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Around here a major third-party is BLU.
True mine actually says BLU on the back
But it looks the same as the images I found
My assumption stems from "Luke"
The amount of times my phone has decided that was the appropriate word astounds me. So I would daresay it's likely the same phone in a different case haha
I am definitely flabbergasted by "Luke" that is not even close to the word I actually put in
@Yuuki He didn't have any problem with the flight in Joe vs the Volcano. It was the ship he had a problem with.
But that probably doesn't count, because the flight was just a few seconds of transition scene.
The Man with One Red Shoe opens with a problem in an airport, but the flight was relatively uneventful.
"Up in the Air" featuring Tom Hanks
....Does Toy Story count?
Because there was some arguably positive flight there.
@BESW You mean Falling with style
Nah, I think being rocket-propelled counts as flying for our purposes; Apollo 13 has already been counted.
Actually, in that light, Joe vs the Volcano's ending might count.
My D&D game is going to be starting again shortly! Am excite.
I kinda want to talk to the GM and ask him to start with a drill. You know. "TO ARMS! BATTLE STATIONS!" and all that sort of excitement, since we left it at the edge of a war. Then reveal it was just a drill
Don't worry @daze413 or @miniman, it won't affect our schedule :)
hey there @Ben
Hey @shalv
how's it going
alright here, as for you?
Not too shabby
got both the planned games in this weekend, so that was kinda nice :D
Oh awesome!
I'm feeling good since my week is starting to fill up with games again. Back up to 3!
yeah, it looks like I have at least a semi-regular RL group again \o/
Anyone have good experience with "The homebrewery"? I'm getting something that looks good on screen but that gets strange when ported to pdf. (Images bleeding across pages, sizes off, &c.)
Nvm--I'm an idiot. Pdf-converter was defaulting to landscape.
Question - does an owlbear "howl", or "call"?
@Magician since you seem to be the authority on the subject :P
speaking of experiences -- how best can I edit the GnomeStew foldable-mini PDFs without a copy of Adobe Acrobat handy? (keep in mind, I'm typing to you from a Debian Linux box :P)
It hoots
@Magician and probably pretty loudly too -- I wonder if a distant owlbear'd sound something like a distant train horn?
"The group sits around the fire, no sound coming from the surrounding dark, aside from the crackling of the flames. An Owlbear hoots in the distance."
...I imagine an owlbear charging through the undergrowth would sound like a train doing the same, too.
Though I suppose that's the point. You wouldn't know it's an owlbear until it's maining you with beak and claws
@Ben Hoots.
Petition to change the chat notification sound to a HOOOT
@Magician "WHOOOOOOOO"
Let me tell you a story.
@Magician the train would probably sound different if it got closer though (the horn sound definitely is diff up close, and you also have the various mechanical noises)
@Shalvenay Now, an owlbear golem, on the other hand...
@Shalvenay I feel like we're getting closer to that bear from The Drawing of the Three at this point...
A few years ago, a few friends and I decided to go camping. Being young and able-livered, we got on it fairly hard.
@nitsua60 "You watch a train go by. A wereowlbear pokes his head out of the locomotive cab and waves."
By the end of the night, when we finally got down to sleeping, a few of the girls started hearing shuffling sounds in the bushes. All being in the same tent (a 6-man tent if I remember correctly - so we were able to sleep without rubbing elbows too vigorously), this was upsetting a few of the other patrons who were attempting to sleep.
I attempted to calm them, telling them it was likely just a Wallaby or some sort, but they were convinced it was a tiger or some such (I live in Australia btw).
"There's something in the bushes... there's something in the bushes!"
Then, amidst all this, not a foot away from my head, an insane cackling bursts through the tent. Within an instant I was on my feet, with a spare tent pole in my hands "THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE F***ING TENT!"
At this point, one of the girls turns off her 5am alarm. The cackling abruptly stops.
Needless to say I think my reaction put them at ease. I suppose it said that if there was any actual danger, I'd at least be able to react quickly.
I think, however, if my phone started hooting, I don't think I'd be able to stop my self from beating it until it stopped.
also...I wonder just how scary a wereowlbear in hybrid form would be
General question to put to the room - I have spoken to my GM about this, and he understands the issue. I feel like he is capable of handling the situation, but I also feel like there that I can do as the "problem player" as it were.
Basically, at the end of a long day, my brain tends to switch off. This is also when we do our weekly game. My "role" tends to always be the same - the fighter. I have a hard time contributing to investigation or problem solving, and often have to remind myself of what the ultimate goal is; why we were sent here; why we can't just leave, etc. Sometimes I often just lose focus and come back missing a whole half hour of gameplay.
General question to the room: is this too much info to throw at a player out-of-session? For context, we've spent two weeks playing a module set in the area and this week will start the hardcover (Tomb of Annihilation) campaign, expecting to run ~9 mo. About half the paragraphs in the "People of Chult" and "Port Nyanzaru" sections vary from player to player.
I don't interrupt and try and just suggest the whole "why don't we just leave", or whatever, because the other players do enjoy all that side of things. I am involved in combat, or anything that does directly involve me, but other wise, I just drift off.
Is there anything that I can do to help this?
@Ben Is it a problem? Have the other players complained, or does the GM say they're having trouble because of it?
@nitsua60 Well my discussion with the GM pointed out that he has identified my role in the group - the Fighter, or the "hitter". Basically the guy that finds it easier to solve problems by punching through things rather than finding our way around them
@Ben do you want to participate personally?
As well as the fact that my back-tracking and trying to find out what is happening would be a bit annoying to the rest of the group. They haven't said anything, but If the roles were reversed I would have some minor annoyance at having to remingd me again, what we're doing
@NautArch Well, yes, but I would say that I would have a hard time doing so. Like I said, my brain tends to simply switch off after a long day at work
@Ben do you go straight from work to gaming? Or is there any time between?
@Ben Bluntly: have you said to the other players "hey, all: I enjoy coming here and relaxing and zoning a little bit and participating in combats. Is that a problem for anyone, if I'm drifting during other scenes?"
@NautArch I do stop off at home, but it's just to change, get a few errands done, then I head out again.
@nitsua60 not at all. that's a very short intro with some new purchase options. Definitely not overwhelming.
@Ben Thinking that you need to find something to clear your head. You're going from work, to errands, and straight to gaming. You don't have time to kind of reset yourself and get yourself in the right frame of mind.
@NautArch Yeah. Unfortunately I can't really see the opportunity for that.
@Ben what if you asked the game to start 30 minutes later? And then you carve out time to relax, or exercise, or something to refresh you so that you can be present.
@NautArch Intent is to give a baseline for flavor that I know I won't get across in narration/descriptions, to put a list of the items into their hands, and to sew some hooks. Thanks for taking a look!
@nitsua60 do they have this before or after character creation?
@NautArch They've already made the characters--the same ones we've been playing with a few weeks. So some of the seeds are intentionally chosen, some randomly.
@NautArch That is usually what happens, but it seems that the game always starts at least an hour after whenever the latest person arrives. Everyone has their own lives and such, so sometimes we might be a little late, but I think that's what the GM wants - a period of time for everyone to chill, get relaxed, before we start the game.
Anyone else think we GMs could just dispatch with all planning and make do with this deck of cards?
@nitsua60 Depends on the player - as a player, I eat this stuff up, but I know people who wouldn't make it through that even if they tried.
@NautArch I think it might be a good idea to talk to the group about it though. I know the issue is apparent, so it'd be worthwhile discussing a set start time.
@Ben definitely good to talk with the group. They'll appreciate your openness and wanting to improve and maybe all of you can help figure out a way to bring you in.
That way I can get the "break" between work and the game, but it's not too late that my brain starts to shut down again.
@Miniman In which case, I was hoping the back page would just serve as a reference. List the things you can buy, small map of the city.
@nitsua60 I find it tends to work out pretty well - the players who pay attention and want to know as much as they can are generally the ones who end up setting the party's direction anyway.
@Ben You could "soften" the approach a bit with something like "hey, all, I'm just realizing that I [playstyle], and I'm worried it's impacting [X]. I think I'd be better ready to play if we moved the start a bit."
@nitsua60 I've done this. Several times.
@nitsua60 Yeah, definitely :)
@BESW I think you've done it to me =)
I mean, I don't think I've ever seen a party that managed to pick an official leader. But at the same time, I don't think I've ever seen a party that didn't have an unofficial leader.
@Miniman I think it's up to whoever has the strongest persona.
@nitsua60 ...really?
@Miniman In one game, I was the tank, but a background character, in another, again, the Tank, but seemingly far more charismatic/cinematic, and apparently the one that everyone else turned to to decide what happens next
@BESW Maybe? There was some feeling out during the first sessions of StackDW, and I assume you masterfully handled me at some at least one point =)
Oh, right. Yes.
I was trying to think of when I'd been running a game you played in.
But apparently I was more clever than I thought.
[Roll to persuade]
+6 Charisma bonus
+2 for offering of pizza
@Ben In media, all birds of prey sound like a red-tailed hawk.
@BESW oddly enough, I've been around a live peregrine falcon but can't recall if I ever heard Pedro squawkin' haha
@BESW and every background extra screams like this
@Ben Except the ones who sound like this.
1 hour later…
@Ben Christopher Perkins weighs in on his Acquisitions, Inc. games, his owlbears Hootgrrs- which is exactly as it reads: "whoooGRRRR!"
If I could add a youtube link, I would :( but I can't coz I'm at work
Firewall Feelz
As long as I'm slacking, I also got an RL game going. Out of the Abyss with a bunch of my neighbor-friends. I don't think it's a good fit for them as they don't really think about the game, they're more of a beer-and-pretzels group, which, the way I run OotA, will get them killed
They were perfectly content with the Orc killing the Myconid Sprout- who, if you ever played the module, is basically the neuralink of the group, allowing the PCs and NPCs to communicate without language barriers
So, my sister is essentially in a hostage situation :/
Not directly, thank god, but she is in the vicinity
There is apparently a man with a gun roaming around the area.
Oh god wat??!!?
Yeah :/
I hope he gets caught soon withought doing anything else
Apparently the police are already on site, so if she stays out of the way, I don't see any danger
The house has a tall gate and is fairly hard to get into
That is good at least
Just scary because it's one of those "I don't see it happening to me" situations
Yeah not a great new experience
Now I have to tell my mother :/
If it were me in that situation I might wait till it was over and nothing had happened,.... But maybe that just makes me stupid
My mom worries about literally everything
@trogdor I was thinking the exact same thing. "I wonder if this is one of those 'let's wait a bit before calling mom' times."
But also just not sure
Growing up, I lived in an area that was a popular place for escaped convicts to go. But that was because they were visiting their mothers. The police would show up, the mom would give them something to drink while her son finished his snack, and then they'd take him back to prison.
Also,..... My mom worries ten times more about my sister than she ever did about my brother and I ( and my sister would probably be the most likely of us to just rip the guy apart in that situation)
@trogdor Right. This is one of those things where my wife and I will sometimes disagree. If there's absolutely nothing I can do, I'd rather not know until later. She'd rather know as soon as possible. And we both reflexively treat each other via the golden rule. Which strains our ability to make it to a golden anniversary =)
@BESW I remember this anecdote
@nitsua60 to be honest I have no idea which I would prefer
there are problems with both for me
@nitsua60 Wrt dual-wielding quarterstaves, I think the weeds are the actual question.
If I know immediately I still can't do anything but if I don't and the worst possible outcome happens before I know anything,.......
@Miniman Yeah, just noticed and edited. I was thrown by their use of "wield" in the OP.
@nitsua60 Looks god!
I told her, and let her know all the details (Spoke to my sister, let her know what the situation was, told her to stay in the house etc.) That way mum knows that the situation is under control, and no one is in immediate danger
Except the cops. And the gunman. And anyone on that continent not watching for dropbears. Or snakes. Or jellyfish. Or sharks. Or spiders. Or Bruce.
What does Weird Al's new duck have to do with this?
Funnily enough, now I think about it, my Dad is the one that is more likely going to overreact.
He's protective, so he's likely going to set up curfews and so on. Basically making my sister's life all the more horrible :/
My dad is decidedly not like that
Mom all the way in that direction
I've always found the overprotective dad stereotype weird just due to personal experience
Not that it isn't a real thing just that it is portrayed so much
It's odd because you wouldn't normally see it that way. They seem like mum would be the one locking don the house, changing the locks, and dad being "It's ok, no one got hurt" [turn on the tv and yell about how the government idsn't doing their jobs]
The only reason I know this is because I've lived with them for so long. Anyone other than family would think the reverse
That is exactly how it would go with my family
@trogdor First time meeting a college girlfriend's family: dad, all 6'6" 280# of him, comes to the door and extends his hand. "Hi nitsua, I'm Dominic. You can call me Mr. Smith. I've got a shovel, a shotgun, and a lot of land."
My dad's strategy is to off color joke them to death
I wouldn't say he was overprotective, but he certainly was protective.
My initial plan for scaring my daughter's first boyfriend: Invite all my 6'4" army friends around to meet him.
After seeing her though, she'll be able to scare them off herself.
She is a big kid!
My father doesn't worry easily and he trusts my sister's judgement a lot
Daughter: "Dad this is [boy's name]. He's my boyfriend now."
Boy: [Incoherent mumbling]
Me: [To the boy] Blink twice if you are in danger
@Ben My plan? There's a reason I've remembered that line of Dominic's verbatim. And that I bought a (non-functioning) shotgun so I could say it with a straight face =|
(That ^^ is my straight face.)
Whereas my mom sometimes seemed like she wanted to lock her in a tower till she was 30
@Ben I'm sorry, in my head it went something like this: Daughter opens door. Guy, holding flowers behind him: "Hi, is Mr. Ben around?"
I know it makes no sense at all
@daze413 That's "Mr. Benjamin" thank you very much!
I brought home one of my friends one time, and we caught my father and 2 of his other gun-loving friends casually making rounds for their M4A1s... on the dinner table
4 hours later…
My DnD party suggested replacing Inspiration by a d4 bonus to a roll, with each character having a pool of d4's that can be saved until needed. Any obvious caveats we should be aware of?
I see a possible pitfall in "Inspiration inflation" where the GM starts awarding inspiration by twos or threes when one doesn't seem to be enough, and then everyone has a guaranteed success or two in their pocket.
As the bard player, I also worry it's lurching on my territory.
Well, obviously it shifts the ceiling AND floor on a set of numbers that the system has deliberately kept moderately bounded.
Yeah, that's true. While inspiration squares the chance of failure, this one is a rather, err, linear shift.
I don't know what that'll do, but it won't be nothing.
It also removes the chance for dramatic change.
You can't go from a 5 to a 19 with +1d4.
Well, except if one character has several d4's in storage and uses them all at once, but that's a problem of it's own... it's not dramatic if it's essentially guaranteed to succeed.
Also, are you rolling them simultaneously with the d20 or after you've seen the result?
And how does that compare to how Inspiration works? (again, I'm only vaguely familiar with 5e)
I assume after seeing the result
Inspiration, by the book, has to be used before rolling. But we've usually played it loose, I guess it stuck from Savage Worlds' bennies.
Okay, so that's BIG.
I'll ask how they intended it
@kviiri You should check how that affects dice rolls: anydice.com/program/d0d0/graph/normal (it's much more underwhelming than getting advantage on a roll)
If inspiration lets you re-roll after seeing the initial result, then you never waste it on a roll you would've succeeded on otherwise--it might not help, but you only ever use it when you need it.
If inspiration is declared before rolling, then you can roll two high and waste it.
By comparison, +1d4 will ALWAYS give you at least +1 on your roll.
@doppelgreener Yeah, but you could pool them and roll many at the same time.
Right, just saw that.
If you can use 1d4spiration after seeing the initial roll, you can know whether it'll be useful or not within a very small margin of error.
So, BESW and I play in the Fate system, which you might've heard of. This is a system where ordinary dice rolls are only done about half the time; the other half of the time we're spending Fate tokens to boost our rolls after seeing the results. (In D&D equivalents, we'd be spending tokens for something like a +5 bonus or for a reroll, and can spend multiple tokens.) The system is pretty much about accumulating and spending tokens, and on using them for other things than rolling.
You'll never use 1d4spiration on natural 1, you'll always use it if you roll a 19 but needed a 20.
Inspiration never guarantees success. 1d4spiration can.
If I were a player in that d20 + however many 1d4s you want to give me, I'll be doing as much as I can to get as many of those I can, and spending them all the time. You'll be giving me a +3 bonus on most rolls if I have a semi-reliable way to gain 1d4s, and you can bet I'll spend as much as possible on anything important.
So, be aware you'd be changing the game's dynamics quite significantly, because those 1d4s are a pretty big deal.
I would rather not make the change
Fate makes us want Fate dice, but that's good, since we get Fate dice for specific concrete things like accepting complications, setback, or defeat. They're a bribe to have us accept things that create dramatic stories, which is what we're playing Fate to get.
Inspiration is sort of a poor man's Fate token to begin with, since it's there to encourage desired narrative goals. (But it shoots itself in the foot on several design fronts.)
I don't really agree on a lot of things this party wants to do, but the thing is, I'm already wasting most of my "legitimate whining" credits on bigger issues, so I'm a bit dry here :<
@kviiri If your players are trying to add a lot of new fun stuff to the game to make it funner for them, maybe there's other games that'd fit them better.
@doppelgreener Now we have Dreams as an example mechanic, too!
@BESW Oh yeah, that too! "Here is a game about doing cute stuff. When you do cute stuff, others can give you points called dreams. You use the points to get things." Suddenly people are actively seeking to do cute stuff.
Speaking of weird mechanics, I got an idea earlier today to hack the CthulhuTech dice pool mechanic for a spiritual sequel to Surgadores: Rocket Surgery.
@BESW yeah XD
@doppelgreener Well, they're adding stuff alright (while protesting against inclusion of other stuff), but I just don't think their ideas are that well thought-out for solving the issues we have.
@BESW That sounds beautiful. Tell me about it?
@kviiri Gotcha. Could always say "okay, let's try three sessions with the 1d4's and see how they work out, and if we'd like to keep going with them, or modify how we use them, or drop them."
@doppelgreener Even more than that! Dreams are spent only to improve relationships, which gives you more ability to do pre-ordained specialty effects, and gives the other character more ability to do improvised skill-like stuff.
@BESW @doppelgreener and also, because it was mentioned and reminded me, I was/am very happy that our group handed them out so often
@trogdor Yay!
I was afraid no one would have dreams to do anything with XD
Glad to hear that, Mr GM.
I think partly that our time with Fate really primed us for this kind of mechanic
TBH it's likely to be a minor change because we hardly ever use the current inspiration system, and I believe it's for reasons that this change won't impact.
@doppelgreener I have to re-read CthulhuTech, but the basic concept is, you roll a lot of dice but before you roll you declare what kind of results will count toward successes: straights, matches, pairs, etc.
The kind of result you choose influences your success rate, but the more difficult things you can choose will cause you to have more effective successes if you do succeed.
So, for example, I could say "I will succeed with a straight" and roll:
@doppelgreener I'd like to try out Fate or Apocalypse World with these people, the problem just is that most of them have very little RPG experience outside Deadlands:Reloaded and DnD. After that, the idea of "trying out a new system" might sound a bit scary, because their entire sample is mechanically complex monstrosities.
I got a straight of only two (4, 5). If I'd said "I will succeed with pairs," I would've gotten two pairs (1,1 and 5,5).
Well, reasonably complex. Apart from having race-or-class-specific mechanics, DnD is pretty straightforward in most ways compared to the fiddliness of SW.
Roll For Shoes.
Seriously, being able to wave a one-sided index card and say "This is the entire rule set" goes a long way toward overcoming that kind of concern.
Or Lasers & Feelings. "Here's an A4 sheet. This is all the rules. You have a name and one stat."
Or, for more familiarity, Scrolls & Swords.
well, two stats
Lasers and Feelings are both stats
@trogdor one stat: your Number. There's two kinds of actions, but just one character stat.
I forgot that bit
@BESW I've tried, but they're skeptical it could work with so little :P they need actual gameplay, but are reluctant to give away sunken costs in DnD to give it a shot. At least until this campaign is over.
@kviiri Lady Blackbird? It looks like it's got a lot of crunch.
A friend of mine has also very recently tried Blades in the Dark for the first time, which is @JuneShores's favorite introductory RPG. He was super doubtful beforehand, but had a blast. June on the other hand has played it a lot and loves it. (I've never played it myself.)
But you still get the entire PC sheet AND all the player rules on one side of a sheet of typing paper.
(Also Lady Blackbird is good if you like rolling lots of dice.)
Lady Blackbird has super satisfying amounts of dice.
@BESW Heh, never heard of it but sounds fun!
Like, "pick them up in two hands" amounts of dice sometimes, and not actually hard to count since IIRC you're just looking for anything that's a 4, 5 or 6 -- so you take those aside (or just remove the 1, 2 and 3 results) and count what you've got. The GM's told you that you need at least a certain number (2 thru 5) so you just stop counting once you reach that number.
@doppelgreener Indeed it does
I cannot agree enough
@doppelgreener I never was particularly fond of the "Laser Feelings" rule of the original, it seems to fire too often. I wonder how one could change it...
@kviiri Well it does happen 1 in 6 times. Just roll with it?
For a game with more dice counting, Danger Patrol: Pocket Edition is pretty good.
@doppelgreener More often than not people are rolling more than one die, tho.
But it's more... beer-and-nuts-y.
Laser Feelings is just a way for the GM to provide exposition with guidance on what the players are thinking about.
It loses its sense of being a special event if it's a common outcome.
Yeah, Laser Feelings were a bit odd. I felt like maybe a Cthulhu Dark sanity hack might be in order.
@BESW like, roll again and if it's under X then you get the special thing?
> If you roll your number exactly, roll again and check for success as if you were doing the opposite of your current action (over your number if you were using LASERS, under if you were using FEELINGS). If the re-roll is also a success you get LASER FEELINGS.
In the few games of L&F I've played, players got annoyed by Laser Feelings because they're not successful dice and thus hampered them in doing what they wanted to achieve.
That, I do not understand.
Asking the GM a question is awesome because it gives you agency beyond your character.
"Why does the ship only have one working nacelle?" is a great question to ask of a ship that previously hadn't been established to be in good or bad condition.
> Laser Feelings (modified):
You start with one Brainwave. Put a d6 down with the 1 face-up to represent them.
When you roll exactly your number on any of your dice, after determining your level of success, roll another d6. If the result is more than your number of Brainwaves, you get LASER FEELINGS, and get +1 Brainwave.
You can spend 5 Brainwaves instead of rolling to get an automatic Critical Success on an action.
@BESW That requires a lot of thought from a player who just wanted to lay out some kung-fu on the bad guy :P
I like Greener's better.
It sounds good!
\o/ I'm glad you like it!
Hmm. CthulhuTech is a bit different than I remembered. You add up all the dice that fall into the set you declared.
> • You can take the highest single roll.
• You can take the highest set of multiples and add them all together.
• If you get to roll three or more dice, you can take the largest straight and add those dice together.
Compare the sum to the target difficulty.
Also if your sum is 10 or more over the target, Good Things Happen. If more than half of your dice are ones, Bad Things Happen.
Oh, and it seems to let you choose which to do after the roll? Boo.
You're a Mythos game about a technological golden age built on the back of tenuous pacts made with half-understood Entities with unknown agendas. Give your mechanic a little bit of a gamble, eh?
I just want to make a game about performing delicate surgery with military-grade explosive weaponry, and I'm going to make it more uncertain than your horror game.
Okay, math. What's the biggest number of d12s I can use the above mechanic for without making the first option always a poor choice?
@BESW Having thought about it, I'm concerned with picking before I roll: given the uncertainty it might as well just be an arbitrary dice mechanic built into the game. There's no practical difference between "count your dice by this measure of success" and "pick one of these measures of success, then roll" except that the second makes me spend some mental energy weighing up an entirely illusory agency mechanic.
@doppelgreener I'm going to apply secondary effects to each choice.
The picture changes entirely if the method of success-counting I pick has additional mechanical influence, or narrative influence.
Oh good!
Like, "if you go with the highest single roll, then succeed or fail [other thing] happens which would never happen if you choose something else."
You know how Surgadores has you define a handful of narrative things about your character and give each a numerical value that ties into the resolution system?
I think I'm gonna do the same, but tie each narrative element to a resolution choice.
So when you say "I'm going to use my bazooka," you also mean "I'm going to sum the highest set of multiples."
Nice. I'm thinking it'd be helpful to make that dice roll feel sorta like what's going on narratively.
"I'm gonna use my two {weapon here}". Count the number of pairs for your successes.
Yes, exactly.
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 [wave] When you've got a minute for Discord, give me a plink over there.
Is there anything the rules for 5E that prevents people from using a versatile weapon two-handed during their turn, and simply swapping their shield back at the end of the turn for the AC boost?
Sounds like a good mainsite question?
OK! I'll ask it now.
@BESW I'll have a minute in about half an hour, and then some real time in about two. Time to get the kids to breakfast now, though!
@DrRDizzle Glad to be of service :) I think it's weird how DnD 5e has this, err, rather strict guideline on equipping/stowing shields but is rather vague in terms of holding everything else.
@kviiri That's the thing, really. Most actions that aren't hitting things, casting spells or moving aren't covered by action economy in 5E, so I assumed this wasn't either. I know people tend to dislike 4E, but the idea of minor actions was actually really good.
This chat trends toward neutral-to-positive on 4e design, even when it's not particularly suitable to our tastes.
Huh, TIL. 4E was my first real experience of any tabletop role playing game, so it's always occupied a soft place in my heart (even if I do understand the criticism of every class being a wizard).
@BESW I would say that people who dislike it do it silently and politely, and that's a good thing
they prefer to talk about the systems they like
I started in 3.5 and found 4e a welcome change. "Every class a wizard" is superficially true, but the variations between classes and variants lent, in practice, a distinctly different feeling to each.
Even with a class that's usually pretty homogeneous, like Fighter, 4e managed to create real diversity of play experience. I was impressed.
Eventually I realized that I my desired play experiences ran against bone-deep D&Disms regardless of edition, but 4e's focus and coherence helped me see past edition to the shared themes between editions.
I played in 4e for almost two years and had a great time. My biggest complaint is that I feel so satisfied with the experience that I have no urge to return to it--I got everything I wanted out of the game with one long-form campaign from levels 1 to 30.
I do feel like I could get more out of 4e personally
however, I don't need to get more out of it
if I want to got to a relatively simple combat system game though, I don't know of any system designed better for that (at least to my personal tastes) that I have played before or since 4e
And I love the 4e setting above all other D&D-likes. I will happily return to the Points of Light 'verse any time my players want.
maybe simple isn't the right word
@BESW i'd like that!
@trogdor Elegant?
yes that is better
it definitely isn't simple, haha. elegant is a good word.
Just... with a different engine to run it.
Preferably something that doesn't require a subscription.
I love the POL setting, and you know I'm in love with the elemental chaos dealio. :D
@doppelgreener What is POL?
@eimyr points of light; D&D 4e's setting
@trogdor We sort of thought Savage Worlds would be like that, but it turned out to be complicated, just in different ways :<
technically 4e was a little complicated
if you built characters the way I did, you had to hunt through a lot of the options
the sheer number of them and the surprising ways you could combine them might lead to some level of complicated
@doppelgreener I like it too, it is a pretty neat setting overall
@BESW what kind of system though? maybe 13th Age?
or is that probably too tied into it's own setting?
Depends on what kind of game we play.
13th Age would be easily modified.
But only for a 13th Age style game in the POL setting.
yeah it was just my first thought because it is the most D&D like system that isn't actually D&D
and I think we all generally like it better than most-if-not-all D&D systems
I'm still just lukewarm on it but open to trying it out some more.
I am still a little upset that there were apparently so many people who just dismissed 4e out of hand for it being so different from other systems
I understand stuff like that happened pretty much between every system but,.... it was my favorite one despite 3.5 being my first one
To be fair, its introductory days were a lot more... sparse... than when we started playing. In that context it would have been easier to miss the complex potential in the nascent system.
If we want a D&D-like mechanical experience rather than just a D&D-like setting, I'd go for 13th Age.
But if we wanted to play more discovery or politics or something rather than dungeon-crawling....
I don't honestly know whether or not a game full of quite so much dungeon crawling could capture my attention the same way it used to
I think a low-powered exploration-into-the-unknown story might be fun.
mk, time for me to temporarily shut down for maintenance
I don't particularly need a D&D-like mechanical experience for POL.
I'd be game for, like, playing a group of cartographers who get paid to map places so dangerous just about no other cartography group would want to touch the job with a ten-foot pole.
Completing the job takes a lot of thrilling heroics and compromised mental faculties for self-preservation.
(by "thrilling heroics" mostly the running away parts)
@doppelgreener ...we have that system already, it's Unwritten.
Using that one would be fine with me. :)
I used to try to pull off complex stuff like power dynamics between noble houses in DnD 4e. The players disliked it, so I keep it in the background now
There can be a degree of disconnection between "what the players do" and "what the world is doing". It's like an action movie where the motivations are something elaborate, political and economical, but aren't really explored in great depth.
I played a PF campaign in DD4's setting (or at least it was DD4's map and the GM told us it was DD4's setting) and it was full of very powerful NPCs working in mundane taverns (I exaggerate a bit, but not that much)
how close is it to canonical POL?
@DForck42 hello!
howdy howdy
@Adam how goes it?
Pretty well. Ran a 5e game for some of my friends at work last night.
@Adam how'd it go?
I've started running some board games every other thursday at work with the hope that I can interest folks in doing some RPG (but it's pretty doubtful)
Pretty well. They saved some farmers, got some treasure, found a magic ring, leveled up, and are off to the Village of Hommlet.
Oh, and almost died
Sort of, but not really. The adventure was an amalgamation of two adventures I've run in the past. The ring is a Ring of the Ram, which is one of my favorite items to give out, and the Village of Hommlet is an old 1e module. I'm not sure I'll run the moathouse that came with it though.
I had a ring of the ram once, but had to give it up. Overall, I wasn't totally in love with it, but it was a great way for my paladin to get a good ranged attack.
I*m having a bit of a crisis with my DnD 5e campaign.
@NautArch Kinda wish I had a ring to give me a charge-like action without having to take that feat.
The first part is almost over, after getting stretched way beyond what I intended. Now the second part is beginning, and I think it's going to be the greatest DnD I'm ever going to master for anyone, but on the other hand I'm weary of the system...
I'm struggling on whether I want to just toss out my plans for the second part of the campaign and play something else, or try to bear with it until the bitter end.
Toss it. If you dislike the system, you won't be satisfied with the game. And when the DM isn't having fun anymore, everybody suffers
@kviiri how so?
@Adam Well, it's not like I'm not having fun, but I feel I'd be having much more fun playing something else
Plus I've got a ton of sunken costs :)
Toss it. Don't fall to the sunken cost fallacy. Those losses will still be there, even if you grind through it.
@kviiri are you sure it's not just fear of missing out
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