> Alien Sword of Taverns: The bearer always knows the direction to the nearest tavern in a 60 mile radius. They also hear the ongoing, utterly insane mutterings of an alien intelligence trapped inside this weapon. Should this weapon be destroyed, the being will be released.
@godskook Let's say you want to get as close as possible to 21. You're at 16. I'd rather roll 2d4 than 1d10, and 10d2 would be best, because of the probabilty curve
> Blind Mallet of Truth: Garrish eyes are painted on this weapon. The bearer can use an action to see/unsee through the eyes, even if their own senses are compromised. The bearer has advantage on investigation checks to see through illusions. In addition the bearer can gains advantage on an Insight check to check if someone is lying and disadvantage on all Deception checks.
If you can't get a bell, 1d4 die will get you closer to your target, while 1d20 might overshoot.
BUT having a choice is even more important, because if you have only 1d4s at your disposal and the enemy has one each of d4, d6, d8, d10 etc, he's at an advantage, because he can "steer stronger" in the desired directions
> Dryad's Axe of Felling: When the bearer is outdoors, harmless creatures such as squirrels and birds flock to them when they sing songs for a minute or longer. This weapon does maximum damage against plant creatures.
@Yuuki These are so flavorful. They're fabulous. Thank you.
@doppelgreener I would love to get something like the Alien Sword of Taverns rather than just "oh, a +1 keen scimitar. that's totally what i need to make this build overpowered". I mean, all I'm going to do with that scimitar is hit things.
But with the Alien Sword of Taverns, I can go pub crawling with the voice in my head!