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@GreySage That's not true for published material. Some people might insist it is conceptually true (my game doesn't use book X) but it's always true in the meta-game.
I like the obscurity of ability modification; it makes those creatures and spells feel unique
@SPavel Eh, if you go first, the monster goes second, and I go third, then maybe I would like you to use the arrow in case the monster attacks me before I can hit him with the sword.
@Yuuki Maybe, but it's now a much more weaksauce ability
I certainly wouldn't load up my character with both the sword AND the arrow
@SPavel Also, ranged attackas are better than melee attacks
"one per source" might be okay
(generally speaking)
So you couldn't have some jerk spamming Bolt of Beef Decreasing
He would have to spend effort to learn Ray of Chunk Reduction, Glyph of Destackening, and Mordenkainen's Reverse Gains
It would make Lesser and Greater Restoration feel necesisary if ability mod was more common
I'm a fan of affecting the derived stats directly, anyway. Saves time on math.
-1 damage on STR-based attacks?
Just -1 damage
Why does it have to be STR based
Because some attacks aren't based on how ripped you are?
I mean from a metagame perspective
If you are creating "makes attacks weaker" as a class of power, why must it be keyed to an ability score
...I need to go back and think about the principles behind Gumshoe One-2-One's problem formulas.
Because dex-fighters aren't mostly better already
If my character is a debuffer, and I face exclusively weird mystic guys that do Wisdom-derived damage, why should I not be able to perform my role?
"Hey guys, let's swing by the hospital before we return to base with the loot"
I want to play a game where everyone only gets 1 hit die (including monsters).
@DavidCoffron A level 1 game?
No, you still level up, just don't get more hit dice
Seems like it would be very rocket tag
D&D: I Want To Be The Guy Edition
That throws everything out of balance, I know but would be interesting
It would be all temp HP, AC, and to hit bonues
Sounds like high level 3.5
But IRL, that is how things work
Who can roll initiative better
Magic Missile becomes super OP.
Magic Missle is already super OP
Well, now it's a OHKO spell at high levels.
Play an evocation wizard
Shield spell stops it though
"Instant death unless immunity, then useless" is not great game design
I know its not well designed lol. That's why we have more hit dice. Would just be an interesting one-off
@SPavel Gumshoe One-2-One is a twosies game (one player, one GM), and the only version of it current available is tuned for Mythos horror.
@BESW Can doctors treat mythos wounds?
This doctor can:
@DavidCoffron Dr pepper?
Which one of those is Dr Pepper?
@SPavel Mythos Problems are marked by a special symbol and you have to meet special conditions to remove them.
@SPavel Look really close at the lapels of the 5th
@BESW Huh, neat
I like the "you tried to game the system and avoid sanity damage but guess what" effect
Notice that Haunted Imaginings also has the "continuity" keyword, meaning it doesn't clear up automatically at the end of your adventure like most problems do.
I want to play this game...
There are also ordinary continuity problems, like making an enemy in a powerful criminal organization.
@Anaphory Hmm, not really, there are domains in the PMB and SCAG that are "the usual" domain but nothing prevents the DM from adding to or subtracting domains for any god if it makes sense to them.
what is it called?
@DavidCoffron The generic engine is called Gumshoe One-2-One, but right now the only version of it available is Mythos-specific and called Cthulhu Confidential.
Sounds like lots of fun.
I'll look into it.
It looks like Choose Your Own Adventure Cluedo
#ordered book
oh, it comes with pdf; learn from this WoTC
@BESW Those bagels are large enough to be used as toilet seats if they go stale.
@KorvinStarmast I was going to comment on that too. It's bigger than the salesman's head
@DavidCoffron Kinda, yeah.
Those are not bagels, I'd imagine they are kolaches
I really want to hack it for more lighthearted play, but I have no guides for doing so.
Q: Modifying Gumshoe One-2-One difficulties for non-horror campaigns

BESWCthulhu Confidential is very clear that its Challenge Difficulty Table (p53) assumes the game wants to achieve a horror atmosphere (of the dread type as described in Nightmares of Mine). The appendices (Player Characters for Other Mystery Genres, Generic Edges, Generic Problems, pp302-319) offer ...

Which is a shame, because so far it's the best chance Troggy and I have to do twosies.
Sadly, writing the individual actions is always harder than writing the engine
I've dropped a lot of homebrews just because I didn't want to write the lists of powers
Even for the default system, the GM is expected to write custom powers in addition to the supplied generic ones, unless you're only using prepared adventures.
The system's new enough that you'll quickly run out of prepared adventures, and also the intensely personal nature of the game strongly encourages writing adventures customized to the particular character and their unique circumstances.
However, the Cthulhu Confidential book provides some very comprehensive setting notes for several different campaigns, with lots of adventure hook suggestions.
Seems like a lot of work
It's definitely written, first and foremost, for the significant portion of the Mythos gaming audience which is deeply dedicated to period research, detailed prop-making, and convoluted plots.
Prop-making even!?
But after running three sessions of it, I feel like I could get to the point where I can use the system more improvisationally.
@doppelgreener Well, Cthulhu Confidential doesn't itself expect prop-making, but that community? Oh yeah. Period passports and era-accurate train tickets, that sort of thing is very popular.
@BESW I wonder which community is bigger - Lovecrafters or RPG geeks (minus D&D-only-players)
The Propnomicon blog is my window into that world.
ooh. that's a tough one.
Huh, surprised that's whitelisted on the corp network
Loving that knitted beard
But notice, please, the Resources page on HPLHS.org.
Are they assuming that the audience already owns the typewriters to fill those out?
@SPavel Is there a word for those beard-braid caps?
@SirCinnamon Probably not but if you searched for that you'd probably find a bunch of hits
@BESW the details in that pdf are so thorough...
The Skyrim one was very popular
@SPavel I'm just seeing toques with fake beard facewarmers
@SirCinnamon Is that not what you want?
@SPavel "Dwarf Beard knot beads" got better results
@doppelgreener If you scroll down, there's period fonts and prop newspapers.
Also, the knight's armor hoodie was trending for a while
But those are ridiculous
@BESW I'm 100% using this in my PbtA game. I know some of my players had...uncomfortable young adulthoods. And who knows what I don't know.
@BESW That typography is not nearly atrocious enough
@Rubiksmoose Excellent.
Do note, it's obviously not the right tool for everybody.
There's also the O-card, for indicating when you like something and want more of it.
And this article talks about the problems with the X-card and PTSD, and proposes a different technique.
See also:
Q: What do the terms "lines" and "veils" mean?

GamerJoshI have seen the terms "lines" and "veils" used on this SE (including on the chat) a number of times, especially in terms of social contracts between players. What do these terms mean? What is their origin? How are they frequently used (best practices)? What are some suggestions for introd...

So, yeah, totally try the X-card! It works for a lot of people! But if people are giving it the side-eye, there are other tools for achieving similar effects.
And I don't know how useful it is from personal experience, but @Anaphory likes using this phrasing as a way to communicate basic principles:
> 1 - A gamer must not harm others, or through inaction allow others to come to harm.
Or themself! Use appropriate techniques (X-Card), Speak up, Take a Break, and Remember this is a voluntary thing and you can always just leave or ask someone to leave if the game is bad for you.
2 - A gamer must ensure the enjoyment of others, unless doing so would violate the First Law.
Enjoyment comes in many forms, but we are doing this for (some definition of) fun. Remember what wasn’t fun and give feedback, Speak up, and Remember we can always do something else that is more enjoyable.
@BESW I saw the O card thing (and sounds fun if not something I'm not sure we have a problem with right now). But that critique of X-card was incredibly valuable. One of my players in particular might not be helped as much by it.
I think that the specific tool you use is, overall, less important than having a group that knows it's okay to speak up about these things and that everyone else will take your needs seriously.
(And that includes figuring out which tool works for the group, if any is needed.)
One less formal technique I use is, at the end of every session I try to have a little discussion about the experience.
@BESW absolutely. This particular person has trouble speaking up (and with her trauma stemming from her health issues being neglected, ignored, and openly mocked) in a group full of other loud and boisterous and, occasionally, line-crossing people.
@BESW This seems cool, and I like the reference, but it as an unsettling implication of a rule 0...
I learned these questions from a Ruhi tutor:
May 11 '16 at 2:30, by BESW
- What do you want to see more of?
- What don't you want to see again?
- What would you like to add?
- What would you like to change?
Talking about those questions at the end of every session does a lot to help set the mood of the whole gaming experience, and make people more comfortable speaking up mid-session if they don't feel it can wait 'til the debrief.
So we'll see. I am particularly worried since with this PbtA game (Masks about developing young superheros) the heroes buttons will be pushed in many challenging ways. And prior to this I have put a lot of thought towards how to not make it too-real.
@BESW I don't know what Ruhi is but this is the essence of a basic post-mortem
What should we start doing? What should we stop doing? What should we keep doing?
On another note can we put a script in the chat that auto-stars everything BESW says? :P
10 hours ago, by BESW
@kviiri I'm involved in a global neighbourhood-based initiative that, as a primary focus, trains people in an area to work with kids and youth to instill a spirit of selfless service as a primary motive in their decision-making, combined with critical awareness of the needs of their communities. In places where this program has been sustained on a broad scale for more than a decade, the entire community starts to shift as those youth become adults in the community.
10 hours ago, by BESW
@kviiri We call it the training institute, and it uses the Ruhi Institute training program as the core of its expansion training.
@Rubiksmoose No because stars are not for that
@SPavel Stars are not for extended discussion. This conversation has been moved to a random question on the mainsite.
[falls out of chair]
@SPavel fwiw I was joking and also complementing BESW on constantly putting high-quality stuff into the chat.
@Rubiksmoose The internet is not for extended discussion. This conversation has been transcribed to stone tablets.
@SPavel Yeah, I just really like that particular phrasing.
It seems to work for a lot of people.
My own issue with questions like that is "this thing we do sucks" is easy to come up with, but it's much harder to determine what should be brought in
Technically, Moses was the first person with a tablet downloading data from the cloud.
@BESW I love that illustration because Moses is carrying this tiny delicate stone tablet that's carefully shaped
Where did he find that in a desert
The Apple Genius Bar.
Hard Rock Cafe
@SPavel Such is the nature of faith.
Honestly, Moses is also very short-sighted, would have been way easier to first walk down and then inscribe the commandments
Plus that way, he could deploy the commandments on a sprint basis, so that the Hebrews could start obeying the first one as soon as he was done with it
Also, why stone tablets? A roll of papyrus would've probably been a better idea.
@Yuuki Because when people said "it's not written in stone" he'd be like, yeah it is
@SPavel Just invent a font called "Stone".
Problem solved.
Plus, they just escaped from Egypt, Papyrus is very bad taste
"Moses, did you seriously write commandments from the Lord on the stuff that our oppressors use"
That's like, -10 Diplomacy right there
What have the Romans ever done for us?
@Yuuki Slave labor...?
@Yuuki I was going to say "no that's different people" but they are not
@Yuuki O-oh. I'll see myself out then.
We had a joke: A Communist and a Jew get into a conversation. The Communist says - why your people still cling to your religion when we have Communism now? The Jew says - Well, you see, first there were the Egyptians and the Jews. The Egyptians were ruined, and the Jews remained. Then there were the Romans and the Jews. The Romans were ruined and the Jews remained. Then there were the Germans and the Jews. The Germans were ruined, and the Jews remained. Now we have the Soviet Union and the Jews.
I am tempted to say something really racist.
Good thing you resisted.
Next time you'll be ready to go the next step and not mention the temptation!
@SPavel That's leaving out a couple of empires.
@GreySage The chat window said "your message is too long" and didn't let me post it
Anyway I gotta run
Try not to do any racist jokes without me
Mooooving on.
We are proud to be a home, lab, outlet, and creative avenue for so many fine tabletop people. Follow #AprilTTRPGMaker and learn more about the great people who are working so hard to bring you games.
I feel like this thread is begging to be turned into a Grant Howitt game.
The title is even already in there. “Gone In Sixty Seconds, But It's Birds.”
I do not need another half-finished RPG design sitting in my notes.
No. You specifically put it on someone else's list, no worries!
How do people narrate cyclic cosmologies, where you cannot just begin with “In the beginning, …”?
@Anaphory In the begining, stuff happened. Later, it began again.
You relate it to something else that happens.
"In the time when rabbits still ate meat," or "In the time of the Yellow Father's son."
"Before the flood," "After the winter of dying cows."
Because here's the thing--cosmologies as linear narratives? Aren't actually how they're told.
This is most easily demonstrated by the stories of the Aztecs and their predecessors: we know very little from the written texts because all the texts assume a common pool of knowledge shared by all their readers.
So they say "And that's when Quetzacoatl was born! Awesome, right?" but never really talk about why Quetzalcoalt was such a big deal. Everybody knew.
So stories get told piecemeal. It's "Now I'm going to tell you X story," not "Now I'm going to tell you all about everything ever from the very beginning."
That makes sense, and is very good for games narrating cosmology.
We do it all the time. Shakespeare assumed you knew why these kings are important and who they are, and it wasn't until his plays outlived their target audiences that they needed to be glossed.
Thank you! Good night and until soon.
(BTW, there are Japanese epics which take months to perform, so you just show up on the nights they're telling your favorite parts.)
Sounds bad for business, honestly
On the contrary
1-2 hour experiences are more marketable
Because everyone already knows the gist of the story overall, they don't have to go to the parts they don't like
@trogdor If it's a cultural tradition, sure. But traditions are always the exception.
I mean, yeah not everyone is going to like the format
Imagine instead of christmas specials on tv there was just a month-long play
But I doubt those stories still exist if no one is interested in them
@SimonH. these are more like plays though
@trogdor I personally find a kind of nostalgia in age-old traditions.
You go to them, they don't come to you
@SimonH. I admit, I don't watch many Christmas movies
@trogdor RIght, like fireworks on 4th of July
Much better comparison
Sorta at least
It's more personal than binge-watching movies like "A Christmas Story" over a tub of popcorn at home, alone, in mid-December
That sounds extremely personal
Holy chat-activity, star-man. This is multiple days this week I've "loaded to my last message" and been directed to the transcript instead.
@SPavel It's fine to give stats to gods. Just not to Drizzt. That would cause serious trouble.
Though I would love it if, for April Fool's, WotC released a stat-block for him that was realistically-powered. Drow elf Ftr5 attuned to a figurine of wondrous power, and too many magic items for you to really trust his last GM.
And hundreds of pages of backstory.
And a whole notebook of character art.
@nitsua60 that crossed the line of "too much work for April Fool's" at some point for sure
@BESW Where else are you going to keep your ideas for 200-word season?
@trogdor I don't believe in that line =)
I do
It's right at "any work at all" for me
Ah. I'm a prankster, meself.
I can appreciate a good prank, but I prefer to make stupid jokes when it's my turn to contribute
@nitsua60 Drizzt as Old Man Henderson. Makes sense.
@trogdor Sounds like we'd make two parts of a well-rounded party =)
To be honest it doesn't sound that well rounded
It sounds like we both took the same class and then just built it in divergent niche's
In fact, we kinda both took,... Like bardrogue
I assume it's for a joke campaign. So we've got prankster and quipper but we still need slapstick and straight-man, at least.
Which does literally 2 niche things that we both split into
@nitsua60 fair enough

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