@Yuuki "Sting also performed better than ordinary weapons in combat and against odd materials; it cut through the webs of giant spiders easily, whereas the blade that Sam brought from the Barrow-downs failed to cut through Shelob's webs.[6] During the Battle of the Chamber of Mazarbul, Boromir's sword glances off of the hide of a troll, but Sting is able to deal a painful wound. "
Well, regardless of blade sharpness, my point was that adding a unique feature can make the magic item more interesting to the player. They get to think about creative ways to use the item.
I like throwing in bonus stuff on some of my items to give them a personal touch. One player has a sword that's +1, +3 vs goblinoids. Another has a +1 sword that can light up as a bonus action. It gives the items a bit more personality.
For 5e, I did 'weak', low-level magic items for a 1 DM, 1 PC campaign early on by just giving magic items that, when attuned, added more spells to their prepared spells list. For example, the druid PC found a staff that added 'Bane' to their prepared spell list for a very early quest reward. Still counted as a magic weapon without the jump to +1, and gave a little utility bonus.
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