the plane.
@nitsua60 I thought a melee bow is treated as an improvised weapon not a ranged weapon
@DavidCoffron yeah, it's a bit tongue-in-cheek.
Nvm then lol
howdy howdy
Good afternoon :)
@Tiggerous good afternoon to you too!
I seem to have made some sort of error on my mobile phone and the stack main site is coming up in desktop view (but I don't have it checked to do that).
is there a site setting i'm missing or accidentally pressed?
It's normally a function within your phones browser settings, rather than a function of the site itself, isn't it?
@KorvinStarmast Even more recently: Ulfberht swords and Greek fire
@Tiggerous that's what i thought, but my browser setting is unchecked for desktop mode.
@NautArch Oh sorry, that's what it normally is for me..
@NautArch I can only advise to check and uncheck that option, or clear your browser's cache :S
@NautArch If you've changed that option recently (it doesn't sound like you have), you may need to close that tab and open a new one?
@Tiggerous tried that and tried that - i'll try the cache clearing. not sure why i haven't done that yet. Everything is okay in firefox, but chrome is wonky (on android)
and that did it :)
(fyi, i did try turning it off and and on again first..)
Cookies are very useful, but also devil's spawn
@Helwar The future is stateless
@SPavel Doesn't that imply time-reversibility?
So... it's the past, too?
@nitsua60 No, the future is idempotent, but unsafe
@SPavel I don't understand anything O_o
future is clearly async, after all you have to await for it
@Helwar Cookies are a way for a web server to keep track of a client (maintain its state). This is a bad way to do things for a variety of reasons. Stateless (RESTful) resources don't use cookies but rather tokens. REST also uses HTTP methods heavily, which can be safe (such as GET: no matter how many times you use it, the resource does not change) or idempotent (such as PUT: now matter how many times you upload the same file, it is still only changing server state once)
I'm a web developer, but I'm veeeeeeeeeery out of sync with new technologies (i've been out of my medium for quite a few years). I have been seeing that buzzword "RESTful" around, but never got to know what it is
REST is not new
REST is how Tim Berners-Lee envisioned the Web, and then everyone ruined it
I'm not a web developer, but my group is working on a REST API for developers to abuse our data better
Mike Amundsen has a good and fairly short book on the subject
@DavidCoffron Weird thing I just noticed. Manacles don't actually say they give the Restrained condition. It just calls them "restraints". This is different than the net which says "...is restrained."
@SPavel might check it. It might be good for me to do something "new" instead of keeping to what i Know. Especially since in technology what I know gets deprecated sooner rather than later...
@Helwar Indeed, if nothing else it's a good buzzword for the ol' resume
The idea behind REST is pretty straightforward because it's how the Web was designed so 90% chance you'll just be like "isn't this just the normal way of doing things"
It's more about the constraints that you ought to follow
@NautArch correct; if manacles applied the restrained condition, it would say so. (For example, you can move/run with manacles on your hands ... you can't if restrained
@KorvinStarmast Which is just kinda weird to call them "restraints" but not give the condition. IT also implies there really is no mechanical effect beyond fluff and RP.
In one campaign, after capturing a very evil caster, we started off with manacles, but then ended up just cutting the hands off.
and maybe his tongue. We were pretty mad at this guy, but needed him alive for a bit more
@NautArch I don't see the English language as that restrictive; many words have multiple meanings, and the common term for something like that is restraint. The odd thing is the specific usage of restrained as a Condition ...
Yeah, how to disable a spell caster: I think we have a question on that somewhere.
English is the most hackable language I know off... You can place a word, in a place that doesn't correspond it, and MAKE SENSE of it.
A) I have made you a jersey
B) Don't come near me with that or I'll jersey you to death!
see? makes sense. Try that in spanish...
The modern penchant for verbing nouns can be disorienting...
@KorvinStarmast Also, dndbeyond doesn't actually link "restrained" in the Net description to the condition (which they usually do)
@NautArch I don't use D&DBeyond; would you recommend it?
@KorvinStarmast If you have a lot of money to pay twice for your books, then yeah
@KorvinStarmast I'm...not sure. I miss having physical books, but the searchability is pretty handy.
@KorvinStarmast Ironically 'verbing nouns' is itself an example of verbing a noun.
I use it for the free stuff like some items descriptions and basic classes, and that's it
@KorvinStarmast Kudos if deliberate :P
@Tiggerous I did that on purpose, amigo. ;) Hmm, the "paying twice for books" bit ... I
@KorvinStarmast It's by no means perfect, but it's a handy way to have access to all. I just miss the books but I've been happy with the content bits.
I might start looking on ebay, etc. for used books to backfill my physical desires.
@NautArch I may look into it. But I do like the books.
Apparently drivethrurpg is doing a 20% off sale on all books...
Hmmm, And here I have most of them (I think I am missing one of the adventures ... and ToA has been locked away until we do our thing with chatizens ..
D&D beyond angers me. It's a good thing on paper, but they did it the worst possible way. Instead of developing it themselves (so they have their own right to distribute their own freaking game), a 3rd company did it and WotC sanctifies it. So, as this 3rd company doesn't have the rights and it's not the same company you buy the actual books to... you need to pay them separatedly for the rights of the content.
@Helwar That's even easier in Russian
@SPavel Sadly I don't know a single word in russian (I love how that language sounds though)
I only know "i tak sojdut"
@kviiri That's a start
You can say it when something is working juuuust fine
If WotC had developed D&D beyond themselves, your fisical books could have a "cd-key" of some sort to enable in D&D Beyond, without any added cost...
@kviiri Also when it isn't, but you don't care
@SPavel Yes, I was trying to sound sarcastic :P
@Helwar most places require you to buy physical and digital separately. THat's not entirely a new or third party thing.
@Helwar Could being the operative word. They could easily have said you must buy separately.
and probably would have.
@kviiri My former manager referred to it as the "hammer and sickle method"
No book I've bought has come with a digital file and printed copy (like amazon kindle)
Writing code that sort of works for the one use case that was required
@NautArch yeah right. But since both WotC and the other company whose name I don't remember wash their hands on the issue naming that they are separate companies....
you either buy digital or physical.
@Helwar Twitch, I think. But again, other than some movies which give you digital access, most things you have to buy twice. THat's fairly normal now.
@Helwar Well if you were buying the physical and the electronice products simultaneously there would be an added cost, because they'd charge even more for the base item - but it would stop you feeling like you've bought exactly the same product twice.
I was thinking videogames mostly, where you had the disc but also could download the game (nowadays if you buy the Disc version of a game, it doesn't allow you to download the digital version either ¬¬)
I dunno, I'm salty on the issue. I'm not swimming in money and the books are expensive by themselves >_<
nowadays if you buy the disc version... you still have to download all the patches.
@Helwar exactly. Your argument doesn't really hold water in the real sales world :) I agree that it should (or at least I want it to).
A workable solution would be keeping physical book costs as they are, but providing a discount code off an electronic copy, so people that bought both would be rewarded for doing so, but book only purchasers wouln't have to also shoulder electronic costs for a product they won;t use.
@NautArch Yeah I know it doesn't hold, but since the actual companies gave that as an excuse everytime someone asked why did they have to pay twice for the same content...
@Helwar Oh, they did? I didn't see/read that.
linky link?
Can I get a sanity check: is my table weird for assuming that our setting has class names as regular terms that people use (since adventurers are frequent in the world)
hmmmmmmmm don't have any link :S I remember reading that when the web emerged, but don't have a source now
@Helwar fake newz? :D
I expect no. I'm gullible, but not that much
I should bookmark this things, always mention it by memory, people asks for link, I don't have it and I look sketchy
@Helwar i think its your prof pic. Super suspish
and a weird crawford tweet on escaping manacles via misty step being DM decision. I don't see how it's a DM decision. Misty Step is Verbal component only. If they're not gagged, why would manacles hold them?
unless this is a sign that manacles become a 'worn item" and could teleport with you
@NautArch I guess the argument is if the caster leaves the manacles behind or appears still manacled after the teleport?
@DavidCoffron right, tell him that too. Make him angry. I think I will avoid the room in three days from now. I don't want to be here if something big falls down on your heads :P
(I think the joke should be clear enough given the avatar he is currently using. In case it is not, ask)
Tfw manacles are among the more confusing mechanics in the game.
@Helwar Yeah, I think there's a stack question on this, too.
@Derpy I'm very tame. If I dropped something big on you would be a balloon or something like that. Don't have to worry.
@Derpy I thought you were referencing this and was like "That wasn't Helwar"
@DavidCoffron No, not weird. Normal. The answers to that question are from a particular Point of View.
@Helwar mad moon is fake balloon moon confirmed
@DavidCoffron What about monocles
Take that youtube .com/ GameTheorists
@SPavel if I wear a monocle with partial refraction am I half immune to Bozak's gaze attack?
@DavidCoffron The better question is, is it a Reflex save or a Charisma check to not drop a monocle when startled?
1 hour later…
@NautArch Apparently, the San Jose has been found in the Caribbean Sea. The wreck has been shrouded in secrecy because of lingering questions about who owns it. Colombia and Spain both say it belongs to them. The researchers at Woods Hole say they are explorers, not treasure hunters, and are not involved in the ownership disputes
@KorvinStarmast Wow!I wouldn't be surprised to see A&M involved with this soon (or the institute of nautical archaeology). Thank goodness a legit science organization found it.
@KorvinStarmast Just looked it up and yeah, $1 billion USD in various precious metals and gems is probably pretty explanatory for ownership disputes.
@NautArch I figure that the Spanish and Colombian governments will find a way, through their lawyers/agents/representatives, to come to a compromise in due course.
I was gonna say that a cool billion might put a dent in Spain's massive debt, but the debt is 1.2 trillion so ehh
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, i'm less worried about which gov't gets it and more about some treasure hunters coming and trying to ransack it.
@NautArch Why are you afraid of that, that sounds like a great plot
@SPavel because treasure hunting IRL is not something i agree with.
@SPavel Real world archaeology, not game stuff.
If I have a question that has been ambiguously answered in the answer to a related question, should I ask a new question, or just ask for clarification in chat?
@user76690 Can you give us some more information? Which Q&A and what are you trying to discover?
Sure thing. The question is: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/95339/…
I'm trying to figure out how unidentified +1 swords/etc work
The last answer seems to go both ways on whether you get the benefit.
And the accepted answer doesn't really address it.
@user76690 that's a really good point. I feel like there's an existing question here, but let me look and if there isn't, then definitely ask it!
and are you the player or DM in this case?
I am the DM in this case.
@user76690 Mechanically how to run it?
The question is then "What happens when I attack with an unidentified magic weapon?", is that what you're trying to answer?
For a straight up +1 weapon? You just use it.
It doesn't have a different use. It's a really nice dagger or whatever. There's nothing to activate or interact with beyond regular use.
@ColinGross But does the player know they're getting +1 to attacks and damge?
@MikeQ that is what I'm trying to answer
That's the question. I think @user76690 should ask it, i can't find anything on here about that use case.
Attacking with a +1 dagger is not use magic item.
Definitely put that up as a question.
I'm surprised that it hasn't been asked before. The linked question was referring to "use an object" magic items, like wands or other activated things
@NautArch depends on the GM and the players I would assume.
@ColinGross we don't know that yet :)
Okay, I'll ask that question. Thanks!
The original question should have the answer in it, but it doesn't. It was missed. Probably because there's three questions in that one question :/
@NautArch there's no guidance on the use of a screen or not.
Some tables hide rolls. Some do them all above board. I would assume most are a mix of hidden and open rolls.
In 2e, the dm rolled all the saving throws.
@ColinGross not about hiding rolls. It's about whether the player knows they're getting the +1. THe player can still give their result, but the DM would add the +1s.
in that case, that is.
Oh, does the player know? that depends on the table and how they're running it. Does the character know? no.
My players are pretty good about separation of player and character knowledge.
The simple answer is that the DM knows, and makes sure to add the +1 in his head, and thus cue the player when a "would have missed" attack hits. Provide clues/cues. (A short rest thing will likely sort out the remaining mystery)
@KorvinStarmast THat' assuming the player knows the AC of their target :)
... I think baby eagle wants to try flying.
Don't do it, you don't have your flight feathers yet!
@NautArch Depending upon how many times you attack or fight a given creature, it isn't uncommon to figure that out from die roll results.
@user76690 ping me when you put up the question. I think I found some rules guidance for it.
I only have the SRD to hand; I think there's some stuff in the DMG that provides more guidance on this.
Will do.
@KorvinStarmast absolutely, but that's a bit of a metagaming. YOu can't (and won't) prevent it, but worst case is it leaves the player scratching their head.
@user76690 See if my answer covers your cases.
If you've got your DMG handy, pg 136 covers it pretty succinctly.
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