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@Yuuki yeah, weren't all swords of elfen make supposed to glow?
@godskook And was Sting supernaturally sharp or was that just a property of the elves' superior bladesmithing?

Alien Sword of Taverns

Apr 21 at 13:52, 8 minutes total – 17 messages, 4 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked Apr 22 at 18:36 by doppelgreener

(that conversation above was sparked by that link ^)
You might like those weapon enchantments. :)
@Yuuki "Sting also performed better than ordinary weapons in combat and against odd materials; it cut through the webs of giant spiders easily, whereas the blade that Sam brought from the Barrow-downs failed to cut through Shelob's webs.[6] During the Battle of the Chamber of Mazarbul, Boromir's sword glances off of the hide of a troll, but Sting is able to deal a painful wound. "
Well, regardless of blade sharpness, my point was that adding a unique feature can make the magic item more interesting to the player. They get to think about creative ways to use the item.
I like throwing in bonus stuff on some of my items to give them a personal touch. One player has a sword that's +1, +3 vs goblinoids. Another has a +1 sword that can light up as a bonus action. It gives the items a bit more personality.
Yes - that's a succinct way to put it. Personality.
For 5e, I did 'weak', low-level magic items for a 1 DM, 1 PC campaign early on by just giving magic items that, when attuned, added more spells to their prepared spells list. For example, the druid PC found a staff that added 'Bane' to their prepared spell list for a very early quest reward. Still counted as a magic weapon without the jump to +1, and gave a little utility bonus.
@CTWind nice! and that's something someone could use or decide to ditch for something else later
@Adam There are some (admittedly not great) tables for these kinds of flavour/personality traits in the DMG.
There are better tables in other RPGs.
Only two days left in the @DriveThruRPG September Setting Sale. Get 33% off across a diverse set of our titles here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/2152/Evil-Hat-Productions-LLC?filters=0_0_0_0_0_45552&affiliate_id=24139
Reminder that your fantasy hybrids may not be chimeric enough.
My gingerbread tastes better this morning than it did last night. huh.
@BESW maybe letting it sit out/in the refrigerator just does that?
I know sitting in the fridge overnight brings out flavors in some things I make, like peanut butter balls, but I've never had it work on bread before.
(The latest entry in my ongoing "Vegan doesn't have to mean healthy" series.)
(Yes, the ice cream is vegan too. And it's delicious.)
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