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@Magician For your next 13th Age monster write-up, I have a suggestion or two...
They say no man is an island, but I know what I saw out there. Islandman is real.
.@ceejoyner @tef You misheard. It’s Norman. Norman is an island.
@BESW in case you hadn't seen it yet:
I'm more concerned about how the graphic designers appear to have flooded Canada and Mexico, and created man-made islands in the shape of Alaska and Hawaii on the shoals of what used to be Mexico.
@BESW I assumed that was the civil engineers. They saw this (grey-line) map on a wall somewhere and took it as instruction =)
hey there @nitsua60
how're things going?
Aviation question that you or @KorvinStarmast might have some insight into: I saw "VTOL or vectored thrust systems" mentioned in an answer and was confused. Isn't that redundant? Isn't all VTOL some form of vectored thrust? Or is vectored thrust a term of art only applying to the use of louvers to redirect normally-forward thrust in a different direction?
@nitsua60 hrm, mind linking the answer? could use a bit of context here
(In other news, I really like saying the word "louver" out loud.)
Though perhaps I mean cowling, rather than louver? Day of the Cheetah's been a long time reading.
A: Why can't you ditch your aircraft in the sea?

Michael KjörlingFirst, I'm taking this to be about fighter jet aircraft and similar. Airliners, general aviation jet aircraft, and others, are different, and there have been plenty of examples of jet aircraft ditching in water and everyone surviving. US Airways flight 1549 is a relatively recent (January 2009) e...

aaah. jetborne VTOL is basically a special-case of thrust vectoring
the primary difference is in the range of operation if you will
VTOL being the classic "rotate the whole thing 60 or even 90 degrees," while vectored thrust operates over a smaller range?
@nitsua60 I grew up in a house with louvered windows!
Did you louve them?
@nitsua60 exactly
the Harrier's nozzles actually go slightly past the 90deg mark, but can't go up past 0 deg
Aug 22 at 5:47, by daze413
Aug 11 at 3:55, by Miniman
2 days ago, by daze413
Jun 16 at 2:57, by Miniman
20 mins ago, by BESW
2 days ago, by nitsua60
@JoelHarmon "groan" button next to "star" button.
while in maneuvering thrust vectoring, it'll be like +15 to -15 or smth like that
@Shalvenay So it'll fly thrust backward, but not down?
@nitsua60 you probably could get a Harrier to fly backwards slowly in a jetborne state, but the main use of pointing your nozzles that far down is for braking on landing
the net effect is similar to thrust reversers (the Harrier has relatively wimpy brakes and no wing spoilers)
USA vs. Japan giant robot battle right now. (With thanks to @Zyera for the link.)
hey there @Zyera, how're things going?
Busy, very busy
ah. a bit on the quiet side here atm, although I do have a question for you
also @nitsua60 -- mind if I ping you on Discord?
What's up?
@Shalvenay do it. Though much of my attention will be on the mecha-sumo match =)
@Zyera re: that swordsman from that Burning Wheel game you mentioned, who hadn't gotten into an actual fight yet -- what degree of training does that char have/is that char asusmed to have?
@Shalvenay He's not a swordsman - he's a sorcerer. And... has no sword training.
@Zyera sheesh.
why does he even carry the thing? haha
Someone put a sword in his hands, and it would have been rude to refuse.
Also, he has to at least pretend like he can defend himself without sorcery, because sorcery is heresy.
@nitsua60 ah ##%$$%ing &&#%&$(## right in the middle of my work day
And, um. He was doing work for the church at the time.
ah, haha
I would so be watching that right now
Wow. That was a little lame.
Reminds me of what-if.xkcd.com/5
What happened?
The US made this giant steel structure with a machine gun and cannons.
Japan made a robot that had a giant fist.
Japan's bot drove forward and booped the US bot in the nose.
It fell over. That was the match. I'm giggling so hard.
The tale of the tape: US 6 tons, 15' tall, 25 HP motor, top speed 2.5 mph. Japan 6.5 tons, 13' tall, 87 HP motor, top speed 18 mph. It seemed like an obvious lopsided fight.
OK $#@%#$% me then I guess
Bright side is I didn't miss much
I mean the US bot just looks overengineered.
I do take umbrage, as a long-time robotics coach, at their use of the term "robot" for these machines.
Wow, okay
US also: [punches a car]
Okay, let's stop taunting Troggy.
OMG THEY BURNINATED EVERYTHING!!! It's a giant flying dragon robot with one big punching arm!!!
(Okay, I'm done.)
@nitsua60 you will regret these words sir :P
@Zyera We had a robotics competition once where the "main" robot had to deploy an auciliary robot capable of climbing a bare steel pole and triggering a sensor. Our team made a minibot that went so fast up the pole its momentum when it hit the top flipped the lightswitch to reverse the motors. Like, a standard lightswitch.
Imagine throwing one of those things hard enough at a wall to flip it!
@nitsua60 I was in that one, I think! FRC... 2013?
@Zyera One of those years--yeah. Endgame was the FTC minibot.
@Zyera in as a student or mentor?
Yeah! There was a team in SD that had a minibot light and fragile enough that it'd slam into the beacon and literally fall to pieces.
Student, though I was software for FTC and FRC. (FTC was also my higher priority.)
Was the minibot Logomotion? (The one with the 4 basketballs was endgame balancing on the giant ramp, the one with the frisbees was climbing the pyramid....) Or was logomotion a climbing endgame. Minibot wasn't the soccer one, or the "moon rock" year....
This whole conversation makes me sad that I missed out on building robots in school.
I was gonna link an image of the trogdor arcade machine coming to life but can't do so on my phone or on the comp at work
My first one was Logomotion, and it was the minibot year, yeah.
I wasn't actually super involved in FRC that year. We were going to nationals for FTC (and did really well).
Sooo instead I'll just say "oooooga boooga booooga"
@Zyera So was that a dual-endgame year? Because I thought I remembered something about our robot being able to do a pull-up in the endgame that was important. I guess that must have been a different year, huh.
I think it was a different year, yeah.
No, that was the frisbee year--we must have done a pull-up from the lowest rung of the pyramid to get off the ground for minimal endgame points.
Yeah, that.
Okay--gotta head out. Night, all. Thanks again for the link, @Zyera!
'night! Rest well!
hey there @JoelHarmon
hey there, @Shalvenay
how's life?
@Zyera -- you'll have to let me know how your sorcerer's first swordfight goes btw
alright here, as for you? still haven't seen Reibello around sadly
OTOH -- came up with another short-form dungeon
He is doing a good job of being afraid of getting into a swordfight, given a total lack of experience.
@Zyera haha
It might be the case that if he does fight he'll end up using sorcery, which would be its own... interesting problem.
@Zyera that is a point, yes
at least their church doesn't have to deal with mild aasimar warlock mindbendiness
this world is human
(and spirit with a sprinkling of deity)
@Shalvenay I rather think that depends on who or what the patron is.
@JoelHarmon serious, but good natured fey (the universe in question's equivalent of Oberon)
you could make a solid case that your angelic parent is the patron (if you can find one that fits, that is)
@JoelHarmon heheh. decided to roll with feylock to keep things simple
Fairy nough :)
speaking of mild mindbendiness, I'm still wondering how I go about porting my gnoll monk-priestess (of St. Cuthbert, natch) to 5e from 2e
Depending on how much you want to go one way or the other, you might be able to get away with an interesting Background and go single class.
because not only is she a gnoll, for which WotC has not released a PC race for (yet?), but she wasn't actually multi-classed originally -- she was dual classed
.... I see.
I only tried 2e once (didn't inhale, I swear!) so I always need to refresh myself on dual class vs. multi class. I just forget how dual advanced both at once.
@JoelHarmon 50/50 XP split
hey there btw @Magician
Right, because XP was different for different classes (for some reason)
@JoelHarmon don't ask me why :)
I read once that Gygax didn't like casters (who would be some wimpy caster when you could be Conan?!?!) and so he made casters worse.
[citation needed]
@JoelHarmon lulz. and then 3.x happened and casters got their revenge
@Magician -- maybe you'd be someone who could entertain some system-suggestion-for-campaign questions?
then also 4 happened, and everything balanced nicely mechanically. But a 3.x caster playing friend of mine hated 4e because there was no mechanical difference between the classes. He really just wants a resource pool to manage.
@Shalvenay Er, I could try? Though I'm not quite here atm.
@JoelHarmon and then 5e happened, and it seems that class balance has reached a relatively nice point
@Shalvenay There haven't been enough splat books to ruin it too much. I remain cautiously optimistic.
Also, I love how 5e rolled prestige classes into base classes.
@Magician basically -- I'm chewing on a campaign concept that's centered around relief and rebuilding in the wake of a wide-scale natural disaster. setting's a modest-powered medieval fantasy, with the prime races being Hobgoblins and Elves...they've been in a cold war state for a while, and then the Elves just get rocked by said disaster
@JoelHarmon I am guessing this friend didn't dig into the actual mechanics of 4e much then
@Shalvenay What about the world do you want to emphasize? Scavenging bands? Diplomatic ties? S&R? Rebuilding?
@trogdor I think he got reasonably far in. His complaint was everyone got basically the same dailies and encounters, so they didn't mechanically feel different enough.
and the Hobgoblins, out of a sense of honor and respect if you will, march in to help pull the Elves back to their feet. the PCs are a mixed/conjoined scouting party of sorts (part Hobgoblin-side and part Elf-side) and have to help rescue and organize, as well as manage their own logistics and some conflicts (with disaster profiteers, power-grabbers, and other such corrupt folk trying to use the disaster to not-good ends)
There are superficial and bbasic things that all classes have in common, they have a lot of mechanical difference
@JoelHarmon if so he was not looking quite hard enough
@trogdor I haven't looked at it in some time now, and I don't recall if their psionics expansion (phb3, as I recall) had anything with power points.
"Tell a scary story!" "OK. The dead no longer wander on Halloween." "Why?" "Something scared them away." "What?" "Nobody knows. Good night."
(RPG campaign seed)
There actually were power points in psionic classes
@JoelHarmon 5e's basics are at least reasonably well balanced, which is a good sign. it means that curtailing material will actually limit breakage, unlike with 3.5e where the worst balance problems were right there in the PHB
To be fair, maybe this friend saw a way earlier version of 4e than I did
@trogdor Do you have a more specific example? It seemed most of the powers were attack <stat> for <damage>, with <riders>. [at-will|encounter|daily].
@trogdor I'd guess he only saw core.
@JoelHarmon so yeah -- living off the land to some degree + organizing rebuilding with some S&R in early parts of the game, with a later phase that's more of a diplomatic/political rebuilding affair as immediate needs are fulfilled
Well the powers riders actually made a difference though
@Shalvenay I'm generally concerned about casters, because spell slots are fundamentally more options than fighters have. 20 spells known means picking the best 20 from whatever books. Fighters tend to only get one or two weapons at a time, and have to switch out (spending gold on each separately)
Not counting the huge difference in range and area of attack for each power
@trogdor Sure did. But not enough of a difference for him to feel the classes had a distinct enough flavor.
@JoelHarmon fighters get more than just weapons in 5e though -- although EK is somewhat underpowered, Battle Master's superiority die system, AIUI, is pretty solid
@trogdor You could add area, shape, range, etc. to the basic template that nearly every power fit.
The trick to 4e was picking the right class and powers and then building with items, feats, and eventually the branch paths you could pick
@JoelHarmon I find that's a common complaint from those who haven't really played the game. It makes a ton of difference in practice.
He really just disliked it. Turns out I disagreed with him; I liked the ability to attack different stats (even as a fighter), and produce different effects (even as a fighter).
All the characters in our game were hugely different, both from core and various splatbooks.
I assure you, I managed to make somewhere around 100 very different mechanical character builds
so yeah, anyone have anything on the system-suggestions front? @JoelHarmon @Magician ?
@trogdor And I believe you.
@trogdor I imagine he'd look at 100 different wooden ships and ask why none of them could fly.
@Shalvenay I've used Reign as a management addon to sit on top of our system, 4e at the time, when the party founded a city.
@JoelHarmon fair enough
@Magician that sounds useful for the later phase of the game -- early-phase, I was thinking something fairly gritty (Burning Wheel, maybe?)
Depending on how survival-y you want it to be, maybe even Torchbearer.
I don't mind if people didn't like 4e I do mind if people mislable it without trying it out
@Shalvenay Would you be willing to switch systems and/or characters partway through?
I personally got sucked into its character creation as a whole separate game
@JoelHarmon more of an overlay approach would likely be better, as Magician alluded to
a hard switch of systems might be a bit jarring
@trogdor That's a vice of mine for most systems I've played.
I'm still really amused that Traveller can theoretically kill your character during chargen.
It has happened before though I think 4e was my most serious case of it
@Shalvenay I think a good system overall for that would be Fate. In particular, I like the ability to have different types of conflict directly represented; physical, social, and will (as I recall)
And that's it for me. Later, all!
The problem with Fate is that the group has to have a pretty solid concept of the setting and themes in order to make the pieces work.
It's not a system that will enforce a particular paradigm beyond the basic "cycle of crisis and victory" concept.
Aspects are only as useful as the group's understanding of them.
Hmmm. I reckon playing the first half of the campaign on the "ground floor" of the setting would give a solid grasp of its themes, before Fate is introduced.
@JoelHarmon You should try deadEarth chargen some time (but never the game itself):
in deadEarth: The Chargenning, Jul 6 '14 at 13:09, by BESW
I managed to roll a character who was going to die of liver failure in 1d6 years, reverse-age and die as an embryo in 1d6 weeks, and die of spontaneous combustion in 3d6 hours.
I'm kinda surprised I haven't had a character die in deadEarth chargen yet.
Jul 6 '14 at 13:37, by BESW
My second character also survived! With brain damage and crippling frailty, but a poison spur on his ankle and the ability to create pearls (he appears to be some kind of paraplegic fish-man).
Power just went out.
Welp I was not island wide
Didn't happen at work at least
I wonder what is causing these little outages lately
Hello, all. just wondering if there is a "how to use this site" page that tells you how to do all of the things, and if so, where to find it.
Also, an in-depth explanation of RPG stack exchange as a whole
Urrrg this phone sucks
Wow really?!!!
@Val That should be a good start
Thank you! Not exactly what I was looking for, but it ended up taking me to the right place anyways ^.^
The point was that it should have at least given you the right navigation options
I wasn't sure what everything you were looking for was but that link was the most likely to lead to a lot of it
I'm on the phone now so it's hard to gather links like I normally would, but is a good place to find more site specific policy discussions, beyond the normal help and tour links you can find on the main site.
@BESW yeah hence me struggling just to put that single one in
I was hoping it could at least help by being a link portal
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Top of the morning to everyone
@nitsua60 VTOL is vertical take of/landing. THe F-22 has vectored thrust but it isn't VTOL. The F-35B and AV-8B Harrier are VTOL using vectored thrust.
@BESW I'm impressed. The life expectancy (of the survivors) seems on par with Great Ork Gods.
The life expectancy of campaigns is probably even less.
I'd believe that.
I'm not even sure how you could do a campaign with such a rolling cast of characters.
Seriously, it's a lousy system in intent, design, execution, and content.
At least, when I ran GoG with two groups of four, only one of the eight players had an ork that lived the whole session. Everyone else died between 3 and about 10 times.
That sounds about right, yeah.
But GoG isn't designed for long campaigns.
Yet it does have multi-session rules.
Well, yes. But there's a difference, I think, between multiple session continuity and something as coherent as a campaign.
Of course.
At best GoG can tell the story of a tribe of Orks.
Or one extremely cautious and lucky Ork.
Yeah, deadEarth is so bad it's hard to imagine it's not just a very elaborate troll or parody...
@JoelHarmon i'm pretty sure a cautious ork would have to be proportionately way more lucky, since their levels of caution would be so unfit for an Ork it would draw tremendous amounts of spite their way
and they'd probably have to be best bros with He Who Guards the Gate
@Lexaire Hi!
Welcome to chat \o/
@doppelgreener you edited my answer on the cleric holy symbol. Thanks for that, it flows much better with the quote. Still not sure why it got downvoted 3 times since it seems relevant to losing holy symbols.
@Lexaire perhaps personal feelings about what relevance Mearls's opinions have to the game
My first time making a Cleric in Pathfinder, I spent a lot of time just reading over equipment and what you can buy, and stumbled on the tattoo option which I thought was awesome because you can lose the symbol, but you can't lose a tattoo.
can't easily lose a tattoo at least lol
i get the idea that "Mearls says this is OK" carries about as much weight with some D&D 5e players as "some guy over there says this is OK in his games" -- he's not the guy whose spoken words are the rules, for instance, and we try to find things that are either objectively true or which are very good ideas based on experience
Don't many of his opinions make it into Sage Advice which is accepted for Adventurers League play?
and errata maybe
in any case i've gone and purged all the comments on that question, since all but one were just chatty nonsense or people arguing with each other in comments
From a different point of view, that's just an indicator that his opinions that didn't make it aren't officially accepted :)
^ yeah there's that
Why do people hate him so much?
like, when you appoint one guy whose words about the game are as good as official rules, implicitly the other guy's words are not considered to be that, they're just his unofficial personal opinion.
Is there as much animosity for Jeremy Crawford?
@Lexaire Going from this stuff to people hating him is a big leap, they don't necessarily feel that way.
there's room for "we like this guy but his words are not official nor rules and don't have bearing on how the game works except insofar as they become official somehow."
Whose advice is held in higher regard?
That's a subjective thing, but Wizards of the Coast has said that Jeremy Crawford's words about D&D 5e are official, literal rulings or rules. What he says is basically how D&D 5e works. Nobody else has that kind of station, nobody else's words have any special relevance to the game beyond their personal opinion.
ugh .. DM has asked me to roll up 3 extra PCs. No problem ... but must include one of a race I don't currently have, and classes I don't currently have. "To balance out the stable of available PCs" he says.
"Gotta have a dwarf and an elf and a rogue in some combo" he says.
e.g. the Sage Advice compendium says in the top right under Official Rulings:
> The public statements of the D&D team, or anyone else at Wizards of the Coast, are not official rulings; they are advice. One exception: the game’s lead rules developer, Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford on Twitter), can make official rulings and does so in this document and on Twitter.
He is the one exception, the one living Official Rulings Maker, the one person whose rulings are officially part of the game outside of official D&D 5e documents from Wizards itself.
Personally I'd hold the opinions of one of the lead designers in high regard, whether or not they are sanctioned by Wizards of the Coast LLC as official D&D rulings is unimportant to me. The rules to D&D are whatever I decide at my table anyways.
@Erics But...why?
Balancing out would only make sense if there is perceptible imbalance currently that everyone agrees is bad.
All the times I'm saying "official" matter. Back in D&D 3.x, from what I gather, Wizards introduced to the D&D culture an idea of "official-ness" as being something that's extremely important: you use official rules, and official updates and errata, and when a new book comes out that officially replaces your book (like the revised PHB) you obtain that new book to play with the official rules. It's my understanding that kind of attitude existed less in AD&D days.
That's still perpetuated even if they're trying to sorta shake it off in D&D 5e.
@Lexaire Sure, it's in high regard -- but it's not rules about how the game works. Part of our Q&A system is finding objectively correct answers. A person whose word is merely in high regard is not providing rulings, and whether that answer is helpful or not is contingent entirely on an individual DM's acceptance of that stance, which is arbitrary.
@ACuriousMind yup, but every player in our group (4-8 ppl around the table any given session) has about 2-4 PCs of the same level range with a wide variety of classes & races ... got me baffled too.
@doppelgreener This summarizes it way better than I could've.
@doppelgreener Should answers that are not RAW be downvoted?
@Lexaire That's a rather significant leap.
If anything, going human in my first two PCs was diversity representation, as pretty much all the PCs so far had infravision and racial bonuses (i.e. non-human)
@Lexaire That's not what you should be getting out of what I'm saying. Naturally we accept answers that are not adhering strictly to RAW; there is in fact a whole tag for questions that expect exceptional handling of RAW. Answers are upvoted to the degree they provide an objectively correct solution or a subjectively effective solution (based on experience), and downvoted to the degree they don't.
Your answer has both upvotes and downvotes. We don't tell people how to vote, it's entirely personal.
"One game designer whose words are officially just his personal opinion and advice says you can do this" is, probably, to the people who downvoted, not quite helpful enough or not quite what we're going for here.
It's not like Mearls is the only one who receives this treatment. Some people consider people like AngryGM or other high-profile RPG bloggers as good sources, but to many others (including me) their opinions may be good or bad but carry no weight over the opinions of any other RPG player.
@kviiri AngryGM has made a great number of statements which have me borderline written him off, like the time he defined what an RPG is in such a way to explicitly exclude, well, many well-known RPGs.
Based on that, AngryGM's word in and of itself means very little to me.
But, I am not a D&D 5e player, and D&D 5e is all he really gets quoted in here.
@doppelgreener The Help does have advice on how to vote: "Voting up a question or answer signals to the rest of the community that a post is interesting, well-researched, and useful, while voting down a post signals the opposite: that the post contains wrong information, is poorly researched, or fails to communicate information."
@doppelgreener Aye. I also dislike his style of writing a lot. But he occasionally does make good points, eg. the time system thing we discussed yesterday.
@Lexaire I'll clarify: there exist absolutely no tools whatsoever to control how people vote. So, they can do so however they want. People can even vote based on whether the post has an even or odd number of sentences for all we care, we don't know why they're voting, don't care, and can't do anything about it.
(Actually, I'll hedge that, there's some voting offences which can lead to votes getting withdrawn.)
@doppelgreener what sorta offenses? :D
@Lexaire If you have a second account and use it to upvote your main account, you'll be in a world of trouble, for instance. That leads to vote reversal, account suspensions, possible account destruction, etc.
@doppelgreener What RPG systems do you play?
@kviiri AngryDM's endless waffling is tedious to the point of offensive.
@kviiri Right! So, Some Blogger or Angry GM or Mike Mearls has relevance only to the extent they're actually making an Objectively Correct or Good Subjective point. If one of them explains something is correct based on the actual rules, us quoting them on that helps us make an Objectively Correct answer and that's great. If they explain how a feature has worked out for them and show it works well, quoting them helps us provide a great Good Subjective solution.
But to the extent they're not doing that, or their words aren't official stances (e.g. Jeremy Crawford), their words have little relevance.
Actually something just came to mind: you know how Wizards nominated Jeremy Crawford as official rules guy, and now he's the only one whose words matter? Evil Hat doesn't nominate an official rules guy, and their designers weigh in on matters quite often on Google+ or their personal blogs, and even Evil Hat's founder has answered some questions here. Their words matter and are super helpful, and I've quoted them regularly.
@doppelgreener Exactly! I see no sense in holding them in any greater authority just because they have a blog. :)
That remains being the case because they didn't create an official exclusive position as Official Voice Of The Rules that, by its nature, excludes everyone else from being able to have a voice about the rules.
@Lexaire Mainly Fate plus a bunch of one-shot systems; there's a longer list in my profile.
I guess the "only one rules guy" goes somewhat hand-in-hand with "the only game where rules conflicts are a normal feature of the game".
I used to play D&D 4e and loved it, but it doesn't fit the kind of stories I like to explore with the groups I have at the moment.
@doppelgreener Have you used Lasers and Feelings for more than just a one shot?
I've wanted to try it or one of its mods, but I feel I'm not experienced enough yet as a GM to tread so boldly off the beaten track of pre-written modules.
@kviiri Yep, that's true. Evil Hat's situation goes hand in hand with Fate being a game based on a limited number of flexible mechanical principles, and all the posts its designers make on social media, blogs, etc, are just expounding on improving our usage of those principles. Sometimes they even write about a potential improvement and it gets picked up officially.
Nowadays I'm going to go on using that compel refusal improvement Ryan Macklin wrote about in my own games, because Fate is the kind of system where you do that kind of thing.
@Lexaire I have not, though I would be happy to run a session that was in continuity with a previous session (but not as a campaign; same principle as BESW mentioned here)
I would just use Lasers & Feelings to run a one-shot, with no commitment to any scope beyond that specific session, with the option to have current events and characters relate to other sessions we've had but no commitment to keep going with that or have anything like a respectable continuity.
What is GoG?
Great Ork Gods.
It's a pretty funny slapstick game about orks and their gods who despise them.
L&F is a good game in its simplicity but I haven't yet figured out how I'd like to use it for something apart from beer & pretzels one-shots.
That's pretty much what it's designed for, yeah.
Long-form campaigns tend to need a bit more complexity--not necessarily in mechanics, but at least in theme.
There's only so much story you can wring out of a binary setting conceit.
Yup. It's an excellent beer & pretzels, with offshoots like Swords & Scrolls.
Which reminds me, I wonder if there's a Star Trek -style PbtA hack out there.
Of course there is.
I think I saw a Star Wars or straight Star Trek hack of L&F.
@kviiri Does it have a GM move for exploding consoles?
@BESW It seems it indeed does!
Well, not actually a GM move, but a Harm move style move.
@doppelgreener You can add Cthulhu Confidential and Golden Sky Stories to that.
> **Brace for Impact:** When your ship takes Harm that is not absorbed by Shields, the bridge officer in charge rolls+Rank. On a 10+, the bridge sprays harmless sparks and the bridge crew rocks back and forth.
On a 7-­9, choose 1 from the list below. On a 6­-, choose 2.
● Shields or another key system go offline and will require extensive repairs.
● Multiple crew casualties inflicted (Disadvantage ongoing to Issue Orders until resolved)
● Bridge takes damage, inflicting equal Harm on a member of the bridge crew.
Ugh. Now that I can make a quote I can't bold anymore.
To boldly go.
@kviiri Line breaks break most markdown.
@doppelgreener Also the DFA playtest, Lovecraftesque, and Storium.
@kviiri If you like Lasers & Feelings mechanically, check out All Outta Bubblegum. It's kind of the ur-example of the over/under engine. (Trollbabe is probably the proto-example, but it's got a lot of extra stuff tacked on.)
Trollbabe is definitely trying to be more campaign-friendly.
Brb, thanks for the sggestions :)
@BESW I don't think I've played Lovecraftesque myself yet
Oh? I could've sworn... wait, no, that was Brian.
Eimyr facilitated a game for us and there was another person Skyping in, which usually means you. But not that time.
I hope it was fun! :O
It was, for Lovecraftesqueian values of fun.
We should play it again some time.
I'd love to!
I was thinking about running InSpectres next week for the Halloween session, but LCQ would work too. We can let the group decide.
(I'd hoped to run Straw Boss, but then it came out and I read it--definitely a "takes a whole session zero to do the prep" game.)
BTW, @doppelgreener, don't forget there won't be an RPG session this coming Geek Night, because we're having a Birth of Bahá'u'lláh party.
So you can sleep in or have tea on the balcony or whatever.
@BESW Yup, I remember that. 21st is out but 30th is a halloween session? :)
woo! tea on the balcony! hopefully it's sunny :)
Well, the 28th.
(I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT IF I WERE STILL LIVING IN AUSTRALIA, doppel says through gritted teeth)
Oh. Yes. Math. 28th.
@doppelgreener ...balcontea.
@doppelgreener Also hopefully it won't be apocalyptic.
@BESW the apocalyptic sepia tinge has departed, but now it's just foggy enough it looks like london might be threatening to phase out of existence peacefully
so, basically, the weather is still a brexit reference
we had a red sun yesterday
When we have a red sun, it means the dump fire reached the surface again.
Apparently, it was because of the hurricane.
Dump fire?
The military did all kinds of illegal dumping up through the 1950s, and then when the locals protested enough that they got some semblance of self-governance, the military "gave" the new government the dump site.
how kind
So we've been saddled with a pit full of chemicals that will smoulder until judgement day, and whenever it rains hard enough the water trickling down through the trash opens up passages for air... and the smouldering becomes a fire that leaps up to the top.
We've actually got TWO of these wonderful gifts. I grew up about three minutes away from one of them.
That sounds awful and scary
The local government gets massive fines and penalties and is denied certain kinds of federal funding, because the dumps are such toxic disasters.
Sounds unfair.
Oh, it's lovely. Whenever the fires get bad the government has to pay for the people who live nearby to stay in hotels until the fumes are less poisonous.
Could they do something about it, then?
Nope. We don't have the infrastructure to deal with the dumps. And the Jones Act says any attempt to, say, export the material to a place that CAN deal with it, has to go to a US port. So any location in Asia or the Western Pacific that'd be willing to help us... we'd have to ship the stuff to Hawaii first.
Ugh, that's just rotten :<
This is also a major roadblock in our attempts at recycling--it's not cost-effective to do ANYthing with our waste because we can only ship the cans/cardboard/metal/whatever to a US port. And those are kinda far away.
I mean, I can totally get federal punishments for active environmental violations, but if the fire started in the 1950's it feels undue and unreasonable to keep punishing the people of Guam for them.
well, especially since no one who lives here caused it
That, too
Our government is a sham anyway. Congress can abolish it any time they want.
well yeah but,.... that doesn't translate to blaming it for,.... this
Do you have voting rights for US matters?
we can actually vote for president, but our votes don't actually count
The only reason they gave us an elected governor in the first place was a massive protest made for bad mainland PR in the late 50s.
I think it's highly ironic, considering the noble origins of the United States, how easily they deny voting rights for their citizens based on residence.
@kviiri it is extremely frustratingly ironic yes
We elect a single non-voting representative in Congress, and that's the only voice we've got at the federal level.
Is either of the two large parties campaigning for increased rights for you? I know DC and Puerto Rico are occasionally resurfacing hot topics, but what about the other territories? (is territory the right word?)
and, rather insidiously, we have become dependent on food that can only be shipped from U.S ports
when this island used to be completely self sufficient through fishing and farming and such
@kviiri Puerto Rico doesn't get enough press for all Americans to remember that it is part of the U.S.A
we get even less than they do
plus,... at the moment they have bigger problems with the horrible humanitarian crisis that America doesn't even apparently feel like helping them with
@trogdor Rats, that's a bummer. I would've thought it was an active issue.
@kviiri Yes, territory--specifically, "organized unincorporated territory." And not really, no, nobody's making us a platform issue. Partly because the indigenous population isn't sure what change it wants (more incorporation into the US system, or more independence), but mostly because we're MUCH more useful to the military as an aircraft carrier with a local workforce that can't complain effectively about how the military treats them.
@kviiri it is but,..... no one who doesn't live here is at all worried about it, as far as I know
@BESW yeah this is a thing
I probably know this stuff better than the average European because I like whining about the pitfalls of the US style of democracy (First-past-the-post, Winner-takes-all, disenfrachisement based on location of residence etc) but I wouldn't have guessed that I'd be more aware of these than the people in the States...
I can fully understand people not knowing which direction they want the island to go, but I am way more worried about the fact that I doubt we would ever be able to get what most of the people here want even if we could all agree about it
I think that even if we finally hammered out and decided a really good idea for what we wanted to do,...... it would just never happen because the country we are a territory of just wouldn't allow it
Too bad no majority opinion on what direction to change in usually means no change it all, even if everyone would prefer something instead of the status quo.
@kviiri Well, John Oliver did a piece on it last year, and that's probably the only way anybody's heard of the Insular Cases recently.
yeah most people here can at least agree that the current state of affairs chucks monkey puke
@BESW I am both happy that he did it,... and sad that what you just said is most likely true
in The Factory Floor, Jan 10 at 22:31, by BESW
(TL;DR version is that Americans in places like Puerto Rico and Guam don't have full citizen's rights because of a 100 year old ruling that their cultures were too weird for them to understand American values and they shouldn't have those rights until they appreciated America more. And the federal government stills says that hasn't happened yet.)
I personally wish US would get more flak for its abuses, but it's supposedly the leader of the free world and us subordinates don't get to criticize its idea of Freedom.
in my opinion, America's biggest problem is the inability to hold on to empathy for people who are not in the middle of a fatal crisis
Aug 4 '16 at 3:36, by BESW
So, Chamorros don't have the federal vote because it's a blessing they don't have the culture to understand properly, but if they're governed without representation for long enough they'll learn about the Anglo-Saxon principles of democratic representation and then they can get the vote.
you see outpours of empathy for that, but not for continued oppression under a system that likes to crow about how fair it is for everyone
in Not a bar, but plays one on TV, Feb 23 at 1:40, by BESW
A few years ago the Supreme Court upheld the Insular Cases as still applicable to all territories, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa.
that is especially bad
like,.... if it was not a thing that needed to be re-affirmed at least I could pretend that they just don't even remember or know it exists
but they basically just passed it again without bothering to check anything
anyway, I need sleep now
hey all
Sad situation overall.
been a while @BESW [wave]
@Ryan Hi!
does anyone know in Curse of Strahd are there some good puzzles, traps, locked doors and stuff of that nature?
I've been mostly playing 1E which is heavy on that stuff and I really enjoy so thinking but my limited experience with 5E had almost none. Don't really want to make a character that's good with traps if there won't be any

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